visual basic for applications
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 34-41
Sergey Bolotin ◽  
Haitham Bohan ◽  
Aldyn-kys Dadar ◽  
Khenzig Biche-ool ◽  

Introduction: Planning integrated development of a residential area involves determining the composition of the objects to be built and creating an appropriate integration mechanism, backed up by a generalized work schedule. The existing methods of forming integrated work schedules do not use a systemic approach, based on a universal mathematical model, to describe the organizational and technological aspects of construction. Methods: The present study uses the method of uncertain resource coefficients to demonstrate a mechanism for systemically describing organizational and technological construction processes. We present a way of adapting this method to forming a generalized construction schedule during integrated development. The proposed adaptation mechanism is based on managing schedule calculations by rationally influencing the elements of the linear equation system that describes the organizational and technological processes. Results and Discussion: The solutions presented in the paper are fully consistent with the calculations obtained by different flow methods of organizing construction, as well as with the critical path method used in project management programs. The method described in the paper has been implemented in well-known project management software, Microsoft Project, as a macro program in the Visual Basic for Applications programming language, making it possible to form, calculate, and optimize a schedule for integrated territory development using the unified software toolkit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 116-122
Tatyana I. Sinitsyna ◽  
Andrey N. Gorbunov

Background. Workovers (WO) are the main EOR tool at Krasnoleninskoye reservoirs. Therefore, the issue of increasing the reliability of technological and economic performance when planning various types of workovers is urgent. This is due to the complexity of selecting well candidates, the lack of a comprehensive methodology for assessing the short-term and long-term potential of wells, large WO scopes, as well as declining WO performance associated with the reduction of reserves, deterioration of the energy state of the reservoirs, and advancement of the injected water front. The purpose of the study is to create mathematical tools that will reduce the time of well-candidates selection for various types of workovers and to improve the WO quality for entire field. The paper describes methods of automated selection of well candidates that were successfully applied in the conditions of the field of interest, namely graphical and mathematical tools. The mathematical one has been created based on the correlation-regression analysis of the actual implementation of stimulation methods in various geological-field conditions in Microsoft Excel 2010 with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The graphical tool has been generated on the basis of all historical field data verified and processed using methods of primary statistical analysis in RN-KIN software. The study resulted in a technique that was selected and tested in the conditions of Krasnoleninskoye oil and gas condensate field. The process of introducing the developed approaches to the search for well candidates for various types of workovers in the field was accompanied by updating, analysis of results, and cyclic training of the system. A methodological approach has been developed, including the combination of several methods for selecting well candidates for various types of workovers. A combination of statistical and graphical methods made it possible to significantly improve the reliability of WO candidates selection and therefore to reduce the share of uneconomic workovers by 12 % in the period from 2017 to 2020. As part of the study, a script has been developed that automatically computes the rank of a well-candidate which significantly reduces time costs and allows to quickly evaluate the “best” workover candidates.

Vitalii Chumak ◽  
Mariia Maksymiuk ◽  
Olena Kosenko ◽  
Vira Rudenko ◽  
Olena Spaska

Exceptional prospects for use in science, technology and industry are opened by highly dispersed powders (ultradispersed diamonds, nanoceramics, medicinal powders) and materials based on them. The properties of such materials depend on the particle size determined by sedimentation analysis. An equation is proposed for processing sedimentation analysis data, which does not depend on the size distribution law of polydisperse system particles, and is used to describe the distribution functions of particles with radii for clay suspensions. A program in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language has been created for calculating the fractional composition of suspensions according to the proposed equation; the correctness of its operation on a model system has been checked and confirmed. Experimental research has confirmed that the use of the developed program and the "Search for a solution" add-on for the MS Excel environment makes it possible to determine the fractional composition of suspensions. It has been proven that the proposed method can be used to analyze polydisperse systems. It has been found that for the suspensions under consideration, as containing 25 fractions, it is possible to determine the integral curve of the distribution of the masses of the particles of the dispersed phase along the radii. This allows to assert the possibility of using the proposed equation for processing sedimentation analysis data, which does not depend on the law of mass distribution of polydisperse system particles by size. Thus, there is reason to assert about the possibility of a reasonable determination of the fractional composition of any polydisperse systems. It is possible to obtain certain effects from the introduction of sedimentation analysis data processing according to the proposed equation in production, where the fractional composition of dispersed phases is regulated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
Olav Gravir Imenes ◽  
Vibeke Bjarnø ◽  
Ove E. Hatlevik

