scholarly journals Studies of Sociology Conspiracy in Indonesian Politics Novel

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 605-612
Devito Andharu ◽  
Haris Supratno ◽  

This study aims to find a conspiracy in Indonesian politics novels. This study uses a sociology conspiracy study to reveal the concepts of conspiracy in the novel. The research approach used is qualitative. Data collection techniques using library techniques. The data analysis technique used hermeneutic and heuristic methods. And the data validity technique uses time triangulation. The results show that conspiracy in Indonesian politics novels is related to conflicts creation, scenarios-paranoid creation, and the manipulation of events.

Teguh Pramono ◽  
Djoko Susanto ◽  
Elly Widiarti

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pelayanan prima di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Kediri, serta mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis faktor yang mendukung atau menghambat pelaksanaan pelayanan prima di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Kediri. Fokus dalam penelitian ini meliputi sikap (attitude), kemampuan (ability), perhatian (attention), tindakan (action), tanggung jawab (accountability), dan penampilan (appearance). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi wawancara dan observasi yang ditulis dalam catatan lapangan. Keabsahan data dikaji dengan 2 metode yakni trianggulasi dan ketekunan pengamatan. Sementara itu, teknik analisis data mengacu pada Miles dan Huberman (2018). Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik yaitu pelaksanaan pelayanan prima di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Kediri belum sepenuhnya 100% baik , masih ada beberapa yang perlu diperbaiki dan dievaluasi. Hambatan yang ditemui adalah sumber daya manusia yang tidak sebanding dengan pemohon dan sarana dan prasarana. Kata Kunci: Pelayanan Prima, Disdukcapil, Hambatan, Sikap, Penampilan Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of excellent service at the Kediri Regency Population and Civil Registry Office, as well as describe and analyze the factors that support or hinder the implementation of excellent service at the Kediri Regency Population and Civil Registry Office. The focus in this study includes attitude, ability, attention, action, accountability, and appearance. The approach used in this study is qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study include interviews and observations written in field notes. The validity of the data was assessed by 2 methods, namely triangulation, and persistence of observation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique refers to Miles and Huberman (2018). The conclusion that can be drawn is that the implementation of excellent service at the Kediri Regency Population and Civil Registry Office is not yet 100% good, there are still some that need to be improved and evaluated. The obstacles encountered are human resources that are not comparable to the applicant and facilities and infrastructure. Keywords: Excellent Service, Department of Population and Civil Registry, Barriers, Attitudes, Appearance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-57
Izzatul Maulina ◽  
Lisda Nurjaleka

This study aims to analyze and categorize the type of yakuwarigo or role language on the Anime of Gintama. Role language, or known as Yakuwarigo in Japanese, is a set of language features associated with a particular type of character in the virtual world. The characteristic of these languages variation such as vocabulary, grammar, intonation, and accent patterns. (Kinsui, 2003). This study also investigates the function of these language variation types focusing on the yakuwarigo types in Anime Gintama. The data collection technique that was used is the note technique. The data analysis technique used in this study was the reading markah analysis technique followed by a descriptive qualitative data analysis technique to present the results of the data analysis. The results show that the type of Yakuwarigo found in Anime Gintama shows the variation of the character itself. Seven types of yakuwarigo seen from 10 Gintama anime characters, namely, aruyo kotoba, hakase go, onee kotoba, joseigo, danseigo, chara gobi, and Osaka ben. And the particular type of the yakuwarigo’s characteristics was shujoshi and specific types of expression used by these characters.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Amelia Rosalina ◽  
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Irma Diani

The purpose of this study is to describe the quality of the language available in the novel teenager "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data in this study Various styles on the novel teenagers "D'Angel Princess" by Luna Torashyngu. Documentation technique is used in the data collection technigue. Data analysis technique in this research is done through steps, that is: (1) reading novelteenlit "Angel Angel" by Luna Torashyngu (2) hiding data, (3) classifying data, (4) analyzing data, and (5) conclude. Test the validity of the data is a credibility test conducted by increasing persistence with the supervisor during the process, and discussion with colleagues. The results found in the novel D'Angel Princess by Luna Torashyngu in slang and not used to separate the characteristics of the teen novel. Then the word denotation and author connotation to express and convince the compiler readers convey narration and description in the story, said Science used as a means to monetize a novel theme with a scientific theme, the words used to sort out teenage characters who look slang. The use of sentences is used to describe the main character in the sentence Usage. The author's written sentence contains descriptions and narrations to make the story more interesting and easy to understand. Comment topic sentence  gives a beautiful impression or a beautiful comment on the characters. Use of minor sentences is used  to give challenge and sincerity to what people say so that readers feel confidence. Minor sentences and reciprocal is used by writers when delivering narration in serious situations or moods.Keywords: language style, teenlit novel, "D'Anggel" by Luna Torashyngu

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ni Wayan Gita Sadhana Savitri ◽  
I Nyoman Sukma Arida

