e-CliniC ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Nia J. M. Lahida

Abstract: Spinal anesthesia is a regional anesthesia technique that is widely used in cesarean section surgery . The most common complication in spinal anesthesia is hypotension that occurs due to sympathetic block. It caused maternal hypotension and decreased uteroplacental perfusion and intervillous perfusion affecting the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, causing fetal intrauterine stress which can lower baby’s Apgar score. Low Apgar scores can be found in women who experienced a decrease in systolic pressure reaches 90-100 mmHg for 15 minutes. The duration of hypotension has greater effect on apgar score than the severity of the hypotension. Objective: To analyze the effect of maternal hypotension to Apgar score of babies born with spinal anesthesia by cesarean section in RSU Prof. . R. D. Kandou Manado. Hypothesis: Hypotension has effect on Apgar score of new born babies with spinal anesthesia by cesarean section. Duration of hypotension has greater influence than the severity of the hypotension. Methods: Collecting data from medical records of patients who experienced maternal hypotension. The criteria of hypotension is  when there is a decrease of systolic hypotension ≤ 100 mmHg. Noting the decreased systole, duration of hypotension, and Apgar scores. Results: Out of 32 samples, most babies which is 23 cases of them ( 72 % ) has decreased Apgar scores which were categorized into mild asphyxia , and 16 of them experienced interval of hypotension in 10 minutes. The longer the hypotension that occurs decrease the Apgar scores. Conclusion: Hypotension have an effect to Apgar score of the new born babies with spinal anesthesia by cesarean section. The duration of hypotension has greater effect on apgar score than the severity of the hypotension. Keywords: spinal anesthesia, Apgar scores, hypotension.   Abstrak: Anestesia spinal merupakan salah satu teknik anestesia regional yang banyak digunakan dalam operasi seksio sesarea. Komplikasi yang tersering pada anestesia spinal adalah hipotensi yang terjadi karena blok simpatis. Hipotensi maternal menyebabkan hipoperfusi dari uteroplasental dan penurunan perfusi intervillous yang mempengaruhi transfer oksigen dan nutrisi janin sehingga menyebabkan stress janin intra uterin yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi bayi lair dengan apgar skor yang rendah. Apgar skor rendah dapat ditemukan pada ibu yang mengalami penurunan tekanan sistolik yang mencapai 90 - 100 mmHg selama 15 menit. Faktor lamanya hipotensi lebih besar pengaruhnya daripada besarnya hipotensi. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh kejadian hipotensi ibu terhadap apgar skor bayi yang lahir secara seksio sesarea dengan anestesia spinal di RSU Prof. R. D. Kandou Manado. Hipotesis: Hipotensi berpengaruh terhadap apgar skor bayi yang lahir secara seksio sesarea dengan anestesia spinal. Lamanya hipotensi lebih besar pengaruhnya daripada besarnya hipotensi. Metode: Mengumpulkan data dari rekam medik dari pasien yang mengalami hipotensi maternal. Dikatakan hipotensi bila terjadi penurunan sistol ≤100 mmHg. Mencatat tekanan darah, lama hipotensi dan apgar skor. Hasil: Dari 32 sampel yang ada, sebagian besar bayi yang lahir yaitu sebanyak 23 kasus (72%) mengalami penurunan apgar skor dan dikategorikan dalam asfiksia ringan sedang, dan 16 diantaranya mengalami interval lama hipotensi 10 menit. Semakin lama hipotensi yang terjadi semakin menurun apgar skor. Simpulan: Hipotensi berpegaruh terhadap apgar skor bayi yang lahir secara seksio sesarea dengan anestesia spinal. Faktor lamanya hipotensi besar pengaruhnya terhadap apgar skor.Kata Kunci: anestesia spinal, apgar skor, hipotensi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-7
Alfathah Bania Lubis ◽  
Tatat Agustian ◽  
Djoni Kusumah Pohan ◽  
Alexander Siagian

