GnRH receptor messenger ribonucleic acid expression in bovine ovary

2003 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 823-826 ◽  
N. Ramakrishnappa ◽  
G. Giritharan ◽  
M. Aalli ◽  
P. Madan ◽  
R. Rajamahendran

The present study was undertaken to investigate the mRNA expression for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor in bovine ovary. Granulosa cells from small (< 4 mM), medium (5–8 mM) and large follicles (> 8 mM) and tissues from corpora lutea (CL) of different stages: Stage I (days 1–4), Stage II (days 5–10), Stage III (days 11–17), and Stage IV (days 18–21, days after ovulation) were harvested from bovine ovaries collected at a local abattoir. The mRNA isolated from representative samples was subjected to reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using gene sequence specific primers. The resultant PCR amplified gonadotropin-releasing horm one receptor (GnRH-R) cDNA products were identified and confirmed through Southern blot hybridization and nucleotide sequence analysis, respectively. The results showed the presence of GnRH-R mRNA transcripts in both follicles and CL. Key words: Bovine, granulosa cells, corpus luteum, GnRH receptor, mRNA

2003 ◽  
Vol 177 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-452 ◽  
M Tetsuka ◽  
S Yamamoto ◽  
N Hayashida ◽  
KG Hayashi ◽  
M Hayashi ◽  

In glucocorticoid target organs, local concentrations of active glucocorticoid are determined by the relative expression of two 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSDs): bi-directional 11beta-HSD type1 (11HSD1) that mainly activates cortisone to cortisol, and dehydrogenase 11beta-HSD type2 (11HSD2) that inactivates cortisol to cortisone. In this study, we examined the expression of mRNA encoding these two 11beta-HSDs in bovine granulosa cells harvested from preovulatory follicles and corpora lutea (CL). Ovaries were obtained from Holstein cows at a local slaughterhouse. Follicles larger than 10 mm in diameter and CL were dissected and follicular fluid and granulosa cells were taken. Corpora lutea were weighed and their stages were morphologically assessed (stage I, days 1-4; stage II, days 5-10; stage III, days 11-17; stage IV, days 8-20). Follicles were classified into four groups according to their hormonal status (oestradiol (E(2)): progesterone (P(4))>1: oestrogen active; E(2):P(4)<1: oestrogen inactive) and stage of the oestrous cycle (luteal or follicular phase). Total RNA was extracted with phenol-chloroform and subjected to a semi-quantitative RT-PCR for 11HSD1, 11HSD2 and beta-actin. Concentrations of steroids in follicular fluid were determined by an enzyme immunoassay. In granulosa cells, only 11HSD1 mRNA was detected. There was a negative correlation between the expression of 11HSD1 and the concentration of cortisol in follicular fluid (P<0.05), indicating 11HSD1 may act as a dehydrogenase in the bovine follicle. Both types of 11beta-HSDs were expressed in CL. The levels of mRNA for both isozymes were high in stage I and II, and were decreased in stage III CL. In stage IV CL, the expression of 11HSD2 but not 11HSD1 mRNA increased. These results indicate that the bovine granulosa cells and CL express 11HSD1 and 11HSD2, and they may play an important physiological role in the bovine ovary through modulating the local glucocorticoid environment.

Microbiology ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 150 (4) ◽  
pp. 967-978 ◽  
C. Viana-Niero ◽  
P. E. de Haas ◽  
D. van Soolingen ◽  
S. C. Leão

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome contains four highly related genes which present significant similarity to Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes encoding phospholipase C enzymes. Three of these genes, plcA, plcB and plcC, are organized in tandem (locus plcABC). The fourth gene, plcD, is located in a different region. This study investigates variations in plcABC and plcD genes in clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium africanum and ‘Mycobacterium canettii’. Genetic polymorphisms were examined by PCR, Southern blot hybridization, sequence analysis and RT-PCR. Seven M. tuberculosis isolates contain insertions of IS6110 elements within plcA, plcC or plcD. In 19 of 25 M. tuberculosis isolates examined, genomic deletions were identified, resulting in loss of parts of genes or complete genes from the plcABC and/or plcD loci. Partial plcD deletion was observed in one M. africanum isolate. In each case, deletions were associated with the presence of a copy of the IS6110 element and in all occurrences IS6110 was transposed in the same orientation. A mechanism of deletion resulting from homologous recombination of two copies of IS6110 was recognized in a group of genetically related M. tuberculosis isolates. Five M. tuberculosis isolates presented major polymorphisms in the plcABC and plcD regions, along with loss of expression competence that affected all four plc genes. Phospholipase C is a well-known bacterial virulence factor. The precise role of phospholipase C in the pathogenicity of M. tuberculosis is unknown, but considering the potential importance that the plc genes may have in the virulence of the tubercle bacillus, the study of isolates cultured from patients with active tuberculosis bearing genetic variations affecting these genes may provide insights into the significance of phospholipase C enzymes for tuberculosis pathogenicity.

