2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-49

The article discusses the impact of tax policy of the Russian Federation on inflation. Growth in inflation negatively affects the Russian budget, consumer demand and corporate activity. In turn, this negatively affects the amount of tax revenues and their collection. Since fiscal policy as a whole functions as a regulator of government spending and taxes, using its methods it is possible to purposefully regulate inflationary pro-cesses. Correct use of fiscal policy instruments leads to a stable, balanced growth of the economy and living standards of the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-16

The article is devoted to the consideration of the issues of the fiscal policy of the Russian Federation in the field of income in the acute quarantine period of 2020 and its preliminary results. According to the chro-nology, first, a review of the results and plans of the pre-quarantine year 2019 is carried out, with which the budgetary and tax system of Russia entered a series of difficult-to-predict events in 2020. The indicators of income at the federal and regional levels are analyzed, as well as the stabilization measures of the budgetary and tax policy under the results of the first quarter, 1st half of the year and available data for 2020.

Lorena Çakerri ◽  
Migena Petanaj ◽  
Oltiana Muharremi

One of the main issues of economic policy and government is to ensure a sustainable economic growth of a country.Economic growth has been at the center of every government in place since at least year 2000.Though for this teen-year ,growth values were satisfactory in Albania, the macroeconomic situation changed in 2009,when appeared the elements of the global crisis. Economic global crisis has awakened interest in the case of fiscal policy.Fiscal policy and monetary policy as well, are two basci components of state economic policy which are used for macroeconomic purposes:influence of gross domestic product, the level of enmployment, income and price level. The two main instruments of fiscal policy are government expenditures and taxes. Government expenditures are considered as the most powerful weapon available to fiscal policy makers, especially in developing countries such as Albania. During the last century , governments have spent more and more in relation to their national income. This increase in government spending can be explained by the impact that this variable can have on the economic growth of a country? In fact ,about the connection between the government spending and the economic growth of a country various studies seem full of contradictions.This conflict is explained by changes in terms of definitions and from the differencies of the various countries included in these studies. The objective of this study is to give an appropriate answer to the question : Can government spending have the potential to impact and stimulate economic growth? How the changes of the size of the fiscal policy instruments have affected indicators of economic growth in Albania? This article will focus on the role that the fiscal policy has on economic growth , especially in our country, reviewing economic growth theories, debates about the effectiveness of fiscal policy , and active fiscal policy. Finally some suggestions for the future addressing the government expenditures towards priority sectors.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-119
Ю.Ю. Косенкова ◽  
Р.А. Насырова

В статье проанализированы основные налоговые меры, принятые в Российской Федерации для смягчения последствий новой коронавирусной инфекции, проведена классификация таких мер, дана оценка последствий их реализации. Статья содержит анализ изменения в результате пандемии налоговых поступлений в бюджетную систему, доначислений в результате контрольной работы налоговых органов, изменения количества налогоплательщиков. Также сделан вывод об эффективности преодоления российской экономикой последствий первого (самого сложного) года пандемии и дана оценка роли ФНС в осуществлении мер государственного регулирования. The article analyzes the main tax measures taken in the Russian Federation to mitigate the consequences of the new coronavirus infection, classifies such measures, and evaluates the consequences of their implementation. The article contains an analysis of changes as a result of a pandemic in tax revenues to the budget system, additional charges as a result of the control work of tax authorities, changes in the number of taxpayers. It also made a conclusion about the effectiveness of overcoming the consequences of the first (most difficult) year of the pandemic by the Russian economy and assessed the role of the Federal Tax Service in the implementation of state regulation measures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 37-55
E. V. Zarova ◽  
E. I. Dubravskaya

The topic of quantitative research on informal employment has a consistently high relevance both in the Russian Federation and in other countries due to its high dependence on cyclicality and crisis stages in economic dynamics of countries with any level of economic development. Developing effective government policy measures to overcome the negative impact of informal employment requires special attention in theoretical and applied research to assessing the factors and conditions of informal employment in the Russian Federation including at the regional level. Such effects of informal employment as a shortfall in taxes, potential losses in production efficiency, and negative social consequences are a concern for the authorities of the federal and regional levels. Development of quantitative indicators to determine the level of informal employment in the regions, taking into account their specifics in the general spatial and economic system of Russia are necessary to overcome these negative effects. The article proposes and tests methods for solving the problem of assessing the impact of hierarchical relationships on macroeconomic factors at the regional level of informal employment in constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Majority of the works on the study of informal employment are based on basic statistical methods of spatial-dynamic analysis, as well as on the now «traditional» methods of cluster and correlation-regression analysis. Without diminishing the merits of these methods, it should be noted that they are somewhat limited in identifying hidden structural connections and interdependencies in such a complex multidimensional phenomenon as informal employment. In order to substantiate the possibility of overcoming these limitations, the article proposes indicators of regional statistics that directly and indirectly characterize informal employment and also presents the possibilities of using the «random forest» method to identify groups of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have similar macroeconomic factors of informal employment. The novelty of this method in terms of research objectives is that it allows one to assess the impact of macroeconomic indicators of regional development on the level of informal employment, taking into account the implicit, not predetermined by the initial hypotheses, hierarchical relationships of factor indicators. Based on the generalization of the studies presented in the literature, as well as the authors’ statistical calculations using Rosstat data, the authors came to the conclusion about the high importance of macroeconomic parameters of regional development and systemic relationships of macroeconomic indicators in substantiating the differentiation of the informal level across the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 4-7
B. Kh. ALIYEV ◽  