Obesitas adalah keadaan tubuh yang terjadi akibat akumulasi lemak yang abnormal atau berlebih sehingga dapat menimbulkan banyak implikasi klinis dalam tatalaksana anestesi. Wanita hamil dengan berat badan lebih dan obesitas merupakan kondisi yang berisiko tinggi dan terbukti berhubungan dengan peningkatan komplikasi dalam kehamilan. Wanita dengan obesitas sangat penting diberikan edukasi untuk menurunkan berat badan dalam merencanakan kehamilan dan perlu diinformasikan tentang peningkatan risiko termasuk persalinan dengan bedah sesar. Seorang wanita 34 tahun G2P0A1 hamil 41 minggu dengan obesitas morbid dengan tinggi badan 156 cm dan berat badan 124 kg dengan nilai indeks massa tubuh (IMT) 50,9 kg/meter2. Pasien menjalani seksio sesarea dengan teknik anestesi spinal, dengan puncture di L3-4 median, menggunakan obat levobupivakain 15 mg + fentanyl 25 mcg. Operasi berlangsung 1 jam 15 menit, perdarahan 350 ml, hemodinamik stabil. Lahir bayi laki-laki, BB 3100 gram, PB 51 cm, APGAR score 8-9-10. Pemilihan teknik anestesi pada wanita hamil dengan obesitas yang akan menjalani seksio sesarea dilakukan dengan jenis anestesi regional yaitu anestesi spinal dengan pertimbangan dapat mengurangi terpaparnya obat-obatan terhadap bayi, mengurangi risiko aspirasi pneumonia dan memungkinkan proses lahirnya bayi dalam keadaan ibu sadar, dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi nyeri pasca operasi, dan juga dapat menghindari risiko bila dilakukan dengan teknik anestesi umum. Simpulan: Wanita hamil dengan berat badan lebih dan obesitas perlu penilaian kondisi dan perencanaan anestesi yang tepat untuk menurunkan risiko seksio sesarea   Spinal Anesthesia for Caesarean Section in Pregnant Woman with Morbid Obese Abstract Obesity is a state of the body that occurs due to abnormal or excess fat accumulation that can cause many clinical implications in the management of anesthesia. Overweight and obese pregnant women are at high risk and have been shown to be associated with increased complications in pregnancy. Obese women are very important to be educated to lose weight in planning pregnancy and need to be informed about increased risks including delivery by cesarean section. A female, 34 years old G2P0A1, 41 weeks pregnant with morbid obese, 156 cm tall and weight of 124 kg, with BMI 50,9 kg/meter2. Carried out in spinal anesthesia technique with puncture in L3-4 median, using levobupivacain 15 mg + fentanyl 25 mcg. The operation lasted for 1 hour and 15 minutes, with 350 ml bleeding, hemodynamically stable. Born a baby boy, BW 3100 gram, BL 51 cm, APGAR score 8-9-10. Anesthesia technique for pregnant woman with obese who will undergo Caesarean Section is regional anesthesia type called spinal anesthesia with consideration to reduce drug intake for baby, lessen chance of pneumonia aspiration and enable birth process while mother still awake, can be used for overcome post-operation pain, and to avoid risk if done by general anesthesia. Conclusion: overweight and obese pregnant women need proper condition assessment and anesthetic planning to reduce the risk of cesarean section.

2015 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Emilija Ivanov ◽  
Dafina Karadzova ◽  
Sotir Nikolovski ◽  
Atanas Sivevski ◽  
Kiro Curlinov ◽  

AbstractIntroduction. The number of caesarean sections has drastically increased and thus arose the idea to examine the effect of the type of anesthesia on the neonates. The objective was to compare vital parameters in the neonates, born under general and spinal anesthesia.Method. A total of 120 patients with need for caesarean section have been divided in two groups of 60, of which the first was lead in general and the second one in spinal anesthesia. The first one was given propophol (2.0-2.5 mg/kg/tt) and succinil colin (1-1.5 mg/kg/tt). The anesthesia was lead with fentanil 0,005 mg/kg/tt and rocuronium bromide 0.4-0.6 mg/kg/tt. O2:N2O was 3:3 l/min. The second group was lead in spinal anesthesia. 2-3 ml Bupivacain 0.5% was spinally applied between L2-L3. Apgar score was defined in the neonates in the first and fifth minutes. The acido-basic status of the neonate was examined through pH values in the blood and the base excess.Results. In the first minute after birth giving with Apgar, 8 newborns 37(61,67%) were born to the group of patients with SA and 29 (48.33%) to the group of patients with GA. In 11 (18.33%) newborns born to the patients led with SA had Apgar score of 9-10, while only 3 (5%) of the newborns born to the patients led with GA had Apgar score of 9-10. Similar ratio was noted in the fifth minute after birth. Ph of the newborns’ blood as well as the base excess (BE) demonstrated significantly lower values in the group of patients led with SA than in the group of patients led with GA. Ph = 7.33 vs 7.37; BE=-4.57±1.8 vs -2.96±2.3.Conclusion. The newborns from the second group had significantly higher Apgar scores than those in the first group. The newborns’ relative acidose (lower SpO2and BE) did not affect the newborns’ Apgar score in the first and fifth minute.

