2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Irsan . ◽  
Yusthinus T. Male ◽  
Debby A. J. Selanno

Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni merupakan dua sungai tempat beroperasinya trommel untuk pengolahan material emas Gunung Botak dan Gogrea. Melalui aliran sungai, limbah merkuri hasil pengolahan trommel terangkut dan terbawa ke muara yang pada akhirnya akan mencemari perairan laut Teluk Kayeli. Kerang Polymesoda erosa merupakan salah satu jenis kerang yang sering digunakan dalam pemantauan logam berat merkuri, terutama pada wilayah muara sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar logam berat merkuri(Hg) pada air, sedimen dan kerang Polymesoda erosadi Muara Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni Kabupaten Buru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada air di Muara Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni tidak terdeteksi di semua stasiun penelitian dan dibawah baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut berdasarkan Kepmen LH No. 51 Tahun 2004 sebesar 0,001 ppm. Konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada sedimenmemilikikisaranrata­ratasebesar0,134­0,874ppm dan dibawah baku mutu sedimen berdasarkan ANZECC/AMRCANZ (2000) sebesar 1,0 ppm. Konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada kerang Polymesoda erosamemilikikisaranrata­ratasebesar0,123­0,206 ppm dan dibawah Batasan Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat Dalam Pangan merujuk pada Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) No. 7387 Tahun 2009 sebesar 1,0 ppmABSTRACT The Waelata River and the Anahoni River are the two rivers where trommel operates for the processing of gold material from Gunung Botak and Gogrea. By the river, mercury waste from the processing of trommel is transported through estuary which will ultimately pollute the waters of the Kayeli Bay. Polymesoda erosa shells are one type of shellfish that is often used in monitoring heavy metals of mercury, especially in the estuary region. This study aims to analyze the concentration of heavy metal mercury (Hg) in water, sediments and Polymesoda erosa shells in the Waelata River and Anahoni River in Buru Regency. The results showed that the concentration of mercury heavy metals in water in the Waelata River and Anahoni River were not detected at all research stations and were below sea water quality standard for marine biota based on Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004 which is 0.001 ppm. The concentration of mercury heavy metals in sediments has an average range of 0.1340.887 ppm and is below the sediment quality standard based on ANZECC/AMRCANZ (2000) of 1.0 ppm. The concentration of mercury heavy metals in Polymesoda erosa shells has an average range of 0.1230.206 mg/kg and under the Maximum Limit of Heavy Metal Contamination in Food refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) No. 7387 of 2009 which is 1.0 ppm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Rosye H.R. Tanjung ◽  
Suwito Suwito ◽  
Vita Purnamasari ◽  
Suharno Suharno

Kebutuhan bahan pangan sangat tergantung pada ketersediaanya di lingungan. Bahan pangan yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari harus sehat dan bebas dari bahan pencemar, termasuk logam berat. Ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) sering dijumpai pada kawasan muara sungai di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia, bahkan di Papua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kandungan logam berat Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, As, dan Hg pada ikan kakap putih (L. calcarifer) yang hidup di perairan estuari Mimika Papua. Perairan estuari di Mimika diketahui sebagai salah satu daerah pengendapan pasir sisa tambang (tailing). Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan analisis laboratorium kandungan logam berat pada tubuh ikan. Analisis Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, As, dan Hg ditentukan dengan spektroskopi serapan atom (AAS, Atomic Absorpsion Spectroscopy). Penentuan tingkat pencemaran logam berat dilakukan dengan Metode Standar APHA 3113 Cetac Technologies SPR IDA. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan kandungan logam berat dalam air dengan baku mutu air laut menurut SK MNLH No. 51 tahun 2004. Untuk kandungan logam berat pada organ tubuh ikan dibandingkan dengan kandungan maksimum logam berat berdasarkan SNI 7387: 2009 tentang batas maksimum cemaran logam berat bahan pangan. Kandungan logam berat pada ikan kakap putih masih tergolong aman dikonsumsi karena mengandung logam berat di bawah ambang batas baku mutu. Kondisi ini didukung oleh hasil analisis logam berat pada air yang menunjukkan masih dalam kondisi baik.   Kata kunci: L. calcarifer, logam berat, Sungai Kamora, Sungai Ajkwa, Mimika.   The need for food depends on the availability in the environment. Foods needed to meet daily needs should be healthy and free of pollutants, including heavy metals. White snapper (Lates calcarifer) is often found in the estuary of the river in almost all parts of Indonesia, even in Papua. The purpose of this research is to study the heavy metal content of Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, As, and Hg on white snapper (L. calcarifer) which live in Mimika Papua estuary waters. The estuary waters of Mimika are known as one of the deposition areas of tailings sand. The method used is survey and laboratory analysis of heavy metal content in fish body. Analysis of Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Hg was determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Determination of the level of heavy metal contamination was done by Standard Method of APHA 3113 Cetac Technologies SPR IDA. Data analysis was done by comparing the heavy metal content in water with sea water quality standard according to SK MNLH No. 51 year 2004. For heavy metal content in fish body organs compared with maximum content of heavy metals based on SNI 7387: 2009 on the maximum limit of heavy metal food contamination. The content of heavy metals in white snapper is still considered safe for consumption because its below the quality standard threshold. This condition is supported by the results of heavy metal analysis on the water which shows still in good condition. Key words: L. calcarifer, heavy metal, Kamora River, Ajkwa River, Mimika.

