scholarly journals Technology and Immigration System: A New Paradigm for Improving Government Service Delivery in Tanzania

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-106
Mustafa Kassim Kipingu ◽  
Deodatus Patrick Shayo

This paper explores how digital transformation has improved the delivery of immigration services. In contrast, this refers to the fact that, despite the existence of e-immigration services, there has been inadequate research to examine the e-immigration system in Tanzania. This paper explores the e-immigration portal, its advantages, and its challenges. Using a mixed-method, data were collected from secondary and primary sources through document review, portal analysis, interviews, and questionnaires. Primary and secondary data show that e-immigration portals can be accessed using personal computers, smartphones, and internet cafes. Also, the time for applicants to receive passports and travel documents has decreased from more than seven days in the old manual system to three days on average in the new e–immigration system. Following the transforming government process, immigration service delivery has been improved by implementing the e–immigration system. Thee–immigration services offer advantages to users like online application, online payment, time-saving, and costs, but challenges like digital literacy, inaccuracy of information, feedback, and network problems impact the system's smooth operation. Here digital literacy campaign, feedback mechanism, applicant support desk, and digital service desk are recommended.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Aleksandra Synowiec

The objective of this study is to identify the current state of, and the prospects for, information and communication technologies (ICT) dissemination in rural areas in Ukraine in juxtaposition with other post-transition countries. The spread of ICT is discussed within the frame of economic, infrastructural, and social factors affecting rural areas in Ukraine since the post-communist transition period. Information and communication technologies may support the socio-economic development of peripheral areas in many ways—including rural ones. Dissemination of ICT contributes to the emergence of sources of income, equalizes education opportunities, and increases the attractiveness of rural areas. However, the rural—urban divide in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and other former USSR countries is still remarkable and, as a type of structural inequality, should be better recognized. The source material is based on secondary data, which consists of selected literature on the subject of rural development in Central and Eastern European Countries, strategic documents, available reports and studies of international institutions, research from agencies, state documents and statistics, and research conducted by international and domestic NGOs. In reference to the paper’s objective, the method of content analysis was employed. Dissemination of ICT in rural areas in Ukraine is influenced by two groups of factors. The infrastructural divide concerning Internet access between rural and urban populations in Ukraine has been diminishing, but the issue of structural exclusion due to place of residence has still not been solved. As far as the social aspects of ICT dissemination in rural areas in Ukraine are concerned, the level of digital literacy among rural dwellers is significantly lower in comparison to urban residents. Rural areas are more exposed to the consequences of various aspects of digital exclusion.

