Latest Publications





Published By Stie Aas Surakarta

2579-6534, 2477-6157

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Shinta Lintang Nurillah ◽  
Ach. Yasin

Inequality is one of the problems in Indonesia that cannot be immediately resolved. This condition is exacerbated by the lifestyle of the people who tend to be consumerism, control of the economic sector which is only centered on a group of people and the limitations of the state in realizing its obligations as mandated in the 1945 Constitution. So an institution is needed to help accelerate government programs in alleviating vulnerable groups through programs such as empowerment. and economic assistance. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study method at the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in Mojokerto Regency. How to collect data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Based on this research, it was found that in protecting Vulnerable Groups the efforts made by BAZNAS Mojokerto Regency have so far been good, proven by the criteria for receiving BAZNAS assistance such as KKM, Mustahiq Consumptive, Mustahiq Criterion B, Mustahiq Criterion A. Meanwhile, in reducing gaps in the region Mojokerto BAZNAS Regency cannot be said to be able to reduce the current gap.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Aprih Santoso ◽  
Sail Barodin ◽  
M. Hasan Ma'ruf

The problem in this research is the decline in the performance of marketing employees of Bank BRI Syariah Semarang due to not being able to achieve the targets that have been charged. The research aims to evaluate the influence of incentive factors, emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and work morale on employee performance. The population as well as the sample in this study were all marketing employees of Bank BRI Syariah Semarang totaling 40 people (census technique). The analytical tool in this study is multiple linear regression. The results show that incentives, emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and work morale partially have a positive and significant effect on the performance of marketing employees of Bank BRI Syariah Semarang and the adjusted R square value in the regression model is 0.628 or 68.6 percent of employee performance can be explained by variations incentive variables, emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and morale while the remaining 31.4 percent is explained by other variables. Keywords: performance, incentives, emotional, commitment, passion

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Anita Musfiroh ◽  
Mugiyati Mugiyati ◽  
Aldi Khusmufa Nur Iman

The Covid 19 has had an impact on various sectors of human life. One of them is the tourism sector. The tourism industry which is predicted to be the second largest source of foreign exchange contributions for Indonesia has experienced a drastic decline. Likewise, the halal tourism sector has also been severely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This is because the key to developing the halal tourism sector is Muslim tourists or visitors who come. To revive the tourism sector, it requires a number of strategies prepared by the government to improve the economy in the halal tourism sector. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the impact of Covid 19 on the halal tourism sector and how the strategy to revive the halal tourism sector during the Covid 19 pandemic. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection techniques used is literature study. The results of the study state that the strategy to restore the halal tourism sector from the Covid 19 pandemic consists of 3 stages and recommendations for implementing health protocols. The existence of this strategy and also the health protocol is expected by the enthusiastic community to return to enliven the tourism sector, including halal tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Sofia Nur ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Rochmat Budi Santoso

This study aims to describe governance in the formation of the character of madrasah students in Magelang City in 2021, to describe student responses to the governance of student character building by madrasas in Magelang City in 2021, and to describe the evaluation of governance in character building of madrasah students in Magelang City which including Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, and Madrasah Aliyah. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This method is used to describe and explain madrasa management in shaping the character of students in madrasas in the Magelang region. The places chosen to conduct the research were Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Madrasah Aliyah. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) includes MI Muhammadiyah Terpadu Harapan Magelang City and MI Al Iman City Magelang. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) include MTsN 1 Magelang City and MTsN 2 Magelang City. Madrasah Aliyah (MA) includes MAN of Magelang City and MA Al Iman of Magelang City. Data collection techniques in this research are using content/document analysis techniques, in-depth interviews, and events/observations. The method used to check the validity of the data is the triangulation method. The results showed that: 1). Governance in shaping the character of madrasa students in Magelang City in 2021 is generally carried out by the madrasah through various habituation and extracurricular activities as well as positive self-development such as reading Asmaul Husna, Tahfidzul Qur'an, Tilawatil Qur'an, Sunnah fasting and others. has gone well; 2). Student responses to the management of student character building by madrasas in Magelang City are generally very good and positive, students carry out various activities implemented by the school enthusiastically and consistently; 3). The evaluation carried out for the formation of student character applied to madrasas in Magelang City was successful and as expected because in general the students had good morals and carried out various positive activities both within the madrasa and outside the madrasa environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Richo Rianto

