Bērnu stresu veicinošie faktori sākumskolas posmā

Agate Cukura ◽  
Pāvels Jurs

After the preschool, primary school is the first educational institution where the pupil encounters difficulties in the learning process. The first years of schooling form the basis for further education, influencing the child's social, physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychological development. For this development to be successful, it is essential to be aware of the pedagogical demands placed upon children and their resources in meeting them. Considering the peculiarities of the primary school age group, the curriculum requirements and desired outcomes can be rated as very high, which a pupil can only achieve with an increased effort, extra learning hours and prolonged concentration – the resources that are not characteristic for primary school pupils. As the requirements exceed the resources on the regular basis, the child is exposed to increased stress level, and if it is prolonged, the child's overall development is adversely affected, as well as his/her attitude and abilities. In this stage, it is important to ensure positive development of systematic and purposeful working skills, healthy self-confidence, cooperation and self-management skills, so that the child develops as a self-sufficient, active citizen of Latvia. Formation of a positive stress experience in the childhood supports successful child’s personal growth and development in the future. In the pedagogical process, it is important not only to identify the causes of children's stress, but also to teach how to reduce stress and how to manage the consequences. Further research and particularly action research studies are needed in primary schools of Latvia fully assessing the children’s workloads in practice and determining the level of stress associated with learning.

2011 ◽  
Vol 219 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-99 ◽  
Babett Voigt ◽  
Ingo Aberle ◽  
Judith Schönfeld ◽  
Matthias Kliegel

The present study examined age differences in time-based prospective memory (TBPM) in primary school age children and tested the role of self-initiated memory retrieval and strategic time monitoring (TM) as possible developmental mechanisms. Fifty-four children were recruited from local primary schools (27 younger children, mean age = 7.2 ± 0.55 years, and 27 older children, mean age = 9.61 ± 0.71 years). The task was a driving game scenario in which children had to drive a vehicle (ongoing task) and to remember to refuel before the vehicle runs out of gas (TBPM task, i.e., the fuel gauge served as child-appropriate time equivalent). Fuel gauge was either displayed permanently (low level of self-initiation) or could only be viewed on demand by hitting a button (high level of self-initiation). The results revealed age-dependent TBPM differences with better performance in older children. In contrast, level of self-initiated memory retrieval did not affect TBPM performance. However, strategies of TM influenced TBPM, as more frequent time checking was related to better performance. Patterns of time checking frequency differed according to children’s age and course of the game, suggesting difficulties in maintaining initial strategic TM in younger children. Taken together, the study revealed ongoing development of TBPM across primary school age. Observed age differences seemed to be associated with the ability to maintain strategic monitoring.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-34
Katarzyna Hamer ◽  
Katarzyna RAYWER ◽  
Elżbieta Monika Zięba

Based on Paul Ekman’s typology of motives of lying, authors wanted to investigate how oftenthey motivate pupils and students to lie. Two studies were conducted: 1) in primary schools anda high school, 2) on different universities. In the second study we also measured the level of needfor approval and agency/communion (the Big Two). Both studies gave similar results, revealing thatpupils and students declared higher frequency of lying motivated by avoiding any inconveniencethan by gaining some kind of profit. Detailed analyses showed that the highest frequency oflying was motivated by two reasons: to protect oneself or someone else from danger and to avoiduncomfortable, awkward situations. Next in frequencies were motives driven by willingness toavoid any nuisance (e.g. punishment, embarrassment or to protect one’s privacy). In both studieslying driven by willingness to gain some kind of profit (e.g. reward, being liked, admired or togain power) was declared as rather rare. Analyses showed that the latter result was not free frominfluence of need for approval. Both age and sex played a certain role in these declarations. In thefirst study, boys significantly more often than girls declared to lie to protect oneself or someoneelse from danger, to secure one’s privacy and to gain power. There were no such differences in thesecond study (among students). As to age, primary school pupils declared lying to be liked (girls)and admired (boys) more often than teenagers in high school, while the latter declared lying togain power and to protect oneself or someone else from danger more often than primary schoolpupils. In turn, students declared, significantly more often than younger subjects, to lie for allreasons. The Big Two turned out to be of little significance – only lower level of communion was, asexpected, connected to higher frequency of both categories of lies (to gain / to avoid), especially incertain reasons of lying (e.g. to gain power or admiration). The results are discussed in the contextof further studies on bigger and more varied groups, Polish cultural specificity and possible biasinginfluence of need for approval in studies of lying.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Darja Skribe Dimec ◽  
Jelka Strgar

