national standard
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
A. D. Mulia ◽  
E. Taufik ◽  
A. Atabany

North Bandung Cattle Ranching Cooperative (KPSBU) Lembang is a single primary business cooperative that acts as a distributor of fresh milk produced by cows owned by its member breeders. The distribution of fresh milk from farmers to cooperatives is a movement of material flow from suppliers to factories known as inbound logistics. This study was aimed to analyze the inbound logistics performance of fresh milk at KPSBU Lembang, its value added for the farmer, as well as the nutritional and microbiological quality. SCOR-AHP was used to analyse inbound logistics performance. The Hayami method was used to analyse value added of fresh milk for the farmer. Fresh milk quality indicators were total solid, protein, fat, pH, specific gravity and total plate count. Obtained data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that fresh milk inbound logistics performance at KPSBU Lembang was 92.77% (above average). The added value obtained by breeders based on concentrate input amounted to Rp. 8.464 per cow with a value-added ratio of 73.83%. The quality of fresh milk during inbound logistics fulfilled national standard SNI 3141.1.2011.

N. V. Kosikova ◽  
M. S. Bunin

The findings of monitoring of repertoire of and demand for library and information services (document, reference, bibliographic awareness, cultural and educational services) are discussed. The mentioned services are available through the CSAL website. The types and forms of services are analyzed, their place and demand for them are discussed. The focus is made on the online services providing access of in-house information resources, e. g. e-libraries, e-catalogs, virtual exhibitions, etc. The terminological analysis of services titles as compared to the new national standard of library information services was executed. It was revealed that the services titles meet the standardized terms and definitions. The degrees of demand for difference services are estimated as active, fluctuating and decreasing. To improve library and bibliographic services and information support of science for agro-industrial complex, the authors recommend: to study products and services of unstable and decreasing demand, to load explicit list of services in the Information Services section, to design scientist personal accounts, to make it possible for the users to take part in selecting documents for digitization and to receive e-newsletter on new library acquisitions, etc. The authors conclude that CSAL provide the wide range of library information services which is essential to increase accessibility and friendliness of Library-generated information products, to improve information support of research in agricultural industries. The findings will be used in planning user library and information services. It is imperative that user services are monitored and user demands are analyzed.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261458
Dong Wei ◽  
Xinxin Zhang ◽  
Chunying Li ◽  
Min Zhao ◽  
Li Wei

Alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) flooding technology is used to maximize crude oil recovery. However, the extensive use of alkaline materials makes it difficult to treat the water used. Here, an improved multi-zone anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) using FeSO4 as electron acceptor was employed to treat the wastewater from ASP flooding technology, and the effects on major pollutants (hydrolyzed polyacrylamide, petroleum substances, surfactants suspended solids) and associated parameters (chemical oxygen demand, viscosity) were evaluated. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to follow the degradation and evolution of organic compounds while high-throughput DNA sequencing was used to determine the bacterial diversity in the ABR. The results obtained after 90 d of operation showed decreases in all parameters measured and the highest mean removal rates were obtained for petroleum substances (98.8%) and suspended solids (77.0%). Amounts of petroleum substances in the ABR effluent could meet the requirements of a national standard for oilfield reinjection water. GC-MS analysis showed that a wide range of chemicals (e.g. aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, alcohols, ketones) could be sequentially removed from the influent by each zone of ABR. The high-throughput DNA sequencing showed that the bacteria Micropruina, Saccharibacteria and Synergistaceae were involved in the degradation of pollutants in the anaerobic and anoxic reaction zones, while Rhodobacteraceae and Aliihoeflea were the main functional microorganisms in the aerobic reaction zones. The results demonstrated that the improved ABR reactor had the potential for the treatment of wastewater from ASP flooding technology.

2022 ◽  
Zeinab Rezaei ◽  
Saeid Khanzadi ◽  
Ehsan Shamloo ◽  
Amir Salari

Abstract Water quality is the most important factor for consumers because it has a significant impact on their health. So, monitoring and controlling water quality is of particular significance in different human communities such as universities. In this study, the physicochemical parameters such as turbidity, electrical conductivity, hardness, alkalinity, calcium and magnesium ions, and heavy metals including lead, cadmium, nickel, arsenic, and chromium in drinking water were determined in nine Iranian universities. Then, the efficacy of several treatment methods was evaluated in the removal of heavy metal, including the boiling process in two stages: 5 minutes boiling and 5 hours boiling and filtration process. The results revealed that the physicochemical quality of drinking water in all universities was appropriate. Hardness levels in drinking water samples of all universities were higher than the WHO standards. However, this parameter was lower than the national standard of Iran (500 mg/l). Nevertheless, cadmium content was not detected in any samples, nickel content was below the permissible limit, and chromium content was below the permissible limit in all samples. However, its value was higher than the allowable limit in the university with a code of 6. Lead content was higher than the limit in samples with codes 3, 5-1, and 5-4, and arsenic content was higher than the limit in samples with codes 6, 1-1, 1-2, and 2. Water purification methods, including boiling and water purifier, were satisfactory and significantly reduced pollutants. According to the present study, it is suggested to check drinking water quality in universities randomly, and the 5-minute boiling method can be recommended as a cost-effective solution for water purification.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Yuyun Dwi Lestari ◽  
Ansharullah Ansharullah ◽  
Kobajashi T Isamu

ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to determine the effect yellow sweet potato flour (Ipomoea batatas L) and skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) addition on the nutritional and sensory values of biscuit products. This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) method with various formulation treatments, namely K0 (100% wheat flour), K1 (75% yellow sweet potato flour: 5% fish meat: 20% wheat flour), K2 (70% yellow sweet potato flour: 10% fish meat: 20% wheat flour), K3 (65% yellow sweet potato flour: 15% fish meat: 20% wheat flour), and K4 (60% yellow sweet potato flour: 20% fish meat: 20% wheat flour). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, with further testing using Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) at a 95% confidence level. The results show that the K1 treatment was the most preferred treatment by the panelists with hedonic rating scores of color, aroma, taste, and texture reached 4.34 (like), 4.16 (like), 4.13 (like), and 4.09 (like), respectively. Nutritional value analysis of the selected K1 biscuit products shows that it contained 6.87% water, 2.83% ash, 26.17% fat, 6.58% protein, and 57.83% carbohydrates. The biscuit product with the addition of yellow sweet potato flour and skipjack fish meat met the national standard for fat and protein contents. Keyword: Biscuit, yellow sweet potato flour, skipjack meatABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan penambahan tepung ubi jalar kuning (Ipomoea batatas L) dan daging ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) terhadap nilai gizi dan sensorik produk biskuit. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan berbagai perlakuan formulasi, yaitu K0 (Tepung terigu 100%), K1 (Tepung ubi jalar kuning 75% : daging ikan 5% : tepung terigu 20%), K2 (Tepung ubi jalar kuning 70% : daging ikan 10% : tepung terigu 20%), K3 (Tepung ubi jalar kuning 65% : daging ikan 15% : tepung terigu 20%), K4 (Tepung ubi jalar kuning 60% : daging ikan 20% : tepung terigu 20%). Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam (analysis of varian), dengan uji lanjut menggunakan duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakukan K1 merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai oleh panelis dengan skor penilain hedonik warna 4,34 (suka), aroma 4,16 (suka), rasa 4,13 (suka) dan tekstur 4,09 (suka). Analisis nilai gizi produk biskuit terpilih K1 meliputi kadar air (6,87),abu (2,83), lemak (26,17), protein (6,58) dan karbohidrat (57,83). Berdasarkan standar mutu SNI biskuit, bahwa produk biskuit penambahan tepung ubi jalar kuning dan daging ikan cakalang sudah memenuhi standar mutu SNI untuk kadar lemak dan kadar protein.Kata kunci: Biskuit,ubi jalar kuning, daging ikan cakalang lumat

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Wa Ode Nurul Maulidya Koila ◽  
La Karimuna ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research was to study the effect of pumpkin flour (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) and soybean sprout flour (Glycine max L. Merr) substitution on organoleptic assessment, nutritional content and nutritional contribution of biscuit products. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with various percentages of pumpkin flour and soybean sprouts flour substitution treatment, namely T0 (100%: 0% : 0%), T1 (50% : 45% : 5%), T2 (50% : 40% : 10%), T3 (50% : 35% : 15%), T4 (50% : 30% : 20%), and T5 (50% : 25% : 25%). The results show the substitution of pumpkin flour and soybean sprouts flour had a very significant effect on the characteristics of color, aroma, taste, and texture. T1 treatment was the most preferred by the panelists with preference scores of color, aroma, taste, and texture reached 3.56 (like), 3.40 (slightly like), 3.52 (like), and 3.64 (like), respectively. Meanwhile, the descriptive scale rating shows the panelists’ preference scores of color, aroma, and texture reached 3.62 (brown-yellow), 3.42 (slight aroma of pumpkin and soybeans sprouts), and 3.02 (slightly hard), respectively. The selected product contained 11.91% protein, 3.62% ash, 17.98% fat, 57.46 % carbohydrate, and 9.00% water. Based on the RDA for the interlude meal, the energy contribution of the T1 treatment was 122.90 kcal. The T1 treatment biscuit product was preferred by panelists. The protein and fat contents of the product met the national standard for biscuits. Keywords: substitution, pumpkin flour, soybean sprout flour, biscuitsABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh substitusi tepung labu kuning (Cucurbita Moschata Duch) dan tepung kecambah kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr) terhadap penilaian organoleptik, kandungan gizi dan kontibusi zat gizi produk biskuit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan berbagai presentase perlakuan substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung kecambah kedelai yaitu T0 (100% : 0% : 0%), T1 (50% : 45% : 5%, T2 (50% : 40% : 10%), T3 (50% : 35% : 15%), T4 (50% : 30% : 20%) dan T5 (50% : 25% : 25%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung kecambah kedelai berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap karakteristik warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Perlakuan T1 merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai panelis dengan skor penilain kesukaan terhadap warna sebesar 3,56 (suka), aroma sebesar 3,40 (agak suka), rasa sebesar 3,52 (suka) dan tekstur sebesar 3,64 (suka), sedangkan penilaian skala deskriptif yang disukai panelis terhadap parameter warna sebesar 3,62 (Kuning kecoklatan), aroma sebesar 3,42 (agak berbau khas labu kuning dan kecambah kedelai) dan untuk tekstur sebesar 3,02 (agak keras). Kadar protein sebesar 11,91%, kadar abu 3,62%, kadar lemak 17,98%, kadar karbohidrat 57,46% dan kadar air sebesar 9,00%. Berdasarkan AKG makanan selingan kontribusi energi perlakuan T1 yaitu 122,90 kkal. Produk biskuit perlakuan T1 dapat diterima dan lebih disukai panelis. Kadar air, abu dan karbohidrat tidak memenuhi standar SNI biskuit, sedangkan kadar protein dan lemak telah memenuhi standar SNI biskuit.Kata kunci: substitusi, tepung labu kuning, tepung kecambah kedelai, biskuit

