scholarly journals Analysis and Design Of New Student Admission Systems On MTS AL MUHTADIIN

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-191
Al Husain ◽  
Agus Hidayatullah

MTs Al-muhtadiin is the first private vocational school in the sub-district of Sukadiri, at the beginning of the opening of this school, it received quite a positive response with proven opening in 2017 around 62 students registered themselves as students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin. The new student registration system at MTs Al-Muhtadiin is already running effectively and efficiently. In analyzing the running system used the method of analysis and depiction of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and in data collection used interview, observation and literature study methods. The results of the analysis of the system that runs in the admission of new students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin are still running manually with the help of Microsoft Excel in the process of making reports.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-191
Al Husain ◽  
Agus Hidayatullah

MTs Al-muhtadiin is the first private vocational school in the sub-district of Sukadiri, at the beginning of the opening of this school, it received quite a positive response with proven opening in 2017 around 62 students registered themselves as students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin. The new student registration system at MTs Al-Muhtadiin is already running effectively and efficiently. In analyzing the running system used the method of analysis and depiction of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and in data collection used interview, observation and literature study methods. The results of the analysis of the system that runs in the admission of new students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin are still running manually with the help of Microsoft Excel in the process of making reports.

2013 ◽  
pp. 41-48
Yuni Sugiarti Yuni Sugiarti

Absrtak: Tulisan ini merupakan kajian dalam menindaklanjuti saran dari hasil penelitian penulis, tentang perlunya perancangan dan pengembangan model prototipe Sistem Informasi Jabatan Fungsional Dosen berbasis web. Implementasi jabatan fungsional tersebut untuk memudahkan dalam menghitung angka kredit, memudahkan pemasukan dan pencarian data sehingga dapat menghasilkan informasi yang akurat, tepat, dan relevan. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma siklus hidup pengembangan sistem, meliputi tahapan pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka; analisis dan perancangan sistem dengan star Unified Modeling Language (UML), relasi antar file, struktur file, struktur program, rancangan masukan, rancangan luaran, dan struktur menu dengan menggunakan pemograman PHP & database Mysql. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu adanya prototipe sistem jabatan fungsional yang dapat dimanfaatkan para dosen dalam memproses pengusulan dan perhitungan angka kredit secara mudah, cepat, dan efektif. Oleh karena itu perguruan tinggi (negeri/swasta) perlu mendorong pengembangan dan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi tersebut. Begitu pula para dosen perlu membiasakan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi berbasisweb dalam memudahkan mengimplementasikan jabatan fungsional dosen. Kata kunci : Dosen, Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi, Jabatan Fungsional Dosen.Abstract: This paper is a study to follow up the recommendation from the result of the writer’s research, which was about the importance of design and development of information system prototype of web based lecturer functional job. The implementation of functional job will facilitate the calculation of credit rate, ease the data entry and searching to bring about accurate, appropriate and relevant information. This research used life cyclus paradigm of system development which include data collection phase via observation, interview and literature study; system analysis and design using star Unified Modeling Language (UML), interrelation among files, file structure, program structure, input design, output design, and menu structure using PHP and database Mysql. This study resulted that there is a prototype of functional job system which can be used by lecturers to proceed the proposal and calculation of credit rate easily, fast, and effectively. That is why colleges (public/private ones) need to encourage the develepment and utilization of such information system. Similarly, lecturers need to familiarize the utilization of web based information system in order to facilitate the implementation of lecturer functional job. Keywords: Lecturer, College Tridarma, Lecturer Functional Job

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 214-223
Yusuf Wibisono

PT. Prada Bangun Persada is a branch company that has a headoffice in the Jakarta area which is engaged in the field of SportsEquipment which has staff that must be managed properly. In thismanagement, the company makes an annual performance report,one of which contains a report on staffing. PT. Prada BangunPersada has several sections in the organizational structure, one ofwhich is the general responsibility section and the finance section.The general responsibility department and the finance department inthis company do not yet have an efficient personnel informationsystem application and are still processing data manually, resultingin various obstacles. Constraints experienced by the general personin charge are still using paper forms in making employee data andsubmitting employee letters so that they are less efficient and alwaysprovide paper forms. Then the storage of these letters still uses theirrespective folders based on the type of letter so that it is difficult toaccess and search for employee data and it is not safe if the storageis still using a folder and sometimes its validation is not handledproperly. Then in the finance department in the employee payrollprocess, which still calculates and saves with Microsoft excel formatfiles which causes low security and confidentiality of employeepayroll data at risk of file damage if exposed to a virus andemployees can easily access the file. This Personnel InformationSystem uses a 2-step method. First, the data collection method wascarried out in three ways, namely the observation method, theinterview method and the literature study. Second, the systemdevelopment method that will be used is the waterfall systemdevelopment method, and uses UML (Unified Modeling Language)notation as tools.

