“Validity” of Vittorio Guidano in the psychotherapy of the twenty-first century

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (112) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Adele De Pascale

The main purpose of this article is to mention the most important Guidano’s approach contributions to modern psychotherapy and psychopathology. In his cultural and interpretative psychology, rooted in evolutionary epistemology, the mind is the link between the individual and his biology, the external world, and his story. Beginning from the emergence of mentalism among primates, Guidano offers a new explanation of psychosis and psychopathology, for understanding and for curing, based on the integration of three levels of self-meaning: individual, familial, and social. With contextualization, a phylogenic way of remaining connected with the group, as the ontogenic way of child developing that takes place in the family context, through the attachment bonds, it becomes possible to  put in sequence the personal experience and integrate it inside the self,  to maintain life coherence and continuity. Both psychotherapy and psychiatry are in need of a plausible theory of mind that is able to offer an understanding of basic inherited human feelings, language and meanings as evolutionary tools that are necessary for a functioning health human: the mind and the brain are the same thing. The primacy  of affect during the evolution of brain-mind suggests that therapies need a clear vision and knowing of affective human life and what we need is a complete integration of every therapeutic tradition,  having  the primacy of affective development as the core

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-40
Neriman Aral

From the moment the child is born, learning becomes meaningful and it is interpreted as a result of the experiences first in the family and then in school. However, it is sometimes not possible to talk about the fact that learning takes place in all children although the process has taken place in this direction. Sometimes the individual differences that exist in children and the inability to get the necessary support in structuring their learning experiences can be effective in the failure of learning, while sometimes the type of congenital difficulty can be effective. One of these types of difficulty is a specific learning difficulty. It is not always possible for children with specific learning difficulties to learn, even if they do not have any mental problems. In this case, many factors can be effective, especially the problems that children experience in their visual perception can become effective. Since visual perception is the processing of symbols received from the environment in the brain, the problem that may be experienced in this process can also make it difficult to learn this situation. In line with these considerations, it is aimed to focus on the importance of visual perception in specific learning difficulties.

Monisha Veeravani

Music gives people a deeper understanding on the level of sensation and motivates them to become better and this element can change the world when it is wider than our own. It is music that connects the beginning to the end and becomes the literature of our heart. Fills the soul with affection, takes the mind from deep darkness to eternal heights. Music has the status of a® God, so purity has special importance in this genre. Music is the way to cultivate the mind through the seven pure and five vocal cords. Therefore, it can be said that music is necessary to keep the body and mind healthy, cheerful. This keeps the body, mind and brain healthy, and concentrates. Stress is also removed from music. It has been proved by various scientific experiments that both music practice and yoga practice develop strength in human life and many diseases can be treated. Music therapy i.e. music therapy nowadays plays an important role in relieving many health problems. Is playing If you live under high stress or are suffering from insomnia problem, then you can take help of this therapy. Each sound produces specific waves. These sound waves directly affect our brain. Everything in existence is affected by these waves. If a music is composed with the right words and the appropriate ragas, it will work on our brain in the same way that the software works inside a computer. Since our entire body is under the control of the brain, we can get the right result by having the expected effect on the brain through remedial music. संगीत लोगों को संवेदना के स्तर पर एक गहरी समझ देकर उन्हें बेहतर बनने की दिशा में प्रेरित करता है और यही तत्व जब निज से व्यापक होता है तो दुनिया भी बदल सकती है. ये संगीत ही है जो आदि को अंत से जोडकर हमारे हृदय का साहित्य बन जाता है। आत्मा को स्नेह से भर देता है मन को गहन अन्धकार से लेकर अनन्त ऊंचाइयों तक ले जाता है । संगीत क® ईश्वर का दर्जा प्राप्त है, इसीलिए इस विधा में शुध्दता का विशेष महत्व है। सात षुघ्द अ©र पांच क®मल स्वर®ं के माध्यम से मन क® साधने का उपाय है संगीत। अतः कहा जा सकता है कि शरीर तथा मन क® स्वस्थ््ा, प्रफुल्लित रखने के लिए संगीत आवश््यक है। इससे शरीर, मन, मस्तिष्क स्वस्थ््ा रहता है, एकाग्र रहता है। संगीत से तनाव भी दूर ह®ता है। विभिन्न वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों द्वारा यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि संगीत साधना व योग साधना दोनों से मनुष्य के जीवन में शक्ति का विकास होता है और अनेक बीमारियों का उपचार किया जा सकता है म्यूजिक थेरेपी यानी संगीत चिकित्सा आजकल अनेक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से राहत दिलाने में अहम भूमिका निभा रही है। आप अगर ज्यादा तनाव में रहते हैं या अनिद्रा की समस्या से पीडित हैं तो इस चिकित्सा की सहायता ले सकते हैं । हर ध्वनि से विशिष्ट तरंगें पैदा होती हैं। ये ध्वनि तरंगें सीधे हमारे मस्तिष्क को प्रभावित करती हैं। इन्हीं तरंगों से अस्तित्व में मौजूद हर चीज प्रभावित होती है। अगर कोई संगीत सही शब्दों और उपयुक्त रागों के साथ तैयार किया जाए तो वह हमारे मस्तिष्क पर उसी तरह काम करेगा जैसे किसी ’कम्प्यूटर’ के अंदर ’साफ्टवेयर’ काम करता है। चूंकि हमारा पूरा शरीर मस्तिष्क के नियंत्रण में होता है, इसलिए हम मस्तिष्क पर उपचारी संगीत के माध्यम से अपेक्षित प्रभाव डालकर सही परिणाम प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

