scholarly journals Resilience as a City Brand: The Cases of the Comuna 13 and Moravia in Medellin, Colombia

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 8469 ◽  
Patrick Naef

In Medellin, during this last decade, the municipality and the private sector have been very active in the reconstruction of the city’s war-torn image. With the acknowledged objective of attracting foreign investments and tourists, the second city of Colombia has been consecutively branded as “innovative”, “smart”, “sustainable” and lately as a “resilient city”. Since 2016 and the integration of the city as one of the first members of the “100 Resilient Cities” network pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, Medellin’s authorities have emphasised “urban resilience” as a core value of the city and its residents. Until now, few studies have put into perspective the notion of “branding” with that of “resilience”. By looking closely at discourses on the promotion of the city, as well as its burgeoning tourism sector, this article aims to fill this gap by providing a thorough analysis of the way urban resilience is used as a city-brand in a city still struggling to overcome high levels of violence. This study aims to show that antagonists’ visions of resilience are at stake when comparing the branding discourses of public authorities and the representations of self-settled communities who are at the centre of these narratives. While branding discourses praise the resilience of Medellin communities, many in these same communities tend to reject this vision of resilience as self-reliance (adaptation) and instead call for structural changes (transformation).

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 550 ◽  
Sylvia Croese ◽  
Cayley Green ◽  
Gareth Morgan

Urban resilience is increasingly seen as essential to managing the risks and challenges arising in a globally changing, connected, and urbanized world. Hence, cities are central to achieving a range of global development policy commitments adopted over the past few years, ranging from the Paris Climate Agreement to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, knowledge of the ways in which cities are going about implementing resilience or of how such efforts can practically contribute to the implementation of global agendas is still limited. This paper discusses the experience of cities that were members of the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) network, an entity pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation. It reviews the resilience strategies developed by 100RC members to show that 100RC cities are increasingly aligning their resilience work to global development policies such as the SDGs. It then draws on the case of the city of Cape Town in South Africa to illustrate the process of developing a resilience strategy through 100RC tools and methodologies including the City Resilience Framework (CRF) and City Resilience Index (CRI) and its alignment to the SDGs and reflects on lessons and learnings of Cape Town’s experience for the global city network-policy nexus post-2015.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Uyunur Rochmawati Miladiyah ◽  
Slamet Slamet

Globalization led to tough competition among cities around the world to win the competition toattract visitors and increase investment. Therefore, not only the company, the cities are also struggling tocreate uniqueness to gain an advantage in competition. It is very important to communicate the competitiveadvantages owned by these cities to the public and all parties to ensure the achievement of objectives. Citybranding is a method used to re-brand the city as identification which is expected to reflect the advantages aswell as its uniqueness. Therefore, in 2013 Shining Batu was introduced as a city brand wich expected to bereflect the competitive advantage of Batu City. The purpose of this study is to reveal aspects of the competitiveadvantages Batu City; strategies that are used in communicating it; as well as how big the impact of thecommunication strategy for the visitors Batu City. The paradigm of this research is qualitatively by case studydesign. Data were obtained by interview and documentation. The results showed that the Batu City has threeinterrelated aspects superior to one another that supports the creation of competitive advantages: geographicand agricultural sectors are packed in the development of the tourism sector. At the same time, the governmentdeveloped the program as a means of communicating Shining Batu and reflects the benefits of the city to thepublic. Shining Batu communicated through various forms of promotion that utilizes a wide variety ofcommunication tools; a variety of Tour Package; and held aa variety of routine and incidental events.Questionnaire showed that aim to dominate the number of respondents traveled, which consists of a visitor,where recreational tourist attractions types over a favorite choice than any natural attractions. Hotel is a topchoice for a place to stay. Most visitors make a visit to Batu City more than once.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 9433
Teresa Barata-Salgueiro ◽  
Pedro Guimarães

International organizations, public authorities and researchers have increasingly been concerned with urban resilience and sustainability. We focus on the triangle retail, urban resilience and city sustainability, aiming to uncover how cities have coped with retail challenges to increase their resilience towards a sustainable path, highlighting the role played by public policy. The case study asks, is Central Lisbon strongly affected by processes of regeneration, touristification and gentrification, simultaneously with changes in retail. The analysis of planning and other policy documents complemented by fieldwork evidence shows a close link between public initiatives and private entrepreneurship and their impacts in the vitality of the core. The text shows that the policy outlined by local authorities to overcome the decline of the city center and to meet the aims of sustainability implies urban resilience. The transformation of retail is aligned with that vision and is supported its achievement, while the commercial fabric suffered an evolution from shopping to consumption spaces, polarized by culture and entertainment, targeting new consumers and lifestyles. However, new social and economic challenges arise due to escalating housing prices, change in retail supply, the excessive dependence of tourism and the danger of losing part of the city’s identity.

