Simulasi Persamaan Difraksi Fraunhofer pada Celah Lingkaran dengan Menggunakan Visual Basic for Application (VBA) Spreadsheets Excel

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 215
Nurdianto Nurdianto ◽  
La Ode Safiuddin ◽  
Rosliana Eso

The research aims to visualize the Fraunhofer Diffraction Equation in the Circle Slit using Excel Spreadsheets and Macro Visual Basic for Application (VBA). The results of this study indicate that Microsoft Excel is able to display a visualization of fraunhofer diffraction shapes on the circle slit. The results of this study can also show a simulation of the formation of fraunhofer diffraction in a slit circle with a gap width (a) and a different wavelength (λ).

A. Ahmadi ◽  
P. H. Robinson ◽  
F. Elizondo ◽  
P. Chilibroste

The goal of the article is to implement the CTR Dairy model using the Visual Basic for Application (VBA) language of Microsoft Excel. CTR Dairy is a dynamic simulation model for grazing lactating dairy cows that predicts milk production and profit over feeding based on ruminal digestion and absorption of nutrients under discontinuous feeding schedules. The CTR Dairy model was originally developed as a research tool using a proprietary computer simulation software called SMART that required the SMART client to run the program. As SMART software is now discontinued, and its client is no longer available, rewriting the model in the VBA language using Microsoft Excel for inputs and outputs makes the program available to a broad range of users including dairy farmers, extension advisors, dairy nutrition consultants and researchers. Dairy farmers can use the new version of the CTR Dairy program to manipulate the herbage allowance and the access time to the grazing paddock, as well as the timing of supplemental feeding, to improve the utilization of the pasture and to increase the production of the milk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-31
Arthur Gonçalves Ferreira Partata ◽  
Douglas Freitas Augusto dos Santos

Na engenharia civil, fundação é aquele elemento que recebe o peso da estrutura e tem a função de distribuir de forma uniforme através da sua base ao solo. As fundações são dividias em dois grupos: rasas e profundas. É a primeira parte a ser construída e que faz contato direto com o solo. São utilizadas como base para as construções e de diferentes tamanhos, sendo construídas na maioria das vezes em concreto armado e próximas ao nível da superfície do terreno. Na atualidade os programas computacionais estão ligados diretamente ao dia-a-dia dos engenheiros civil, fazendo com que facilite o seu trabalho. Este trabalho pretende fazer o desenvolvimento de software atrelado ao MS Excel para dimensionamento de fundação sapata isolada através do visual Basic for Application VBA. O VBA é uma ferramenta que veio do VB (Visual Basic) linguagem esta que tem por base a linguagem BASIC, que é uma linguagem de alto nível. VBA foi desenvolvido para estar presente em aplicações do Microsoft Office, como: Excel, PowerPoint, Word entre outras. O programa tem como o objetivo fazer o dimensionamento de uma sapata isolada e por fim fazer o detalhamento das armaduras, de modo que os projetistas possam trabalhar com rapidez e eficiência. O programa pode ser usado também não só na criação de projetos de fundações como também na edição de projetos em execução, tornando os projetos mais competitivos, pelo fato de ser necessários apenas dois programas: AutoCAD da Autodesk e Microsoft Excel, duas ferramentas de muita importância no cotidiano do engenheiro civil. 

Мурат Газизович Мустафин ◽  
Глеб Андреевич Фролов

В данной работе рассматривается возможность использования вычислительных возможностей программ общего назначения при решении геодезических задач посредством использования пакетов Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic for Applications. В статье представлены результаты автоматизации процесса оценки плановой точности положения геодезических пунктов сети трилатерации. This paper reviews the implementation of computing capabilities of general-purpose programs for solving geodetic problems through Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic for Application. The paper presents solution for automatic evaluation of accuracy of positioning specialized networks’ points in a plane coordinate system.

Barometer ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-342
Faris Fauzi ◽  
Agus Hermanto

Kebutuhan energi semakin meningkat dengan berkembang pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, dan industri. Berbagai alternatif energi terus dikembangkan oleh pemerintah. Energi fosil terbatas jumlahnya oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sumber alternatif lain. Sumber energi yang mempunyai bahan baku dari air sebagai penggerak utama mempunyai potensi yang besar dan ketersediaannya sumber bahan baku yang mudah dan murah. Analisa dan perhitungan menggunakan software VBA sebagai add in ke sheet pada microsoft excel. Simulasi dilakukan dengan input data investment sebagai data awal yang dibutuhkan dan input beberapa parameter seperti VAT, interest, dll. Dari data input tersebut didapatkan hasil akhir untuk WACC yaitu 6.75%, IRR Project 10.88% (feasible), NPV Project 70.798.620 USD (feasible), BCR 1,36 (feasible), Payback Period 7 Tahun 8 Bulan, IRR Equity 12,95% (feasible), NPV Equity 30.057.140 USD (feasible). Hasil nilai NPV positif dan hasil perhitungan dikatakan feasible, maka proyek layak untuk dilaksanakan

Jurnal Pari ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Edwin Yulia Setiawan

