scholarly journals Individual and Community Crises in a Pandemic: The Social Theater of Ambulatory Care

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-84
Katarzyna Kułakowska ◽  
Katarzyna Kalinowska ◽  
Olga Drygas ◽  
Michał Bargielski

This article offers a preliminary diagnosis of Polish social theaters with regard to the crises of the individual and the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interpretive framework is Lidia Zamkow’s concept of the theater of ambulatory care, which allows us to locate the activity of social theaters in the context of Michel de Certeau’s tactics and Jack Halberstam’s low theories. The theater of ambulatory care recognizes the needs of individuals and communities in a pandemic crisis and reacts to them in different ways. We distinguish and describe three ideal types of diagnoses and the resulting treatments that theaters of ambulatory care use in a pandemic: therapy, conjuring, and revolution. The article is based on materials collected during two studies: a funded research project on the anthropological and social activity of the Węgajty Theater, carried out at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a survey among theater staff during the pandemic, initiated by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute in Warsaw. (Trans. K. Kułakowska)

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-226
Олена Горова

Професійне   становлення   особистості   супроводжує   всі   етапи  соціально-вікового   розвитку  особистості.  Трудова  діяльність  є  основним  видом  суспільної  активності,  який  дозволяє  працівнику  задовольняти  основні  потреби,  особливо  у  процесі  постійних  соціальних,  освітніх  реформ.  Важливим  завданням психологічного супроводу працівника у процесі виконання професійної діяльності є забезпечення  сприятливих  умов  формування  професійно  важливих  якостей.  Соціальна  успішність  є  результатом  ефективного  розв’язання  виробничих  завдань, які  мають  суспільно корисну  важливість  та  пов’язані  з  потребами інших людей. Якісний прогресивний розвиток працівника можливий лише за умови збереження  стійкого  позитивного  ставлення  до  професії.  Позитивна  професійна  самоідентифікація  пов’язана  з  ототожненням  та  персоналізацією  працівником  особистісних  рис  працівників,  які  досягли  успіху  у  професії,  мають  суспільно  визнані  результати  діяльності.  Таким  чином,  професійна  успішність  як  суб’єктне  новоутворення  у  якості  відчуття  гордості  за  власні  результати  діяльності  забезпечує  реалізацію традиції наставництва і  передачі позитивного професійного досвіду.    Професійно  успішний  працівник  усвідомлює  необхідність  та  важливість  результатів  своєї  діяльності  для  інших,  що  вимагає,  відповідно,  від  соціального  середовища  усвідомлення  необхідності  визнання  результатів  діяльності  фахівців.  Знехтуваний  суспільством  працівник,  або  той,  результати  діяльності  якого  позиціонуються  як  меншовартісні,  дистанціюється  від  професії  та  має  негативний  потенціал розвитку. Professional formation of the person accompanies all phases of social and age of the individual. Gainful  employment is the main form of social activity that allows the employee to realize the basic needs. An important task  of psychological support worker in the course of professional activity is to provide favorable conditions for the  formation  of  professionally  important  qualities.  Professional  success  is  the  result  of  an  effective  solution  of  industrial jobs that are socially useful and important related to the needs of others. High-quality progressive  development of an employee is only possible while maintaining a stable positive attitude towards the profession.  Positive  professional  identity  associated  with  the  identification  and  personalization  of  employee  personality traits of employees who have been successful in the profession, who have publicly acknowledged  performance. Thus professional success as the subjective feeling of a lump in the pride of their own results of  operations  ensures  the  implementation  of  the  tradition  of  mentoring  and  of  positive  transfer  of  professional  experience.  Professionally successful employees aware of the need and the importance of the results of its operations  for the other, which requires, respectively, from the social environment - awareness of the need to recognize the  performance of specialists. Unclaimed society worker, or the results of operations, which are positioned as less  important, is moving away from the profession and has a negative potential. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Yuliia Stepura