The article examines the current state of the fiscal policy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is a combination of diverse economic management measures based on the distribution and redistribution of financial flows. The analysis of fiscal policy on the example of the subject of the Russian Federation (Republic of Dagestan). The article outlines the problematic issues of the tax policy of the Republic of Dagestan and suggests ways to overcome the identified problems.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-79
R. V. Tkachenko

The paper is devoted to the examination of issues related to the increasing importance of budgetary regulation for the proper functioning of a modern innovative society. The key role of the budgetary regulation in the financial process of the State is particularly acute in the context of systemic crises that include socio-economic consequences caused by the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Russia. In the course of the study, the features of changes in the state financial policy caused by the above-mentioned crisis phenomena are highlighted. The paper describes various approaches to the interpretation of the budgetary regulation as a category of financial law, explores various types and legal forms of methods of the budgetary regulation, analyses mechanisms and the impact of the State on the budget system through the existing legal structure of the budgetary regulation. It is determined that the rules of financial law governing the whole complex of public relations concerning the distribution and redistribution of the national product between the levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation constitute the institution of financial law, namely: the budgetary regulation. The author concludes that the approach based on the concentration of basic powers in the financial field at the federal level significantly slows down the dynamics of development of economic activity in the majority of regions of Russia, while the need for breakthrough innovative development of Russian society determinates the expansion of long-term tax sources of income for regional budgets. In this regard, it is proposed to consolidate additional regulation for revenues gained by regional and local budgets in the form of targeted deductions from federal taxes on a long-term basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 149-166
Dmitry V. Gordienko ◽  

The paper examines the interests of Russia, the United States and China in the regions of the world and identifies the priorities of Russia's activities in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Asia-Pacific region, the Arctic, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, their comparative assessment with the interests of the United States and China. An approach to assessing the impact of possible consequences of the activities of the United States and China on the realization of Russia's interests is proposed. This makes it possible to identify the priorities of the policy of the Russian Federation in various regions of the world. The results of the analysis can be used to substantiate recommendations to the military-political leadership of our country. It is concluded that the discrepancy between the interests of the United States and China is important for the implementation of the current economic and military policy of the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 56-66
E. V. Ryabtseva ◽  

The growing role of the judicial community in reforming the judicial system actualizes the scientific problems of law enforcement associated with understanding the essence of the regulatory impact of the Councils of Judges of the Russian Federation as a body of the judicial community to prevent the emergence of conflicts of legal interests in judicial activity. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the essence of individual regulation of conflicts of legal interests by the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, aimed at optimizing its activities to combat corruption. The worldview and methodological basis were the works of theoretical scholars and their methods of integrative understanding of law to substantiate the impact of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation on judicial activity through individual regulation. The conclusion is substantiated that the activities of the Commission of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation on Ethics, related to the drawing up of opinions on the assessment of conflicts of legal interests and other corruption risks for both acting judges and retired judges, is an individual regulation of legal relations through: interpretation of law; overcoming gaps and conflicts in the law; individuali zation of rights, etc. The content of the interpretation of law by the Commission of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation on Ethics is: the application of certain norms of both international and national law in a specific legal relationship when assessing conflicts of legal interests among judges through a systematic interpretation of the norms of law as a system of elements, defining its role in law, identifying other norms, as well as the principles of law; interpretation of the principles and norms of law, through the legal-logical interpretation of a normative act as logically interconnected structural elements of a single, internally agreed and consistent system of principles and norms of law, when deciding on the presence of conflicts of legal interests in the activities of judges, etc. The paper substantiates that in relation to conflicts of legal interests, individualization should be aimed at determining by the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation typical situations of such conflicts for their correct assessment and development of recommendations related to the optimal behavior of judges, when circumstances arise that lead to conflicts of legal interests.

A.G. Khvostov ◽  
N.R. Getaova

The article explores the concept, objectives and principle of student’s self-government in the system of modern higher education in the Russian Federation. The paper analyzes the impact of student’s self-government on the development of student’s social activity and the formation of a socially adapted personality among students, also the impact on the training of professional staff.

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