scholarly journals EFEK ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN BROKOLI (Brassica oleracea var. italica) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Propionibacterium acnes SECARA IN VITRO

Sayu Putu Yuni Paryati ◽  
Henny Juliastuti ◽  
Dandi Fery Gunawan

Akne vulgaris merupakan penyakit inflamasi pada kulit yang pernah diderita oleh 80 – 100% orang di dunia. Akne vulgaris dapat timbul karena adanya peradangan oleh bakteri Propionibacterium acnes. Bahan alam yang bersifat sebagai antibakteri salah satunya adalah daun brokoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). Daun brokoli mengandung sejumlah senyawa aktif berupa flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid, dan steroid. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membuktikan efek antibakteri ekstrak etanol daun brokoli (B. oleracea var. italica) terhadap pertumbuhan P. acnes secara in vitro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik. Objek penelitian berupa bakteri P. acnes ATCC 11827 dan daun brokoli yang dibuat menjadi ekstrak etanol daun brokoli dengan konsentrasi 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%, dan 100%. Kontrol positif pada penelitian ini menggunakan klindamisin 10 µg/disk dan DMSO 4% sebagai kontrol negatif. Berdasarkan rumus Federer pengulangan uji untuk setiap konsentrasi dan kontrol dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali. Uji aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan dengan metode difusi sumuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun brokoli tidak menghasilkan daya hambat pada seluruh konsentrasi dan sebanding dengan kontrol negatif yaitu 0 mm. Faktor yang memengaruhi hasil uji pada penelitian ini dapat berupa faktor dari ekstrak, yaitu suhu dan waktu penyimpanan, paparan cahaya, dan kadar senyawa aktif pada ekstrak. Kepekaan bakteri P. acnes terhadap ekstrak etanol daun brokoli juga dapat memengaruhi hasil penelitian. Faktor lainnya adalah faktor teknis berupa jumlah bakteri yang diinokulasikan, pemilihan media, dan antibiotic carryover. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun brokoli tidak memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap pertumbuhan P. acnes secara in vitro.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 160
Halimatus Zahrah ◽  
Arifa Mustika ◽  
Kartuti Debora

AbstrakPenatalaksanaan utama pada masalah akne vulgaris adalah penggunaaan antibotik baik topikal maupun oral. Akan tetapi penggunaan antibiotik dinilai telah menimbulkan dugaan resistensi terhadap P. acnes sebagai agent penyebab akne sehingga mendorong berbagai pihak untuk mengembangkan preparat antiinflamasi yang dapat diberikan topical ataupun sistemik. Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. memiliki senyawa utama xanthorrizol yang dinilai potensial untuk dikembangan sebagai antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar hambat minimum dan kadar bunuh minimum serta perubahan struktur dinding sel dari Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. terhadap pertumbuhan Propionibacterium acnes. Desain penelitian yang di gunakan adalah eksperimen dengan sampel P. acnes berupa isolate stock culture (ATCC® 11827™) yang selanjutnya ditumbuhkan pada media MHA. Jumlah replikasi yang digunakan sebanyak 4 ulangan. Konsentrasi ekstrak Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. masing-masing 6,25 µg/ml, 12,5 µg/ml, 25 µg/ml, 50 µg/ml dan 100 µg/ml. Pengukuran aktivitas antibakteri didasrkan pada KHM, KBM dan pengamatan struktur dinding sel bakteri melalui metode Microscop Electron Screening (MES). Pemberian ekstrak Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap bakteri P. acnes secara in vitro. Konsentrasi ekstrak 25 µg/ml merupakan kadar minimum yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan P.acnes melalui dilusi cair, sedangkan konsentrasi minimal yang mampu membunuh P.acnes adalah 50 µg/ml. Bakteri P. acnes yang dipapar dengan ekstrak etanol Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. mengalami perubahan morfologi berupa timbulnya dinding sel kasar kasar akibat penyusutan serta adanya dinding sel yang hancur sehingga sitoplasma keluar dan tampak seperti meleleh. Respon daya hambat pertumbuhan bakteri yang dihasilkan Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. dipengaruhi oleh senyawa aktif yang terkandung didalamnya seperti minyak atsiri, alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, kurkuminoid dan terpenoid. Kandungan xanthorrizol yang dimiliki mampu menghambat pertumbuhan P.acnes mampu merusak aktivitas enzim sel, selain itu kandungan Curcuminoid turut berperan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dengan cara mendenaturasi dan merusak membran sel sehingga proses metabolisme sel terganggu  Kata Kunci: Antibakteri, Akne vulgaris, Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb., MES