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 325
Shuo Shang ◽  
Haihong Fan ◽  
Yuxiang Li ◽  
Lin Li ◽  
Zhou Li

SiC was chosen as the foaming agent, and river bottom silt, waste oil sludge, paint bucket slag, and fly ash were used as raw materials, to prepare lightweight ceramsite without adding any chemical additives. The effects of SiC dosing and sintering temperature on various properties of the ceramsite were studied, and the pore-forming mechanism of the lightweight ceramsite was clarified by thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis. The results showed that the single ceramsite compressive strength, water absorption, bulk density, and porosity of ceramsite sintered at 1180 °C with 1.0% SiC were 2.15 MPa, 2.02%, 490 kg/m3, and 23.85%, respectively. The major mineralogical compositions were quartz, fayalite, and kyanite, with small amounts of albite-low from 1140 to 1190 °C. Furthermore, the concentration of all tested heavy metals from ceramsite was lower than the maximum allowable concentration of the leaching solution specified in the Chinese national standard (GB 5085.3-2007), which reveals that this solid waste ceramsite will not cause secondary environmental pollution. The prepared ceramsite, exhibiting lower bulk density, high water absorption and porosity, and effective solidification of deleterious elements, can be used to prepare green lightweight aggregate concrete. Importantly, preparation of solid waste ceramsite is an effective way to dispose of hazardous wastes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012097
A Maghfirah ◽  
I S Nasution

Abstract Coffee is the most important commodity in the trading industry. Determination of the quality of coffee is still done manually so that it cannot separate good quality coffee beans with bad quality coffee beans. This research conducted the development of a visual-based intelligent system using computer vision to be able to classify the quality of rice coffee based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The models used in the study are the K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN) method and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method with 13 parameters used such as; area, contrast, energy, correlation, homogeneity, circularity, perimeter, and colour index R(red), G (green), B (blue), L*, a* and b*. A total of 1200 Arabica green coffee bean captured using Kinect V2 camera with training data of 1000 samples and testing data of 200 samples.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2148 (1) ◽  
pp. 012060
Zhaoyang Ding ◽  
Qun Su ◽  
Hongguan Bian ◽  
Qing Wang ◽  
Jinghai Zhou

Abstract Geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete (GRAC) was prepared by replacing cement with geopolymer and natural aggregate with wast concrete. The effect of water-glass modules on mechanical properties of GRAC was studied. It was found that there are tow kind of binding structures in geopolymer hydration product: C-A-S-H and N-A-S-H, they both contribute to the strength of GRAC. The value of size conversion coefficient of current national standard is inapplicable for GRAC, the calculation method of which is given in this paper. Elasticity modulus and peak stress of GRAC is proportional to water-glass modulus, and peak strain is inversely proportional and its constitutive equation was established.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00050
Rosidi Azis ◽  
Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih ◽  
Sri Wahjuningsih ◽  
Herni Sudarwati ◽  
Ahmad Furqon

The aim of this study was to identify the qualitative characteristics of Bali cattle at Bali Breeding Center. The samples used were 136 heads. Qualitative data was analysed based on the percentage for each trait and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the characteristic with the highest percentage were brick red for females of Bali cattle (84,81%), black for males Bali cattle (86.66%), dominant thick back line (79.74%) for females, while on males was not clear (86,67%), strict line of body color border with leg (100% for males and 91,14% for females), strict line of body color border with buttocks color (93,33% for males and 88,61% for females), white of edge lips color (95% for males and 93,67% for females), black eyelid color (100%), white ear hair color (males: 100% & females: 96,20%), dark circles on the ears (98.73%), dominant medium wattle for males (93,33%) & small wattle for females (53,16%), upwards horn (males: 100% & females: 94.93%), black tail feathers (males: 100% & females: 98.04%), and no hump (males: 96.66% & females: 100%). The qualitative characteristics of Bali cattle at Bali breeding center were in line with Indonesian National Standard. However, there were deviations and abnormality with a small percentage.

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