This chapter turns to philosophers and artists, seeking their views on the dilemma of consciousness and the self, as well as the related mind/body problem. Does consciousness – and personal experience – arise from the neurological functions of the brain (and if so, how), or is it but a shard of the flow of universal consciousness – and if so, is the mind only a channel of energy and should we forget about our cognitive functions, or train to use them in a different way? What does it mean to have a strong sense of personal identity – where does the ‘true self' lie? Having learnt from neuroscientists and most psychologists that our self seems to exceed the scope and depth of both body and mind, we hope that philosophy and art might guide us towards this ‘other' realm where our sense of identity emerges from.

Mark Jago

Supervenience is a concept developed by philosophers to capture a way in which certain facts, events or properties rely or depend on others in a noncausal way. It is one way to capture the notion that certain phenomena seem to emerge from, or are determined by, others. Consider an example. The movement of one snooker ball depends on the way it is hit, either by the cue or by another ball. This is the familiar causal notion of dependence. But now suppose the balls make a perfect ‘W’ shape on the table. That ‘W’ depends on the arrangement of the individuals balls. It isn’t that the balls’ arrangement causes the ‘W’ to exist. Rather, the balls and their arrangement constitutes, or makes up the ‘W’. Their individual arrangements, taken together, brings it about that there is a ‘W’ shape on the table. These are all intuitive but imprecise ways of capturing the noncausal relationship between the individual balls and the ‘W’. The technical term philosophers use for this relationship is supervenience. It was used by Hare, and was put centre stage first by Davidson, and then by Kim and Lewis. Section 1 will explore different ways to define ‘supervenience’. Philosophers find the notion of supervenience useful because it can be used to describe and analyse a number of phenomena which seem to depend on other phenomena in an important, but noncausal, way. These might include: truth depending on reality; the mind depending on the brain; and moral and aesthetic truths depending on physical properties. Supervenience also provides a useful way to help clarify what is at stake in a number of debates, such as the internalist/externalist debate over mental content.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-231 ◽  
James Grant

Fears that new scientific advances on the mind and the brain which establish that behaviour is determined by causes in one’s mind/brain and/or various past and present internal and external environments will undermine the attribution of legal responsibility are misplaced. Taking responsibility to inhere where conduct reflects upon an individual and where, properly understood, the individual could have done otherwise, determinism, operating in the right sort of way, should be embraced as a condition for responsibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-344
Nadia Khalil ◽  
Selim Benbadis ◽  
Derrick Robertson