2013 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-142
Farooq I. Mohammed ◽  
Farah T. Abdullah ◽  
Shaimaa Y. Abdulfttah ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 55 (9) ◽  
pp. 4211-4217 ◽  
J. Pannu ◽  
A. McCarthy ◽  
A. Martin ◽  
T. Hamouda ◽  
S. Ciotti ◽  

ABSTRACTNB-003 and NB-003 gel formulations are oil-in-water nanoemulsions designed for use in bacterial infections.In vitrosusceptibility ofPropionibacterium acnesto NB-003 formulations and comparator drugs was evaluated. Both NB-003 formulations were bactericidal against allP. acnesisolates, including those that were erythromycin, clindamycin, and/or tetracycline resistant. In the absence of sebum, the MIC90s/minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC90s) for NB-003, NB-003 gel, salicylic acid (SA), and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) were 0.5/2.0, 1.0/2.0, 1,000/2,000, and 50/200 μg/ml, respectively. In the presence of 50% sebum, the MIC90s/MBC90s of NB003 and BPOs increased to 128/1,024 and 400/1,600 μg/ml, respectively. The MIC90s/MBC90s of SA were not significantly impacted by the presence of sebum. A reduction in the MBC90s for NB-003 and BPO was observed when 2% SA or 0.5% BPO was integrated into the formulation, resulting in MIC90s/MBC90s of 128/256 μg/ml for NB003 and 214/428 μg/ml for BPO. The addition of EDTA enhanced thein vitroefficacy of 0.5% NB-003 in the presence or absence of 25% sebum. The addition of 5 mM EDTA to each well of the microtiter plate resulted in a >16- and >256-fold decrease in MIC90and MBC90, yielding a more potent MIC90/MBC90of ≤1/<1 μg/ml. The kinetics of bactericidal activity of NB-003 againstP. acneswere compared to those of a commercially available product of BPO. Electron micrographs ofP. acnestreated with NB-003 showed complete disruption of bacteria. Assessment of spontaneous resistance ofP. acnesrevealed no stably resistant mutant strains.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 439
Alfrida ., Maninggolang ◽  
Jeany Sh. Polii-Mandang ◽  
Wenny ., Tilaar

This study aims to know the effect of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and Coconut Water on shoot bud growth and Broccoli Sulforaphane content (Brassica oleracea L. var italic Plenck). The study was conducted in the laboratory of Biotechnology Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, that conducted from August-December 2017. This study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL), consisting of 8 treatments and each repeated as many 4 times, so we get 32 unit experiment. The variables observed were number of buds, number of leaves, plant height, wet weight, root number and Sulforaphane content analysis. The result of research shows that analysis of variance showed that in the use of Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) concentration 3 ppm tends to increase the number of leaves aged 4 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and increase the number of shoots age 2 and 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK). Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) 3 ppm can increase the wet weight of age 6W eeks After Culture ((MSK). Coconut water 20% tends to increase the number of leaves at age 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and increase the number of shoots aged 6 Weeks After Culture (MSK), while for combination of 3 ppm Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and coconut water 20% tends to increase the number of leaves aged 2 Weeks After Culture (MSK) and the number of shoots aged 2 Weeks After Culture (MSK). Combination of coconut water and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) is not detected by the content of Sulforaphane.

e-CliniC ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Fifin R. T. Sole ◽  
Pieter L. Suling ◽  
Tara S. Kairupan

