Defects Diagnosis Technology of Water Supply Pipe's Network Using Pipe Endoscope Camera of High Resolution/High Pressure Resistance Performance

2012 ◽  
Vol 724 ◽  
pp. 155-158
Hyun Dong Lee ◽  
Pill Jae Kwak ◽  
Joo Yeon Lee ◽  
Chul Han Park ◽  
Ja Yong Ko ◽  

The size of pipe network accident caused by aging of water distribution system, rapid urbanization, abnormal climate or a disaster such as an earthquake is gradually becoming larger. Accordingly, it is required to improve the technology to maintain the water distribution system so that the related technologies can be scientifically and systematically applied. The paradigm of Korean water supply service is changing from supply era to maintenance era, and it is required to apply equipment and method to effectively check, diagnose and test the internal condition of the pipe without stopping water supply. If photographing and diagnosis of the burial environment around the water service pipeline and inside the pipe can be carried out without stopping water supply effectively utilizing the surrounding facilities such as straight piping and air valve to the maximum, decrepit pipe (defective pipe) improvement projects can be effectively carried out by making adequate decisions. Also, a systematic and more efficient water supply service maintenance system can be established by building a database of surrounding pipeline directly investigated and selecting priority of direct/indirect evaluation. This study has raised accuracy of a diagnosis by applying a camera capable of securing high resolution without generation of distortion in case of photographing the inside of a pipe, and suggested an application method of the pipe endoscope camera using an inspection hole inside a pipe.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 2096
Samayan Narayanamoorthy ◽  
Veerappan Annapoorani ◽  
Samayan Kalaiselvan ◽  
Daekook Kang

Every country’s influence and livelihood is centered on that country’s water source. Therefore, many studies are being conducted worldwide to improve and sustain water resources. In this research paper, we have selected and researched the water scheme for groundwater recharge and drinking water supply of drought prone areas. The water project is aimed at connecting the drought prone areas of the three districts of Tamil Nadu to filling up the ponds in their respective villages and raising the ground water level and meeting the drinking water requirement. We have chosen a multi-criteria decision method to select the best alternative in a complex situation. When reviewing the implementation of this water project, many experts and people who will benefit from this project may have some hesitation and ambiguity in their suggestion on choosing the best water distribution system.We believe that the benefits of this project can be fully availed of if we choose a water distribution system. Our contribution in this article is to choose the best water distribution system for this project by use of our proposed multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, hesitant fuzzy standard deviation with multi-objective optimization method by ratio analysis (HFSDV-MOORA), hesitant fuzzy standard deviation with technique, for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (HFSDV-TOPSIS) and hesitant fuzzy standard deviation with VIsekriterijumsko Kompromisno Rangiranje (HFSDV-VIKOR), which will provide the best solution for improving the water resource for the drought-prone areas of three districts. Finally, we have identified and compared the correlation coefficient between proposed methods. As a result of the study, it has been found that the best water supply system is closed concrete pipes laid along agricultural land through the rural areas.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 137-156 ◽  
M. M. Aral ◽  
J. Guan ◽  
M. L. Maslia ◽  
J. B. Sautner ◽  
R. E. Gillig ◽  

In a recently completed case-control epidemiological study, the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (NJDHSS) with support from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) documented an association between prenatal exposure to a specific contaminated community water source and leukaemia in female children. An important and necessary step in the epidemiological study was the reconstruction of the historical water supply strategy of the water distribution system serving the Dover Township area, New Jersey. The sensitivity of solutions to: (1) pressure and pattern factor constraints, (2) allowable operational extremes of water levels in the storage tanks, and (3) the non-uniqueness of the water supply solution are analysed in detail. The computational results show that the proposed approach yields satisfactory results for the complete set of monthly simulations and sensitivity analyses, providing a consistent approach for identifying the historical water supply strategy of the water distribution system. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the alternative strategy obtained from the revised objective function and the variation of constraints did not yield significantly different water supply characteristics. The overall analysis demonstrates that the progressive optimality genetic algorithm (POGA) developed to solve the optimization problem is an effective and efficient algorithm for the reconstruction of water supply strategies in water distribution systems.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 688-699
Marina Valentukevičienė ◽  
Gytautas Ignatavičius ◽  
Auksė Amosenkienė