Photosynthesis is the most important biochemical process on Earth. Most living beings depend on it directly or indirectly. Knowledge about photosynthesis enables us to understand how the world functions as an ecosystem and how photosynthesis acts as a bridge between the non-living and living worlds. It is, therefore, understandable that photosynthesis is included in national curricula around the world. The practice unfortunately shows that students at all school levels mostly learn about photosynthesis by rote. Consequently, they have difficulties understanding this vital process. Research also shows many misconceptions in relation to photosynthesis among students of different ages. Based on these, the main aim of our study was to explore the scientific conceptions about photosynthesis held by primary school pupils and student teachers of biology. Data were collected using a questionnaire containing seven biology content questions.The sample consisted of 634 participants, 427 primary school pupils (aged 11–14), and 207 student teachers of biology (aged 20–23). We found that the populations of primary school pupils and student teachers of biology differ greatly concerning scientific conceptions of photosynthesis. The student teachers showed good and complex understanding of photosynthesis, while pupils showed some misconceptions (location of chlorophyll and photosynthesis in a plant, transformation of energy in photosynthesis). Analysis of the development of scientific conceptions about photosynthesis with age showed that there is very little progress among primary school pupils and none among biology student teachers. More involvement of student teachers of biology in practical work at primary schools during their study was suggested to make student teachers aware of, and better understand pupils’ misconceptions.

Dr. Thadei A. Kiwango

This paper determines the impact of modelling technology integration for of out-of-school (OST) learning on academic achievement in primary schools. The research was conducted in Arusha Region, specifically in Meru District. The paper adopted the experimental design, involving experimental and control groups. Each of the two groups comprised three (3) schools, making a total of six (6) schools. The experiment was conducted using Digital Video Disks (DVDs), mobile phones, notebooks and home assignment booklets. The tools were further supplemented by a list of perceived best practices, and examination papers. The findings reveal a statistically significant difference in mean scores between the control and experimental groups as confirmed by 95% confidence level whereby, F (1, 180) = 28.63, p=0. Based on the findings, null hypothesis was rejected, leading to the conclusion that the proposed model for OST technology integration is attributed to significant improvements in academic achievement for primary school OST learners. The implication of these findings is for researchers, and other educational stakeholders, including the government to invest in devising contextually relevant model, and mobilizing parents, teachers and learners with a view to hastening technology integration in order to improve academic achievements for primary school pupils. There is also a need for studies that further explore technology integration opportunities, and associated challenges in a bid to addressing poor academic performance among primary school pupils.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 7-22
Mirza Ahmetbašić ◽  

