scholarly journals Analisis Kinerja Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan (Dosen dan Karyawan) Pada STIMI Banjarmasin)

Mahfuzil Anwar

This study aims to obtain empirical evidence on the performance of educators (lecturers), especially on the main task of implementing education and learning. In addition to educators of this research will also analyze the performance of education personnel (employees) in performing the task of serving students at STIMI Banjarmasin The hypothesis is Hypotesis I, The performance of educators (lecturers) is good, and Hypothesis II, the performance of educational staff (employees) on STIMI Banjarmasin is good. Through questionnaires submitted to respondents with indicators of learning with 5 items of questions, skills with 4 items of questions, assessment and workload with 2 items of questions, guidance and counseling with 2 items of questions, and learning resources with 2 items of questions, for educators (lecturers ) As many as 23 people. As for the education personnel (employees) as many as 8 people, with the indicator of responsibility with 3 items of questions, quality with 3 items of questions, quantity with 2 items of questions, and discipline with 2 question items. The results showed that for the performance of educators (lecturers) showed good results, while the performance of educational personnel (employees) showed good results.Keyword : lecturer performance, employees performance

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Soim Soim

Empowerment activities are considered the most appropriate choice to prepare the educational personnel in an effort to answer the challenges of the times. This research used qualitative research. Data collection used participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis starts from reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Data validity is done by the extension of attendance, triangulation, peer discussion and clarification with the informant. The results of research, 1) leadership of the principal in the empowerment of educational personnel using situational approach, this is evidenced by the principal always guiding, fostering, and assist his subordinates in the development of himself; 2) The headmaster in motivating the empowerment of his/her education personnel has the right trick to give motivation to the education personnel in performing various duties and functions. 3) Principal Strategy as an effort of empowerment of education personnel, principals provide opportunities for education personnel to improve their profession through upgrading, training, seminars and workshops, continue the study, requirement plan of education personnel, provide motivation of educational staff, pay attention to the welfare of educational staff, implement cooperation with educational staff and companies or other institutions in the implementation of school programs, fostering discipline of educational personnel.Keywords: principal leadership, empowering educational staff

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-145
Efi Tri Astuti

As an effort to improve the quality of human resources, the development of human resources was important for the goverment to focus on improving the quality of education by provision learning processes with quality education personnel. This article aimed to discussed the principle management of educational staff of the Al-Qur'an perspective. This research was literature studies, namely by examining journals, books, research reports. The result showed that : (1) the Principle of Tawheed, covering the principle of unity of direction and unity of command; (2) Principles of justice and prosperity; (3) The principle of deliberation; (4) Principles of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity; (5) Disilpin principle, integrity and loyalty; (6) The principle of division of authority and responsibility; (7) Principle of Ukhuwah. An understanding of the management principle of the Al-Qur'an perspective in the management of Islamic education institutions will be able to contribute positively, including planning of education personnel, the process of recruitment, selection and placement, and the development of education personnel. Key words: Principle of Management, Educational Personnel, Al-Qur’an Perspektive

2020 ◽  
jesika yuelestari ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

all educators and education personnel have the same right to participate in the development and development activities. basically the teacher is a position of progression. as a bridge of the teacher's main task is to educate. teach. guide. directing. train. assess and evaluate students on the formal education pathway. career training for educational staff includes promotions and positions based on work performance and improvement in discipline The evaluation is carried out by the principal or a person / committee appointed / formed directly by the school principal.

2019 ◽  
Nila Frischa Panzola

This article describe about Administrative Educators and Educational Personnel 1. administration is as an activity or effort to help, serve, direct or manage all activities in achieving a goal.Then regarding educators where Educators are professionals who are tasked with planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, conducting mentoring and training, and conducting research and community service. And there is also a slight difference between education staff and educators where educational staff are members of the community who are dedicated and appointed to support the implementation of education, which includes educators.There are three points above that become our discussion namely regarding administration, educators, and education personnel, these are the main issues that will be discussed in our paper.

