2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Fakhriatul Falah

Background: To deal with problem sarising from miscommunication between health professions,  good collaboration between health workers must beim proved through Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC). Improvementof IPC can bed one by introduc in go ther professions and collaboration systems  since education period in campus through Interprofessional Education (IPE). In health polytechnic, IPE still a newthing in academicstage, andstill not implementedwell. IPE culture must beimproved in health institution so that collaboration ability of the student will formed before they entranced work climate.  One formof IPE implementation can bed one through case study approach between students with different majors. Purpose: This study aims to explore benefits of students in participating in IPE with a case study approach. Methods: this study used a qualitative design with a phenomenological method approach. The sample used was 12 informantsobtained through purposive sampling method. The student who agreed to be informant in theresearch, was involved in IPE simulation through case study. Student divided into small group discussion consisted of different majors, i.enursing majors, nutrision ist majors and midwifery majors. After simulation finished, the studen tasked about their experienced during simulation activity. Result;  Through the maticanalysis , wefound 4 the mesaccording to experience during IPE simulation; Cooperation and mutual understanding between professions, Imporved Problem Solving and Team Decision Making Ability, enlarge scientific knowledgeandeliminating professional selfishness or egoism. Conclusion; IPE with a case study approach can provide great benefits in increasing the ability of students to collaborate between different majors in solving patient health problems so that their implementation needs to be improved in thepre-clinical stage and during clinical practice.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Lafi Munira ◽  
Lina Handayani

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Shelley C. Mishoe ◽  
Kimberly Adams Tufts ◽  
Leigh A. Diggs ◽  
James D. Blando ◽  
Denise M. Claiborne ◽  

Background: Effective interprofessional collaboration may positively impact clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost effectiveness. However, educational silos and discipline-specific socialization have reinforced each health profession’s independent values, attitudes, and problem-solving approaches.Methods and Findings: Students’ (N = 376) attitudes about teamwork were measured with the Interprofessional Attitudes Scale, Teamwork, Roles, and Responsibilities subscale using a pretest-posttest design. Experiential learning strategies and a case study approach were used to introduce students to the roles and responsibilities of the students’ disciplines. There was a positive mean difference in pretest-posttest measures (p < .001) with a moderate effect size (r = .27).Conclusions: Providing opportunities for pre-licensure health sciences students to understand the roles and responsibilities of other disciplines through IPE co-curricular learning can enhance positive attitudes toward teamwork.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sastrariah Sastrariah

Pregnancy risk is a bad situation in pregnancy that can affect the condition of the mother and fetus if carried out in general governance as is done in normal cases. The risk of pregnancy is deviating from  normal, which directly causes pain and death of both mother and baby. The purpose of this study is to provide comprehensive midwifery care to Ny. L with a pregnant pregnancy in Totoli, Majene Regency. This research is a descriptive study with a case study approach. The population in this study were all pregnant women with cystic pregnancy in Totoli Health Center from January to March 2017, which were 19. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Based on research shows that comprehensive midwifery care provided to Ny. L starting during pregnancy, childbirth, childbirth and newborns make a positive contribution to the period of pregnancy, childbirth, childbirth and newborns. Prevents complications in the pregnancy pregnancy which can cause pain and death of mother and child. Assistance provided by midwives provides social support that motivates mothers with vaginal pregnancy to be passed normally. It is recommended that mothers should always consult with health workers and midwives must always improve their competence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-96
Jamilah Jamilah

The study aims to analyze the readiness of parents in the implementation of Tarbiyatus Shibyan's early childhood education program. This type of research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The location of this study was carried out in Tarbiyatus Shibyan Jadung Dungkek Sumenep's Early Childhood Education. The subject of the study was an elderly person who sent his child to school in early childhood education Tarbiyatus Shibyan. The collection of data using interviews, observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion. Data analysis consisted of data collection, data presentation and conclusion drawing. This research results in finding that the readiness of parents in organizing early childhood education is active.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-208
Dadan Mulyana

The process of discussion and arrangement of regulation is not only carried out by legislative and government but also involves the community. The involvement of the community is crucial because the regulation formulated is not only for local government interest and DPRD (Regional Representative Council), but also for the community. This research aims to discover and analyze how legislative members interpret community aspiration in the arrangement of regulation, particularly, regulation on regional retribution. The legislative members are active and creative individuals, having their world, and different from other individuals outside the legislative members. Therefore, qualitative research method with case study approach is considered relevant to reveal the phenomenon. The object of the research comprises the legislative members determined purposively. The data were collected through participation observation, interview, documentation study, and focus group discussion. The results of research show that the community aspirations often face the interest of political party of the legislative members. The legislative members should be able to harmonize these two different interests. The conclusion can be drawn that the legislative members interpret the community aspiration differently (in the meaning) and based on their political behaviors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Chrisema Ramayona Latuheru