Very few papers have been written about the development of education in the wider area of Bosanska Krupa during the Austro-Hungarian administration (1878-1918). No comprehensive historical study is known that treats exclusively the development of education in this area during the occupation period. An exception is the book by Elvira Islamović entitled „Schooling and education in the Bihać district during the Austro-Hungarian administration“, published in Bihać in 2008, which in one part deals with the development of schooling in the Bosnian Krupa area. The starting point for the study of the past of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings is the work of a group of authors entitled „Bosnian-Krupska municipality in the war and revolution“ published in Bosanska Krupa in 1969, which presents a rough overview of Bosnian Krupa's history until the first years after World War II. war and partly the development of education during the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian and the period between the two world wars, and more recently the following works: Mithad Kozličić, „Population and settlements of the Una-Sana area 1879-1921. godine“, Bihać 1999; Mirza Ahmetbašić, Adnan Hafizović, Osnovna škola “Otoka“ od osnivanja do danas, Bihać 2008; Emin Mesić, Fikret Midžić, “Mali Pset 1272. Tvrđava Krupa, Prilozi za monografiju Bosanska Krupa“, Bosanska Krupa 2012; Asmir Crnkić, Mirza Ahmetbašić, „Bosanska Krupa during the Austro-Hungarian administration”, Bihać 2020 and others. The development of school opportunities during the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian administrations was partially addressed by bringing them into context when dealing with other topics. In this paper, the author talks about school opportunities in the area of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Attention is paid to the establishment and operation of confessional primary and secondary schools that operated during the Ottoman period, and whose work continued after 1878, and the establishment and operation of the first state primary schools in the wider Bosnian Krupa area. The development of school conditions in the area of Bosanska Krupa during the Ottoman rule did not differ from other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the needs of the Muslim population, sibjan mektebs were opened, somewhat later ruždija and madrasas, and for the needs of Orthodox children of the Orthodox primary school. Orthodox primary schools in the Bosnian Krupa area were first opened in Jasenica, Bosanska Krupa and Velika Rujiška. The Austro-Hungarian government also encountered an extremely high level of illiteracy in the area of Bosanska Krupa and its surroundings. At the end of the Ottoman rule, the illiteracy of the population was more than 95%. In addition, the regular educational process was very often interrupted by various infectious diseases that affected this area, as evidenced by numerous historical sources. There was also a great lack of professional teaching staff. A large number of students who are old enough to start school, the need for education of children of immigrant foreigners, etc. it was a sufficient signal to the competent authorities that a state primary school be established in Bosanska Krupa as well. In the villages around Bosanska Krupa, state primary schools opened relatively late. In the period from 1887 to 1913, public primary schools began operating in Otoka, Veliki Radić, Hasanbegova Jasenica, Ivanjska, Vranjska, Hasani and Bužim. However, in the year of establishment of certain schools, e.g. Otoka, Veliki Radić and Hasanbegova Jasenica there are differences between researchers. The Orthodox population was far more in favor of opening interfaith primary schools in their communities than the Muslim population, despite the fact that the Austro-Hungarian authorities, where possible, regulated the formation of special women's classes in public primary schools. The year 1880 marked a turning point in the development of education in the wider Bosnian Krupa area. That year, the People's Primary School in Bosanska Krupa started operating, which operated throughout the Austro-Hungarian period. However, certain researchers claim that this educational institution began operating in 1884 and 1885, respectively. It was one of the main educational centers and a nursery for numerous cultural and educational activities in this area.

Іnna Melnyk ◽  
Oleksandr Moisak ◽  

The article is devoted to the problems of psychological and pedagogical preparation of future educators and primary school teachers for professional activity. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the study of the peculiarities of future teachers' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children and outline the basic principles of interdisciplinary and integrated approach to teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines in universities. A brief theoretical overview of modern research on professional and personal growth of teachers is given. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of students' awareness of the need to acquire psychological competencies for further work with children of preschool and primary school age are highlighted. It was stated that a significant part of the surveyed students are generally aware of the need to apply psychological knowledge in the future profession, but such awareness is significantly "blurred" and unstructured. It has been found that the vast majority of students are not fully aware of the purpose for which psychological and pedagogical disciplines are combined into a common integrated course, which may indicate a lack of work to implement integrated and interdisciplinary approaches. It is determined that psychological knowledge is practically used more by students to improve their own lives and personal self-development, rather than directly in working with children. In this regard, some practical aspects of the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the training of specialists in the field of preschool and school education, in particular, in the study of such an integrated course as "Anthropology". The purpose, tasks and structure of the course are described, strategies of combination of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the process of its teaching are defined, which consist in clear understanding by teachers of disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle of necessity of interaction among themselves and orientation on practical side of their subject application. The view of such structuring and teaching of this course is described, when the study focuses on psychological concepts and categories, that is the complete system of psychological research and indicates the possibility and method of application of this research in the pedagogical process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 73-77
Natiq Saeed Ghayyib

The study is an attempt to investigate the four acquisition skills in fifth-primary pupils of Iraqi Kurdistan in reading from the teachers' viewpoints.  The sample of the study selected were (12) primary schools in Sulaimaniyah province in Iraq and its suburbs as parts of Sulaimaniyah Education Directorate in terms of (6) schools for male and (6) schools for female. Then, a questionnaire of (20) items was designed. The study aims at determining the four acquisition language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) of Iraqi Kurdistan students for the fifth-primary-school pupils in reading subject from the teachers' viewpoint and, then, arranging the skill according to its importance. The findings of the study proves that there is an influential factor that is the Glorious Quran , as they have sort of acquaintance on the Arabic language through reading and listening to the Glorious Quran.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Andrea Bisanz ◽  
Susanne Hueber ◽  
Johannes Lindner ◽  
Eva Jambor

Abstract This article provides an overview of challenge-based social entrepreneurship education in primary schools in Austria. The “YouthStart”-Programme “Empowering Each Child” is introduced as well as its impact on children. Research accompanying the programme shows that small challenges strengthen particularly the following skills and abilities of pupils: self-confidence and self-initiative, innovation, creativity, mindfulness, empathy, self-motivation and participation in society. Many of the challenges are based on the SDGs, so children are encouraged to learn to think and act in a sustainable way already at the beginning of their school career. The aim is to make young people aware of the fact that a change of people’s mindsets is needed worldwide, educating responsibly acting individuals, who do not only have their personal benefits in mind but also the needs of future generations.