2019 ◽  
Syukri Ramadhani

Preparationannual, semi-annual, monthly and weekly work plans.Test preparationand exam schedules, preparation of book lists and learning tools to be used in activities forimprove student achievement, Prepare assessment norms, Record and report resultsstudent achievement activities. Preparation of schedules and planned learning activities at schoolclassrooms and outside classrooms. Data obtained by dividing the documents that must bemade with the number of lessons the teacher without coordination or discussion made in detail made byteacher so there is a possibility of dissent. Professional educators and education personnel are two professions that are interrelated in an education system, even though both have different scopes. This can be seen from the understanding of the teaching and educational staff contained in article 39 of Law no. 20 of 2003 paragraphs (1) and (2)By improving manufacturing systemsadministration curriculum.the quality of graduates in accordance with the expectations of parents, community and users of graduates. Administration is not only in financial matters but also in order in bookkeeping. not only done in a certain time, but every day systematically. The success of education in schools must be supported by regular, directed and planned school administration services.

2019 ◽  
Fadhil Naufan

This article describe about Administrative Educators and Educational Personnel. Administration can be interpreted as an activity or business to help, serve, direct or manage all activities in achieving a goal. Meanwhile, educators are professionals who are involved in the process of learning and teaching, evaluating learning outcomes, conducting coaching and training, and conducting research and community service. And education administration that supports administration, management, development, supervision, and technical services to support the education process in the education unit. The purpose of the education of educators and education personnel who support the education system is to provide eligibility for educators in carrying out their duties both as educators and nursing staff in schools. So, the education of educators and laborers is interrelated so that educational goals can be achieved.

2019 ◽  
septi putri dewi ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Administration of educators and education personnel is the overall process of the activities of educators to achieve educational goals effectively and efficiently. The administrative process of educators and education personnel is the provision of educational staff, placement and orientation. In this article the author uses the literature study method, by collecting material sourced from books, journals and others related to the administrative process of educators and education personnel. The purpose of this article is to fulfill structured assignments in the Administration and Supervision of Education courses. And it is knowledge especially for compilers and generally for readers, regarding the Administration of Educators and Education Personnel.

2019 ◽  
Nabila sarah hafni

administration function, if connected with the administration of educators, it can be interpreted that this is an effort to increase the effectiveness of teachers, lecturers, and others separately to achieve the goals of education itself. EducatorIn general, educators in Indonesia better known as teachers, are educational staff who participate in organizing education with special assignments as a teaching profession. Educators have other designations according to their specificities, namely teachers, lecturers, counselors, tutors, widyaiswara, tutors, instructors, facilitators. Whereas in Law No. 20 of 2003 CHAPTER XI educators and education staff article 39 says that educators are professionals who are tasked with planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, conducting mentoring and training, and conducting research and community service, especially for educators in tertiary institutions.Procurement of Educators and Education Personnel (PTK)Recruitment / procurement is a process of working for the right prospective employees in accordance with the requirements that have been specified in the classification of positions. Employee resources can be from the institution itself (internal) and from outside (external). Internal institutions, meaning that employees who will fill the vacancy are withdrawn from employees already in the organization concerned. Recruitment in this way is a career development effort, promotion of position in the same work environment, promotion of transfer to

2020 ◽  
Andinni ananda puteri

Educators are a profession in the sphere of education that helps in the learning process. For example: teachers, lecturers, counselors, and others. While educational staff is a profession that is an expert in the field of education. For example administrative staff, libraries, laboratories, and others. So it can be concluded that the administration of educators and education personnel is a design of activities in the management of services and educational development by a profession that is expert in their respective fields for the achievement of the educational goals to be implemented.

2020 ◽  
sinta amelia

Administration of educators and education personnel (CAR) is the overall process of educator activities which includes planning, organizing, directing, reporting, coordinating, monitoring and financing, using or utilizing available facilities, both personal, material, and spiritual, to effectively achieve educational goals and efficient. The PTK administration process begins with the provision of educational staff such as selection, subsequent placement, and orientation. The orientation aims to accelerate the adaptation period so that new teaching staff can work faster and better. An educator and educational staff for the welfare of his life are entitled to receive salary, benefits, and rewards for what he has done. There is a time when an educator and education personnel are allowed to not come to work (a few days) because of illness, childbirth and during the study period, etc. This paper is based on references in the bibliography.

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