Drinking water distribution system takes a significant place in sustainable urban development. In order to solve some environmental issues it is necessary to improve the maintenance of the environmental impact of chemical compounds which can come in contact with water. The aim of the research is to complete the analysis of the sustainable development of drinking water pipelines in Lithuania as well as to structure the chemical content of pipelines for further increase of supplied water quality and simplification of maintenance. Analytical and descriptive methods were used in the research process. The investigation included 150 samples that were obtained in different water stagnation times in lab-scaled pipelines. During the research the following indicators were set: total iron, manganese, ammonium ions, nitrate and nitrite concentrations, turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (CODCr). To ensure sustainability of drinking water distribution system in the end of this research the appliance of a certain model of actions was considered. This model says that material of potable water network must be chosen depending on water chemical indicators, water reaction with pipeline material and scale formation causes. Consequently, to reduce a negative effect of chemical processes on the drinking water supply measures of sustainable ecological development have to be taken. Santrauka Geriamojo vandens tiekimo sistema yra labai svarbus darnios miesto plėtros objektas. Siekiant išspręsti tam tikras aplinkosaugos problemas, būtina padidinti cheminių junginių, kurie gali kontaktuoti su vandeniu, kontrolę, taip užtikrinant tinkamą poveikio aplinkai priežiūrą. Šio mokslinio tyrimo tikslas – atlikti geriamojo vandens vamzdyno Lietuvoje analizę darnaus vystymosi aspektu, struktūrizuoti cheminę vamzdynų sudėtį, siekiant pagerinti tiekiamo vandens kokybę ir supaprastinti tolesnę vandentiekio vamzdynų priežiūrą. Mokslinio darbo metu buvo taikomi analitiniai ir eksperimentiniai tyrimo metodai. Buvo ištirta 150 mėginių, paimtų iš laboratorijoje sukonstruoto vamzdyno. Mėginiai tirti atsižvelgiant į vandens išbuvimo vamzdyne trukmę. Tyrimo metu buvo nustatomi šie cheminiai indikatoriai: bendroji geležis, mangano koncentracija, amonio jonų kiekis, nitritų ir nitratų koncentracijos, drumstumas ir cheminis deguonies suvartojimas (ChDSCr). Siekiant užtikrinti geriamojo vandens tiekimo sistemos tvarumą, tyrimo pabaigoje buvo pasiūlytas tam tikras veiksmų modelis. Jis rodo, kad vandentiekio vamzdynų medžiaga turi būti parinkta pagal tiekiamo vandens cheminius indikatorius, vandens sąveikos su vamzdyno medžiaga ir nuosėdų formavimosi priežastis. Todėl būtina imtis darnaus vystymo priemonių, mažinant neigiamą cheminių procesų įtaką tiekiamo vandens kokybei.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 6221
Jedrzej Bylka ◽  
Tomasz Mróz

The water supply system is one of the most important elements in a city. Currently, many cities struggle with a water deficit problem. Water is a commonly available resource and constitutes the majority of land cover; however, its quality, in many cases, makes it impossible to use as drinking water. To treat and distribute water, it is necessary to supply a certain amount of energy to the system. An important goal of water utility operators is to assess the energy efficiency of the processes and components. Energy assessments are usually limited to the calculation of energy dissipation (sometimes called “energy loss”). From a physical point of view, the formulation of “energy loss” is incorrect; energy in water transport systems is not consumed but only transformed (dissipated) into other, less usable forms. In the water supply process, the quality of energy—exergy (ability to convert into another form)—is consumed; hence, a new evaluation approach is needed. The motivation for this study was the fact that there are no tools for exergy evaluation of water distribution systems. A model of the exergy balances for a water distribution system was proposed, which was tested for the selected case studies of a water supply system and a water treatment station. The tool developed allows us to identify the places with the highest exergy destructions. In the analysed case studies, the highest exergy destruction results from excess pressure (3939 kWh in a water supply system and 1082 kWh in a water treatment plant). The exergy analysis is more accurate for assessing the system compared to the commonly used energy-based methods. The result can be used for assessing and planning water supply system modernisation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 2964-2970
D. P. Ayadi ◽  
A. Rai ◽  
A. Pandey

Abstract The effective and efficient supply of drinking water resources are key to its long-term use and access. In recent decades, the population of Kathmandu Valley has exploded owing to several factors. The water supply system here has also undergone remarkable changes and efforts have been made to enhance its equitable distribution. The major effort, of course, is the Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP). As the project approaches completion of its first phase, we would like to point out several key issues for the water distribution system here and express our opinions on promoting equitable water distribution. For this we conducted a thorough literature review and found that improvement in the water distribution network and water tariff in the valley, along with promotion of alternative mitigation options, are the focal issues for promoting an equitable water distribution system in Kathmandu Valley.

2013 ◽  
Vol 316-317 ◽  
pp. 719-722
Huan Huan Wang ◽  
Shu Ming Liu ◽  
Fan Lin Meng ◽  
Lu Bai

High level water tank is a commonly used facility to satisfy water demand for people living in high building, which is also the so-called secondary water supply system (SWSS) in China. Due to lack of maintenance, water quality problem has been frequently reported in the SWSS. In the last few decades, anti-negative pressure facility (ANPF) has emerged as a revolutionary approach for solving the pollution in the SWSS. ANPF makes good use of the municipal pipeline pressure, which is the improvement of traditional water supply. However, most of recent research activities mainly focus on the influence of part of water distribution system (WDS). In this paper, the software of EPANET has been applied in the SWSS calculation and simulation. Besides that, the SWSS with ANPF simulation method is proposed to evaluate the effect of other all nodes pressure in the WDS using hydraulic model. As the cases study, the paper analyzed two WDSs with ANPF. After simulation of the SWSS, the result of WDS, which is smaller, indicates that 6 out of the 9 nodes are affected with ANPF and that of WDS, which is larger, demonstrates that 37 out of the 41 nodes are affected and the affected nodes are focused on the confluent of pipes, especially around the ANPF.

The study presents the hydraulic design and analysis of Rural Water Distribution System (WDS) for Nava shihora region of zone 1 of the state of Gujarat, India. Water supply distribution system is designed for this study for population estimated for future 30 years. LOOP 4.0 and Water Gems v8i software have been used and the results are compared to determine the economical size of pipes for water distribution system. The economical size of pipes of water supply distribution system is designed by considering the constraints; residual pressure at each node, velocity of flow in pipe, head loos in pipes, material of pipes, elevated service reservoir level, peak factor and available commercial pipe diameters. Further water distribution system has been analyzed for extended period simulation (EPS) for the present population scenario for intermittent water supply using Water Gems v8i. Further water supply system is analyzed the residual chlorine concentration at nodes and in the pipe links and also the total cost of water supply system of rural region is estimated.

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