scholarly journals A Portable Electronic Transaction Device Based on Dual Interface Smart Card

Syifaul Fuada ◽  
Akhmad Alfaruq ◽  
Trio Adiono

<p class="0abstract">In recent years, electronic money facilities are increasingly diverse. It may replace conventional payments. The use of physical money can be diminished by utilizing digital money, which is realized by smartphone apps, bar codes, smart cards, and so on. The types of smart cards used also vary, and it can be divided into two methods, i.e., with contacts and without contact. In this work, we develop electronic transaction devices using dual interfaces: contact and contactless smart cards. As computational processing, we employ the Raspberry Pi 3 Model 3. It has a high processing speed, large memory, and small size. Hence our system enables to compact in a portable box. The features offered on our transaction device are as follows: transaction menu, balance check menu, payment menu, and top up menu. Also, we provide a device transaction connection to the printer. Therefore, proof of transactions can be printed out easily. The device developed also provides a touch panel display to display the transaction menu.</p>

Mechanika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 518-525
Rimantas LAZDINAS ◽  
Mindaugas JUREVICIUS ◽  
Vladas VEKTERIS ◽  
Vytautas TURLA ◽  
Eugenijus JURKONIS

In the paper, the optical system of a precise bar length measuring comparator is analysed. The requirements for such a system are determined and systematized. The impact of the resolution, signal discretization frequency, image blurring, bar edge measurement indeterminacy and camera noise on measuring the bar width and establishing the bar position is discussed upon. Various algorithms have been analysed and finally a bar edge identification algorithm oriented to the scale calibration accuracy and the high processing speed was proposed. In the end of the paper, conclusions are provided.

2012 ◽  
Vol 562-564 ◽  
pp. 1625-1629 ◽  
Chun Xia Ma ◽  
Wen He Song ◽  
Jun Wu ◽  
Yue Wang ◽  
Zhi Tao Xiao

According to the specific characteristics of Flour Plant production line, the bag counting system for Flour Plant based on Daheng Image acquisition card DH-CG410 and Microsoft VC++ 2005 platform is designed. Using digital image processing technology, the system can be used to detect flour bag by analyzing real-time acquisition video of the flour bag. So it is available for flour production counting. Test results show that the system has the advantages of stable working state, high detection accuracy, high processing speed. It can systematize and standardize the Flour Plant flour bag counting process.

Yutakai Kurihara

Approximately 10 years have passed since the words such as digital cash, digital money, electronic money, and e-cash have been introduced. Progress has increased rapidly in the fields of communication and information technology (IT) and in the field of digital cash; its use and transaction volume have been increasing. However, little analysis has been done about this phenomenon especially from the academic field. The continued increase in its use is inevitable, and it is important to investigate its influence and problems from both practical and theoretical perspectives. The spread of the use of digital cash impacts economic activity and social structure. This article considers both the merits and the problems of digital cash in the modern economy. This article analyzes characteristics of relationships between digital money, financial institutions, and financial authorities; considers the relation between digital cash and financial institutions; and analyzes the relation between digital cash and monetary policy authorities.

2012 ◽  
Vol 562-564 ◽  
pp. 1732-1737
Si Cheng ◽  
Fei Yu Chen ◽  
Yun Sheng Wang

For defects of traditional aviation photography and remote sensing satellite, developing unpiloted aircraft technology for land resource management in Sichuan Province is essential for land resource administration. Unpiloted aircraft technology is a development of traditional aviation photography, which wipes out many shortages of those technologies. It has features of low cost, easy control, quick responsiveness, high processing speed, and capacity of taking high definition aviation photography. This article focuses on features, system organization, and unsolved problems of unpiloted aircraft photography system. The research team has to use knowledge in many categories to design an unpiloted aircraft system, such as artificial intelligence, aviation, topography, and information technology. Moreover, this article introduces applications of this technology in land resource management, geo-hazard prevention, mineral resource protection, and many other orientations in Sichuan Province. In addition the perspective of using unpiloted aircraft in geo-hazard prevention is analyzed and some ideal results are also introduced.

2004 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
K.D.H. Bob-Manuel

The reliability and economical operation of marine power plants depend upon the design quality, capability, and skill of the technical staff that operate the plant. The normal breakdowns of marine machinery and the frequency of planned maintenance are based mainly on the subjective judgement of the operators who ensure that such breakdowns are minimized. To achieve such objectives, an optimum maintenance goal must be adopted using various types of computer software for expert systems with high processing speed, which have been developed to aid fault or failure diagnosis. Such systems are at different stages of application. In this paper, a typical expert system for condition monitoring, budgeting, and spare part management to enhance the optimum management of a marine power plant is presented. The use of this technique with known models will substantially reduce downtime and fully utilize the technical crew onboard and ashore. From the author's experience in the management of ferries, there is an optimum amount of maintenance effort for any given condition.

2011 ◽  
Vol 55-57 ◽  
pp. 614-617
Dong Yun Luo ◽  
You Mu Zhang

The network communication system is presented for controller of AT91SAM9261 architecture which is based on ARM926EJ-S core, modular design concept is given by the each har­d­ware related module and driver design. High processing speed of the system on the basis of this system can be extended .

Merinova S. ◽  
Polovenko L.