ABSTRAK:Dalam Sistem Stock Opname Barang Milik Negara sampai dengan saat ini masih dilakukansecara manual melalui pencatatan menggunakan kertas dan pengamatan menggunakan matasecara langsung. Metode ini menimbukan permasalahan pada kecepatan dan ketepatanpembacaan kode barang. Inovasi yang disampaikan pada artikel ini adalah memanfaatkan Quick Response Code yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi Barang Milik Negara untuk melakukan prosesstockopnamesecara automatis menggunakan aplikasi yang diinstal pada handphone (sebagai alatpembaca Quick Response Code) dan PC Desktop/PCTablet (sebagai database Barang Milik Negara dan pengolah data). Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan platform desktop applicationmenggunakan software Visual Basic for Application dengan database menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan aplikasi android Scan-IT to Office. Penerapan sistem aplikasi stock opname melibatkan operator Barang Milik Negara, pelaksana stock opname, pengawasan oleh pejabat Administrator atau pejabat lainnya yang secara langsung melakukan pengawasan proses stock opname secara real time. Dengan menggunakan sistem automasi ini, dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensipengelolaan Barang Milik Negara, yang meliputi pelaksanaan stock opname, pencatatan perubahandata nama dan spesifikasi barang, pemegang barang dan status barang, pelaporan hasil stock opname yang digunakan sebagai sumber perubahan data Barang Milik Negara.ABSTRACT:The stock opname to State-Owned Property up to now is still done manually through the use of paper and observation use the eye directly. This methode raises a problem with the speed and accuracy of reading item codes. Innovation delivered on this article is to harness Quick Response Codeproduced by application roll State-Owned Property existing to conduct the stock opname inautomatic use applications installed on mobile (as Quick Response Code reader equipment) and desktop/tablet pc (as State-Owned Property database and processors). The system was built using a desktop application platform that uses software application for visual basic with the database using microsoft excel and the android application Scan-IT to Office. The implementation of the applications involving State-Owned Property operator opname stock, the stock opname operator, supervision by an administrator or other officials directly to supervise the stock opname in real time. Using this automatic system, improving the effectiveness, and efficiency of State-Owned Property management, which includes the stock opname, the record of specification and item name change, the holder and status of the goods, reporting the stock opname result that is used as a source of State-Owned Property data.

F. S. Conte ◽  
A. Ahmadi

Mermaid is a new decision support tool for managing shellfish growing areas. It is written in Visual Basic for Application (VBA) language and uses Microsoft Excel for input, calculation, and output modules. The program automatically imports the regulatory agency's data and generates scattergrams that can be used as decision support tools to help decide which shellfish growing areas should be closed and which ones should be open for harvest. The Mermaid program uses the equations developed by the Pearl model that provide more sensitive and accurate measures of sanitation safety for consumption of shellfish, and are more accurate than the U.S. National Standards.

Bayu Bagus Riyandiarto ◽  
Nanda Noor Fadjrin

Abstract — This research is the development of the Microsoft Excel VBA application to perform regression analysis between weather parameters in terms of data centering measures (PAMER11). The combination of parameters and data centering measures obtained 55 parameters that can be combined into 1,677,255,139,725 annual regression analysis outputs. The case study used in this study only calculates air humidity with temperature and air pressure observation variables, then the analysis results are compared with the results of the Excel Toolpak analysis data with the Anova. The development of this application method is carried out in 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, adn dissemination. The defined stage includes analysis of the needs of researchers in the BMKG field, analysis coverage of the needs of BMKG in the form of regression analysis. The design stage includes format selection, application program selection, and initial design (prototype 1). The development stage includes validation (prototype 2) obtained a programming aspect value of 4.1325 valid criteria, comparison of Anova results from the output of the PAMER11 application and analysis of the Excel toolpak, the f-value is  with a p-value of 99% which results in the two calculations are significantly equal, for the display aspect get a value of 4,8175 valid criteria, limited and field product trials (prototype 3), where a limited trial was carried out on all faculty lecturers getting a score of 4.2440 very good criteria. Field trials conducted on the BMKG Cilacap got a score of 4.8333 very good criteria and data analysis at each stage of development has been improved towards the application program. Keywords — Development; Microsoft Excel; Visual Basic for Application (VBA); Regression Analysis; Weather Parameters

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 77-82
György Hampel

A Microsoft Excel Visual Basic fór Application programok segítségével nagyméretű adathalmazok szűrésével kapott adatsorain képes programozottan megismételni a számításokat. Több statisztikai programmal tudnánk a Shapiro-Wilk próbát alkalmazni normális eloszlás ellenőrzésére, de programozható módon erre csak az Excelt használhatjuk. Az Excel táblázatkezelő program segítségével felhasználóbarát kezelőfelületet alakítunk ki a számítások automatizált elvégzéséhez.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-97
Fadillah Ramadhan ◽  
Hendang Setyo Rukmi ◽  
Arif Imran ◽  
Cahyadi Nugraha ◽  
Risdan Ferdiansyah

The rapid development of information technology has made people to have the ability to design software with a programming language. There are quite some engineers who have not mastered programming languages. It happens becausesome people think that developing software with a certain programming language is very difficult. The language is difficult to understand, the accuracy must be precise, and the user is not familiar with the platform. Difficulty in learning programming languages is a problem that is often encountered by university students, vocational students, or employees. This article describes an easy programming language training activity for beginners, namelyVisual Basic for Applications (VBA)-Ms. Excel training.The advantage of this programming language iseasy to operate because manystudentsor employees are very familiar with Ms. Excel so that the adaptation process will be easy. The results of the post-test training that was attended bystudents showed a significant increase in the ability to design programming languages.

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