scholarly journals Efek Perubahan Struktur Pati Singkong Yang Dilakukan Pretreatment Dengan Larutan Ion Dan Gelombang Mikro Terhadap Produksi Gula

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Irfan Aruan ◽  
Hanny F. Sangian ◽  
Adey Tanauma

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan perubahan struktur pati singkong terhadap produksi gula sebelum dan sesudah pretreatment gelombang mikro dan larutan ion. Pretreatment gelombang mikro dilakukan dengan meradiasikan gelombang elektromagnetik daya tertentu dengan tiga durasi yang berbedat pada substrat. Pretreatment larutan ion dilakukan dengan merendam substrat dalam larutan ion dengan dua konsentrasi garam selama empat hari dan kemudian dibandingkan dengan non-pretreatment. Substrat dikarakterisasi dengan XRD, FTIR dan SEM untuk menganalisis perubahan strukturnya. Produksi. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa struktur kristal pati menjadi lebih amorf dan ikatan antar molekulnya semakin lemah setelah dilakukan pretreatment. Morfologi permukaan bahan menjadi lebih kasar setelah terpapar radiasi microwave. Disisi lain, jumlah fiber pada substrat semakin berkurang setetelah direndam dalam larutan ion. Ketika substrat dihidrolisis, kandungan gula yang didapatkan lebih tinggi daripada tanpa pretreatment.This research aims to analyze the correlation of the structural change on sugar production of cassava starch before and after microwave and ionic liquid pretreatments. A microwave pretreatment was carried out by radiating electromagnetic wave with fixed power with three different durations on the substrate. The ionic liquid pretreatment was conducted by soaking the substrate in to saline water with two salt concentrations for four days and the results were compared to non-pretreatment. Then, the substrates were measured by XRD, FTIR and SEM to analiyze the structural changes. The characterization result showed that the starch crystal structure became more amorphous and molecules bonds were weaker after pretreatment. The surface morphology was rougher after being radiated by microwave. On the other hand, the fiber contents of substrate decreased after soaked on ionic liquid. When substrate were hidrolized, the sugar obtained were higher than without pretreatment.

1999 ◽  
Vol 55 (5) ◽  
pp. 752-757 ◽  
Amir H. Mahmoudkhani ◽  
Vratislav Langer

The crystal structure of the title compound, dimethylammonium tetrachlorocobaltate(II), has been determined at four temperatures between 297 and 366 K, in order to investigate possible phase transitions at 313 and 353 K [Kapustianik, Polovinko & Kaluza et al. (1996). Phys. Status Solidi A, 153, 117–122]. We found that there is no significant change either in the hydrogen-bonding network or in the cell parameters, apart from a linear dilatation with temperature. This study reveals that the anomalous variation in electric conductivity and some of the other physical properties of the compound cannot be explained by structural changes.

Takashi Urahama ◽  
Naoki Horikoshi ◽  
Akihisa Osakabe ◽  
Hiroaki Tachiwana ◽  
Hitoshi Kurumizaka

The human histone H2B variant TSH2B is highly expressed in testis and may function in the chromatin transition during spermatogenesis. In the present study, the crystal structure of the human testis-specific nucleosome containing TSH2B was determined at 2.8 Å resolution. A local structural difference between TSH2B and canonical H2B in nucleosomes was detected around the TSH2B-specific amino-acid residue Ser85. The TSH2B Ser85 residue does not interact with H4 in the nucleosome, but in the canonical nucleosome the H2B Asn84 residue (corresponding to the TSH2B Ser85 residue) forms water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the H4 Arg78 residue. In contrast, the other TSH2B-specific amino-acid residues did not induce any significant local structural changes in the TSH2B nucleosome. These findings may provide important information for understanding how testis-specific histone variants form nucleosomes during spermatogenesis.

The aim of this paper is to give a survey of the structures of the normal paraffins at temperatures ranging from that of liquid air to those in the neighbourhood of the melting points. The paper divides naturally into two parts, one dealing with the thermal expansion, i. e ., with the gradual and con­tinuous increase of the lattice dimensions with increasing temperature; the other with the discontinuous structural changes which occur under certain conditions when the substances are subjected to temperature changes.. Chemical Material . The chemical material was partly that already used in previous work and partly new material. Most of the substances were synthesised in the Davy-Faraday Laboratory. Some of the preparations such as hexane and pentane were bought and carefully purified. The writer is again very much indebted to his colleagues, Dr. H. S. Gilchrist and Mr. E. L. Holmes, who were kind enough to do all the chemical work for him.