Md. Matiar Rahman ◽  
Md. Mahedi Hassan

The present study was conducted to figure out the heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn) concentrations in water, sediments and fish species from the Rupsha River, Khulna, Bangladesh to spot the heavy metal contamination level. Heavy metals are dangerous because they're non-biodegradable and having an extended half-life period. The heavy metal contamination could also be an excellent concern, especially for aquatic life. The metal concentration within the water sample from the Rupsha River was significantly above the rule values of WHO and USEPA respectively. Moreover, the concentration of metal within the sediments was also greater than the respective probable effect concentrations of the sediment quality guidelines. Furthermore, consistent with the fish standards, these studied fish species weren't found to be contaminated by heavy metals. It’s concluded that each of the heavy metals from the whole sample didn't exceed the standard maximum level. This study demonstrated that water of Rupsha River isn't safe for aquatic organisms also like humans in terms of Pb, Cd and Cr contents as accumulated through consumption.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-45
A. A. Istri Mirah Dharmadewi

This research was conducted to determine the content of heavy metals lead (Pb) and  Cadmium (Cd) in green shells circulating in the kreneng market. Samples of green shells were taken from the kreneng market, Bali. Then analysis of the content of lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in the Analytical Laboratory of Udayana University. Samples of green mussels (Perna viridis L.) Were opened from the shell to take the meat. Furthermore, the sample is mashed by chopping and pounding and put into erlenmeyer. Each sample was given 3 repetitions using the factorial pattern RAL. Then with a wet ashing process (wet destruction). The results showed that the heavy metal content of lead and cadmium in green mussels (Perna viridis L.) Exceeded the maximum limit of heavy metal contamination. The heavy metal content of lead (Pb) shellfish taken at the Kreneng Market is 29.595 mg / kg while the heavy metal content of cadmium (Cd) taken at the Kreneng market is 3.41 mg / kg the result of the heavy metal content analyzed exceeds the predetermined by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 699
Tengku Said Raza’i ◽  
Thamrin Thamrin ◽  
Nofrizal Nofrizal ◽  
Viktor Amrifo ◽  
Hilfi Pardi ◽  

Background: Heavy metals are materials naturally occurring in nature and increase with a rise in human activity. Ex-mining areas and domestic waste from human settlements are sources of heavy metal contamination that enter and pollute water, which then accumulates in various organisms including the Caulerpa racemosa community. The accumulation of heavy metals in C. racemosa has a wide impact on the food chain in aquatic ecosystems and humans because this alga is a consumptive commodity.   Methods: Sampling of C. racemosa was carried out at seven sites on Bintan Island, Indonesia covering the eastern (Teluk Bakau, Beralas Pasir, Malang Rapat), northern (Berakit and Pengudang), western (Sakera), and southern parts (Tg. Siambang). Sampling was carried out during different monsoons, and heavy metals in water and sediment samples were measured to determine the heavy metal concentration. Heavy metals were analyzed by a spectrophotometric method using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.   Results: The results showed that heavy metal concentrations fluctuate according to changes in the wind season, which carry currents and spread pollutants into the water. The concentration of metal in the water is also from anthropogenic activities. The heavy metal content of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in C. racemosa is high in locations close to settlements. Meanwhile, in seawater samples, Fe and Zn metals have the highest concentrations compared to others.  Conclusions: Ex-bauxite mines are a source of Fe and Zn metal contamination in the environment, especially at Tg. Siambang. The levels of these heavy metals in the sediment are also high, as surface particle deposits accumulate at the bottom of the sediment. In general, the levels of heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe, and Zn increase in the northern monsoon because the dynamics of the water transport greater heavy metal pollution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Baskoro Rochaddi ◽  
Agus Sabdono ◽  
Muhammad Zainuri