Programmering er tatt inn i den nye læreplanen for matematikk i grunnskolen i Norge. Det betyr at lærerstudenter har behov for å få erfaring med å løse matematiske problemer gjennom programmering. I matematikkfaget på lærerutdanninga for 1.–7. trinn ble det laga et undervisningsopplegg som omfatta opplæring i sannsynlighet og Monte Carlo-simulering med programmering i Excel med Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Arbeidskravet innebar bruk av Monte Carlo-simulering for å løse Chevalier de Méré-problemet og Monty Hall-problemet. I etterkant av studentenes arbeid ble det utforma en NSD-godkjent studie. Utvalget i denne studien er 16 studentgruppers besvarelser på arbeidskravet knytta til dette undervisningsopplegget innen dataprogrammering i mate­matikkfaget. Et funn fra studien er at småfeil kan skape store problemer ettersom mange studenter ikke klarer å vurdere hvor fornuftige de svarene programmet gir er. I tillegg gir manglende systematikk feilsvar. Men i de tilfellene der studentene klarer å program­mere rett, hjelpes de til å løse Chevalier de Méré-problemet. Vi finner også at studentene kan få hjelp av manuell Monte Carlo-simulering for å løse Monty Hall-problemet, gitt at denne gir tallverdier som ligger nært forventningsverdien (p = 2/3), mens i de tilfel­lene hvor tallverdiene ligger langt unna forventningsverdien kan det virke forvirrende. Det er fordeler og ulemper med både manuell og digital Monte Carlo-simulering, og det ser ut til at lærerstudenter kan ha nytte av å løse oppgaver ved hjelp av begge metoder. For å få det beste læringsutbyttet er det avgjørende at læreren velger gode og relevante oppgaver, som gjør at studentene både ser nytten av simuleringa, og også har en viss mulighet til å kontrollere svaret, slik at ikke tilfeldighet under simuleringa og program­meringsfeil bidrar til forvirring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Henrique Da Silva Pizzo ◽  
Vinícius Martins Galil

In order to provide parameters for sizing a damping reservoir, which was intended to control the floods that occur in the Ipiranga Stream basin, a routine developed in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is used. From the identification of the most critical point of the flood, hydrological flow data are presented, estimated by dividing the basin into sub-basins, using the Rational method, resulting in a value of flow higher than the admissible one for the stream channel. The method used in dimensioning the reservoir was flood routing. After making a pre-selection of the most interesting place to position the reservoir, insertions of the situation existent were made to the VBA application, in order to generate scenarios and enable the choice of an ideal situation, in view of the presented constraints. A very acceptable and feasible result is pointed out, indicating general parameters for sizing a reservoir to control floods in the Ipiranga Stream basin.

Nilton da Silva Oliveira Jr ◽  
Eric Alexandre Brito da Silva

Introdução: O ensino da disciplina de Biofísica para as ciências da saúde desde sempre exigiu grandes esforços por parte dos docentes. Com o avanço dos sistemas computacionais, os simuladores permitiram tornar algo que é abstrato (propriedades biofísicas) aos alunos em algo inteligível. No intuito de adequar-se a essas novas tecnologias, os docentese as grandes universidades adquiriram e iniciaram o uso dessas ferramentas para otimizar o ensino da disciplina. Pensando-se em uma alternativa disponível publicamente em língua portuguesa, o objetivo deste projeto de iniciação científica foi a criação de dois simuladores computacionais, o primeiro elaborado em planilhas do Excel e o segundo em plataformas com interface para uso em navegadores de internet com o intuito de calcular propriedades bioelétricas de membranas celulares e facilitar o ensino e o aprendizado desse tema para os alunos dos cursos da área da saúde. Material e Métodos: A elaboração do projeto  compreendeu tarefas de levantamento bibliográfico, equacionamento de cálculos de biofísica e programação de sistemas em Visual Basic for Applications (VBA ®) e C# ® (ambas linguagens de programação proprietárias da Microsoft ™). Resultados e Discussão: O simulador de propriedades elétricas de membrana celular, nomeado de BioEletric9 já se encontra implementado e os testes realizados para averiguar sua funcionalidade e coerência dos cálculos foram satisfatórios, o que já permite utilizá-la em atividades didáticas. Conclusões: A planilha em Excel já é operacional e permite ao professor sua utilização didática como recurso informacional em sala de aula/laboratório de informática. O programa BioEletric9 encontra-se em seus últimos estágios de finalização e será submetido a umaotimização de layout depois de ter seus erros de execução corrigidos.Palavras chave: Mídias sociais, Biofísica, Ciências da saúde, Internet ABSTRACT Introduction: The teaching of biophysics for health sciences has always demanded great efforts on the part of the professors. Because of the computer systems advances, thesimulators can enable students to turn something abstract (biophysical properties) into something intelligible. In order to adapt to the new technology, professors and largeuniversities have acquired these tools and started using them to optimize the teaching of the subject. An undergraduate research project was created, as an alternative publicly available in Portuguese, where two computer simulators would be created, the first one elaborated inExcel spreadsheets and the second one in platforms with an interface for using it in internet browsers with the purpose of calculating bioelectric properties of cell membranesand facilitating the teaching and learning of this topic for students in health care courses. Materials and Methods: The elaboration of the project consisted of bibliographicsurvey, equation of biophysics calculations and systems programming in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA ®) and C # ® (both Microsoft ™ proprietary programming languages). Results and Discussion: The simulator of the electrical properties of cell membranes, named BioEletric9 has already been implemented and the tests carried out toascertain its functionality and the coherence of the calculations were satisfactory, which has already validated it to be used in teaching activities. Conclusions: The Excel spreadsheet is already operational and allows the teacher to use it as an information resource in the classroom or computer lab. The BioEletric9 program is in its final stages of adjustment and will be subjected to a layout optimization after having its execution errors corrected.Keywords: Social media, Biophysics, Health sciences, Internet

