scholarly journals AI-Based Quality Control of Wood Surfaces with Autonomous Material Handling

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 9965
Mikael Ericsson ◽  
Dahniel Johansson ◽  
David Stjern

The theory and applications of Smart Factories and Industry 4.0 are increasing the entry into the industry. It is common in industry to start converting exclusive parts, of their production, into this new paradigm rather than converting whole production lines all at once. In Europe and Sweden, recent political decisions are taken to reach the target of greenhouse gas emission reduction. One possible solution is to replace concrete in buildings with Cross Laminated Timber. In the last years, equipment and software that have been custom made for a certain task, are now cheaper and can be adapted to fit more processes than earlier possible. This in combination, with lessons learned from the automotive industry, makes it possible to take the necessary steps and start redesigning and building tomorrows automated and flexible production systems in the wood industry. This paper presents a proof of concept of an automated inspection system, for wood surfaces, where concepts found in Industry 4.0, such as industrial Internet of things (IIoT), smart factory, flexible automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and cyber physical systems, are utilized. The inspection system encompasses, among other things, of the shelf software and hardware, open source software, and standardized, modular, and mobile process modules. The design of the system is conducted with future expansion in mind, where new parts and functions can be added as well as removed.

Organizacija ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 193-207 ◽  
Blaž Rodič

Abstract Background and Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the influence of Industry 4.0 on the development of the new simulation modelling paradigm, embodied by the Digital Twin concept, and examine the adoption of the new paradigm via a multiple case study involving real-life R&D cases involving academia and industry. Design: We introduce the Industry 4.0 paradigm, presents its background, current state of development and its influence on the development of the simulation modelling paradigm. Further, we present the multiple case study methodology and examine several research and development projects involving automated industrial process modelling, presented in recent scientific publications and conclude with lessons learned. Results: We present the research problems and main results from five individual cases of adoption of the new simulation modelling paradigm. Main lesson learned is that while the new simulation modelling paradigm is being adopted by big companies and SMEs, there are significant differences depending on company size in problems that they face, and the methodologies and technologies they use to overcome the issues. Conclusion: While the examined cases indicate the acceptance of the new simulation modelling paradigm in the industrial and scientific communities, its adoption in academic environment requires close cooperation with industry partners and diversification of knowledge of researchers in order to build integrated, multi-level models of cyber-physical systems. As shown by the presented cases, lack of tools is not a problem, as the current generation of general purpose simulation modelling tools offers adequate integration options.

Andreia Artifice ◽  
Fernando Luis-Ferreira ◽  
João Sarraipa ◽  
Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves

Abstract The current swift pace of development is a reality that is crossing many domains in society demanding specific measures to cope with such scale of development. In the new paradigm of Industry 4.0, new competences and professional skills are needed in the most diverse quadrants of society. The importance of adequately adapt the societal systems and to promote the adequate skills is worth as much as the value we give to present and future generations. Among demanding challenges arising from this changing reality, the transfer of knowledge from academia to industry is probably the most demanding. This reality is present across diverse countries and continents and for that, pilot deployments and lessons learned should be documented and shared to promote better and effective skill development. In this context, the SHYFTE project is establishing a computational model for knowledge transfer skills in industry 4.0.

Петр Витязь ◽  
Petr Vityaz ◽  
Михаил Хейфец ◽  
Mikhail Kheyfets ◽  
С. Чижик ◽  

The analysis of automation and special-time integration of production systems is carried out. The analysis of the state and outlooks in the development of additive technologies of computer-aided production has shown a visible transition to a new paradigm of production – “Industry – 4.0”. The prospects of the application of material components and energy fluxes in the technologies of additive production are defined. Composites and products properties formation during the additive synthesis and also modular plants of additive production are considered.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-87
György Kovács ◽  
Rabab Benotsmane ◽  
László Dudás