This study aims to know influence marketing strategic change, transformational leadership and organization learning on performance of Indonesian Islamic. This study uses quantitative research with a purposive sampling technique with a population of 14 Indonesian islamic banks. The targeted unit of analysis is the Islamic banks manager. There were 100 questionnaires returned and 3 of them did not meet the requirements, so only 97 were used in this study. This study uses SmartPLS 3 to test the hypothesis. Findings - This research shows that strategic change, transformational leadership and organization learning affect on firm performance. Islamic banks managers must be able to identify the importance of change for the company, because of the big risks. Supporting leadership skills and organization learning in companies makes Islamic banking better competitive. Similar research is usually carried out in manufacturing and service companies and is carried out in developed countries (Europe, America and Africa). The focus of this research is the development of strategic change supported by transformational leadership and organization learning on performance. This research was also conducted for the first time in Asia with the object of Islamic banks in Jakarta - Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Karsono Karsono ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Abdul Matin Bin Salman

This study aims to determine the branding strategy at MTsN Purbalingga Regency and to determine the level of effectiveness of branding management strategies at MTsN Purbalingga Regency in 2018 to 2020. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This method is used to describe and analyze branding management strategies at MTsN in Purbalingga Regency and describe user responses to branding management strategies at MTsN Purbalingga Regency. The places chosen to conduct the research were MTsN 01 Purbalingga, MTsN 02 Purbalingga, and MTsN 03 Purbalingga. Informants from this research are principals, teachers, staff, and students. Then to select and determine the informants in this study, the researchers used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this research are using content/document analysis techniques, in-depth interviews, and events/observations. The method used to check the validity of the data is the triangulation method. The data analysis technique used in this research is interactive model analysis. The stages in analyzing the data in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that: 1). the branding strategies that have been carried out by MTsN in Purbalingga Regency between one MTsN and other MTsN are the same and some are different, this of course depends on the branding management carried out by each school. MTsN 1 Purbalingga, namely by improving the quality both in terms of achievement and non-academic namely character building, MTs Negeri 2 Purbalingga emphasizes efforts to attract interest in terms of performance and community service, while MTs Negeri 3 Purbalingga in an effort to attract interest by achieving good academic achievements and non-academic and performance services for both teachers and employees; 2). The effectiveness of the branding strategy carried out at MTs Negeri Purbalingga Regency in 2018 to 2020 is quite effective in increasing public trust.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto ◽  
Muhammad Yafiz ◽  
Anita Khairunnisa

Economic growth is a picture to see the progress of economy a country or region, as measured with the amount of data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or data on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The purpose of this study is to analyze the independence of the variables that affect economic growth, such as Domestic Investment (DI), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Third Party Funds (TPF) and Islamic Banking Financing. The research method uses a quantitative approach with secondary data in time series with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) methods and uses the help of Eviews 9 program. This study uses a sample from 2010 to 2020. The results of this study indicate that in the long run the variables of DI, FDI and Financing Islamic Banking have a positive and significant effect on the GRDP of North Sumatra, while the TPF Islamic Banking variable has a negative effect on the GRDP of North Sumatra. In the short term, the DI variable significantly affects the FDI. This study suggests that in order to advance the economy of a region, North Sumatra government should encourage and support activities carried out by DI and FDI, as well as financial institutions such as Islamic banking, which are primarily activities in the form of Third Party Funds and financing. The existence of financing disbursed by Islamic banking can provide capital assistance to business actors, so as to increase economic growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Hidayat Maskur ◽  
Purwanto Purwanto ◽  
Siti Choiriyah

