ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research was to study the effect of pumpkin flour (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) and soybean sprout flour (Glycine max L. Merr) substitution on organoleptic assessment, nutritional content and nutritional contribution of biscuit products. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with various percentages of pumpkin flour and soybean sprouts flour substitution treatment, namely T0 (100%: 0% : 0%), T1 (50% : 45% : 5%), T2 (50% : 40% : 10%), T3 (50% : 35% : 15%), T4 (50% : 30% : 20%), and T5 (50% : 25% : 25%). The results show the substitution of pumpkin flour and soybean sprouts flour had a very significant effect on the characteristics of color, aroma, taste, and texture. T1 treatment was the most preferred by the panelists with preference scores of color, aroma, taste, and texture reached 3.56 (like), 3.40 (slightly like), 3.52 (like), and 3.64 (like), respectively. Meanwhile, the descriptive scale rating shows the panelists’ preference scores of color, aroma, and texture reached 3.62 (brown-yellow), 3.42 (slight aroma of pumpkin and soybeans sprouts), and 3.02 (slightly hard), respectively. The selected product contained 11.91% protein, 3.62% ash, 17.98% fat, 57.46 % carbohydrate, and 9.00% water. Based on the RDA for the interlude meal, the energy contribution of the T1 treatment was 122.90 kcal. The T1 treatment biscuit product was preferred by panelists. The protein and fat contents of the product met the national standard for biscuits. Keywords: substitution, pumpkin flour, soybean sprout flour, biscuitsABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh substitusi tepung labu kuning (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) dan tepung kecambah kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr) terhadap penilaian organoleptik, kandungan gizi dan kontibusi zat gizi produk biskuit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan berbagai presentase perlakuan substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung kecambah kedelai yaitu T0 (100% : 0% : 0%), T1 (50% : 45% : 5%, T2 (50% : 40% : 10%), T3 (50% : 35% : 15%), T4 (50% : 30% : 20%) dan T5 (50% : 25% : 25%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung kecambah kedelai berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap karakteristik warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Perlakuan T1 merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai panelis dengan skor penilain kesukaan terhadap warna sebesar 3,56 (suka), aroma sebesar 3,40 (agak suka), rasa sebesar 3,52 (suka) dan tekstur sebesar 3,64 (suka), sedangkan penilaian skala deskriptif yang disukai panelis terhadap parameter warna sebesar 3,62 (Kuning kecoklatan), aroma sebesar 3,42 (agak berbau khas labu kuning dan kecambah kedelai) dan untuk tekstur sebesar 3,02 (agak keras). Kadar protein sebesar 11,91%, kadar abu 3,62%, kadar lemak 17,98%, kadar karbohidrat 57,46% dan kadar air sebesar 9,00%. Berdasarkan AKG makanan selingan kontribusi energi perlakuan T1 yaitu 122,90 kkal. Produk biskuit perlakuan T1 dapat diterima dan lebih disukai panelis. Kadar air, abu dan karbohidrat tidak memenuhi standar SNI biskuit, sedangkan kadar protein dan lemak telah memenuhi standar SNI biskuit.Kata kunci: substitusi, tepung labu kuning, tepung kecambah kedelai, biskuit