2021 ◽  
pp. 80-84

The need to develop a holistic linguistic vision of the functionality of toponyms in the literary discourse dictates the study of these units on the basis of broad artistic materials texts of different genres. The article is devoted to characteristics of toponyms, noted in the novel of Sophia Andrukhovych «Amadoka». The study has revealed that modern fiction manifests an abundant toponym system. The system of toponyms in the novel «Amadoka» is formed by horonyms, oykonyms, urbanonyms, hydronyms, oronyms, and so on. The toponyms carry out the following basic functions: nominative-localized, ideological, and symbolic. First, toponyms in a text actualize their toponymic meaning, structuring a text space. However, toponyms often become ideological-conceptual elements that gain a dominant role in the implementation of the author’s intention, function in the text as symbols, which enables the output of functions of this proper name beyond the limits of the traditional nominative-localization one. They become the means of the indirect features of characters of the novel that are one of the elements of text formation.

L. V. Korobko

The article analyzes features of the proper name of Ludwig van Beethoven as well as represents its intentional use in the process of verbalization of the phenomenon “Music” (based on the novel “A Clockwork” by Orange A. Burgess). On the basis of a stage-by-stage research three models of the proper name Ludwig van Beethoven within the anthroponomical field of the literary discourse of A. Burgess were allocated: MODEL I [Personal name]; MODEL II [Surname]; MODEL III [Surname + Work of Art]. The use of the model [Personal name] – Ludwig van is prepotent and reflects the main character’s personal attitude towards the composer. Functional meanings of the proper name are defined, 4 lexical portraits of Beethoven are allocated: physiological, psychological, emotional and intellectual. Positive and negative signs of Beethoven are expressed by means of evaluative lexicon and antinomies in the analyzed novel. The positive characteristic of the composer prevails, which is connected with the greatness of his figure and is motivated by the main character’s affection to Beethoven. Beethoven’s educational, noble features belong to positive signs. Negative signs of the composer’s personality are reflected in his emotional and intellectual portraits as he is represented as a gloomy, angry, mad person. In Anthony Burgess’s novel “A Clockwork Orange” both universal and specific features of Ludwig van Beethoven are represented. The universal features include physical characteristics of the musician (deafness, long flying hair, etc.), and also recognition of genius of the composer and his creations. Beethoven’s character belongs to the sphere of universal and specific features. The fact of the detached, lonely lifestyle of the musician, his severe, gloomy character, which was caused by his disease, is wellknown. Annoyance, rage, hidden threat, penetrating look are the specific features which are allocated to Beethoven by the author of the novel A. Burgess.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
G. I. Lushnikova ◽  
T. Iu. Osadchaia

Postmodern play is one of the important characteristics of modern fiction; it often acts as a text-forming element of the literary work. Literary play is manifested within different text levels and literary discourse strategies: the narrative, composition, imagery, diction, narrative temporality and modality, the technique of metanarrative. The present paper features the poetics of play within different text levels and literary discourse strategies in the novel by contemporary Scottish writer Ali Smith "There But For The". At the level of the novel’s narrative, the play manifests itself in the confusion of reality and fantasy, imagination and actual memory in the characters' internal speech. At the level of composition, the author plays with the readers, giving them an opportunity to find some "key" that will connect the four chapters of the novel and the prologue; the characters and connections between them are sometimes also a mystery. Within the literary strategy of temporality, the following play elements are presented: the contrast between serious reasoning about Time and humorous comments and thematically related pieces of poetry; nonlinear narration; description of events which take place in different time periods in a short context. Within the literary strategy of modality, we can trace the author’s play with the reader and the effect of defeated expectancy. The technique of metanarrative also contains elements of the play: the literary and stylistic means used in the novel are explained both in a serious and a joking manner. The diction of the novel is characterized by usage of stylistic devices of different language levels, their function being that of the play: oxymoron, zeugma, chiasm, holophrasis, different types of morphological repetition, and pun. The results of the study suggest that the introduction of elements of a play into the novel at its different levels makes a sharp contrast with the existential themes of the work. Such a contrast greatly enhances the impact of this novel on the reader and requires further study. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 238-243
N.V. Komleva

