scholarly journals A Sociological Analysis of The Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Helmita Helmita ◽  
Haicha Fadella

This research is a about the marriage crisis is reflected in Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband drama, what strategy is employed to maintain a marriage, and why did Oscar Wilde give concern in the marital crisis. The purpose of this study is (1) To describe the marital crisis illustrated reflected in the drama An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde (2) To explain the strategy in maintaining a marriage (3) and to reveal the reason why Oscar Wilde gave concern in the marital crisis.   The approach used is a sociology approach that the discusses an external aspects of a drama. The theory used in this research is the theory sociology of literature according to Alan Swingewood and Diana Laurenson which states that conflict in life, especially in every househould, is a reflection of the life everyone. This study employs the qualitative method. The object of the study is An Ideal Husband play written by Oscar Wilde. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is the play script itself and the secondary data sources are script text and some references related to the research. The technique of the data collection is note-taking. The technique of the data analysis is descriptive analysis.The first, marital crisis is illustrated in Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband play are when a woman marries with a man who have important position in their work, inability someone to accept reality from their spouse in past, no children in the family, jealousy, and wife’s opinion that her husband is ideal. The second, the strategies are employed to maintain a marriage are introspection, making agreement between husband and wife, and accepting reality. The third, Oscar Wilde gave concern in marital crisis because he wants to criticize the England society in that era especially in upper class society that hypocrite for many cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Nur Khosiin

Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s provides several points of view in the realm of methods of planting Islamic education in children which can later be used as a means to achieve the goals of Islamic education. This research uses the documentation method with a descriptive-interpretative approach, namely an attempt to describe the interpretation of some of the texts of the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam in the third chapter. As for the primary data source is the book at-tarbiyah al-aulad fi al-Islam, the secondary data source is books and related literature, while the data analysis used descriptive analysis. The results of this study there are five methods of planting Islamic education for children, namely educating by example, customary habits, advice, supervision, and through punishment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Siswoyo Aris Munandar ◽  
Farida Nurus Sofa

<p><em>Abstrak </em><strong>- </strong><strong>Aguk Irawan adalah salah satu sastrawan yang menggunakan sastra novel sebagai media dakwahnya. Penanaman pesan-pesan moral-spiritual penulis kepada pembaca melalui tokoh yang dihidupkan di dalamnya. Peneliti tertarik dengan salah satu karya beliau untuk diteliti yang kemudian terangkum dengan judul, “Maqamat Tokoh Midah dalam Novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em> Karya Aguk Irawan”. Novel yang terinspirasi dari kisah nyata ini menggambarkan tentang pengembaraan jiwa seorang perempuan dalam menemukan Tuhannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>library research</em> atau penelitian kepustakaan. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer yaitu novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em>, sedangkan sumber data sekundernya adalah beberapa karya Aguk Irawan yang lain dan juga sumber referensi yang terkait dengan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang telah peneliti lakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa novel <em>Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW</em> merupakan novel yang mengandung ajaran tasawuf. Aguk Irawan menyampaikan ajaran tasawufnya melalui tokoh Midah Hamidah yang terangkum dalam laku kehidupannya sehari - hari. Peneliti menemukan beberapa maqamat yang tergambar dari tokoh Midah Hamidah, diantaranya adalah: taubat, zuhud, sabar, syukur, dan ridha. Novel karya Aguk Irawan ini sangat berguna untuk digunakan sebagai media dakwah di kalangan remaja maupun masyarakat pada umumnya.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract -</em><strong> </strong><strong>Aguk Irawan is one of the writers who used novel literature as his propaganda media. Planting the writer's moral-spiritual messages to the reader through the characters who are turned on in them. Researchers are interested in one of his works for research which is then summarized with the title, "<em>Maqamat Tokoh Midah dalam Novel Mekkah: Memoar Luka Seorang TKW Karya Aguk Irawan</em>”. This novel, inspired by a true story, depicts the wandering of a woman's soul in finding her God. This research uses library research or library research. The source of the data used is the primary data source, namely the Mecca novel: Memoirs of Luka of a TKW, while the secondary data source is some of Aguk Irawan's other works and also a reference source related to research. Based on the results of the analysis that researchers have done, it can be concluded that the novel <em>Mecca: Memoirs of Luka of a TKW</em> is a novel that contains the teachings of Sufism. Aguk Irawan conveyed his Sufism teachings through the figure of Midah Hamidah summarized in his daily life. Researchers found several maqamat drawn from the Midah Hamidah figures, including repentance, zuhud, patience, gratitude, and pleasure. This novel by Aguk Irawan is very useful to be used as a media for da'wah among teenagers and the general public.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords -</em></strong><em> Literary works, Novels, Maqamat, Spirituality, Hermeneutics</em></p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Radityo Tri Nugroho ◽  
Afifah Linda Sari

The object of the research is a novel the magnificent Ambersons by Newton Booth Tarkington. The problem of this study is how George Amberson Minafer, the major character copes with his problem. The objective of this study is to analyze the novel based on the psychological approach. The researcher employs a qualitative method. In this method, the researcher uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the novel itself. The secondary data sources are books about psychology and other sources, which are related to the analysis. The method of data collection is documentation and the technique of data analysis is descriptive technique. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws two conclusions: first, George Amberson Minafer copes his problem through changing his behaviour, from negative behavior to a positive one. He becomes more optimistic, independent and caring for his family. Second, George Amberson Minafer copes his problem through his actions. He has the courage to admit his mistake. He asks forgiveness to the man that he hurt most.