Kurikulum di Indonesia dinilai terlalu kompleks dibandingkan dengan kurikulum yang ada di beberapa negara maju sehingga beban siswa dalam belajar semakin berat. Atas dasar inilah diperlukan KTSP, kurikulum operasional yang dikembangkan dan dilaksankan oleh sekolah. SMP Negeri 4 Ambon merupakan sekolah yang mengembangkan kurikulum sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan sekolah. Permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah, apa saja kendala dalam pelaksanaan KTSP di SMP Negeri 4 Ambon, bagaimana upaya guru dalam menyelesaikan masalah dalam pelaksanaan KTSP, dan bagaimana upaya guru dalam menyumbangkan pikirannya dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran musik. Penelitian ini juga dilandasi dengan beberapa teori-teori terdahulu yang telah meneliti efesiensi pembelajaran musik. Proses penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) yang diperoleh dari wawancara terbuka dan diskusi terpadu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, kendala yang ditemui dalam penerapan KTSP pada pembelajaran seni musik antara lain, kendala siswa dalam mengaransir lagu, guru masih menggunakan ruangan kelas umum pada saat praktek, alat musik yang digunakan belum memadai, alokasi waktu yang masih kurang dan kurangnya tenaga guru. Dalam penerapan KTSP guru berusaha mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut dengan menyumbangkan pemikirannya melalui solusi-solusi yang diterapkannya, antara lain dengan memudahkan anak mengaransir lagu, melalui lagu sederhana yang diaransirnya dan memanfaatkan waktu diluar jam sekolah untuk menyelesaikan materi yang tertunda.The curriculum in Indonesia is considered too complex compared to other countries so that students in learning is getting harder. On this basis KTSP is needed, an operational curriculum developed and implemented by the school. SMP Negeri 4 Ambon is a school that develops a curriculum in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the school. The problems to be discussed in this study are, what are the obstacles in the implementation of KTSP in SMP Negeri 4 Ambon, how are the efforts of the teacher in solving problems in the implementation of KTSP, and how the teacher attempts to contribute his thoughts in the implementation of music learning. This research is also based on several previous theories that have examined the efficiency of music learning. The process of this research uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) obtained from open interviews and integrated discussions. The results showed that the obstacles encountered in the application of KTSP in the learning of musical arts included the constraints of students in arranging songs, teachers still using public classrooms at the time of practice, inadequate musical instruments, lack of time allocation and lack of teachers. In applying the KTSP the teacher tries to overcome these obstacles by contributing his thoughts through the solutions he applies, among others by making it easier for children to organize songs, through simple songs arranged and utilizing time outside of school hours to complete the delayed material.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-92
Cut Mayang Widya Nuryaasiinta

Artikel ini ingin menjawab bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi pasien selaku konsumen pemanfaat pelayanan medis dan tanggung jawab rumah sakit dan dokter selaku pihak pelayanan medis. Dalam pelayanan kesehatan, tidak jarang mengakibatkan malpraktik akibat kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan yang tidak sesuai dengan standar profesi. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus. Dalam Putusan No.287/PDT.G/BTH/2011/PN.JKT.PST terdapat 5 (lima) hak konsumen yang diabaikan oleh pelaku usaha menurut Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen, khususnya Pasal 4 butir (a), (c), (d), (e), (g), dan (h). Mengenai tanggung jawab yang diberikan pelaku usaha terhadap konsumen sebesar Rp 1.776.010.000,00 dan dalam Pasal 19 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Konsumen hanya mengenal ganti kerugian materiil saja. Consumer Protection for Patients as the Utilization of Medical Services In health services, it often results in malpractice due to negligence by health workers who work not in accordance with professional standards. So that raises the question of how the form of legal protection for patients as consumers of medical services and the responsibilities of hospitals and doctors as medical services. The method used is normative juridical legal research, the approach used is a legal  (statute approach) and a case study approach.  In Decision No.287 / PDT.G / BTH / 2011 / PN.JKT.PST, there are 5 (five) consumer rights which are ignored by business actors according to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, namely Article 4 point (a), (c), (d), (e), (g), and (h). Regarding the responsibility given by business actors to consumers in the amount of Rp. 1,776,010,000.00 and in Article 19 paragraph (2) of the Consumer Protection law only recognizes material compensation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-26
Kirsty Marles ◽  
Jennifer Lawrence ◽  
Margo Brewer ◽  
Rosemary Saunders ◽  
Fiona Lake

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Lafi Munira ◽  
Lina Handayani

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