Endocrinology ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 138 (3) ◽  
pp. 1224-1231 ◽  
Ursula B. Kaiser ◽  
Andrzej Jakubowiak ◽  
Anna Steinberger ◽  
William W. Chin

Abstract The hypothalamic hormone, GnRH, is released and transported to the anterior pituitary in a pulsatile manner, where it binds to specific high-affinity receptors and regulates gonadotropin biosynthesis and secretion. The frequency of GnRH pulses changes under various physiological conditions, and varying GnRH pulse frequencies have been shown to regulate differentially the secretion of LH and FSH and the expression of the gonadotropin α, LHβ, and FSHβ subunit genes in vivo. We demonstrate differential effects of varying GnRH pulse frequency in vitro in superfused primary monolayer cultures of rat pituitary cells. Cells were treated with 10 nm GnRH pulses for 24 h at a frequency of every 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 h. α, LHβ, and FSHβ messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were increased by GnRH at all pulse frequencies. α and LHβ mRNA levels and LH secretion were stimulated to the greatest extent at a GnRH pulse frequency of every 30 min, whereas FSHβ mRNA levels and FSH secretion were stimulated maximally at a lower GnRH pulse frequency, every 2 h. GnRH receptor (GnRHR) mRNA levels also were increased by GnRH at all pulse frequencies and were stimulated maximally at a GnRH pulse frequency of every 30 min. Similar results were obtained when the dose of each pulse of GnRH was adjusted to maintain a constant total cumulative dose of GnRH over 24 h. These data show that gonadotropin subunit gene expression is regulated differentially by varying GnRH pulse frequencies in vitro, suggesting that the differential effects of varying GnRH pulse frequencies on gonadotropin subunit gene expression occur directly at the level of the pituitary. The pattern of regulation of GnRHR mRNA levels correlated with that of α and LHβ but was different from that of FSHβ. This suggests that α and LHβ mRNA levels are maximally stimulated when GnRHR levels are relatively high, whereas FSHβ mRNA levels are maximally stimulated at lower levels of GnRHR expression, and that the mechanism for differential regulation of the gonadotropins by varying pulse frequencies of GnRH may involve levels of GnRHR. Furthermore, these data suggest that the mechanisms whereby varying GnRH pulse frequencies stimulate α, LHβ, and GnRHR gene expression are similar, whereas the stimulation of FSHβ mRNA levels may be different.

1998 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 448-452
H. F. Erden ◽  
I. H. Zwain ◽  
H. Asakura ◽  
S. S. C. Yen

Recently, we reported that the thecal compartment of the human ovary contains a CRF system replete with gene expression and protein for corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), CRF-Receptor 1 (CRF-R1), and the blood-derived high affinity CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP). Granulosa cells are devoid of the CRF system. The parallel increases in intensity of CRF, CRF-R1, and 17α-hydroxylase messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and proteins in thecal cells with follicular maturation suggest that the intraovarian CRF system may play an autocrine role regulating androgen biosynthesis, with a downstream effect on estrogen production by granulosa cells. The functionality of the ovarian CRF system may be conditioned by the relative presence of plasma-derived CRF-BP by virtue of its localization of protein, but not transcript in thecal cells and its ability to compete with CRF for the CRF receptor. To further these findings, in the present study we have examined the effect of CRF on LH-stimulated 17α-hydroxylase (P450c17) gene expression and androgen production by isolated thecal cells from human ovarian follicles (11–13 mm). During the 48-h culture, addition of LH (10 ng/mL) to the medium increased by 5- and 6-fold dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione production by thecal cells. Remarkably, the LH-stimulated, but not basal, androgen production was inhibited by CRF in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The half-maximal (ID50) effect dose of CRF occurred at 5 × 10−8 mol/L, and at a maximal concentration of 10−6 mol/L, CRF completely inhibited LH-stimulated androgen production. This inhibitory effect of CRF became evident at 12 h (45%), and by 24 h the effect was more pronounced, with a 70% reduction from baseline. As determined by Northern analyses, CRF dose dependently decreased LH-stimulated P450c17 mRNA levels, with a maximal inhibition of 85% P450c17 gene expression at a CRF concentration of 10−6 mol/L. With the addition of 10−6 mol/L of the antagonist α-helical CRF-(9–41), the inhibitory effect of CRF was partially reversed for both P450c17 mRNA (75%) and androgen production (50%), indicating the CRF-R1-mediated event. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated a potent inhibitory effect of CRF on LH-stimulated dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione production that appears to be mediated through the reduction of P450c17 gene expression. Thus, the ovarian CRF system may function as autocrine regulators for androgen biosynthesis in the thecal cell compartment to maintain optimal substrate for estrogen biosynthesis by granulosa cells. Further studies to define the role of CRF-BP in the endocrine modulation of the intraovarian CRF system are needed.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 5849-5856
S E Sweigert ◽  
D Carroll