The article deals with the study of proper names as means of nomination, images of reality, and functional units of the main textual categories. The analysis of transformations of characters' names in various narrative forms in the subject organization of the novel allows to reveal the role of a character's proper name in the semantic aspect of the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Baturina ◽  
Nikolay Vladimirovich Lepikhov ◽  
Elena Pavlovna Panova ◽  
Anastasiia Valerjevna Popova ◽  
Galina Gelevna Karpova ◽  

In article the basic components of modern medial space are examined: heading and proper name. Authors emphasize that the heading in the modern Internet - newspaper text influences the reader and forces to pass under the reference to the publication which is interested by him. Besides it, the basic functions of heading and proper name as parts of the journalese text are analyzed. All theoretical moments of functioning onims in newspaper headings, authors of the article illustrate concrete examples. Researchers judge that proper name had in newspaper headings are used with a support on (background knowledge) reader that allows to draw quickly his attention to the publication.

N.N. Boldyrev ◽  
B.S. Zhumagulova ◽  
D.T. Kurmanbayeva ◽  

The article analyses the role of chronotope in implementing genre characteristics of different types of novels within the frame of one novel in a cognitive approach perspective. The authors proceed from the theoretical assumption that the content of any novel represents a multidimensional knowledge of the matrix format comprising various types of conceptual domains as specific cognitive contexts. These contexts refer to the knowledge not only about the plot and the composition of the novel, but also about its genre characteristics and their individual interpretation by the author of the novel. Accordingly, they choose cognitive matrix analysis as the methodological basis of the research. Particular attention is focused on the analysis of general principles and mechanisms of the author's individual interpretation and implementation of the concept of chronotope, suggested by M.M. Bakhtin, within the framework of a specific novel. In relation to the novel under discussion the authors of the article model chronotope in the form of the cognitive matrix SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM and analyze its conceptual structure as it is seen by the author of the novel, as well as his choice of means of its representation in language. The results of the cognitive matrix and linguistic analysis lead to the conclusion that typical genre features of the novel are implemented through characteristics of the basic concepts of the respective conceptual domains and means of their linguistic representation. The article also argues close relationship between all of these characteristics and the dominant role of some of them in relation to the others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 03012
Elena Ivanova ◽  
Ekaterina Ivanova

The article is devoted to the analysis of the novel by a contemporary writer, E.E. Schmitt “Noah‟s child” in terms of the realization of the important philosophical problems, updated with the time. The novelty of the given material is due primarily to the choice of the author, whose work is still to be reflected. This article examines the philosophical issues of existence implemented at various levels of the literary text: from the title to its symbolism. Drawing on biblical and historical material, in a novelistic genre E. Schmitt managed to present his vision of the problems of faith and disbelief, identity of the nation, the moral choice, etc. While not denying the value of the God in human perception of the world, the writer asserts the idea that the man himself is responsible for all what is happening on the ground and in the society, so the novel “Noah‟s child” can be seen as a passionate appeal to contemporaries to strive for the harmony of coexistence.

Soliuk M.M.