Widiawati . ◽  
Hairil Kurniadi Siradjuddin

Abstrak: Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat merupakan salah satu Sekolah Islami pada Kota Ternate. Sebagai sekolah yang memiliki peran besar bagi masyarakat luas tentunya sangat membutuhkan Teknologi Informasi seperti website untuk mengelola data maupun proses seleksi siswa baru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat Perancangan Website Sistem Seleksi Siswa Baru pada Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Kalumpang Kota Ternate. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Tahapan kemudian  penelitian dimulai dari analisis sistem, perancangan sistem, dan pengembangan sistem. Metode analisis sistem adalah metode terstruktur dengan menggunakan model bottom-up, untuk perancangannya menggunakan metode berorentasi objek sedangkan untuk pengembangannya menggunakan metode Prototyping. Sistem ini dirancang dengan Alat Bantu UML (Unified Modeling Language), bahasa pemrograman yang di gunakan adalah HTML, CSS, dan PHP, Database dibuat menggunakan MySQL. Penelitian menghasilkan website seleksi siswa baru pada Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Kota Ternate yang memudahkan pihak sekolah pada proses pengelolaan data seleksi serta menginformasikan pengumuman kelulusan, untuk siswa baru dapat memudahkan proses seleksi dan pengumuman kelulusan siswa baru dimana saja, tanpa harus datang ke sekolah terkait.Kata Kunci: Perancangan Sistem Website, Seleksi Siswa baruAbstract: Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat is one of the Islamic Schools in Ternate City. As a school that has a significant role for the wider community, of course, need Information Technology such as websites to manage data and the selection process of new students. The purpose of this study was to create a New Student Selection System Website Design at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Kalumpang Ternate City. Data collection in this study uses interview and observation techniques. The next stage of research starts with system analysis, system design, and system development. The system analysis method is a structured method using a bottom-up model, for the design using object-oriented methods while for its development using the Prototyping method. This system is designed with UML (Unified Modeling Language) Tools. The programming languages used are HTML, CSS, and PHP. The database is created using MySQL. The research produced a new student selection website at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairaat Ternate City which made it easy for schools to manage the selection data and inform graduation announcements, for new students to facilitate the selection process and the announcement of new student graduations everywhere, without having to come to the relevant school.Keywords: Website System Design, New Student Selection

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Ichsyan Rizky Adi Putra ◽  
Megawati Megawati

PT. Kalber Reksa Abadi adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang konstruksi fisik. Selama ini data transaksi diolah berdasarkan siklus akuntansi dengan cara tulis tangan, dan dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Masalah yang muncul dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan adalah selalu terjadi kesalahan dalam memposting jurnal harian ke buku besar dan menyebabkan laporan neraca tidak balance, yang menyebabkan pelaporan kepada pimpinan menjadi terlambat karena memerlukan waktu untuk memperbaiki laporan keuangan yang dibutuhkan oleh pimpinan dalam mengambil kebijakan. Sistem ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dan mempermudah admin keuangan dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan karena sejak pertama kali menginputkan transaksi, seluruh laporan keuangan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan otomatis sudah terhitung, mulai dari jurnal umum, trial balance, buku besar, laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan modal, dan laporan neraca keuangan. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem adalah Waterfall. Pada tahap analisa dan perancangan sistem informasi yang dibangun menggunakan metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) serta bahasa pemodelan untuk pembangunan perangkat lunak menggunakan diagram Unified Modeling Language (UML). Dari pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan Blackbox Testing diketahui bahwa persentase keberhasilan sistem ini menunjukkan angka sebesar 100%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-70
Risma Illa Alaih ◽  
Dian Rahadian ◽  
Kuntum An Nisa Imania

