Soil physical properties of a Chernozemic clay loam after 24 years of beef cattle manure application

2002 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-296 ◽  
J J Miller ◽  
N J Sweetland ◽  
C. Chang

Limited information exists on the influence of long-term application of beef cattle manure on soil physical properties in the Canadian prairies. A site on a clay loam soil (Dark Brown Chernozem) at Lethbridge was used to determine the effect of increased rates of manure application on selected soil physical properties in 1997 and 1998. The manure (from an unpaved feedlot) was applied annually in the fall for 24 yr at one, two and three times the 1973 recommended rates under dryland (0, 30, 60, 90 Mg ha-1 wet basis) and irrigation (0, 60, 120, 180 Mg ha-1). There was a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in the sand content of soil (0–10, 10–20 cm) with increased rates of manure application; and an increase in clay content for the 60 and 120 Mg ha-1 rates compared to the control under irrigation. There was a significant and negative linear relationship between increased rates of manure application and bulk density (0–5, 10–15 cm) for most seasons, and season affected bulk density values for a given manure rate. Penetration resistance (0–14 cm) was unaffected by increased rates of manure application under dryland. Under irrigation, it was significantly reduced at only the 3.5 cm and 10.5 cm depths in 1997, and at only the 3.5 cm depth in 1998. Air permeability was generally unaffected by increased rates of manure application, except for the 0–5 cm depth under irrigation, where it was significantly lowered at the highest application rate. Soil temperatures (0, 10, 20 cm) were lower under increased rates of marnure application at the 10 and 20 cm depths in the spring and summer under dryland, and they were higher at these two depths in the winter. Under irrigation, soil temperatures were lower with increased rates of manure application at the 20-cm depth in the spring, and they were higher at the 20-cm depth in the fall, and at the 0- and 20-cm depths in the winter. Overall, soil physical properties generally had a neutral or positive response to 24 yr of annual manure application at high rates, and should not cause any detrimental effects to the soil's physical condition. Key words: Manure rate, physical properties, bulk density, penetration resistance, air permeability, temperature

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1697
Matthieu Forster ◽  
Carolina Ugarte ◽  
Mathieu Lamandé ◽  
Michel-Pierre Faucon

Compaction due to traffic is a major threat to soil functions and ecosystem services as it decreases both soil pore volume and continuity. The effects of roots on soil structure have previously been investigated as a solution to alleviate compaction. Roots have been identified as a major actor in soil reinforcement and aggregation through the enhancement of soil microbial activity. However, we still know little about the root’s potential to protect soil from compaction during traffic. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between root traits and soil physical properties directly after traffic. Twelve crop species with contrasting root traits were grown as monocultures and trafficked with a tractor pulling a trailer. Root traits, soil bulk density, water content and specific air permeability were measured after traffic. The results showed a positive correlation between the specific air permeability and root length density and a negative correlation was found between bulk density and the root carbon/nitrogen ratio. This study provides first insight into how root traits could help reduce the consequences of soil compaction on soil functions. Further studies are needed to identify the most efficient plant species for mitigation of soil compaction during traffic in the field.

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1034 ◽  
Hadi Sohrabi ◽  
Meghdad Jourgholami ◽  
Farzam Tavankar ◽  
Rachele Venanzi ◽  
Rodolfo Picchio

Protection of forest soils during harvesting operations is necessary to reduce damage and accelerate recovery time. The current study aims to evaluate soil physical properties, natural regeneration, and its recovery process in treatments including slope gradient, traffic intensity and skid trail after long periods of time, after ceasing the timber harvesting operations. The most recent skidding operations within each 5 years recovery period were studied for a chronosequence of 20 years. Soil samples were taken in abandoned skid trails and data were recorded on naturally regenerated species and density. The results revealed that most soil disturbances occurred on the slopes >20%, as well as the highest levels of traffic intensity. Bulk density and penetration resistance were still higher than the control area, with a significant difference between them, while total porosity was partially recovered. Twenty years after the skidding operation, soil bulk density and penetration resistance were 13.2% and 23.7% higher than the control area, while total porosity was 9.78% lower the than value of the control area. Seedlings of 50–150 cm and >150 cm in height on skid trails had significantly lower density than those in the control. The number of seedlings per m2 was less than the control area in all skid trails and for all height classes. The proportion of seedlings present in low traffic intensity was higher than in medium and high traffic intensities. The findings confirmed that full recovery rates are lengthy, and more time than 20 years is required to fully recover, especially with regards to penetration resistance.

1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 677-683 ◽  
L. Y. Salé ◽  
D. S. Chanasyk ◽  
M. A. Naeth

Fly ash, as a source of calcium, has potential for soil structure amendment. This potential was tested by examining the influence of fly ash on select soil physical properties of an easily clodded clay loam soil. Fly ash:soil mixtures were varied from 0 to 100% (vol/vol). Pots of these mixtures were placed into the soil of a reclaimed surface mine and sampled four times during a 15.5-mo period: upon mixing, after one summer, after one summer and a winter and after the second summer. Bulk density, dry aggregate size distribution, penetration resistance (PR) and modulus of rupture (MOR) were assessed on soils within the pots.Adding fly ash up to 25 to 50% generally increased bulk density; adding more decreased it. Bulk density decreased over time for most of the treatments. Adding 12.5 or 25% fly ash produced the greatest percentage of aggregates within the ideal range (0.5 to 4.0 mm). Blunt-end PR was a more sensitive parameter than cone resistance. Adding 25% fly ash resulted in lower MOR while maintaining a desirable level of aggregation, thus reducing cloddiness. In general most properties varied over time, indicating the need to consider the dynamic nature of them in reclamation. Key words: Fly ash, soil reclamation, bulk density, penetration resistance, particle size distribution

