indefinite pronoun
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Suhila Mahamu ◽  
Agus Nero Sofyan

This research aims to classify and identify morphemes recognition in English. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. In providing data, the researcher uses listening and note-taking technique. The data used in this study were retrieved from the book Top Grammar: A Guide to Write English. While the theory used is the theory of the principle of morpheme recognition. The results of this discussion can be classified into six principles of morpheme recognition namely (1) the form of indefinite pronouns, comparative and superlative degree and reflexive pronouns; (2) singular and plural forms; (3) the form of the past participle in regular {-d}/{-ed} and irregular {–n} forms; (4) singular and plural nouns, present and past verbs; (5) the form of homonyms and in principle; and (6), the form of free morpheme and bound morpheme. From the results of the classification, morpheme units can be identified based on word form, word class and also the meaning that appears.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasi dan mengidentifikasi pengenalan morfem dalam bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam tahapan penyediaan data, penulis menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari buku Top Grammar: A Guide to Write English. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori prinsip pengenalan morfem. Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukan bahwa terdapat enam prinsip pengenalan morfem, yaitu (1) terdapat pada bentuk indefinite pronoun, comparative dan superlative degree, serta reflexive pronoun; (2) terdapat pada bentuk tunggal dan jamak; (3) terdapat data pada bentuk past participle bentuk regular {-d}/ {-ed} dan irregular {–n}; (4) terdapat padakata benda tunggal dan jamak dan kata kerja present serta past; (5) terdapat pada bentuk homonim; (6) terdapat pada bentuk morfem bebas dan terikat. Dari hasil klasifikasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa satuan morfem dapat diidentifikasi berdasarkan bentuk kata, kelas kata, dan makna yang muncul.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124322110579
Abigail C. Saguy ◽  
Juliet A. Williams

Singular they has emerged as a key term in contemporary gender politics, reflecting growing usage of they/them as nonbinary personal pronouns. Drawing on interviews with 54 progressive gender activists, we consider how singular they can be used to resist and redo aspects of the prevailing gender structure. We identify three distinct usages of singular they: (1) as a nonbinary personal pronoun, (2) as a universal gender-neutral pronoun, and (3) as an indefinite pronoun when a person’s self-identified gender is unknown. While previous research on singular they as a gender-inclusive language practice has focused primarily on its usage as a nonbinary personal pronoun, our findings point to the relevance for gender politics of all three usages. Our analysis offers new insight into how nonbinary they challenges dominant gender norms and practices beyond incorporating additional gender categories. Given our findings, we propose further investigation of how using gender-neutral pronouns for everyone in specific contexts can advance progressive activists’ goals. Finally, we argue that the longstanding usage of singular they as an indefinite pronoun has new importance today in affirming gender as a self-determined identity.

Soliuk M.M.