Plasmid DNA substrates were X-irradiated and injected into the nuclei of Xenopus laevis oocytes. After incubation for 20 h, DNA was recovered from the oocytes and analyzed simultaneously for repair and for intermolecular homologous recombination by electrophoresis and bacterial transformation. Oocyte-mediated repair of DNA strand breaks was observed with both methods. Using a repair-deficient mutant Escherichia coli strain and its repair-proficient parent as hosts for the transformation assay, we also demonstrated that oocytes repaired oxidative-type DNA base damage induced by X-rays. X-irradiation of a circular DNA stimulated its potential to recombine with a homologous linear partner. Recombination products were detected directly by Southern blot hybridization and as bacterial transformant clones expressing two antibiotic resistance markers originally carried separately on the two substrates. The increase in recombination was dependent on X-ray dose. There is some suggestion that lesions other than double-strand breaks contribute to the stimulation of oocyte-mediated homologous recombination. In summary, oocytes have considerable capacity to repair X-ray-induced damage, and some X-ray lesions stimulate homologous recombination in these cells.

1983 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 1070-1076
S M Landfear ◽  
D McMahon-Pratt ◽  
D F Wirth

The arrangement of developmentally regulated alpha- and beta-tubulin genes has been studied in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania enriettii by using Southern blot hybridization analysis. The alpha-tubulin genes occur in a tandem repeat whose monomeric unit may be represented by a 2-kilobase PstI fragment. Similarly, the beta-tubulin genes probably occur in a separate tandem repeat consisting of approximately 4-kilobase units unlinked to the alpha-tubulin repeats.

1999 ◽  
Vol 123 (12) ◽  
pp. 1269-1273
J. Javier Gómez-Román ◽  
J. Gonzalo Ocejo-Vinyals ◽  
Pablo Sánchez-Velasco ◽  
Francisco Leyva-Cobián ◽  
J. Fernando Val-Bernal

Abstract Objective.—To describe one case of symptomatic skin and pleural Kaposi sarcoma (KS) associated with kidney transplantation. Diagnosis was supported by morphologic study and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) detection in both tissues. Pulmonary involvement was not present. Design.—The presence of HHV-8 DNA sequences was proved using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Southern blot hybridization, and in situ hybridization. Setting.—Human herpesvirus 8 is found in most KS from patients with and without the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clinically significant pulmonary infiltration by KS is diagnosed uncommonly antemortem, and pleural disease is exceptional. Patient.—A 49-year-old man who had renal transplant with immunosuppressive therapy (tacrolimus and prednisone) and developed a cutaneous KS. A pleural effusion appeared without pulmonary involvement. Both lesions disappeared when immunosuppressive drugs were suspended. Later, the pleural effusion and the cutaneous lesions reappeared. Pleural biopsy specimens showed KS infiltration. Outcome.—The patient refused treatment and was lost to follow-up. Results.—The skin and pleural biopsies showed a proliferation of spindle-shaped cells positive for CD34. The HHV-8 sequences were detected by nested PCR. No amplification was detected in uninvolved skin from the patient or in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 10 healthy individuals used as controls. The Southern blot hybridization confirmed these results. Conclusions.—To our knowledge, this is the first report of HHV-8 in symptomatic pleural KS, which was probably associated with immunosuppression after kidney transplantation. The demonstration of HHV-8 DNA in biopsy material in the appropriate cells could be diagnostic when the morphologic setting is consistent with KS.

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