1989 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 443-449 ◽  
C. CHANG ◽  

This study was conducted to compare the long-term (20 yr) effects of conventional tillage, minimum tillage and no-till on various soil-water related properties within the tilled layer (0–30 and 30–60 mm) and immediately below the tilled layer (90–120 mm) under a spring cereal-summerfallow rotation cropping system. Parameters measured included saturated hydraulic conductivity, saturation percentage, plant-available water-holding capacity, large pore porosity, bulk density, and infiltration rate of the soil. Tillage treatment effects on these soil properties in each of the four sampling periods were not significantly different. The confidence interval test showed some temporal changes in these soil physical properties, of which hydraulic conductivity was the most affected. In the summerfallow field, regardless of the previous cereal crops, the steady infiltration rate was significantly lower in the soil under conventional tillage than with that under no-till. The results indicate that the surface soil structure was most stable under no-till. In the fresh stubble field, the type of cereal crop had an effect on the infiltration rate of the soil. The mean infiltration rate was higher in the summerfallow field than in the fresh stubble field and also was higher in the fresh barley stubble than in the fresh wheat stubble. Except for infiltration rates, there is no significant advantage of one tillage method over the other with respect to the soil physical properties measured in this Brown Chernozemic clay loam soil. Key words: No-till, minimum tillage, hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, infiltration

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Aqeel J. Nassir

An experiment was conducted in fields of Agriculture college, University  of Basrah. The experiment was designed with split-spilt plots in Complete Randomized Blocks Design Treatments included three types of moldboard plows: helical,  semi digger and general –purpose, three soil moisture content levels (10.23,16.47 and 24.68%), and four tractor speed of 0.41, 0.56, 0.86 and 1.21 m sec -1  . The soil  physical properties were determined after plowing soil by using three types of moldboard plow. The results showed that there was significant effect of moldboard plow types, soil moisture content and tractor speed on soil physical properties including bulk density, soil porosity, soil penetration resistance and pulverization ratio. Results also indicated that the effect of interaction among plow types, soil moisture content and tractor speed was significantly on soil penetration resistance and pulverization ratios while it had not significantly effect on bulk density, soil porosity. In general, soil physical properties, had been improved when using high tractor speed and moderate soil moisture content whereas optimal operation was obtained when using general-purpose plow type and  high tractor speed of 1.12 m sec -1 and soil moisture content of 16.47% where this combination gives low bulk density (0.96Mg m-3), high soil porosity (63.90%) high soil pulverization ratio (74%) and low soil penetration resistance (623.47 kN m-2).

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-70 ◽  
José Euripides Baquero ◽  
Ricardo Ralisch ◽  
Cristiane de Conti Medina ◽  
João Tavares Filho ◽  
Maria de Fátima Guimarães

Sugarcane, which involves the use of agricultural machinery in all crop stages, from soil preparation to harvest, is currently one of the most relevant crops for agribusiness in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to investigate soil physical properties and root growth in a eutroferric red Oxisol (Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico) after different periods under sugarcane. The study was carried out in a cane plantation in Rolândia, Paraná State, where treatments consisted of a number of cuts (1, 3, 8, 10 and 16), harvested as green and burned sugarcane, at which soil bulk density, macro and microporosity, penetration resistance, as well as root length, density and area were determined. Results showed that sugarcane management practices lead to alterations in soil penetration resistance, bulk density and porosity, compared to native forest soil. These alterations in soil physical characteristics impede the full growth of the sugarcane root system beneath 10 cm, in all growing seasons analyzed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 362
Katiely Aline Anschau Deimling ◽  
Edleusa Pereira Seidel ◽  
Jean Sérgio Rosset ◽  
Marcos Cesar Mottin ◽  
Daniela Da Rocha Herrmann ◽  

The present study aimed to evaluate the dry matter yield of cover crops cultivated in monoculture and intercropped in a no-till system and its effects on the soil physical properties. The experimental design was of randomized blocks, with four replicates. Treatments used were black oat, black oat + forage radish, forage radish, black oat + field pea, field pea and the control (fallow). After 100 days after sowing the cover crops, the dry matter yield was evaluated, with the highest values found in the intercropped crops. After desiccation, undeformed soil samples were collected for the determination of macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity and soil bulk density in the 0 - 0,10; 0,10 - 0,20; 0,20 - 0,30 and 0,30 - 0,40 m layers. Soil penetration resistance was evaluated with a digital penetrometer. The intercrop of black oat with field pea and with forage radish provided the highest dry matter yield, showing the potential of dry matter accumulation in relation to monoculture. The cover crops were capable of improving the macroporosity, bulk density and soil penetration resistance when compared to the fallow area (control); however, they had no influence in soil aggregation due to the high compaction degree in the area.

1998 ◽  
Vol 78 (4) ◽  
pp. 667-674 ◽  
J. J. Sansom ◽  
D. S. Chanasyk ◽  
M. A. Naeth ◽  
J. C. Bateman

The effects of sulfur and gypsum amendments in conjunction with crop management (fallow/barley and forage) on soil physical properties, soil moisture and vegetation characteristics were measured on a sodic and calcareous sandy loam minespoil at the Highvale coal mine, west of Edmonton, Alberta.Amendment and crop management had no significant effect on bulk density, plant species composition, canopy cover, ground cover or annual aboveground biomass. Crop management significantly affected penetration resistance (which was generally higher under forage), while amendment treatments did not. Profile soil moisture was lowest within the gypsum-amended plots at all depths, and was similar for sulfur-amended and control plots. Crop management affected profile soil moisture, with significantly less moisture under continuous forage than fallow/barley. As percolation is critical to the effectiveness of amendments in the amelioration process, cereal/fallow rotations are more effective than continuous forage in facilitating that process. Key words: Reclamation, bulk density, penetration resistance

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