Molecules ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 1034 ◽  
Guoqing Wu ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Guangliang Liu ◽  
Xiaoying Pang

Because of the appealing properties, ionic liquids (ILs) are believed to be promising alternatives for the CO2 absorption in the flue gas. Several ILs, such as [NH2emim][BF4], [C4mim][OAc], and [NH2emim[OAc], have been used to capture CO2 of the simulated flue gas in this work. The structural changes of the ILs before and after absorption were also investigated by quantum chemical methods, FTIR, and NMR technologies. However, the experimental results and theoretical calculation showed that the flue gas component SO2 would significantly weaken the CO2 absorption performance of the ILs. SO2 was more likely to react with the active sites of the ILs than CO2. To improve the absorption capacity, the ionic liquid (IL) mixture [C4mim][OAc]/ [NH2emim][BF4] were employed for the CO2 absorption of the flue gas. It is found that the CO2 absorption capacity would be increased by about 25%, even in the presence of SO2. The calculation results suggested that CO2 could not compete with SO2 for reacting with the IL during the absorption process. Nevertheless, SO2 might be first captured by the [NH2emim][BF4] of the IL mixture, and then the [C4mim][OAc] ionic liquid could absorb more CO2 without the interference of SO2.

1986 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 587-599 ◽  
N S Fedarko ◽  
H E Conrad

Growing and confluent cultures of a rat hepatocyte cell line were labeled with 35SO4(2-) and the heparan sulfate in the culture medium, the pericellular matrix, the nucleus, the nuclear outer membrane, and the remaining cytoplasmic pool was purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The heparan sulfate in all pools from the confluent cells was bound more strongly on the DEAE-cellulose column than the corresponding pools from the growing cells. Gel filtration of each pool before and after beta-elimination showed that the heparan sulfate from the nuclear and nuclear membrane pools was composed of primarily free chains, whereas the heparan sulfate in all of the other pools was a mixture of proteoglycans and free chains. The heparan sulfate in each pool was cleaved with nitrous acid to obtain mixtures of di- and tetrasaccharides. Analysis of these mixtures showed that the structural features of the heparan sulfates in each pool were different and were altered significantly when the growing cells became confluent. The nuclear-plus-nuclear membrane pools represented 6.5% and 5.4% of the total cell-associated heparan sulfate in the growing cells and the confluent cells, respectively. The structural features of the heparan sulfate in the two nuclear pools were very similar to each other, but were markedly different from those of the heparan sulfate from the other pools or from any previously described heparan sulfate or heparin. The most unusual aspect of these structures was the high content of beta-D-glucuronosyl(2-SO4)----D-glucosamine-N,O-(SO4)2 disaccharide units in these sequences. The mode of biosynthesis and delivery of these unusual sequences to the nucleus and the potential significance of these observations are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 71 (7) ◽  
pp. m143-m144 ◽  
Min Ni ◽  
Quanle Li ◽  
Hao Chen ◽  
Shengqing Li

The title coordination polymer, poly[[μ-aqua-triaqua(μ3-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylato)sodiumzinc] sesquihydrate], {[NaZn(C9H3O6)(H2O)4]·1.5H2O}n, was obtained in ionic liquid microemulsion at room temperture by the reaction of benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (H3BTC) with Zn(NO3)2·6H2O in the presence of NaOH. The asymmetric unit comprises two Na+ions (each located on an inversion centre), one Zn2+ion, one BTC ligand, four coordinating water molecules and two solvent water molecules, one of which is disordered about an inversion centre and shows half-occupation. The Zn2+cation is five-coordinated by two carboxylate O atoms from two different BTC ligands and three coordinating H2O molecules; the Zn—O bond lengths are in the range 1.975 (2)–2.058 (3) Å. The Na+cations are six-coordinated but have different arrangements of the ligands: one is bound to two carboxylate O atoms of two BTC ligands and four O atoms from four coordinating H2O molecules while the other is bound by four carboxylate O atoms from four BTC linkers and two O atoms of coordinating H2O molecules. The completely deprotonated BTC ligand acts as a bridging ligand binding the Zn2+atom and Na+ions, forming a layered structure extending parallel to (100). An intricate network of O—H...O hydrogen bonds is present within and between the layers.