Erkan Özdemir

In today’s globalized world, the competition experienced intensively in many fields is being experienced amongst cities as well. Competition is taking place not only in the traditional environment, but in the online environment as well. In order to differentiate their cities from the rest and build an image and identity for themselves in this atmosphere of intensive competition, city administrators are taking advantage of the branding techniques used by private sector companies. At this point, the city websites have a key role for building and communicating the city brand. The aim of this chapter is to evaluate the role of the city websites in building city brands and promoting their brands. In order to fulfill the aim, the city branding, related concepts, and the role of the city websites in building city brands are introduced in the background section. Then, randomly selected city websites from the City Brands Index are evaluated using content analysis, and the results of this analysis are presented and discussed respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 4825 ◽  
Francesca Pirlone ◽  
Ilenia Spadaro ◽  
Selena Candia

This paper analyzes some natural and man-made disasters that happened in recent years, which demonstrate how the resilience of a city does not depend only on the actions carried out by public authorities, but it requires the joint work of all actors that live or work in a city. Resilience represents the ability of an urban system to adapt to an external event and quickly return to normality. In recent years, urban resilience has mainly addressed natural risks, neglecting man-made disaster. Therefore, this study considers the risk issue in relation to the resilience concept within urban planning and policies to achieve sustainability and urban security. Urban resilience has become an important objective for cities, particularly to face climate change. The paper proposes a review of the existing Civil Protection Urban Emergency Plan, as a sector plan to support urban planning at the local level, aimed at building resilience in cities. In particular, the proposed Emergency Plan reduces risk and increases resilience by identifying specific scenarios and actions that every city actor—public authorities, research, enterprises, and citizens—can implement. This proposal contributes to the implementation of the quadruple helix principle, according to which the involvement of these four actors is necessary to achieve a common goal, such as increasing urban resilience. The proposed methodology is then applied to the man-made disasters that have involved the city (such as the flood of 2011 and the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in 2018). Genoa represents a good example to be studied according to the “learning-by-doing” approach to understand how the city has responded, adapting resiliently, to natural and man-made events thanks to the collaboration of all the actors above mentioned. The new scenarios, included in the Urban Emergency Plan, can play a fundamental role, both in the emergency and prevention phase, and can help other cities around the world in planning more resilient cities to face higher risks.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 160
Yuli Kurniyati ◽  
Bening Hadilinatih

<p>Areas Based Economic Empowerment Program (Program Ekonomi Berbasis Kewilayahan/PEW) is a program designed to focus on the learning process and empowercommunities through local economic institutions to shore up the economy of thecommunity itself. This study aims to: 1). Knowing the PEW Group self-reliance inorganizing services to members in order to regionally based economic empowerment.2). Identifying the factors management, member participation and partnership thathinder or support the PEW Group self-reliance and self-reliance opportunities for effortsto develop a support group for regionally based economic empowerment, 3). Formula tepolicy recommendations for the city authorities to develop and implement a model ofselfreliance development PEW group as a regionally based economic empowerment strategy in the city of Yogyakarta. This research is qualitative research, the research took place in the townYogyakarta. The collecting data techniques used were: study documentation, participant, observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion (FGD). In the first studywere: 1). Evaluating Performance PEW Group 2). Identify factors inhibiting andsupporting self-sufficiency Group 3). Self-Supporting analyze PEW Group 4). Early formulation compile policy recommendations group. The research development model of self-reliance. Year II study is 1). Self-Supporting Group to develop a model based onthe results of Phase I study 2). Validation conduct joint FGD Stakeholder Model through3). Develop Model Self-Supporting Implementation Handbook. Results showed that the level of self-reliance menilitian PEW group is still low. This isreflected in the level of independence that is still low, both in terms of independence inthe administration, self-reliance and independence in the management of the assets. PEW group of selfsufficiency level is still low, due to several factors, namely: (1) Capacity Board PEW Group is still low (2) The lack of participation of members of the Group, and (3) lack of stakeholder support. Another factor that still require serious treatment that can increase self-reliance PEW Group is a factor Assistance Group Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation during implementation is still lacking.</p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-66
Joyce Valdovinos