Isngadi Isngadi ◽  
Rudi Hartono ◽  
Dewi Puspitorini Husodo ◽  
Eka Sunarwidhi Prasedya

Background & Aims: Most of the women with cardiovascular diseases suffer from worsening of their clinical condition during pregnancy. It is caused by cardiovascular physiological changes during pregnancy and increased demand of oxygen-metabolic system. Spinal anesthesia is the most commonly used technique in cesarean section (CS) patients, but there are concerns about sudden hemodynamic decrease. We aimed to investigate the use of low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg combined with 50 μg fentanyl for caesarean section in patient with heart disease.Methodology: This study is a retrospective study in 33 patients with maternal heart disease undergoing CS under low dose spinal anesthesia in Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang Indonesia from September 2017 until September 2018. The spinal regimen was administered with 5 mg bupivacaine heavy 0.5% combined with 50 μg fentanyl. We evaluated the hemodynamic preoperative, post injection of spinal anesthetics, postdelivery, and at the end of surgery. We also evaluated Bromage score, Apgar score of the baby, and satisfaction level by the obstetrician.Results: Combination of low dose spinal and opioid for the CS delivery show no significant hypotension effects. Hemodynamic stabilization was achieved. Furthermore, target blocked was reached well in all cases, no significant changes in Apgar score of the baby, and obstetrician satisfied with motor relaxation.Conclusion: Low dose spinal anesthesia using 5 mg of bupivacaine heavy 0.5% and adjuvant opioid fentanyl 50 μg can be successfully used for the performance of CS delivery satisfactory block, good fetal outcome, and impressive cardiovascular stability.Citation: Husodo DP, Isngadi I, Hartono R, Prasedya ES. Low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine 5 mg combined with 50 mcg fentanyl for cesarean section in maternal heart disease. Anaesth pain & intensive care 2019;23(3):274-278

Vijaya P. Borkar Patil ◽  
Jayshree J. Upadhye

Background: Obstetric anesthetists need to face with the unique situation of providing anesthesia for caesarean sections, where they have to provide care for both the mother and the unborn baby. This study was performed in 100 women who underwent cesarean section, either elective or emergency to evaluate type of anesthesia, anesthetic complications and neonatal outcome.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in 100 women with singleton pregnancy undergoing cesarean section in the department of Anesthesiology in collaboration with department of Obstetrics and gynecology at Dr PDMMC and Hospital, Amravati from January 2017 to March 2018. Detailed information regarding medical and obstetric history, intrapartum course, postpartum complications diagnosed before hospital discharge, and infant outcome were collected directly from maternal and infant charts. Other details like age of the patient, parity, type of cesarean section and type of anesthesia was noted. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores and type of anesthesia was noted.Results: In our study, spinal anesthesia was given in 62 (62%) patients, epidural anesthesia was given in 20 (20%) patients, combined spinal-epidural anesthesia was given in 10 (10%) patients while general anesthesia was given in 8 (8%) patients. Anesthetic complications were less. About 10 (10%) patients had spinal headache, 4 (4%) patients had failed regional anesthesia, 2 (2%) patients had failed intubation while 2 (2%) patients had high spinal anesthesia. Babies of 96 (96%) patients had Apgar score at 5 minutes of more than 7 and babies of 4 (4%) patients had Apgar score at 5 minutes of less than 7. Only babies of 2 (2%) patients required intubation for resuscitation.Conclusions: This study provides strong evidence that the guidelines recommending regional block over GA for most cesarean section. It is beneficial for neonates as well as for mothers.