Bindu Village is located at Badung district, which has potency to develop the wellness tourism. Development wellness tourism at Bindu village involves the elite people. The purpose of this study was to identify tourist attractions and the role of elite people in developing wellness tourism at Bindu village. Data collection techniques conducted in this study are observation techniques, interview techniques and documentary techniques. The determination technique of informant uses the purposive sampling technique. Data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis technique. The results of the discussion that can be concluded is wellness tourism activities by doing healer activities, purification and therapy. Bindu Village has tourism potency such as the natural potential, the cultural potential and the artificial potential. The role of elite people in the development of wellness tourism in Bindu village is carried out by developing those potencies, building tourism facilities and promotions.   Keywords: role, elite people , wellness tourism

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-144
Kristin Dwi Wulandari

This research was conductedin order to determinethe obligationsof selfin the novel Imperfect. Source of research datais sourced from the novel Imper fectworks Fahd Djibran, Bondan Prakoso feat Fade2Black. Data collection techniques used in this researchis the technique of reading and recording. The data analysis technique used in this research iscontent analysis techniques. The instrumentof this study are researchers. The results showed that the obligation to selfin the novel Imperfect be grateful, be highly motivated, learning, faith, regrets

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Hadiwijaya Hadiwijaya ◽  
Sarwit Sarwono ◽  
Didi Yulistio

The purpose of this study was to describe the meanings obtained from the results of grammatical interpretation and psychological interpretation of the author towards Syair Abdul Muluk by Ali Haji using Schleiermacher Hermeneutics. The research approach uses a qualitative approach with the hermeneutic method. The data collection technique uses documentation techniques in the form of Syair Abdul Muluk text by Ali Haji. The data analysis technique is done by reading poetry, identifying each event, interpreting the meaning, analyzing the relationships between the elements of poetry, and concluding meaning. Based on the from the research shows that the meaning contained in Syair Abdul Muluk by Ali Haji is that women can play a role like men in maintaining loyalty and achieving goals. Women can also be powerful even though they must condition themselves outside their nature as women. For Raja Ali Haji in the perspective of national culture and society, religion is a binding knot for various social levels in fostering culture.

Sumarah Suryaningrum ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Herman J Waluyo

This study aimed to describe the struggle for stereotypical elimination of women in Javanese society in the novel Entrok by Okky Madasari. This research was conducted by means of descriptive qualitative and uses a feminism approach. The data source was the novel of Entrok by Okky Madasari. The data in this study were in the form of sentences, paragraphs, dialog citations and discourses that describe the form of the struggle for stereotyped disappearances. Data collection techniques used are documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis or content analysis, namely, research that is an in-depth discussion of the contents of written information. The results of the study show that there is an effort by the main character in removing stereotypes against women in Javanese society, especially in the field of work. The conclusion obtained is that efforts to eliminate stereotypes against women in Entrok's novel occur because the main character wants to show that women are capable of being equal to men, especially in the field of work. Women are able to prosper and elevate their social status without the help of men.

Aulia Norma Lita ◽  
Sahid Teguh Widodo ◽  
Suyitno Suyitno

Javanese society has an interesting life philosophy, all their behaviours are regulated based on ideas and principles that are formed to achieve a harmonious life, both physically and mentally calm. Another interesting thing is when the Javanese philosophy is loaded through novels. This study aims to describe the form of culture in the form of ideas in the novel Be Purnamaku Ning by Khilma Anis. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, the data is in the form of Javanese cultural ideas. The data source is a document in the form of the novel “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning”. Data analysis techniques used in this study is content analysis. The data validity technique used in this study is theoretical triangulation. The data analysis technique used an interactive model. The results of the study found fourteen forms of culture in the form of ideas. It covers the principles of Javanese life, proverbs, Javanese proverbs, Javanese philosophy and rituals that are believed by Javanese people. The existence of ideas found in the “Jadilah Purnamaku Ning” novel can be used as a reference to increase knowledge and a reminder for Javanese people to maintain Javanese philosophy in their life.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 83-122
Laya Prasad Uprety

This paper explains the significance of the interpretive approach in the regime of qualitative research which underscores the search of the meanings in human cultures and subjectivities in the human behavior. Its overall emphasis has been on the processes, stages, and goals of conventional ethnographic research, qualitative data analysis and their presentation in the academic and professional reports. However, the theoretical analysis has been heavily influenced by "positivism" and hence, it has failed to address many of the issues emerged in the regime of contemporary qualitative research approach. Key Words: Qualitative; ethnographic; positivism; interpretive; subjectivity; analysis and presentation. DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v3i0.2782 Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.3 2009 83-122

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Thoyib Thoyib

The purpose of research include five things: the expression indirect include; Second, Reading of heuristics and reading hermeneutic, third, matrices, models and variants, fourth,hipogram (hypogram).in ontology poetry Doa untukAnakCucu by Willybrordus Surendra Bhawana Rendra Brotoatmojo. The research approach used is semiotic, that is studying the indirect expression to poetry by way of linguistic influence the meaning of a literary work as a whole and the effects on the reader. Data collection techniques using literature techniques, see and record.The data analysis technique that analyzes three grooves flowing with concurrent activities. That is; data reduction, data presentation, drawing contents in poetry. Methods of data analysis used in this study is a semiotic method, and approach indirect expression.The conclusions of this research consists of four things. First, the expression indirect include; Second, Reading of heuristics and reading hermeneutic, third, matrices, models and variants, fourth,hipogram (hypogram).

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