Abstract: Acne vulgaris is a chronic skin condition involving inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle. The highest prevalence of acne vulgaris is at the age of 16-17 years. Pathogenic factors contributing to the development of acne vulgaris include increased sebum production, pilosebaceous follicular blockage, and increased colonization of Propionibacterium acnes. Personal hygiene is suggested as an important factor that needs to be maintained in acne prevention. Males tend to lack of awareness to seek information and health services in dealing with acne problems. This study was aimed to evaluate the relationship between facial washing and the incidence of acne vulgaris in adolescent males in Manado. This was an analytical and observational study using a cross-sectional design. Subjects were male students of 3rd grade at SMA Negeri 9 Manado, aged 16-19 years old, and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, with a total number of 95 students. Subjects who washed their faces 2-3 times a day were 38 students (40%) while those who washed their faces less than twice or more than thrice a day were 57 students (60%). Subjects with no or mild acne vulgaris were 39 students (41.1%), while those with moderate to severe acne vulgaris were 56 students (58.9%). The chi-square showed a p-value of 0.004 for the relationship between the frequency of facial washing and the incidence of acne vulgaris. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between facial washing and the incidence of acne vulgaris in adolescent males in Manado.Keywords: facial washing, acne vulgaris Abstrak: Akne vulgaris merupakan peradangan kronis folikel pilosebasea dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada usia 16-17 tahun. Faktor yang memengaruhi terjadinya akne vulgaris antara lain peningkatan produksi sebum, penyumbatan folikel pilosebasea, dan peningkatan kolonisasi bakteri Propionibacterium acnes. Kebersihan diri merupakan faktor penting yang perlu dijaga sebagai salah satu usaha untuk mencegah timbulnya akne. Laki-laki cenderung kurang memiliki kesadaran untuk mencari informasi dan pelayanan kesehatan dalam menangani masalah akne. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan antara mencuci wajah dengan kejadian akne vulgaris pada remaja laki-laki di Manado. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Subjek penelitian ialah siswa laki-laki kelas 3 di SMA Negeri 9 Manado, usia 16-19 tahun, dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, dengan jumlah total 95 siswa. Subjek yang mencuci wajah 2-3 kali sehari sebanyak 38 siswa (40%) sedangkan yang mencuci wajah kurang dari 2 kali atau lebih dari 3 kali sehari sebanyak 57 siswa (60%). Subjek tanpa akne vulgaris atau akne derajat ringan sebanyak 39 siswa (41,1%) sedangkan yang dengan akne vulgaris derajat sedang sampai berat sebanyak 56 siswa (58,9%). Uji chi-square memperlihatkan nilai p=0.004 terhadap hubungan antara frekuensi mencuci wajah dengan kejadian akne vulgaris. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah terdapat hubungan bermakna antara mencuci wajah dengan kejadian akne vulgaris pada remaja laki-laki di Manado.Kata kunci: mencuci wajah, akne vulgaris

2021 ◽  
pp. 3476-3486
Alaa. M. Hasan ◽  
Ekhlas. A.J. ElKaaby ◽  
Rakad. M.Kh. AL-Jumaily

    The leading purpose of this work is the development of efficient culture conditions to induce calli from cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) under in vitro conditions. The mature seeds were surface sterilized with combinations of different concentrations of ethanol and NaOCl in different time durations and  were germinated on MS basal medium. The results revealed that the best sterilization method of cabbage seeds was by using 70% ethanol for one minute, followed by 15 min in 2% (NaOCl). Seedlings were used as donor sources for hypocotyls, cotyledon leaves, true leaves, and shoot tip explants. These explants were cultured on different combinations of cytokinins (TDZ, BAP, Ad) and auxins (IAA, NAA, 2, 4-D) then implanted in Murashige and Skoog (MS) media. 4 weeks after culturing, a significant difference was found among the explants in response to plant hormones. The maximum percentage of callus induction (100%) was using the combinations of 1 BAP + 1 2, 4-D, 1 BAP + 1 NAA, and 1 BAP + 2 2,4-D mg. l-1. In addition, explants responses varied and the hypocotyls showed a superior result (85.71 %) as compared to other explants. For callus fresh weight, the combination of 0.22 TDZ + 79.9 Ad mg. l-1    had a significant effect, causing the highest fresh weight (0.2745g), while control treatment gave the lowest mean of 0.0066 g. Data showed that cotyledon explants were significantly superior in giving highest callus fresh weight with the mean of 0.1723 g. On the other hand, hypocotyl explants gave the lowest mean, reaching 0.1542 g.

Rogério Rodrigo Ramos ◽  
Jeferson Leandro De Paiva ◽  
Nagib Pezati Boer ◽  
Luis Fernando Ricci Boer ◽  
Fernando Batigália ◽  

Introdução: A Propionibacterium acnes é uma bactéria causadora da acne. Devido aos efeitos colaterais ou à falta de resposta ao tratamento da acne, foi proposta a terapia fotodinâmica como um tratamento alternativo para a acne. Objetivo: O objetivo foi evidenciar a ação fotodinâmica do LED vermelho 660 nm e do fotossensibilizador azul de metileno sobre Propionibacterium acnes in vitro. Métodos: Os ensaios foram constituídos por quatro grupos: 1. controle (sem aplicação de luz e sem fotossensibilizador); 2. com aplicação de luz; 3. com fotossensibilizador e sem aplicação de luz; 4. com fotossensibilizador e com aplicação de luz. Os ensaios foram submetidos a aplicação de luz por 4 ciclos de 5 minutos com intervalos de 3 minutos. Resultados: Houve redução estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) nas médias dos grupos 1, 2 e 4, ainda que o grupo 3 não tenha apresentado significância estatística, mas houve redução detectada nas médias. Conclusão: A ação fotodinâmica é eficiente para a destruição do material biológico por irradiação a 660nm atribuída ao processo de fotossensibilização pela presença do fotossensibilizador.

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