Kandai ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Tania Intan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, menguraikan horizon harapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, dan memaparkan faktor-faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Ada dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer mengacu pada objek penelitian, yaitu novel Le Petit Prince, sedangkan data sekunder berupa teks-teks yang memuat tanggapan pembaca novel Le Petit Prince yang terdiri atas 20 orang yang terdapat pada media massacetak dan elektronik, termasuk internet. Instrumen penelitian berupa tabel-tabel isian yang mengaitkan pembaca, tanggapan pembaca, dan horizon harapan. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara observasi dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dirumuskan dalam tiga poin. Pertama, seluruh pembaca menanggapi atau menilai positif unsur tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang, gaya bahasa, teknik penceritaan, bahasa, dan isi novel Le Petit Prince. Kedua, harapan sebagian besar pembaca sebelum membaca novel Le Petit Prince sesuai dengan kenyataan ke sembilan unsur di dalam novel LePetit Prince sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah menerima dan memberikan pujian pada novel tersebut. Ketiga, faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca selain perbedaan stressing unsur yang ditanggapi juga karena perbedaan pengetahuan tentang sastra, pengetahuan tentang kehidupan dan pengalaman membaca karya sastra.(This study aims to describe the readers’ responses to the novel Le Petit Prince, the readers' horizon of hope for the novel Le Petit Prince, and the factors that cause differences in responses and readers' expectation horizons. This study included a type of qualitative descriptive study. There are two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source refers to the object of the research, the Le Petit Prince novel, while the secondary data is in the form of texts that contain the readers' responses of Le Petit Prince's novels consisting of 20 people, which are contained in print and electronic mass media including the internet. The research instrument is in the form of tables that link readers, readers' responses, and expectation horizons. Data is collected by means of observations and data analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. The results of the research are as follows. First, all readers respond or positively assess the elements of the theme, plot, character, setting, point of view, language style, storytelling techniques, language, and contents of the Le Petit Prince novel. Second, the hope of most readers before reading the Le Petit Prince novel is in accordance with the reality of the nine elements in the novel Le Petit Prince so that readers can easily receive and give praise to the novel. Third, the factors that cause differences in responses and readers' expectation horizons in addition to differences in elemental stressing are also responded to because of differences in knowledge about literature, knowledge of life and the experience of reading literature.) 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Kusnadi Yudha Wiguna ◽  
Elia Dwilingga

The purpose of this research is to find out how the accountability of village financial management in Megang Sakti V Village Megang Sakti District Musi Rawas District. This type of research is descriptive research with qualitative data analysis using primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources, namely through observation and interviews. The secondary data source is through regulations related to village financial management in 2018. The results showed that there was a delay in accountability at the implementation stage in submitting a payment request which led to delays in the administration, reporting and accountability stages. At the administration stage there is also a delay, apart from being due to the delay in this implementation stage, also due to the limited ability and knowledge of village apparatus resources in running village financial system applications which have an impact on delays in the next stage, namely reporting and accountability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 247
Rano Putra

Abstract The development of fashion trend always changes annually. Meanwhile, the customers never miss the change and as the result they shift their sopping pattern. This research was aimed at: 1) determining the consumption behavior of FSEI IAIN Pontianak students according to fashion trend changing, 2) analyzing the behavior of FSEI IAIN Pontianak students according to fashion changing and based on Islamic perspective of consumption theory. This was descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The primary data source was 20 students while the secondary data source was documents related to customers’ behavior, profiles of FSEI, and so on. The results show that 1) the consumption behavior of FSEI students according to fashion trend changing vary: they do fashion shopping to get rewards, or because they have big amount of budget. Besides, they are motivated to do fashion shopping since the places are comfortable to visit: malls, modern fashion shops, boutiques and other cozy places. 2) The students of FSEI IAIN Pontianak are very consumptive according to their consumption behavior.Keywords: Consumption behavior, Trend Fashion, Consumption in Islam.  Abstrak Perkembangantrend fashion yang selalu berganti setiap tahun membuat para konsumen tak ingin ketinggalan untuk mengikutinya sehingga membuat pola belanja para konsumen menjadi berubah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui perilaku konsumsi mahasiswi FSEI IAIN Pontianak dalam mengikutitrend fashion, 2) Menganalisisperilaku konsumsi mahasiswi FSEI IAIN Pontianak dalam mengikutitrend fashion menurut perspektif Teori Konsumsi Islam.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Pengumpulandata melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data primer yaitu mahasiswi FSEI berjumlah 20 orang dan sumber data sekunder berupadokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan dengan perilaku konsumsi, profil FSEI, dan sebagainya.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,disimpulkan: 1)Perilaku mahasiswi FSEI dalam mengikuti trend fashion berbeda-beda, misalnya keinginan membeli yang disebabkan adanya iming-iming hadiah,anggaran yang disiapkan untuk berbelanja setiap bulannya, frekuensi berbelanja yang dilakukan satu sampai dengan tiga kalidalam sebulan, harga yang tergolong mahal, sesuai dengan trend, serta lokasi belanja yang tergolong mewah seperti mall, distro, butik dan lain sebagainya. 2) Perilaku konsumsi mahasiswi FSEI yang dapat tergolong dalam perilaku konsumtif.Kata Kunci: Perilaku konsumsi, trend fashion, konsumsi Islam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-31
Muslim ◽  
Muqowim ◽  

