scholarly journals “We Thought We Were Alone”: The Subjective Experience of the Siblings of Anorexic Adolescent Patients

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Angelo Persico ◽  
Salome Grandclerc ◽  
Catherine Giraud ◽  
Marie Rose Moro ◽  
Corinne Blanchet

Objective: The siblings of patients suffering from Anorexia Nervosa (AN) are potentially affected by a disturbed emotional experience that often remains undetected. In order to bring them a psychological support, the Maison de Solenn proposed a support group program for these siblings. The current research explores their mental representations of AN and their emotional experience in the support group named “sibling group.”Method: This exploratory study is based on a phenomenological and inductive qualitative method. Four girls and three boys aged between 6 and 19 participating in the “sibling group” were included in a one-time focus group session using a semi-structured interview guide. The thematic data analysis was performed by applying the methods of interpretative phenomenological analysis.Results: Themes that emerged from the interview fall into four categories: AN explained by siblings; the individual emotional experience of siblings; the family experience of siblings and the experience inside the “sibling group.”Discussion: According to our participants, the “sibling group” thus functions as a good compromise between keeping an active role in the anorexic patient's care and taking a step back to avoid being eaten up by the illness. Sibling-group participants retrieved a sense of belonging, which is normally one of the functions of being a sibling. It is important to note that the “sibling group” is part of the comprehensive (or global) family-based approach included in an institutional multidisciplinary integrative care framework.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Fernando Ledesma Perez ◽  
Maria Caycho Avalos ◽  
Juana Cruz Montero ◽  
Andrea Ayala Sandoval

Citizenship is the exercise of the fundamental rights of people in spaces of participation, opinion and commitments, which can not be violated by any health condition in which the individual is. This research aims to interpret the process of construction of citizenship in hospitalized children, was developed through the qualitative approach, ethnomethodological method, synchronous design, with a sample of three students hospitalized in a health institute specializing in childhood, was used Observation technique and a semi-structured interview guide were obtained as results that hospitalized children carry out their citizenship construction in an incipient way, through the communication interaction they make with other people in the environment where they grow up.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 321
Karseno Handoyo ◽  
Mudhofir Mudhofir ◽  
Maslamah Maslamah

The purpose of this study was to explore the uniqueness of the implementation of School Based Management (MBS) in Madrasahs. Madrasah education is interesting to study because after Pesantren, Madrasah became a reference for Islamic schools, which are formal schools with modern Islamic ideas. However, Madrasahs also have various problems related to quality and quality, both input and process and output. Using data from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 Sukoharjo and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 4 Sukoharjo, researchers will compare how the implementation of SBM in each Madrasah. Data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and field observations. The analysis technique used in the research is phenomenology, where the researcher tries to reveal the reality and experiences experienced by the individual, to understand something that is not visible from the individual's subjective experience. Researchers will go directly to the field, describe and construct existing realities and make approaches to information sources, so that it is hoped that the data obtained will be maximized. The research subjects were the principals of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 Sukoharjo and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 4 Sukoharjo, while the informants in this study were Deputy Heads, Administration, Teachers, Employees, Head of the Ministry of Religion of Sukoharjo Regency, Kasi who could provide information. about SBM policies, stakeholders and parents. The results of the research on the Concept of School-Based Sharia Management (MBS) implemented in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Sukoharjo and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 4 Sukoharjo are good enough. Some of the components in the SBM concept can be implemented well, such as the democratic leadership of the principal, the principal has been able to carry out the roles of educators, managers, leaders, administrators, supervisors, innovators and motivators well. In addition, the active role of the community has also been It seems that this can be seen with the assistance given to MIN 2 Sukoharjo and MIN 4 Sukoharjo both material and non-material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Nafia Kusuma Indrayati ◽  
Nastiti Dwicahyani ◽  
Helsa Evania Prastowo ◽  
Putri Anindita Vinasthika ◽  
Gitajiwa Sekarnusa Ganies