The policy for the appointment of new teachers, whether teachers in the formation of civil servants or honorary teachers, should be based on an analysis of teacher needs. The parameters for determining the needs of teachers were proposed by Cooper and Alvarado (2006: 4) based on three main components, namely pupil enrollment, pupil-teacher ratios, and turnover. The first component is that prospective students can be explained as registrants of prospective students in an educational institution, the more applicants, the more prospective students who are interested in the school are quite high. The second is the comparison between teachers and students, the presence of teachers and the number of students who must be served are the main considerations for determining the number of teacher needs. The ideal comparison between teachers and students generally uses the composition of 1 teacher serving 30 students. The research method in this research is qualitative research with direct study on the object of research. The analysis of the results shows that the needs of teachers require careful calculations regarding the calculation of needs and interests, fulfillment of rights, and others. This can be done with employee management science. Associated with the world of education, employee management is to regulate various matters relating to the management of education employees themselves. Educational personnel in a broad sense include teachers and employees or commonly referred to as Educators and Education Personnel. Edwin B. Flippo defines employee management as the management function itself, namely planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the procurement of manpower, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and termination of employment with human resources to achieve individual, organizational and community goals. . Human resource management has several functions which include planning, organizing, directing, procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, discipline, and dismissal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Kusuma Wijayanto ◽  
Mudofir Mudofir ◽  
Imam Makruf

This study aims to describe the implementation of educational infrastructure management at IAIN Surakarta in the era of technological disruption, to identify the implementation of the transformation of educational infrastructure management at IAIN Surakarta in the era of technological disruption, and to find the benefits of transforming educational infrastructure management at IAIN Surakarta in the era of technological disruption. This research uses a descriptive qualitative case study method. The place of research is at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Surakarta Campus. Sources of research data using a combined method, namely, first, purposive sampling by determining the informants who know in depth about the focus of research. Second, with what goes on like a snowball or snowball sampling. The data of this research was extracted from the research subject, namely the academic community of IAIN Surkarta, and the informants were the leaders of the academic community of IAIN Surkarta starting from the Chancellor, Assistant Chancellor and other leaders. Data collection techniques in this study using documents, in-depth interviews, and observation. The method used to check the validity of the data is the credibility test, transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. The data analysis technique used in this research is through interactive analysis techniques. The results show that IAIN Surakarta has transformed the development of educational infrastructure through very mature management under the leadership of the Chancellor of IAIN Surakarta; the implementation of the transformation of educational infrastructure management at IAIN Surakarta in the era of technological disruption has run smoothly with the support of human resources and increasingly modern information and technology systems, various existing infrastructure facilities have met the standards set and are able to meet various demands of globalization; The benefits of transforming the management of educational infrastructure at IAIN Surakarta in the era of technological disruption are enormous for the progress of the IAIN Surakarta campus in supporting the smooth quality of the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Panut Panut ◽  
Giyoto Giyoto ◽  
Yusuf Rohmadi

This study aims to describe the implementation of Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools on the management of pesantren in Kebumen Regency in 2020-2021; describe the problems of education management, availability of infrastructure and financing in Islamic boarding schools; and describe strategies for solving problems of education management, availability of infrastructure and financing in Islamic boarding schools in terms of Law Number 18 of 2019 in Kebumen Regency in 2020-2021. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The place of research is Islamic boarding school in Kebumen district, Central Java province. The sample criteria in this study was to use purposive sampling. The sample taken in this study was from 2 salafiyah Islamic boarding schools consisting of one advanced salafiyah cottage and one undeveloped salafiyah cottage. The participants of this research are the leaders of Islamic boarding schools. Informants in this study were students, ustadz/ustadzah, managers, and guardians of students. Data collection techniques in this study using documents, in-depth interviews, and observation. The method used to check the validity of the data is the credibility test (triangulation, discussion with colleagues, and member check), transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. The data analysis technique used in this research is through the field process. The stages in analyzing the data in this study are analysis before in the field, analysis while in the field (data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions). The results showed that: 1). implementation of Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic boarding schools for the management of Islamic boarding schools in Kebumen Regency in 2020-2021 has been carried out well, especially in advanced Salafiah Islamic Boarding Schools; 2). problems of education management, availability of infrastructure and financing in Islamic boarding schools in terms of Law Number 18 of 2019 in Kebumen Regency in 2020-2021 for salafiah Islamic boarding schools that have developed almost none, but salafiah Islamic boarding schools that have not advanced in all three aspects experiencing problems; 3). problem solving strategies, especially for salafiah Islamic boarding schools that have not developed yet, by conducting comparative studies to Islamic boarding schools that have good governance, recruiting human resources who understand information systems and technology, submitting infrastructure budgets to related parties, collaborating with Lazis and Baznas in particular. related to the completion of education financing in Islamic boarding schools, as well as developing a network of general donors and networks through alumni.

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