This scientific research deals with a topical linguistic and translation problem – the category of definiteness / indefinitenessand ways of its reproduction in the German- Ukrainian translations of modern fiction. The purposeof this articleis to determine the ways one can employ to convey different meanings of German articles and other determinants into Ukrainian, as they are used to express the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the German language. To achieve this goal, there has been employed comparative and descriptive methodsof linguistic research as they allow to consider different ways of expression of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the Ukrainian translation. The objectof this research is the translation of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness which leads to a strictly defined subject. The subjectof the study are explicit means of expression of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in German (in the novel “Breathing Swing” by H. Muller) and implicit means of its expression in Ukrainian (in the Ukrainian translation of the respective novel).Results.The comparative analysis of the original and translated texts makes it possible to determine the main linguistic means of reprodution the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the Ukrainian translation. The analyzed material contains examples where the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the original text is expressed by a definite article which is translated by a pronominalized numeral “some of”, an indefinite-personal pronoun “someone”, or an indefinite pronoun; an indefinite article which is translated by pronouns; zero article is reproduced by a more detailed translation; pronouns are reproduced by their equivalents, as well as other pronouns; other cases of translation include a periphrasis, a descriptive, inaccurate or non-literal translation. Conclusions:Definite, indefinite, zero articles and pronouns serve as the main, most consistent, and regular means of realization of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness in the German language. While there are no certain morphological means of expression of this category in the Ukrainian language, the translator uses lexical and syntactic means for reproduction of the category definiteness / indefiniteness. The context also plays an essential role.Key words: category of determination, the definitness / indefinitness, article, pronoun, translation. У дослідженні порушується актуальна перекладознавча проблема – особливості відтворення категорії означеності / неозначеності на матеріалі німецько-українських перекладів творів сучасної художньої літератури. Метоюданої статті є визначення способів передачі українською мовою значень німецьких артиклів та інших детермінативів, за допомогою яких вира-жається категорія означеності / неозначеності в німецькій мові. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосовуються зіставний та описовий методи лінгвістичного дослідження, що дозволяють розглянути різні способи передачі засобів вираження катего-рії означеності / неозначеності в українському перекладі. Об’єктом дослідження постає категорія означеності / неозначеності, що виступає засобом позначення певного предмета. Предметом вивчення є експліцитні засоби вираження вищевказаної кате-горії в німецькій мові (в романі Г. Мюллер «Гойдалка дихання») та імпліцитні в українському перекладі зазначеного твору. За допомогою результатів, досягнутих внаслідок зіставного аналізу текстів оригіналу та перекладу, вдалося встановити основні мовні засоби відтворення категорії означеності / неозначеності в українському перекладі.Зокрема, зафіксовано такі випадки вираження категорії означеності / неозначеності в мові-оригіналі, а також засоби та способи їх відтвореня в мові перекла-ду: неозначений артикль перекладений прономіналізованим числівником «один із/з», неозначено-особовоим займенником «якийсь», вказівним займенником; означений артикль – за допомогою займенників; нульовий артикль відтворено деталізованим перекладом; детермінативи – їх відповідниками, а також іншими детермінативами; в деяких випадках перекладач вдається до перифрази, описового, неточного чи недослівного перекладу. Висновки:в німецькій мові означеність / неозначеність виражається за допомогою артиклів (означеного, неозначеного або нульового), а також інших детермінативів, якими часто виступають займенники. В той час як в українській мові певних морфологічних засобів вираження цієї категорії нема, перекладач вдається до використання лексичних та синтаксичних засобів, важлива роль при цьому відводиться контексту. Ключові слова: категорія детермінації, означеність / неозначеність, артикль, займенник, переклад.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 166
Milica Denić ◽  
Shane Steinert-Threlkeld ◽  
Jakub Szymanik

The vocabulary of human languages has been argued to support efficient communication by optimizing the trade-off between complexity and informativeness (Kemp & Regier 2012). The argument has been based on cross-linguistic analyses of vocabulary in semantic domains of content words such as kinship, color, and number terms. The present work extends this analysis to a category of function words: indefinite pronouns (e.g. someone, anyone, no-one, cf. Haspelmath 2001). We build on previous work to establish the meaning space and featural make-up for indefinite pronouns, and show that indefinite pronoun systems across languages optimize the complexity/informativeness trade-off. This demonstrates that pressures for efficient communication shape both content and function word categories, thus tying in with the conclusions of recent work on quantifiers by Steinert-Threlkeld (2019). Furthermore, we argue that the trade-off may explain some of the universal properties of indefinite pronouns, thus reducing the explanatory load for linguistic theories.

Jing Lin ◽  
Fred Weerman ◽  
Hedde Zeijlstra

AbstractThis paper explores the learnability of English indefinite any, Dutch modal verb hoeven, and Mandarin Chinese (WH-)indefinite/pronoun shenme. These three expressions, belonging to different syntactic categories in different languages, have been referred to as Negative Polarity Items (NPIs) in the literature, as they are all restricted to contexts that in some sense count as negative although there are differences in the types of semantic environment that may license them. By investigating the distribution of these three expressions in both child and child-directed speech recorded in the CHILDES database (MacWhinney 2009), this paper argues that children in their acquisition of these NPIs employ the same conservative widening learning strategy (Berwick and Weinberg 1986; Manzini and Wexler 1987), which prevents them from overgeneration. A two-stage acquisition process is detected for each of the three NPIs. However, distinct learning pathways are found, which we take as evidence indicating different underlying analyses of these expressions at different stages in child language. Taking into consideration the input characteristics, the distributional patterns of the three expressions in adult grammar, and the children’s lexical development, we hypothesize what the analyses of any, hoeven, and shenme at different acquisition stages look like. This provides us with a different view of the nature, or the reason underlying the restricted distribution of these expressions in adult language.