Today's situation of global development of the cyber economy and the spread of digital technologies have contributed to the creation of a new asset – digital cartographic currency, which is rapidly gaining popularity. Most scientists understand crypto-currency as digital money that is encrypted and protected by special algorithms that operate independently of the central bank. Cryptocurrency differs from electronic money primarily by the anonymity of its use. This state-of-the-art means of payment is gaining more and more popularity in use not only by individuals but also by legal entities around the world, which is why there is an objective need to determine the economic category to which cryptocurrency should be attributed and accounted for. Among a number of different cryptocurrencies, the most common is Bitcoin. Taking into account the popularization of cryptocurrency in the world as a completely new, innovative payment instrument of the XXI century. and the active use of Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies, the development and use of this payment instrument in Ukraine and the world need further research. The article considers the functional roles of cryptocurrencies in the digital economy, examines trends and prospects for their development. Approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "cryptocurrency" are revealed, the main types of the most pop-ular cryptocurrencies today are considered, their general features are unified. It was found that the most common cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, analyzed the dynamics of changes in the exchange rate of this currency, compared the exchange rates of the 10 most common cryptocurrencies. It is noted that the first Ukrainian cryptocurrency was Karbowanec, an analysis of changes in the exchange rate of the domestic cryptocurrency. The legal status of cryptocurrency in some countries and in Ukraine has been stud-ied, and it has been found that more and more countries give cryptocurrency the status of a legal and legal means of payment, sometimes equating it to electronic money. It is noted that cryptocurrency today has both positive features and disadvantages, the main of which is the increased risk of fraud and fraud using digital currency.Keywords: cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, blockchain, electronic money, digital currency, digital economy, cryptocurrency market. У статті розглянуто функціональні ролі криптовалюти у цифровій економіці, досліджено тенденції та перспективи їх розвитку. Виявлено підходи до трактування сутності поняття «криптовалюта», розглянуто основні види найбільш популярних на сьогодні криптовалют, уніфіковано їх загальні ознаки. Встановлено, що найбільш розповсюдженою криптовалютою є Bitcoin, здійснено порівняння курсів 10 найбільш поширених криптовалют, проаналізовано зміну курсу вітчизняної криптовалюти. Досліджено правовий статус криптоваюти, виявлено, що все більше країн надають криптовалюті статус легального та правового засобу платежу, подекуди прирівнюючи її до електронних грошей. Зазначено, що криптовалюта має як позитивні риси, так і недоліки, головним з яких є підвищення ризику виникнення шахрайства та махінацій з використанням цифрової валюти.Ключові слова: криптовалюта, Bitcoin, блокчейн, електронні гроші, цифрова валюта, цифрова економіка, ринок крип-то валюти.


RSA key generation is of great concern for implementation of RSA cryptosystem on embedded system due to its long processing latency. In this paper, a novel architecture is presented to provide high processing speed to RSA key generation for embedded platform with limited processing capacity. In order to exploit more data level parallelism, Residue Number System (RNS) is introduced to accelerate RSA key pair generation, in which these independent elements can be processed simultaneously. A cipher processor based on Transport Triggered Architecture (TTA) is proposed to realize the parallelism at the architecture level. In the meantime, division is avoided in the proposed architecture, which reduces the expense of hardware implementation remarkably. The proposed design is implemented by Verilog HDL and verified in matlab. A rate of 3 pairs per second can be achieved for 1024-bit RSA key generation at the frequency of 100 MHz.

Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan ◽  
Jessica Jessica ◽  
Corris Winar ◽  
Andriaman Andriaman

The purpose of this research is to give insights on how Fintech and the role of OJK in supervising the services of Fintech in Indonesia. The presence of Fintech in Indonesia greatly helps citizens in accessing and provide easiness in financial transactions. At the moment, Fintech provides several functions that are believed to develop rapidly and Fintech also provides services on electronic money, virtual account, aggregator, lending, crowdfunding and other online monetary transactions. Various businesses that are part of Fintech are startups and online businesses. Therefore, the government should provide legal protection in order to protect both parties, the business organizers and the possible customers. In this case, business organizers with legal Fintech development have potential that is related to consumer protection, stable financial system, economy, and payment methods. The method of the research that is used in conducting this journal is the applied law research method. This research is using normative law with the facts approach and Constitution approach. In this case, Bank Indonesia has issued the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 18/40/PBI/2016 about the implementation of the payment transaction and the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 19/12/PBI/2017 about the implementation of Financial Technology. Along with OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018 about the innovation of digital money in the financial services sector as a provision that covers the supervision and stipulates financial technology (fintech) industry issued by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana Fintech dan peran OJK dalam mengawasi maraknya pelayanan Fintech di Indonesia. Munculnya Fintech di Indonesia sangat membantu masyarakat untuk mengakses dan mempermudah transaksi keuangan. Saat ini, Fintech memiliki berbagai fungsi yang diyakini mampu berkembang cepat dan Fintech mampu melayani electronic money, virtual account, agregator, lending, crowdfunding dan transaksi keuangan online lainnya. Berbagai usaha yang termasuk dalam Fintech adalah bisnis startup dan bisnis online. Dengan demikian Pemerintah harus memberikan suatu bentuk perlindungan hukum baik itu dari segi penyelenggara bisnis maupun untuk masyarakat yang berperan sebagai nasabah. Dalam hal ini, Pelaksanaan bisnis yang dijalankan secara legalitas untuk pengembangan fintechnya memiliki potensi resiko yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan konsumen, stabilitas sistem keuangan dan ekonomi ,serta sistem pembayaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan jurnal ini adalah metode hukum yuridis normatif. Dimana penelitian ini meneliti hukum secara normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fakta dan pendekatan Undang-Undang. Dalam Hal ini Bank Indonesia (BI) mengeluarkan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No 18/40/PBI/2016 dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No 19/12/PBI/2017 serta Peraturan OJK No. 13/POJK.02/2018 sebagai bentu pengawasan dan pengaturan industri financial technology (fintech) yang dikeluarkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

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