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meperoleh gambaran proses pengambilan keputusan menjadi LGBT pada individu yang religius. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif fenomenologi. Penelitian dilakukan di Surabaya dengan satu informan lesbian dengan karakteristik religius. Data dalam penelitian menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa individu dengan karakteristik religius mengambil keputusan menjadi lesbian melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu menilai tantangan, mensurvei alternatif, mempertimbangkan alternatif, menyatakan komitmen, bertahan terhadap feedback negatif. Faktor yang berperan dalam pengambilan keputusan terdiri dari faktor internal berupa religiusitas partisipan yang memberi pertimbangan terkait pengambilan keputusan, serta faktor eksternal berupa dukungan sosial dari pasangan, teman dekat, keluarga dan ketiadaan penolakan secara langsung dari lingkungan sekitar. Dimensi religiusitas yang dimiliki pada partisipan adalah dimensi intelektual, dimensi ideologi, dimensi ritualistik, dimensi perasaan dan dimensi konsekuensial. This study aimed to find out the decision-making process of religious lesbian individual. The approach used was qualitative phenomenology. The study was conducted in Surabaya with one lesbian informant, who was identified as a religious person. The data were collected with semi-structured interview. The method of data analysis was Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The results showed that the individual, who was identified as religious person, decided to be a lesbian through stages of decision making. The stages were assessing challenges, surveying alternatives, considering alternatives, expressing commitment, and surviving negative feedback. Factors that played a role in the decision making were internal factor, participant's religiosity affected the the decision making, and external factor, social support from partners, close friends, family and the acceptance from her circle. The dimensions of religiosity of the participant were intellectual dimensions, ideological dimensions, ritualistic dimensions, feelings dimensions, and consequential dimensions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-52
Rune Dall Jensen ◽  
Ask Vest Christiansen ◽  
Kristoffer Henriksen

AbstractAs a multi-sport event that only takes place every four years and is accompanied by intense media coverage, the Olympic Games are often described by athletes as a defining moment in their careers. The objectives of the present study were: 1) to describe differences in expectations of Olympic debutants towards the Olympics and their actual experiences while they were at the Games; and 2) to describe how the athletes negotiate the balance between performing at and enjoying the experience of the Olympic Games. Further, we will discuss the athletes' stories in light of the differences between the goals and expectations of the elite sport system and those of the individual athletes. Data was collected through a qualitative interview study with a pre- and post-Olympic competition design.Using a semi-structured interview guide, we interviewed 14 Danish Olympic debutants about their Olympic goals and expectations within a month preceding their departure for the Olympic Games and about their actual experiences within a month following their return.Condensed narratives from two Olympic debutants represent the spectrum of the athletes' expectations and experiences: one failed in his performance but had a great experience; the other was successful and won a silver medal but was truly unhappy with her experience. The debutants emphasize balancing their desire to perform with a desire for social experiences. They also discussed the challenges posed during preparation and goal setting.Olympic debutants are caught in a very real dilemma between the Olympics as the “most important competition of their athletic careers” and “the Olympics as the experience of a lifetime.” This dilemma is linked to a wide rift between the perspectives and goals of the sport organization and those of the athletes.

2020 ◽  
Evelyn Asamoah Ampofo ◽  
Isaac Tetteh Commey ◽  
Raphael Adu-Gyamfi ◽  
Nancy Innocentia Ebu Enyan ◽  
Elizabeth Agyare ◽  

Abstract Background Family-based Index HIV Testing, (FBIT) approach is known to be associated with a relatively higher testing yield compared to Provider-Initiated Testing and Counseling. The implementation of this strategy in several countries has exposed some barriers to optimal FBIT outcomes. With the scale up of FBIT in Ghana, stakeholders’ engagement is key in identifying and addressing all barrier to implementation. This study explored index clients’ perspective of barriers and challenges of FBIT. Methods Using an exploratory descriptive qualitative design, 17 individual in-depth interviews were conducted among seventeen purposively selected clients who had been offered FBIT at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital (CCTH) utilizing a semi-structured interview guide. Each interview lasted between 45–60 minutes and the transcripts were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis procedure. Themes and sub-themes from the transcripts were generated and supported with verbatim texts to provide a rich understanding of the barriers and challenges. Results Age of participants ranged between 24–71 years, majority of whom were females. Themes and sub- themes emerged on barriers and challenges and these related to good understanding of the benefits of FBIT by index clients, challenge with getting family members to accept testing opportunities, fear and uncertainty of reaction of family members to a positive status, and issues of confidentiality and privacy related to health facility service provision. Key findings were: 1. Index clients perceived FBIT as a good approach to reach family members for testing. 2. Stigmatization, lack of confidentiality and privacy at service centers and 3. Inadequate information on FBIT were identified as barriers that can affect the uptake of FBIT. Getting listed family members to agree to be tested was perceived as a challenge. Conclusions Despite the acceptance of FBIT as a good strategy to reach family members of index clients for testing, there are barriers of stigmatization, fear and uncertainty of reaction of family members to a positive status, lack of confidentiality and privacy, and inadequate information on FBIT. Efforts should be made to address these barriers and challenges. Index clients and their families need tailored support to improve acceptance of this strategy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-162 ◽  
Maria Luíza Tanure Alves ◽  
Justin A Haegele ◽  
Edison Duarte