The present study was performed to assess the level of heavy metal contamination in shallow groundwater of Pati and Rembang coastal areas. Groundwater sample analysis indicated that Mercury and Arsenic were detected in the groundwater samples in the range 0.004 µg L-1 and 0.115-0.310 µg L-1 , respectively. Compared to the standard limits of the heavy metals contents in the water sample by World Health Organization (WHO) limits and Indonesian Drinking and Domestic Water Quality Standard for Ground Water (IWQS), groundwater of Semarang and Demak Coastal Areas was contaminated with heavy metals. This study has confirmed the presence of heavy metal contamination of some shallow groundwater supplies in the coastal areas of Semarang and Demak.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai tingkat kontaminasi logam berat di air tanah dangkal di wilayah pantai Pati dan Rembang. Analisis sampel air tanah menunjukkan bahwa Merkurius dan Arsenik terdeteksi dalam sampel air tanah dalam kisaran 0,004 μg L-1 dan 0,115-0,310 μg L-1, masing-masing. Dibandingkan dengan batas standar kadar logam berat dalam sampel air oleh batas Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) dan Standar Kualitas Air Minum dan Domestik Indonesia untuk Air Tanah (IWQS), air tanah Wilayah Semarang dan Demak telah terkontaminasi dengan logam berat. Studi ini telah mengkonfirmasi adanya kontaminasi logam berat dari beberapa pasokan air tanah dangkal di wilayah pesisir Semarang dan Demak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tri Muji Susantoro ◽  
Ariani Andayani

<strong>Heavy Metal Contamination in the Coastal Area of Tanjung Selor North Kalimantan.</strong> The establishment of the North Kalimantan Province transformed the Tanjung Selor region and its surroundings into the provincial capital so that it will grow rapidly, both in terms of development and other activities. Monitoring environmental conditions, one of which is heavy metals in the waters need to be carried out as a starting environment before the area develops. This is important given the nature of heavy metals that change toxic at concentrations that exceed the threshold. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential for heavy metal contamination in the coastal area of Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province. Heavy metals studied is limiting to mercury (Hg), Chromium (Cr), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn). The location of the sampling was carried out using Landsat 8 imagery designed to represent the condition of the coastal area. Samples come from well water, river water, seawater, and marine sediments at 4, 9 and 5 observation stations respectively. Samples were taken on August 2014  using the grab sample method and analyzed for heavy metal content using the standard American Public Health Association (APHA) method with the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) instrument. Of the 23 samples produced, only 3 observation stations were not contaminated with heavy metals. While in the other 20 samples one of three types of heavy metals were found that exceeded the threshold. In general, Cu is the most detected metal exceeding the threshold in the study area found in samples of river water, sea water and sediment. Zn is found to exceed the threshold in well water. Pb is found to exceed the threshold in sample 5 of river water. Cd is found to exceed the threshold in samples of river water, sea water and sediment. The source of pollution is thought to originate from coal mining activities, oil palm plantations, and household waste. The overall results of this study show that river estuaries tend to accumulate heavy metals.

Sangeetha Annam ◽  
Anshu Singla

Abstract: Soil is a major and important natural resource, which not only supports human life but also furnish commodities for ecological and economic growth. Ecological risk has posed a serious threat to the ecosystem by the degradation of soil. The high-stress level of heavy metals like chromium, copper, cadmium, etc. produce ecological risks which include: decrease in the fertility of the soil; reduction in crop yield & degradation of metabolism of living beings, and hence ecological health. The ecological risk associated, demands the assessment of heavy metal stress levels in soils. As the rate of stress level of heavy metals is exponentially increasing in recent times, it is apparent to assess or predict heavy metal contamination in soil. The assessment will help the concerned authorities to take corrective as well as preventive measures to enhance the ecological and hence economic growth. This study reviews the efficient assessment models to predict soil heavy metal contamination.