This scientific research deals with a topical linguistic and translation problem – the category of definiteness / indefinitenessand ways of its reproduction in the German- Ukrainian translations of modern fiction. The purposeof this articleis to determine the ways one can employ to convey different meanings of German articles and other determinants into Ukrainian, as they are used to express the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the German language. To achieve this goal, there has been employed comparative and descriptive methodsof linguistic research as they allow to consider different ways of expression of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the Ukrainian translation. The objectof this research is the translation of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness which leads to a strictly defined subject. The subjectof the study are explicit means of expression of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in German (in the novel “Breathing Swing” by H. Muller) and implicit means of its expression in Ukrainian (in the Ukrainian translation of the respective novel).Results.The comparative analysis of the original and translated texts makes it possible to determine the main linguistic means of reprodution the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the Ukrainian translation. The analyzed material contains examples where the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the original text is expressed by a definite article which is translated by a pronominalized numeral “some of”, an indefinite-personal pronoun “someone”, or an indefinite pronoun; an indefinite article which is translated by pronouns; zero article is reproduced by a more detailed translation; pronouns are reproduced by their equivalents, as well as other pronouns; other cases of translation include a periphrasis, a descriptive, inaccurate or non-literal translation. Conclusions:Definite, indefinite, zero articles and pronouns serve as the main, most consistent, and regular means of realization of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the German language. While there are no certain morphological means of expression of this category in the Ukrainian language, the translator uses lexical and syntactic means for reproduction of the category definiteness / indefiniteness. The context also plays an essential role.Key words: category of determination, the definitness / indefinitness, article, pronoun, translation. У дослідженні порушується актуальна перекладознавча проблема – особливості відтворення категорії означеності / неозначеності на матеріалі німецько-українських перекладів творів сучасної художньої літератури. Метоюданої статті є визначення способів передачі українською мовою значень німецьких артиклів та інших детермінативів, за допомогою яких вира-жається категорія означеності / неозначеності в німецькій мові. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосовуються зіставний та описовий методи лінгвістичного дослідження, що дозволяють розглянути різні способи передачі засобів вираження катего-рії означеності / неозначеності в українському перекладі. Об’єктом дослідження постає категорія означеності / неозначеності, що виступає засобом позначення певного предмета. Предметом вивчення є експліцитні засоби вираження вищевказаної кате-горії в німецькій мові (в романі Г. Мюллер «Гойдалка дихання») та імпліцитні в українському перекладі зазначеного твору. За допомогою результатів, досягнутих внаслідок зіставного аналізу текстів оригіналу та перекладу, вдалося встановити основні мовні засоби відтворення категорії означеності / неозначеності в українському перекладі.Зокрема, зафіксовано такі випадки вираження категорії означеності / неозначеності в мові-оригіналі, а також засоби та способи їх відтвореня в мові перекла-ду: неозначений артикль перекладений прономіналізованим числівником «один із/з», неозначено-особовоим займенником «якийсь», вказівним займенником; означений артикль – за допомогою займенників; нульовий артикль відтворено деталізованим перекладом; детермінативи – їх відповідниками, а також іншими детермінативами; в деяких випадках перекладач вдається до перифрази, описового, неточного чи недослівного перекладу. Висновки:в німецькій мові означеність / неозначеність виражається за допомогою артиклів (означеного, неозначеного або нульового), а також інших детермінативів, якими часто виступають займенники. В той час як в українській мові певних морфологічних засобів вираження цієї категорії нема, перекладач вдається до використання лексичних та синтаксичних засобів, важлива роль при цьому відводиться контексту. Ключові слова: категорія детермінації, означеність / неозначеність, артикль, займенник, переклад.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 107-130
Rodica Grigore

Gabriel García Márquez’s novel centered on Simón Bolívar, The General in His Labyrinth (El general en su laberinto, 1989) provoked mixed reactions from the literary critics. Some of them praised another masterpiece, whereas the others accused the Colombian author of creating a disrespectful portrait one of Latin America’s most important historical and symbolic figures The novel combines historical data and fiction in order to humanize the character of the Liberator and to destroy his nearly mythological image while at the same time examining the implications of previous literary discourse on the contemporary Latin American novel. Moreover García Márquez finds an original means of establishing a profound relationship between the magical realist aesthetics he used in One Hundred Years of Solitude and this particular form of pseudo-historical narrative that succeeds in expressing the humanity of its protagonist.

Dennis Looney

Ludovico Ariosto (b. 1474–d. 1533), whose work links 15th-century humanism with the vernacular classicism that burgeoned later in the 16th century, is a crucial figure in the development of Italian Renaissance literary culture. An accomplished Neo-Latin poet whose earliest letter is a request for books on Platonism from the Venetian publisher Aldus Manutius (1498), Ariosto used his considerable knowledge of classical Latin literature to forge a literary corpus that blends ancient literary models with medieval ones to create an impressive example of vernacular classicism. No less than his contemporary Michelangelo Buonarroti did for art, Ariosto took the literary revival of Antiquity to new heights. Accordingly, Ariosto can be seen as a forerunner of Miguel de Cervantes and other vernacular prose artists whose critical recapitulations of medieval chivalric fiction under the influence of classical works and classicizing authors like Ariosto eventually led to the birth of the novel. For modern readers who are accustomed to the conventions of modern fiction, at times Ariosto sounds strangely familiar, even postmodern.

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