The provision of water services has traditionally been considered a responsibility of the state. During the late 1980s, the private sector emerged as a key actor in the provision of public services. Mexico City was no exception to this trend and public authorities awarded service contracts to four private consortia in 1993. Through consideration of this case study, two main questions arise: First, why do public authorities establish partnerships with the private sector? Second, what are the implications of these partnerships for water governance? This article focuses, on the one hand, on the conceptual debate of water as a public and/or private good, while identifying new trends and strategies carried out by private operators. On the other hand, it analyzes the role of the state and its relationships with other actors through a governance model characterized by partnerships and multilevel networks.Spanish La provisión del servicio del agua ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como una responsabilidad del Estado. A finales de la década de 1980, el sector privado emerge como un actor clave en el suministro de servicios públicos. La ciudad de México no escapa a esta tendencia y en 1993 las autoridades públicas firman contratos de servicios con cuatro consorcios privados. A través de este estudio de caso, dos preguntas son planteadas: ¿Por qué las autoridades públicas establecen partenariados con el sector privado? ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones de dichos partenariados en la gobernanza del agua? Este artículo aborda por una parte, el debate conceptual del agua como bien público y/o privado, identificando nuevas tendencias y estrategias de los operadores privados. Por otra parte, se analizan el rol y las relaciones del Estado con otros actores a través de un modelo de gobernanza, definido en términos de partenariados y redes multi-niveles.French Les services de l'eau ont été traditionnellement considérés comme une responsabilité de l'État. À la fin des années 1980, le secteur privé est apparu comme un acteur clé dans la fourniture de certains services publics. La ville de Mexico n'a pas échappé à cette tendance et en 1993, les autorités publiques ont signé des contrats de services avec quatre consortiums privés. À travers cette étude de cas, nous nous interrogerons sur deux aspects : pourquoi les autorités publiques établissentelles des partenariats avec le secteur privé ? Quelles sont les implications de ces partenariats sur la gouvernance de l'eau ? Cet article s'intéresse, d'une part, au débat conceptuel sur l'eau en tant que bien public et/ou privé, en identifiant les tendances nouvelles et les stratégies menées par les opérateurs privés. D'autre part y sont analysés le rôle de l'État et ses relations avec d'autres acteurs à travers un modèle de gouvernance, défini en termes de partenariats, et des réseaux multi-niveaux.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rico Piehler ◽  
Ayla Roessler ◽  
Christoph Burmann

Purpose This study aims to investigate the brand-oriented leadership of a city’s mayor and city online brand communication as brand management-related antecedents of residents’ city brand commitment. It thus examines if city brand managers can apply internal branding concepts from the corporate branding domain in a city branding context. Design/methodology/approach The relationships between the brand management-related antecedents and the internal city branding (ICB) objective are tested through structural equation modeling using cross-sectional survey data of 414 residents of a German city. Findings Both the brand-oriented leadership of the mayor in terms of acting as a role model by living the city brand and its identity and by showing commitment to the brand and the city’s online brand communication in terms of its quality have positive effects on residents’ city brand commitment. Moderation analyses reveal no significant differences between the path estimates for age, place of birth, duration of residency and education. However, the results differ significantly for gender. Research limitations/implications As this study’s sample is limited to only one city in Germany, further research needs to investigate the relationships in different cities and other countries to ensure the generalizability of the results. Future studies might also include other aspects of city brand communication, as well as cognitive and behavioural ICB objectives. Practical implications To increase residents’ city brand commitment, city brand managers should ensure that a city’s online brand communication is adequate, complete, credible, useful and clear. Furthermore, through creating awareness for the importance of a mayor’s brand-oriented leadership and through educating and training the mayor to engage in this specific form of brand-oriented transformational leadership, city brand managers can increase residents’ emotional attachment with the city brand. Originality/value This study integrates internal branding research from the corporate branding domain with place and city branding research. It confirms that certain aspects of internal branding (i.e. brand-oriented leadership, brand communication and brand commitment) are applicable not only in the corporate branding domain but also in other branding contexts such as city branding if adapted properly.

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