Abstract The article examines the nature and importance of using aesthetic and therapeutic concept and educational logotherapy, in particular, for creating a special emotionally comfortable socioeducational environment for primary education The author has represented inteipretation of foreign scholars' views (J. Bugental, V. Frankl, A. Maslow, R. May, J. Moreno, C. Rogers et al) on such terms as “communication ”, “aesthetotherapy ”, “educational logotherapy” etc. An attempt has been made to analyze the social coTitent of pedagogical activity in the context of using logotherapy in primary school based on an agogical paradigm. In the scope of the article, the specific of using the therapeutic metaphor in the educational environment of primary' school has been represented as well as the basic stages of its implementation have been determined. These stages are the following: description of the storyline, persuasion and binding. The author has defined the role of the “living metaphors” in organization of the therapeutic interaction between the teacher and primary' schoolchildren. Particular attention has been paid to formation of the humanistic competency among primary schoolchildren; this competency is to be based on their understanding of the following philosophical and pedagogical categories: a norm (as a means and a results of pupils' social activity), freedom (as a mean and a result of individual self-expression among primary schoolchildren) and happiness (as an individual self-expression among primaryr schoolchildren). The author has assessed the role of deflection method and paradoxical intention for the social development of the pupil and further formation of the individual. Additional attention has been paid to determination of the socioeducational and psychological and pedagogical potential of such leading method in logotherapy as “The Socratic dialogue” (or “The Socratic circle”): as well have been highlighted the main stages of its implementation: consent (search for what pupil may agree), doubt (an expression of doubts towards weak arguments of interlocutor) and arguments (the teacher must convey' one’s opinion, without any resistance from the child): have been represented different various algorithms of its realization: the method of “aquarium”, “panel method” and “questioning technique”.

Olha Palahnyuk ◽  

In the conditions of systemic social, and at the same time personal crisis, accompanied by values relativization, the issue of searching the ways out of this state is actualized in the scientific discourse. Overcoming the crisis depends largely on a person who is able consciously to take responsibility for the actions in the living space, which is created primarily by the personal interactions. Therefore, the social responsibility problem, its formation factors, impact on personal and psychosocial maturity has become significantly relevant in the context of social psychology and at the interdisciplinary level. At the same time, the current socio-political situation in the country, accompanied by military conflict, complex processes of civil society development require an active social, civic, politically responsible position of citizens, especially young people that is socio-demographic group, which acts as a «barometer» of socio-economic and the political state of society and, despite the particular opportunities expansion for self-determination and individual development, it is experiencing spiritual devastation, selfishness, infantilism. The latter leads to the deformation of the youth normative and valuable sphere and require the specialists’ close attention. Thus, the aim of our study is a comprehensive theoretical and methodological analysis and conceptualization of Christian religious beliefs in socio-psychological and philosophical contexts as a factor in developing the social responsibility of the individual. The problem of social responsibility is closely related to the development in moral and ideological spheres of personality, an important component of which is the attitude as willingness to social activity and responsibility as a result of these actions. The social attitudes analysis identifies those related to religious spirituality and Christian morality i.e. Christian religious attitudes that express personal position, conscious state of being, active human attitude to the world in general and in particular to their self-realization. Based on a comprehensive analysis, it is determined that Christian religious attitudes in socio-psychological and worldview contexts are ideological attitudes that are the need and willingness to treat and act to people, events, phenomena, life, God considering the Christian morality based on faith and love to God and neighbour. In addition, they can / should be perceived as internal restraints: not freedom, but pseudo-freedom (permissiveness) and act as a natural law of conscience, the desire for the highest, the moral intuition of man.

Nataliya V. Usova

The article presents the results of an empirical study of psychodynamic predictors of social activity of the young generation. The basis of this study is a system-diachronic approach which allowed studying social activity in the development process and identifying mismatches between the requirements of the social environment and the possibilities to meet these requirements on the part of the individual. The findings suggest that the focus of social activity is not determined by individual psychodynamic features, but by their successful combination. The studied personality characteristics are considered by us as predictors of the physical, social and ideal needs of the individual, and the direction of social activity, as a way to satisfy them. It is proved that the direction of social activity depends on the general and private tasks of personal development and is a necessary condition for the socio-psychological adaptation of the individual.