Inclusion is a subjective experience related to sense of belonging and acceptance. In this way, the specific nature of a disability can have particular implications on the obstacles one experiences in physical education. Thus, the main objective of this study was to investigate the experiences of students with visual impairments in physical education classes in Brazil from an individual and subjective perspective. Eight students with visual impairments (five female students and three male students) between 13 and 18 years participated in the study. Interviews, which utilized a semi-structured interview guide, were used to obtain important information from the students. Interview transcripts were analyzed by the content analysis technique. Results revealed two main themes: (1) participation and (2) social interaction. Exclusion from physical education activities was omnipresent among the experiences of students with visual impairments. Physical education teachers did not recognize physical education classes as a place for student with visual impairments.

Iffat Naomee ◽  

Performance Management is a very important task for the management of an educational institution. However, this concept is not yet widely acknowledged by most of the educational institutions of Bangladesh. This small-scale qualitative study thus focused on performance management in Bangladeshi schools. The main objective of this study was to explore head teachers’ perception about performance management, their roles in performance management and the challenges that they face while managing performance. Six secondary school head teachers were selected through convenient sampling and were interviewed using semi- structured interview guide. The findings revealed that the head teachers’ concept about performance management is not very clear and they mostly measure teachers’ performance on the basis of students’ scores in the examinations. Results also showed that head teachers sometimes fail to provide effective feedback on teachers’ performance which in turn hampers the teachers’ productivity. This study recommends that head teachers themselves need proper training on performance management and there should be a proper guideline on performance management in every educational institution. The researcher believes that this study along with its findings will help improve the overall performance of the schools as well as the individual performance of the teachers and the head teachers.

sjesr ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 338-349
Malahat Fuad Siddiqui ◽  
Dr. Yaar Muhammad ◽  
Hadiya Naseer

School education is termed as the foundation that has the whole life of the child dependent upon. Schools are expected to be at par with the latest educational trends, shaping the students' personalities by mitigating the adversities of life yet contemplating skills needed to succeed in life later on. For the very same reason, modern schools ensure an overall environment conducive to the overall development of children. Several factors can hinder the process, among which bullying in schools has become the major concern.  School principals have the encumbrance to maintain a hassle-free environment and an uninterrupted teaching-learning process in school. The study, therefore, sought to explore the efficacy beliefs of the principal to deal effectively with bullies while interplaying with different paradigms of bullying management. The theoretical framework was nested in the six approaches presented by Rigby as in Traditional Disciplinary Approach, Strengthening the Victim, Mediation, Restorative Justice, The Support Group Method, and the Shared Concern Approach. A Phenomenological research design was used, and seven principals of schools in Lahore were selected as participants of the study through purposive sampling. A self-constructed, semi-structured interview guide was used as the basic data collection tool. The obtained data were interpreted to meaningful information in relevance to the study by using profiling and then the reflexive thematic analysis technique. Findings revealed that participants are well aware of the concept of bullying, its types, and the adversities associated with bullying. Most of them have devised their hybrid systems to counter bullying in their schools. However, strengthening the victim was found to be the approach the participants feel most efficacious to work with. They regard it fruitful and rewarding in terms of the outcome.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Joan C Cheruiyot ◽  
Petra Brysiewicz

This study explores and describes caring and uncaring nursing encounters from the perspective of the patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation settings in South Africa. The researchers used an exploratory descriptive design. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data through individual interviews with 17 rehabilitation patients. Content analysis allowed for the analysis of textual data. Five categories of nursing encounters emerged from the analysis: noticing and acting, and being there for you emerged as categories of caring nursing encounters, and being ignored, being a burden, and deliberate punishment emerged as categories of uncaring nursing encounters. Caring nursing encounters make patients feel important and that they are not alone in the rehabilitation journey, while uncaring nursing encounters makes the patients feel unimportant and troublesome to the nurses. Caring nursing encounters give nurses an opportunity to notice and acknowledge the existence of vulnerability in the patients and encourage them to be present at that moment, leading to empowerment. Uncaring nursing encounters result in patients feeling devalued and depersonalised, leading to discouragement. It is recommended that nurses strive to develop personal relationships that promote successful nursing encounters. Further, nurses must strive to minimise the patients’ feelings of guilt and suffering, and to make use of tools, for example the self-perceived scale, to measure this. Nurses must also perform role plays on how to handle difficult patients such as confused, demanding and rude patients in the rehabilitation settings.

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