Recent tendencies – such as the life-cycles of products are shorter while consumers require more complex and more unique final products – poses many challenges to the production. The industrial sector is going through a paradigm shift. The traditional centrally controlled production processes will be replaced by decentralized control, which is built on the self-regulating ability of intelligent machines, products and workpieces that communicate with each other continuously. This new paradigm known as Industry 4.0. This conception is the introduction of digital network-linked intelligent systems, in which machines and products will communicate to one another in order to establish smart factories in which self-regulating production will be established. In this article, at first the essence, main goals and basic elements of Industry 4.0 conception is described. After it the autonomous systems are introduced which are based on multi agent systems. These systems include the collaborating robots via artificial intelligence which is an essential element of Industry 4.0.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-525 ◽  
Seeram Ramakrishna ◽  
Alfred Ngowi ◽  
Henk De Jager ◽  
Bankole O. Awuzie

Growing consumerism and population worldwide raises concerns about society’s sustainability aspirations. This has led to calls for concerted efforts to shift from the linear economy to a circular economy (CE), which are gaining momentum globally. CE approaches lead to a zero-waste scenario of economic growth and sustainable development. These approaches are based on semi-scientific and empirical concepts with technologies enabling 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and 6Rs (reuse, recycle, redesign, remanufacture, reduce, recover). Studies estimate that the transition to a CE would save the world in excess of a trillion dollars annually while creating new jobs, business opportunities and economic growth. The emerging industrial revolution will enhance the symbiotic pursuit of new technologies and CE to transform extant production systems and business models for sustainability. This article examines the trends, availability and readiness of fourth industrial revolution (4IR or industry 4.0) technologies (for example, Internet of Things [IoT], artificial intelligence [AI] and nanotechnology) to support and promote CE transitions within the higher education institutional context. Furthermore, it elucidates the role of universities as living laboratories for experimenting the utility of industry 4.0 technologies in driving the shift towards CE futures. The article concludes that universities should play a pivotal role in engendering CE transitions.

2009 ◽  
Vol 410-411 ◽  
pp. 151-158 ◽  
Dominik T. Matt

Build-to-order was once the only way in which products were made, but limited the market to only the rich buyers. Mass production contributed to a wider access to products, however with losses in individuality. Finally, mass customization aimed at holding out the promise of both, and “lean” concepts helped to (partly) make it a reality. However, the world has changed significantly since the first introduction of “lean” – especially in the most recent years. European companies are facing a growing international competition in volume markets due to the increasing economical and technical emancipation of low labour cost countries. While multinational enterprises are shifting their manufacturing activities to Far East to keep competitive in terms of costs, small and medium sized companies often have to leave their traditional market segments and retreat into niches. However, smaller production lot sizes and the increasing complexity of product programmes require innovative manufacturing strategies. According to several studies and empirical proves, less than 0,5% of a company’s production lead time is value adding, the bigger part of it is dedicated to waiting, handling and internal transport. This paper presents a new approach for the design of lean manufacturing support systems in make-to-order production systems that have to deal with a huge variety of product types and with high variations in demand. A special focus is given to the design of manual material handling and transport (MMHT) solutions. With the help of axiomatic design principles, a tree of design parameters is derived and translated into generally applicable design rules. With the help of a practical example from make-to-order industry, the validity of the methodology is illustrated.

Christian Brecher ◽  
Aleksandra Müller ◽  
Yannick Dassen ◽  
Simon Storms

AbstractSince 2011, the Industry 4.0 initiative is a key research and development direction towards flexible production systems in Germany. The objective of the initiative is to deal with the challenge of an increased production complexity caused by various factors such as increasing global competition between companies, product variety, and individualization to meet customer needs. For this, Industry 4.0 envisions an overarching connection of information technologies with the production process, enabling smart manufacturing. Bringing current production systems to this objective will be a long transformation process, which requires a coherent migration path. The aim of this paper is to represent an exemplary production development way towards Industry 4.0 using eminent formalization approaches and standardized automation technologies.

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