Ainur Rahmah ◽  
Arie Utariani ◽  
Achmad Basori

Introduction: spinal anesthesia block is one of anesthesia technique that  aims to block motor nerves resulting in paresis or anesthesia and paralysis or loss of muscle function in myotomes that are the same level as blocked dermatomes. Caesarean section is one of the surgical actions that are often performed mainly in birth cases. Besides that, the mechanism of the effects of giving birth to the operation of type B autonomic caesarean section autonomic nerve pronglion nerve which results in a decrease in the resistance of peripheral veins and peripheral vasodilatation which results in an imbalance in hemodynamics especially in blood pressure and heart rate and cause of hypotension. Vasopressor, fluid therapy, vasoconstrictor are given to reduce the toxicity of local anesthesia and to overcome hypotension. Objective: To determine hemodynamic changes (blood pressure and pulse) in spinal anesthesia block surgery patients with caesarean section at Dr Soetomo Hospital. Material and Method: This research is descriptive with a retrospective from January - March 2018, the sample taken with total sampling from secondary data from the central medical record at RSUD Dr. Soetomo. Results and Discussion: 68 samples were obtained from inclusion and exclusion criteria there was a change in blood pressure and pulse in patients with caesarean section with spinal anesthesia block with the addition of vasoconstrictors. There was a decrease in average systolic pressure 13.25, diastole 18.25 and pulse 4.5 and in no increase. There was a decrease in average systolic pressure 11.9286, diastole 13.8929 and pulse 5.6429 and no addition of p> 0.05 the two are not significantly different. Conclusion: addition of adrenaline to spinal anesthesia in caesarean section patients was not cause significant hemodynamic (blood pressure and heart rate) changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Ali Mohammadzadeh Jouryabi ◽  
Seyedeh Hajar Sharami ◽  
Mandana Mansour Ghanaie ◽  
Abbas Sedighinejad ◽  
Vali Imantalab ◽  

Background: Shivering frequently occurs in cesarean section (CS) under spinal anesthesia (SA), resulting in several complications. To date, pethidine has been considered as the gold standard for post-SA shivering control, but it is contraindicated in breastfeeding women. Methods: This randomized, double-blind study was conducted at Alzahra hospital in Guilan, Iran, From January 2019 to November 2020. A total of 508 eligible term parturient women were enrolled and randomly divided into four groups of low dose ketamine (K), tramadol (T), ondansetron (O), and placebo (P). The incidence and severity of shivering and patients’ complications were recorded and compared among the groups. Results: The patients were homogenous in terms of demographic variables. Shivering was witnessed in 68 (53.5%), 26 (20.5%), 75 (59.1%), and 82 (64.6%) patients in K, T, O, and P groups, respectively (P = 0.0001). Regarding shivering severity, there was a significant difference among the four groups (P = 0.0001). In addition, a significant difference was seen regarding Apgar scores at the first minute, but not at the fifth minute (P = 0.168). Conclusions: Considering the high incidence of shivering in placebo group, prophylactic intervention in CS under SA seems to be necessary. Among the studied drugs, tramadol was the most effective one, followed by a low dose of ketamine and ondansetron.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (4) ◽  
pp. 1183-87
Syed Khurram Naseer ◽  
Aijaz Ali ◽  
Shizan Hamid Feroz ◽  
Dr Danish ◽  
Amir Sohail

Objective: To compare patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal and general anesthesia in terms of neonatal APGAR scores and patient satisfaction. Study Design: Comparative cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Departments of Anesthesia and Gynecology and Obstetrics, Combined Military Hospital Peshawar, for six months from Mar to Aug 2019. Methodology: In this study, 120 females with a singleton pregnancy of 36-40 weeks, and requiring a non-emergency elective cesarean section were enrolled through consecutive sampling in the study. The patients were randomly allocated into two equal groups of 60 women each through random table numbers. Group A received spinal anesthesia and group B general anesthesia. APGAR score was assessed at 5 minutes after delivery, and score of ≥7 was taken as satisfactory. Patient's satisfaction level regarding anesthesia was recorded on a visual analogue scale of 0 (extremely unsatisfied) to 10 (completely satisfied), and score of ≥7 was taken as satisfactory. Results: Women receiving general anesthesia were more satisfied as compared to receiving spinal anesthesia (95% vs. 78.3%; p-value 0.007). There was no significant difference in terms of APGAR scores in general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia (83.33% versus 90%; p-value 0.283). Conclusion: After an elective caesarean section, more mothers were satisfied after receiving general anesthesia as compared to spinal anesthesia. However, both types of anaesthesia were found to be equally safe for babies born in terms of APGAR scores at 5 minutes.

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