Made Rahayu Kusumadewi ◽  
I Wayan Budiarsa Suyasa ◽  
I Ketut Berata

Tukad Badung River is one of the potential contamination of heavy metal sare very highin the city of Denpasar. Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) isa commonspecies of fish found in the river and became the object of fishing by the public. The fish is usually consume das a food ingredient forever yangler. Fish can be used as bio-indicators of chemical contamination in the aquatic environment. Determination of heavy metal bioconcentration and analysis of liver histopathology gills organs and muscles is performed to determine the content of heavy metals Pb, Cd, and Cr+6, and the influence of heavy metal exposure to changes in organ histopathology Tilapia that live in Tukad Badung. In this observational study examined the levels of heavy metal contamination include Pb, Cd and Cr+6 in Tilapia meat with AAS method (Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometric), and observe the histopathological changes in organ preparations gills, liver, and muscle were stained with HE staining (hematoxylin eosin). Low Pb content of the fish that live in Tukad Badung 0.8385 mg/kg and high of 20.2600 mg/kg. The content of heavy metals Pb is above the quality standards specified in ISO 7378 : 2009 in the amount of 0.3 mg / kg. The content of Cr+6 low of 1.1402 mg / kg and the highest Cr+6 is 6.2214 mg / kg. The content of Cr+6 is above the quality standards established in the FAO Fish Circular 764 is equal to 1.0 mg / kg. In fish with Pb bioconcentration of 0.8385 mg / kg and Cr+6 of 1.1402 mg / kg was found that histopathological changes gill hyperplasia and fusion, the liver was found degeneration, necrosis, and fibrosis, and in muscle atrophy found. Histopathologicalchangessuch asedema and necrosis ofthe liveris foundin fishwith Pb bioconcentration of 4.5225mg/kg and Cr+6 amounted to2.5163mg/kg. Bio concentration of heavy metal contamination of lead (Pb) and hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) on Tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus ) who lives in Tukad Badung river waters exceed the applicable standard. Histopathological changes occur in organs gills, liver, and muscle as a result of exposure to heavy metals lead and hexavalent chromium. Advised the people not to eat Tilapia that live in Tukad Badung

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 3348
Min Tan ◽  
Kun Wang ◽  
Zhou Xu ◽  
Hanghe Li ◽  
Junfeng Qu

Heavy metals accumulate in high water table coal mining subsidence ponds, resulting in heavy metal enrichment and destruction of the ecological environment. In this study, subsidence ponds with different resource reutilization methods were used as study subjects, and non-remediated subsidence ponds were collectively used as the control region to analyze the heavy metal distributions in water bodies, sediment, and vegetation. The results revealed the arsenic content in the water bodies slightly exceeded Class III of China’s Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water. The lead content in water inlet vegetation of the control region and the Anguo wetland severely exceeded limits. Pearson’s correlation, PCA, and HCA analysis results indicated that the heavy metals at the study site could be divided into two categories: Category 1 is the most prevalent in aquaculture pond B and mainly originate from aquaculture. Category 2 predominates in control region D and mainly originates from atmospheric deposition, coal mining, and leaching. In general, the degree of heavy metal contamination in the Anguo wetland, aquaculture pond, and fishery–solar hybrid project regions is lower than that in the control region. Therefore, these models should be considered during resource reutilization of subsidence ponds based on the actual conditions.

Diana FLORESCU ◽  
Andreea IORDACHE ◽  
Claudia SANDRU ◽  
Elena HORJ ◽  
Roxana IONETE ◽  

As a result of accidental spills or leaks, industrial wastes may enter in soil and in streams. Some of the contaminants may not be completely removed by treatment processes; therefore, they could become a problem for these sources. The use of synthetic products (e.g. pesticides, paints, batteries, industrial waste, and land application of industrial or domestic sludge) can result in heavy metal contamination of soils.

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