2018 ◽  
pp. 155
Ramon Llopis-Goig

Resumen: Este artículo presenta los principales hallazgos empíricos de un estudio sobre las prácticas e identificaciones de carácter transnacional que se han desarrollado en el espacio social del fútbol europeo durante las últimas décadas como consecuencia de los procesos de globalización. El objetivo del estudio ha consistido en identificar y cuantificar la emergencia de patrones de consumo e identificación que trascienden las fronteras del Estado-nación al que aquellos estuvieron confinados desde el surgimiento y desarrollo de este deporte. El sustento empírico del trabajo procede de una encuesta realizada dentro del proyecto de investigación Football Research in an Enlarged Europe (FREE), que fue financiado por el 7º Programa Marco de la Unión Europea. Los resultados apuntan a la existencia de una reconfiguración de los nexos de articulación entre el fútbol y la sociedad merced al surgimiento de prácticas e identificaciones de carácter transnacional que conviven con otras de obediencia nacional.Abstract: This article presents the main empirical findings of a study on transnational practices and identifications that have developed at the social space of European football over the last decades as a consequence of the globalization processes. The aim of the study has been to identify and quantify the emergence of consumption and identification patterns that go beyond the Nation-state borders to which they were confined from the appearance and initial development of this sport. The empirical support for this work comes from a survey carried out within a European Union funded research project (7th Framework Programme) entitled Football Research in an Enlarged Europe (FREE). The results of the study indicate a reconfiguration of the connections between football and society in relation with the development of transnational practices and identifications living with others of national scope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Valentina A. Sushko ◽  
Gennadi B. Pronchev

The article examines the influence of social capital on the quality of life of the Russian population and its particular components. The authors point to the problem associated with the social capital of the individual and determine the levels, namely the micro-level (interaction of individuals), meso-level (interaction with organizations), and macro-level (interaction with government bodies, etc.), which form the social capital. In the course of the analysis, the authors reveal the theoretical and methodological approaches of foreign and Russian scientists to the concept of social capital and its components. Based on empirical data from sociological research conducted in 2019, the article analyzes the structure of values of the adult population of Russia, highlights the characteristics of social capital and the degree of their influence on the formation of the quality of life. In the course of the research, the authors focus on the micro-level of the formation and influence of social capital, highlighting such components as a social activity and material security of an individual. In the course of the study, it was found that the social capital of a person affects the quality of a person's life, to a certain extent, forming the circle of his/her interests and values, as well as providing real opportunities for the realization of the interests of the individual and meeting his/her needs. The obtained results of the analysis can be useful for further study of the quality of life.

Svitlana Cherneta

The article highlights the problems that have led to a significant increase in social tension, namely to the population needs  increase  in social services. It has necessitated a rethinking of the role of social services in the people's lives and changes of the whole system of their providing. Trying to cover especially vulnerable people/groups of the population, such a social demographic group as a youth found itself outside the social services system. The purpose of our article is to analyse and characterize the problems, features and trends of modern youth, and the development of effective ways of improvement of the quality of social services of informing and counselling. We used a complex of methods to achieve the established goal: the analysis of scientific literature, normative legal documents to clarify the essence of key concepts of the research; the synthesis, comparison and generalization – for the development of effective ways of improvement of the quality of social services of informing and counselling; the systematic summarizing method – for the formulation of conclusions that are based on the results of the research; the predictive - for the determination of the prospects of improvement of the system of social services of young people in the community.The goal of the system of social services is solving the life problems of individuals or social groups; creating such conditions under which the specified groups will be able to solve their problems on their own, restore lost skills and functions, overcome or minimize the negative consequences of those circumstances that they are not able to overcome on their own through the use of their available resources.Priority is given to developing a strategy for the development of quality youth information policy in Ukraine to meet the information needs of youth.It is determined that youth is the subject of receiving counselling services, which are carried out during the period that is necessary to get out of a difficult life situation and adapt the person, family to the new conditions of the social environment, that are aimed at eliminating/adapting the limitations of livelihood, maintaining social independence, preserving and continuing the social activity of the individual, family.