The word epilepsy is derived from the Greek word epilambanein, meaning “to seize.” This term came to embody the disease as early descriptions characterized seizures as events in which the faculties of the mind and body were “seized” from the individual. This notion of seizing the mind and body’s faculties has in essence remained a constant throughout the evolution of epilepsy. The theories elucidating the significance of the event, however, have surely shifted with the times, reflecting an elegant battle among magic, science, and theology. Subsequent advents in clinical observation, diagnostic evaluation, and therapeutics unfurled many mysteries of the brain and revolutionized prevailing theories, landing epilepsy as it is known today far beyond the primitive and highly supernatural notions that predominated in antiquity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Mohd Arshad Yahya ◽  
Mohd Firdaus Abdullah

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a form of disruption to the brain often experienced by growing children. ADHD children are often labelled as naughty by some. There are several forms of treatment that can be taken against this disorder such as the use of medication. However, the use of medicine will side effect such as loss appetite, disrupting sleep time and anxiety. This study was conducted by observing and recording anecdotes as a means of collecting data. The subject was an ADHD student who had undergone academic inclusiveness and also a special need athlete. The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of sports inclusive intervention on the negative, physical behaviour and social of the student. The findings of the study show that sports inclusion interventions can reduce the negative behaviour of ADHD students and can be an alternative to medication treatment. The effect of this intervention is more harmonious with no side effects and impact for a long time. Sports activities also have goals such as the Individual Teaching Plan concept. In Malaysia, sports intervention is quite new in the Integrated Special Education Program. The impact of this study is expected to open the mind of all parties to make sure that sport activities for special needs students is conducted for the purpose of treatment. The cooperation of all parties including parents is important in this alternative treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-77
Himayatul Izzati

The verses of the Al-Quran which talk about the potential of learning and neuroscience, describe the activity of the mind and the brain as a learning instrument to understand, study and analyze, these signals can be traced through key terminology related to human brain activity. The terms tafakkur, tadabbur, ta'aqqul are theological foundations that describe the potential for human learning in a Neouroscience perspective. The brain is the center of human intelligence which controls the entire nervous system in capturing learning activities. with the power of the human brain can find various things that can facilitate human life. Cues of potential learning by maximizing brain nerve function (Neuroscience) can be traced to, QS Asy-Shams Verses 7-9, QS. An-Nahl 78, QS Ar-Rum 8, QS Al-Baqarah 219 and QS. Muhammad 24. The potential for human learning that is implemented in Islamic education, must develop a variety of potentials, so that the implementation of Islamic education can maximize the development of a comprehensive potential, such as Tarbiyah Imaniyah, Khuluqiyah, Tarbiyah, Jismiyah, Tarbiyah Aqliyah, Nafsiyah Ijtima'iyah. By maximizing the development of the potential, it will produce quality Islamic education output.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dra. St. Rahmah, M.Ag

Lately, the competition of life began fragmented in specific areas so as to make more stringent way of civilization as happens now makes humans living in it must be able to adjust to developments, technology more sophisticated, the prolonged economic crisis made the economy in society is getting worse, until finally becoming more food shortages. To satisfy all human needs often clash with the level of ability and powerlessness. As a result, people often have psychiatric disorders or stress. Stress can be prevented by blocking various factors that cause stress and shock in a good spirit of the individual factors themselves and the surrounding environment factors are factors in the family environment, school, and community environments. Islam as a source of rules and values against any phenomenon that happens in this world of universal and covers all dimensions of human life both to human problems that are material and psychological (mental) concept offers a patient as a preventive step to cope with the stress.

Benjamin Ehrlich

Although Cajal was devoted to “the religion of the cell,” there was an apocryphal strain of thought running through his research. Before studying the brain, Cajal had explored hypnotism through his science fiction, and he confirmed the real effects of suggestibility in his psychological research. Cajal sided with the Nancy doctrine of universal suggestibility, whereas Freud was persuaded by Charcot’s demonstration that hypnosis was both a sign of illness and a treatment modality for mental illness. The career paths of Cajal and Freud would diverge permanently. Despite his interest in experimental psychology and his personal experience with hypnosis and suggestion, Cajal experienced a conversion to neurohistology that resembled an awakening. However, he never lost his interest in the workings of the mind.

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