Abstract – Currently, the procedure for admitting new students at SMK Al-Halim Garut is considered less effective and efficient. Since the acceptance of new students is by means of prospective students who must fill out a form using the google forms provided by the school. This makes it difficult to share information with outsiders. After that, prospective students or parents must come to school to just see announcements or information and even submit documents related to the implementation of new student admissions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new web-based student information system at SMK Al-Halim Garut which can solve the problems so far. This development stage used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model and the need for a Unified Modeling Language (UML) which functions to make it easier to describe the system already made. The results showed that the Web-based Information System for New Student Admissions with PHP and SQL was able to manage the implementation of the New Student Admissions, such as registration, selection, announcement, and re-registration. In the feasibility test using a black box, it showed that this software was very feasible in terms of functionality.Keywords : information system, acceptance of new students, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Unified Modeling Language (UML).Abstrak - Saat ini prosedur penerimaan peserta didik baru di SMK Al-Halim Garut dinilai kurang efektif dan efisian. Karena penerimaan peserta didik baru dengan cara calon siswa harus mengisi lembaran formulir menggunakan google form yang sudah disediakan oleh pihak sekolah. Hal ini mengakibatkan sulitnya berbagi informasi dengan pihak luar. Setelah itu calon siswa ataupun orang tua siswa harus bersusah payah mendatangi sekolah untuk sekedar melihat pengumuman atau informasi dan bahkan mnyerahkan dokumen persyaratan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan penerimaan peserta didik baru. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya suatu pengembangan sistem informasi peserta didik baru berbasis web di SMK Al-Halim Garut yang bisa menyelasaikan permasalahan selama ini. Tahap pengembangan ini menggunakan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model waterfall dan perlu adanya Unified Modeling Language (UML) yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah menggambarkan sistem yang akan dibuat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Berbasis Web dengan PHP dan SQL ini mampu mengelola pelaksanaan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru yaitu pendaftaran, seleksi, pengumuman, dan pendaftaran ulang. Pada uji kelayakan yang mengggunakan black box menunjukkan bahwa perangkat lunak ini sangat layak dari aspek fungsional.Kata Kunci : sistem infromasi, penerimaan peserta didik baru, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Unified Modeling Language (UML).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Sri Rahayu ◽  
Muhammad Rofi Faris ◽  
Asni Ramadani Pane

The development of increasingly rapid information technology requires companies to have a system that is able to provide data and information quickly and accurately. Tangerang Regency Education Office is a government agency in charge of controlling the education sector. In its business process, the Education Office still faces difficulties in obtaining reports on employment in periodic salary increases, because the system used is still using the help of Microsoft excel application software that is semi computerized, so that every data reported often has errors in providing civil servant salaries. Based on these problems Tangerang District Education Office is in dire need of an automated computer system that can control the regular salary increases of civil servants effectively and efficiently. As a tool to help in object-oriented programming language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to describe the system, while data collection techniques use observation, interview, and literature study methods, so that the system can be monitored properly, effectively and efficiently using MySql databases, and PHP. Keywords: Staffing, Periodic Salary Increase, Controlling, Web.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Nurlaila Suci Rahayu Rais ◽  
Dedeh Apriyani ◽  
Gito Gardjito

Monitoring of warehouse inventory data processing is an important thing for companies. PT Talaga mulya indah is still manual using paper media, causing problems that have an effect on existing information, namely: problems with data processing of incoming and outgoing goods. And the difference between data on the amount of stock of goods available with physical data, often occurs inputting data more than once for the same item, searching for available data, and making reports so that it impedes companies in monitoring inventory of existing stock of goods. Which aims to create a system that can provide updated information to facilitate the warehouse admin in making inventory reports, and reduce errors in input by means of integrated control. In this study, the authors used the data collection method used in this analysis using the method of observation, interviews, and literature review (literature study). For analysis using the PIECES analysis method. Furthermore, the system design used is UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this study are expected to produce the right data in the process of monitoring inventory data processing, also can provide the right information and make it easier to control the overall availability of goods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 683
Muhamad Ridho Dwi Cahyo ◽  
Candiwan Candiwan

Yoga Farm is a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) that focuses on catfish breeding that is still doing business processes manually. With this process, information received by related parties is very difficult to obtain quickly. Therefore, the product is still not widely known, and customers are still few because the system used in sales and promotions still uses a manual system. The research method used is qualitative. This study aims to create a sales information system recommended at Yoga Farm and design using Unified modeling language (UML) for the recommended business processes. Customers will get product information in real-time, products can be widely recognized, and the number of Yoga Farm customers can increase. Based on the results of this study, adoption of a web-based sales information system can certainly make it easier to get the latest information quickly, can expand the market and can also facilitate customers in the transaction. For future research, this research can be used as a reference for conducting similar studies at other MSMEs to increase sales

Lusiana Citra Dewi

This study aims to create a system that can simplify common operational activities of pharmacy such as purchasing, inventory, and sales. The system is expected to improve manual processes of purchasing, inventory, and sales into a computerized ones. In addition, this system also provides convenience, accuracy, and speed for owner or management to access reports of purchase, inventory, and sales in real-time. The research methods used are literature studies, field studies, and the methods of analysis and design of object-oriented information system design language UML (Unified Modeling Language). Tthe result of this research is an information system of purchasing, inventory, and sales of medicines that may help pharmacies to get information quickly and accurately, and to help pharmacy operations to run more effectively and efficiently.

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