The article reveals the heuristic potential of the sociological concept of social activity developed by the founder of the Kharkov Sociological School E. A. Yakuba in the 1960- 1980s. Based on historical and sociological material and conceptual analysis, the author demonstrates the potential of this concept from the sociology of knowledge perspective. He analyzes a number of related categories and problems that are introduced by E. A. Yakuba to discuss the problems of social activity. It is emphasized that the elected by E. A. Yakuba position allows to study and measure social activity in detail (that is, answer the question “how?”), However, it is the sociology of knowledge that gives a chance to study the sociogenesis and ontogenesis of social activity (that is, answer the question “why?”). The definition, systemic connections and methods of operationalization and indication of social activity proposed by E. A. Yakuba are given and analyzed. A separate emphasis is placed on the analysis of how the category of “social activity” is associated with the category of “subjectivity”. The most important plot is the connection of the social essence of activity, that is, its inclusion in the sociality of the individual as a connection with the social whole. The evolution of the views of E. A. Yakuba on these categories, as well as their relationship with social maturity, activity, personality, is investigated. The possibilities of the sociology of knowledge in synthesizing various aspects of E. A. Yakuba approach are explored. Particular emphasis is placed on the consistency of E. A. Yakuba’s theory, and also the limitations and specifics of the (often implicit) influence of Marxism on its development have been studied. The conclusion about the possibilities and limitations of updating the concept of “social activity” in a sociological-knowledge reassembling of E. A. Yakuba’s theory is formulated.

Oksana Stupak ◽  

The article presents the theoretical analysis and systematization of the approaches to the definition of the «social activity» concept. The definition of «activity» is used as an independent concept in various fields of science, and as an additional element in different systems. In scientific thought the concepts of «active person», «initiative» and «social initiative» etc. are used as the derivatives of the term. The analysis of encyclopedic, psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to distinguish the following approaches to the concept of «social activity»: as a dynamic personality characteristic that reflects the level of orientation of abilities, knowledge, skills, concentration of volitional and creative efforts of the individual to realize his or her urgent needs, interests, goals; as a way of life, characterized by the ability to act on his or her own, performing a personal beginning in new forms and activities; as the connection of the individual with the social environment through conscious, purposeful interaction of the individual and society taking into account the personal reasons for which people are influencing each other and various socially useful activities. The given essential characteristics of the concept of «social activity» certainly do not cover all aspects of terminological foundations, but act as certain guidelines that in the context of studying the problem of forming youth social activity made it possible to determine social activity as an integrated personal activity in order to initiate, plan, implement the socially useful activities in the communicative social environment, taking into account their own needs, the needs of society and personal qualities that contribute to its implementation. Considering the age of participants, young people need the possibility of self-realization in socially meaningful activities, participation in which gives them confidence in their own strength, the opportunity to acquire personal and social status, important social experience, realize their interests and needs.

Brett Mills

AbstractThe three-year (2012–2015) AHRC-funded research project Make Me Laugh: Creativity in the British Television Comedy Industry worked with writers, producers, directors and other industry personnel to map the productions they work on and follow their labor as they move from one job to another and strive to maintain a career. This article draws on interview material from this project to investigate the ways in which comedy workers negotiate the maintenance of their creativity within economic, cultural and industrial contexts such as policy, funding, and the whims of broadcasters and production companies. It argues that while such contexts are evident for all cultural production, there are specifics of the comedy sector because of humor’s relationships with the social role of broadcasting. It therefore highlights the specificity of comic creative labor, contributing to ongoing Humor Studies debates focused on the particularities of comedy as a category.

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