This articles discusses the implementation of Mukti Ali’s thought ‘Scientific Cum Doctrinaire in the study of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Madrasa. This article written based on a qualitative research approach to the type of literature review of Mukti Ali’s works in the form of books, articles, papers, magazines, and other scientific works that are relevant to the research topic. In this study, there are two sources of data, primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources in the form of Mukti Ali’s works and secondary data source in the form of scientific work in the form of articles, papers, research reports, and other that discuss Mukti Ali’s thoughts. This study shows that the application of Mukti Ali’s ‘Scientific Cum Doctrinaire’ thinking in learning Islamic Religious Education in madrasas must be based on factual and objective data. Although in its application the scientific method does not have to be applied procedurally, bearing in mind that in PAI learning there is material which cannot be rationalized and internalized internally, such as material relating in the form of Islamic teachings, principles, and dogmas to suit religious phenomena and current scientific developments so that the understanding of Islamic religious teaching is not rigid (textual) but flexible and remains in the corridor of valid methodology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Wiekandini Dyah Pandanwangi

Rahwana Putih, a novel by Sri Teddy Rusdy, reveals the figure of Rahwana with good characters and behaviours. The characters appeared contain moral values that can be considered as a role model. This phenomena is interesting to be explored deeply because, here, Rahwana is presented differently from its stereotype in all puppet stories. Based on this research background, this study aims to analyze moral values contained in Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy. Structuralism approach is used to analyze the moral values on Rahwana figure which emphasizes on intrinsic elements of fiction works. The MacIntyre’s theory of morality that cores on truthfulness and trust, justice, and courage is also applied to observe these values. The method used in this study is analytical descriptive and it consists of primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is Rahwana Putih by Sri Teddy Rusdy, while the secondary data sources are journals and references which are relevant to the research problem. The techniques for collecting data comprise reading, classifying, reducing and describing data. The technique used to analyze the data is content analysis. The results show that the moral values appeared in Rahwana’s characters embrace honesty, trust, justice and courage are the manifestation of Javanese leadership concept called astabrata.

2021 ◽  
Muhammad Zikran Adam1 ◽  
Siti Hajar Yusuf

In learning Arabic, one of the important and interesting rules to study is the Ibdal rule: namely the replacement of letters in a word, which is not only studied from the aspect of morphology, but also in Arabic orthography and rasm al-Mushaf.This study uses a qualitative approach to literature study. The primary data source is studied in Surah Al-Imran which consists of 200 verses, 3508 words, and 14984 letters. While the secondary data sources are books, articles, and research results related to the problem of Ibdal.The results of this study indicate that the Ibdal in Surah al-Imran is 32 words (0.91%) and some of them are repeated several times. The Ibdal phenomenon consists of Ibdal pronoun (dhamir), Ibdal tsumma with fa, and the sentence Ibdal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-52
Helmita Helmita ◽  
Lina Marlina

This research is a study of psychological approaches that discuss the external aspect of  drama King Lear by William Shakespeare. In this study the writer will discuss some of the problems that is (1) What does the king Lear prove his unconditional love to his youngest daughter (2) How does the King Lear’s youngest daughter prove her unconditional love to her father (king Lear) (3) How does the king Lear face the death of his youngest daughter. The purpose of this study is (1) To describe the king Lear prove his unconditional love to his youngest daughter (2) To describe the youngest daughter of king Lear  prove unconditional love to his father king Lear (3) To explain the king Lear face the death of  his youngest daughter. The theory used in this research is the theory of literary psychology according to Sigmund Freud and Carl rogers. This study used a qualitative method .The object of the study is William Shakespeare's William Lords drama. The data source is divided into two primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the drama script itself. The secondary data source is the text of the text and some references related to the research. Data collection techniques are noted. Data analysis technique is descriptive analysis.The results show the following conclusions. First, the true love of a father to his daughter.  Second, the true love of a daughter to her father.  Third, when a father regrets his past decisions that can not see his daughter's love from the heart and must accept her daughter's gone ever.

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