Bartosz Ptasznik

Abstract The paper is concerned with the single-clause when-definition, which is a common folk-defining style that has been established by lexicographers in English monolingual learners’ dictionaries (the Big Five), especially the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English and Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. In brief, the single-clause when-definition format can be applied to explain the meaning of abstract nouns and it closely resembles the double-clause (full-sentence) definition, which can also begin with a subordinating conjunction such as when or if. However, the when-definition does not include the word which is being defined (definiendum) and it is formed out of a single, subordinate clause. This definition-type has received metalexicographers’ attention as it appears to, in general, limit the effectiveness of correct extraction of word class information from abstract noun entries in contrast to the traditional defining model – the analytical definition. In this paper, an attempt is made to investigate two types of single-clause when-defining models: (1) when + personal pronoun; and (2) when + indefinite pronoun (someone/something).1 The collected evidence from the Linear Mixed-effects Modelling analysis indicates that the effect of when-definition type on syntactic class identification accuracy is statistically significant at the 8% level of significance, with the when + personal pronoun defining style being the superior defining model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Maharani Patria Ratna

Some languages in the world have particles with their respective functions. One of them is Ka(h) particle which is used both in Indonesian and Japanese. Both are equally used as markers of the question sentence. In Indonesian the ka(h) particle is pronounced "Kah" while in Japanese it is pronounced "Ka.” The purpose of this study is to identify what are the similarities and differences in the use of Ka(h) particles in Indonesian and Japanese. the data is taken by a literature study in Indonesian linguistics and Japanese linguistics. These similarities and differences will be studied through aspects of characteristics, function, location, and intonation. Both particles are enclitic and arbitrary, but only Kah particle has a free distribution characteristic. On the function of point of view, both particles are question marker, but only The Ka particle functioned as a choice marker and indefinite pronoun. The results of this study indicate that in Indonesian the use of Kah particles is always pronounced with rising intonation, whereas in Japanese the "ka" particle can be pronounced with rising or falling intonation. Also both particles can be located in the middle and at the end of the sentence. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-73 ◽  
Federica Formato ◽  
Vittorio Tantucci

Generic masculines – masculine forms used for women – are employed in many languages, for example English (Mills 2008), French (Coady 2018), Spanish (Bengoechea 2011) and German (Motschenbacher 2016), providing accounts of how gender is made visible in the language through morphological, lexical and syntactic units. These accounts are also linked with how gender is seen in societies and culture, reproducing an imbalance between women and men. Specifically, language discrimination against women is based on the idea that speakers orient themselves towards androcentric language, recognising ‘men’ as a metonym for the group ‘human being’ (Alvanoudi 2014), causing a linguistic invisibility of women.   Similarly, studies in Italian have also discussed the use of masculine forms to refer to, talk about and describe women (Cavagnoli 2013), or have shown how these are used in specialised (Nardone 2016, 2018) or media corpora (Formato 2014, 2016, 2019). This article investigates the use of a specific (and underexamined) generic masculine in Italian – namely, the indefinite pronoun (in comparison with labelled ‘impersonal masculine’ (Formato 2019:69) – in three subcorpora of the Perugia Corpus (TV, Web and Spoken; Spina 2014). is seen as constructing ‘extended intersubjectivity’, that is, the awareness of a general third party (3rdP) acting as the social bearer of the utterance (Tantucci 2013, 2016, 2017a). The results show that the masculine impersonal is widely used in the three subcorpora and in several functions, confirming that grammatically gendered language is still employed within a ‘masculine as a norm’ order.

2020 ◽  
L.A. Fedorkiv

Indefinite pronouns, like all pronouns, receive specific meanings in a coherent speech environment and serve as a means of actualizing communication. The functional-semantic features of the indefinite pronouns of the Khanty language were not the subject of special research. A single indefinite pronoun has its own functional-semantic potential. For the first time, the article discusses in detail the features of the functioning of the indefinite pronoun of mŏλti in the Kazym dialect of the Khanty language.

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