1993 ◽  
Vol 300 ◽  
M. H. Ludwig ◽  
R E. Hummel

ABSTRACTDifferential reflection (DR) spectrometry has been used to investigate and characterize the effect of sputter damage of GaAs by Ar+ ions. The DR technique provides the photon-induced critical point interband transition energies which are sensitive to the electron and the crystal structure. The spectral dependence of the normalized difference in reflectivity is obtained by periodically scanning monochromatic light across a pair of GaAs samples. In the present case one part has been damaged by Ar+ ions with energies ranging from 500 to 5000 eV. The other half is the undamaged reference. The DR structure caused by interband transitions and designated as E1 and E1 + δ1 were found to shift in energy with increasing ion beam energy or with sputter damage. Two annealing stages were observed, one at 200°C and the other between 400°C and 450°C. They were attributed to different recovering mechanisms of As Frenkel pairs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-8
Jörn Bruns ◽  
Christian Logemann ◽  
Alexander Weiz ◽  
Claudia Kolb ◽  
Mathias S. Wickleder

Abstract[bmim][HPy][S2O7] [monoclinic, P21/n, Z = 4, a = 825.78(2), b = 1545.30(3), c = 1410.80(3) pm, β = 104.726(1)°, V = 1741.16(7) Å3] was obtained as a side product in the reaction of GeCl4, oleum (65% SO3), and the pyridine (Py) complex Py·SO3 in the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogensulfate, [bmim][HSO4], at 50 °C. Charge compensation of the disulfate ion is achieved by the counterions pyridinium, [HPy]+, and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium, [bmim]+. The crystal structure shows alternating layers of [bmim]+ cations on one hand and [HPy]+ cations and disulfate anions on the other hand. Pyridinium disulfate, [HPy]2[S2O7] [orthorhombic, P212121, Z = 4, a = 801.35(1), b = 1257.62(2), c = 1357.22(3) pm, V = 1367.80(4) Å3] was formed unexpectedly in the reaction of Eu2O3 and Py·SO3 in pyridine. The crystal structure exhibits a layer-like arrangement of disulfate and pyridinium moieties in the ab plane. In both compounds, the disulfate groups are essentially uncoordinated allowing for a detailed inspection of “naked” S2O72– ions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 2232-2235
Marius Moga ◽  
Mark Edward Pogarasteanu ◽  
Antoine Edu

The role of arthroscopy in incipient and mild arthrosis, even combined with proximal tibial ostetomy, is well known and well documented. On the other hand, its role in the treatment of advanced arthrosis of the large joints, especially the knee, is a subject of controversy. The proponents of the use of arthroscopy in advanced arthrosis claim that meniscectomy, synovectomy, ostophytectomy, chondral lesion stabilization, arthroscopic release, plica and loose body removal greatly improve the quality of life for most patients, especially if followed by the use of viscoelastic injection, by diminishing pain and improving joint range of motion. The opponents claim that, even though the advantages are clear in the cases that refuse arthroplasty, in all the other cases the surgical indication should be total knee arthroplasty, as the clinical relief is temporary, but with all the risks of a surgical intervention. We have conducted an overview of the recent literature, in order to find objective evidence to sustain either point of view. We focused on articles published that included an objective measurement of before and after clinical status through clinical scores and objective measurements. We also focused on the follow-up period and on the evolution of the pathology after arthroscopy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (8) ◽  
pp. 2081-2088 ◽  
Alin Alexandru Odor ◽  
Edwin Sever Bechir ◽  
Deborah Violant ◽  
Victoria Badea

Moderate and severe periodontitis represents a challenge in the non-surgical periodontal therapy. Due to the lack of evidence regarding the antimicrobial effectiveness of 940 nm diode laser in periodontal treatment, this study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) photolysis performed with 940 nm diode laser in the treatment of moderate and severe periodontitis. Twenty-five patients with 100 teeth were selected for this pilot study. The test teeth were randomly assigned to one of the four treatment groups: Group 1: scaling and root planning (SRP) (control group); and the following experimental groups: Group 2: H2O2; Group 3: 940 nm diode laser therapy; Group 4: 940 nm diode laser therapy and H2O2. Clinical examinations, like probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and bleeding on probing (BOP) were performed before and after the treatment. The microbiological evaluation, effectuated before and after the treatment, included nine periodontal bacteria species and investigated by means of real-time PCR assay. The clinical and bacterial differences in the tested groups, was assessed between control group and the other three experimental groups, as well as between the experimental groups. The total bacteria load was reduced for all four studied groups. Group 4 (diode laser + H2O2) showed significant bacterial reduction of the major periodontal bacteria like Pg., Tf., Td., Pi., Pm., Fn (p[0.001) than the other 3 groups (p]0.001). Also the periodontal clinical parameters, like PD, CAL and BOP showed a significant reduction after the photolysis of H2O2 with the 940 nm diode laser (p[0.001). Differences between tested groups showed a significant beneficial results in regard to Group 4.It is suggested that the photoactivation of H2O2 with the 940 nm diode laser can be used successfully in adjunctive to the non-surgical periodontal treatment as a bactericidal tool.

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