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Helder Vasconcelos Alves ◽  
Fernando Hideki Hirosue

Os métodos de cálculo de tarifas do transporte por ônibus utilizados no Brasil, em sua grande parte, estão obsoletos, sendo necessárias novas formas de se calcular o valor das tarifas. A automatização dos métodos de cálculos faz com que os órgãos competentes e projetistas levem menos tempo com demandas operacionais e possam focar em análises mais profundas sobre os custos do sistema de transporte coletivo urbano. Portanto, este estudo apresenta uma proposta de automatizar um desses métodos de cálculo: o Método Leonês. Tal automatização foi executada no Microsoft Excel através da linguagem de programação própria do software, denominada VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Por fim, foram obtidos como resultados a planilha final de cálculo, considerações na concepção da planilha e ideias futuras de melhorias possíveis no programa construído.

Izaura De Vargas Martins ◽  
Lorenzo Augusto Ruschi e Luchi

Este artigo trata da elaboração de uma ferramenta computacional para o dimensionamento de vigas protendidas biapoiadas conforme a NBR 6118:2014. São contemplados os níveis de protensão completa, limitada e, especialmente, parcial. Para diferentes carregamentos, o programa realiza o pré-dimensionamento da força de protensão, calcula as perdas imediatas e progressivas. Verifica os estados-limites de serviço de compressão excessiva, descompressão, formação e abertura das fissuras, e deformações excessivas. Verifica os estados-limites últimos, no ato da protensão, dimensionamento à flexão e à força cortante. O programa foi desenvolvido utilizando o <em>Microsoft Excel </em>e o<em> Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications</em>, apresenta interface gráfica com o usuário e geração de memoriais de cálculo, servindo como recurso didático no meio acadêmico tanto no nível de graduação e quanto de pós-graduação. Os resultados obtidos são validados pela comparação com exemplos presentes na literatura.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 8801
Naim Ahmad ◽  
Ayman Qahmash

Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is a technique to establish the interrelationships between elements of interest in a specific domain through experts’ knowledge of the context of the elements. This technique has been applied in numerous domains and the list continues to grow due to its simplistic concept, while sustainability has taken the lead. The partially automated or manual application of this technique has been prone to errors as witnessed in the literature due to a series of mathematical steps of higher-order computing complexity. Therefore, this work proposes to develop an end-to-end graphical software, SmartISM, to implement ISM technique and MICMAC (Matrice d’Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliquée á un Classement (cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification)), generally applied along with ISM to classify variables. Further, a scoping review has been conducted to study the applications of ISM in the previous studies using Denyer and Tranfield’s (2009) framework and newly developed SmartISM. For the development of SmartISM, Microsoft Excel software has been used, and relevant algorithms and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) functions have been illustrated. For the transitivity calculation the Warshall algorithm has been used and a new algorithm reduced conical matrix has been introduced to remove edges while retaining the reachability of variables and structure of digraph in the final model. The scoping review results demonstrate 21 different domains such as sustainability, supply chain and logistics, information technology, energy, human resource, marketing, and operations among others; numerous types of constructs such as enablers, barriers, critical success factors, strategies, practices, among others, and their numbers varied from 5 to 32; number of decision makers ranged between 2 to 120 with a median value of 11, and belong to academia, industry, and/or government; and usage of multiple techniques of discourse and survey for decision making and data collection. Furthermore, the SmartISM reproduced results show that only 29 out of 77 studies selected have a correct application of ISM after discounting the generalized transitivity incorporation. The outcome of this work will help in more informed applications of this technique in newer domains and utilization of SmartISM to efficiently model the interrelationships among variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Iesyah Rodliyah ◽  
Sari Saraswati

The purpose of this study is to describe the results of the development of statistical questions presented by utilizing Microsoft Power Point applications based on Visual Basic for Applications. The development model in this study uses the ADDIE model which stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research trial used several subjects including two validators, namely material experts and media experts, as well as mathematics education students who took statistics courses. Data collection techniques were carried out through test and questionnaire methods. While the data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis. This development research resulted in a product in the form of statistical test questions in the form of multiple choice questions consisting of five questions and packaged in a macro VBA-based Microsoft Power Point application. The results showed that the questions developed met the valid, reliable, and sensitive categories. In addition, the products developed have also met the criteria of being valid, practical, and effective for use.

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