2019 ◽  
pp. 143-150
Ekpenyong B. E. ◽  
V. O. Adediran ◽  
B. A. Adeyemi

This study determined the prevalence of se1f regulatory skills (behavioural, emotional,verbal) and assessed the level of social competence of primary school pupils in Osun State. The study further examined the influence of self-regulatory skills and social competence on primary school pupils’ academic achievement. These were with a view to providing information on the association between Self-regulation and Social Competence in relation to lower Primary School Pupils’ academic achievement in Osun State Nigeria. The study adopted the correlational survey research design. The population for the study comprised primary III pupils in Osun State. Sample size consisted of 418 Primary III pupils selected using the multistage sampling procedure. Firstly, from the three Senatorial districts in Osun State, nine Local Government Areas (LGAs) were selected using simple random sampling technique (three from each senatorial district). Secondly, in each LGA, two primary schools were selected using simple random sampling technique. Thirdly, eighteen intact classes of primary Ill pupils were selected from each of the selected schools using the simple random sampling technique.The three instruments used for this study were: Sell-Regulation Observation Scale (SROS) Teachers Rating Scale (TRS); and Pupils’ Achievement Test (PAT). Data was analyzed using percentage and chi-square. The results showed that the level of primary school pupils’ behavioural self-regulatory skill was low (30%), emotional self-regulatory skill was at average (43%) while the verbal self-regulatory skill was low (27%). Overall, the level of self-regulatory skills of primary school pupils’ was low (39%). The results also indicated that the level of’ manifestation of social competence was high (64%). Results further showed that there was a statistically significant influence of self-regulatory skills and social competence on primary school pupils’ academic achievement (x2= 873.532, p<0.05). The study concluded that whilst Self-regulatory skill contributed little to pupils‘ academic achievement, Social Competence greatly influenced primary school pupils’ academic achievement in Osun State.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
Anna Dolipska ◽  
Aleksandra Góra ◽  
Karolina Janion ◽  
Elżbieta Szczepańska

Introduction: Nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors affecting human health. The frequency, as well as the quality and quantity of consumed foods are significant. Regular and rational dietary habits and correct meal composition ensure good health and fitness, whereas poor dietary habits in childhood account for an early risk of overweightness and obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary patterns of girls and boys attending primary schools in Poland, and to identify any associations between the pupils’ dietary patterns and their sex. Materials and methods: The study was carried out in spring 2017. It covered a total of 1138 primary school pupils. A proprietary questionnaire specially designed for the study was used to investigate the pupils’ dietary patterns. The findings were then analysed with the use of MS Excel 2010 and Statistica 12.0 software.Results: According to the survey, 67.36% of the female respondents and 55.4% of the male respondents ate the recommended number of meals each day. Among the respondents 72% of the girls and 73.27% of the boys reported eating breakfast daily. Fruits and vegetables were eaten several times per day by 60.38% and 43.11% of girls, respectively, v. 50.44% and 32.39% of boys, respectively. The frequency of milk and natural yoghurt consumption was adequate in 20.07% and 10.12% of girls, respectively, v. 20% and 11.5% of boys. Sweets and salty snacks were excluded from the diet of 2.97% and 2.27% of girls, respectively, v. 3.19% and 2.12% of boys, respectively. Sweetened carbonated drinks were consumed by 11.17% of girls and 6.55% of boys. Fast food and instant foods were eliminated from the daily diet of 7.16% and 45.03% of girls, respectively, v. 6.02% and 43.19% of boys, respectively.Conclusions: Some incorrect dietary habits were identified both in girls and boys, however girls generally reported more beneficial habits. Statistically significant associations were found between the majority of dietary patterns in the studied population and the respondents’ sex. The results of the study indicate a need for more intense nutritional education among primary school pupils, diversified for boys and girls.

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