Зоя Гаркавенко

У статті презентовані результати емпіричного вивчення проблеми адаптації професійної освіти до онлайн-режиму в ситуації вимушеного карантину. Мета дослідження полягала в створенні моделі компетенцій викладача / тренера для забезпечення освітньої діяльності онлайн. Обставини гостро актуалізували нагальну потребу забезпечення безперервності освітньої діяльності в нових умовах, показали реальний стан психологічної готовності фахівців освітянської галузі до діяльності в умовах невизначеності. Ключовими ознаками цього стану можна вважати певну фахову та психологічну дезорієнтацію, яка поставила під загрозу якість і сталість результатів освітньої діяльності. Фахівці формальної й неформальної освіти були змушені швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, в основі яких – цифрова трансформація. Фокус уваги нашого дослідження зосереджено на фахівцях, які працюють у сфері післядипломної освіти. Важливим аспектом досліджуваного питання є певна плутанина щодо сутності онлайн-навчання. Це стосується різнотлумачення у середовищі фахівців поняття «дистанційне навчання», зокрема розрізнення синхронного (в режимі реального часу) і асинхронного (у відкладеному часі) режимів освітнього процесу. Принципові відмінності у підходах до методів та психологічних технологій їх застосування вимагають особливої підготовки відповідних фахівців. Результати презентованого дослідження розкривають ряд психологічних труднощів, з якими зіткнулись фахівці післядипломної освіти в ситуації необхідності переведення діяльності в онлайн-режим. В першу чергу, це навчальна діяльність із питань підвищення кваліфікації, проведення навчальних курсів для дорослої аудиторії. Важливим завданням для викладачів / тренерів постало збереження сутнісних ознак і результатів такого навчання: інформація, інструментарій і досвід, які наявні в офлайн-режимі навчання. Основним результатом дослідження можна вважати визначення ключових напрямів психологічної підготовки фахівців до роботи в онлайн: психологічна готовність до управління груповою динамікою та обмеженими комунікаційними інструментами, цифрова компетентність – володіння специфічними цифровими навичками (платформи, програми, окремі інструменти роботи в онлайн), методична компетентність – здатність добирати та поєднувати прийоми й техніки роботи з інформацією, адаптовані до онлайн-середовища. Література Василенко, О.В. (2014). Розвиток системи неформальної освіти дорослих в умовах соціально-економічної кризи. Актуальні проблеми професійної орієнтації та професійного навчання в умовах соціально-економічної нестабільності, 2(2), 138– Ващенко, Л.І. (2019). Підготовка фахівців для роботи з дорослими у сфері неформальної освіти. Імідж сучасного педагога, 4(187), 24– Корбут, О.Г. (2017). Дистанційне навчання: моделі, технології, перспективи. Режим доступу: http://confesp. fl. kpi. ua/ru/node/1123. Плинокос, Д.Д., & Коваленко, М.О. (2016). Неформальна освіта: теоретичні аспекти і наукові підходи. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 29, 53–60. Сисоєва, С.О., & Осадча, К.П. (2019). Стан, технології та перспективи дистанційного навчання у вищій освіті України. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання: електронне наукове фахове видання, 70(2), 271– Harasim, L. (2000). Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning. The Internet and higher education, 3(1-2), 41– Iordache, C., Mariën, I., & Baelden, D. (2017). Developing digital skills and competences: A quick-scan analysis of 13 digital literacy models. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 6– Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4– Latchem, C. (2014). Informal learning and non-formal education for development. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1). Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15, 157– Lischewski, J., Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., & Rosemann, T. (2020). What influences participation in non-formal and informal modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An analysis of individual and institutional influencing factors. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2821. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.534485 Rodríguez, M.U., Cantabrana, J.L.L., & Cervera, M.G. (2020). Validation of a tool for self-evaluating teacher digital competence. Educación XX1, 24(1), 353–373. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.27080 Perez-Lopez, E., Atochero, A.V., & Rivero, S.C. (2020). Distance Education in COVID-19: An Analysis from the perspective of university students. Ried-revista iberoamericana de educacion a distancia, 24(1), 331–350. doi: 10.5944/ried.24.1.27855

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202106
Marcelo Cervo Chelotti ◽  
Rosa Maria Vieira Medeiros

CARTOGRAPHS OF VITICULTURE IN MINAS GERAIS: from South genesis to North expansionCARTOGRAFÍAS DE LA VITICULTURA EN MINAS GERAIS: de la génesis en el Sur a la expansión al NorteRESUMOO presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a reorientação no deslocamento do padrão espacial do cultivo de uvas no estado de Minas Gerais, originalmente localizado no Sul, mas expandiu-se para o norte mineiro nas últimas décadas. Os procedimentos metodológicos centraram-se na revisão de literatura sobre a viticultura no Brasil, e na coleta em dados secundários na Pesquisa Agrícola Municipal/PAM/IBGE, nos Censos Agropecuários do IBGE, além do Banco de Dados de Uva, Vinho e Derivados/VITIBRASIL. Os mapas temáticos demonstraram a dinâmica da viticultura em Minas Gerais, evidenciando uma mudança no padrão espacial, ou seja, historicamente concentrada no sul do estado, mas verificamos no pós-1990 uma expansão geográfica para o norte, principalmente em direção ao Cerrado e vale do Rio São Francisco. O papel desempenhado pela pesquisa, na busca de novas técnicas para a viticultura em regiões tropicais, tem uma grande centralidade nesse processo, uma vez que estamos diante de um novo paradigma para a produção de uvas e vinhos.Palavras-chave: Viticultura; Regionalização; Geografia do Vinho; Minas Gerais.ABSTRACTThis article has the goal to analyze the reorientation in the displacement of the spatial pattern of grape cultivation in the state of Minas Gerais, originally located in the south, but has expanded to the north of Minas Gerais in recent decades. The methodological procedures focused on the literature review on viticulture in Brazil, and the collection of secondary data from the Municipal Agricultural Research/PAM/IBGE, the IBGE Agricultural Census, and the Grape, Wine and Derivatives Database/VITIBRASIL. Thematic maps showed the dynamics of viticulture in Minas Gerais, showing a change in the spatial pattern, that is, historically concentrated in the south of the state. Sao Francisco River. The role played by the research in the search for new techniques for viticulture in tropical regions has a great centrality in this process, since we are facing a new paradigm for the production of grapes and wines.Keywords: Viticulture; Regionalization; Wine Geography; Minas Gerais.RESUMENEl presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la reorientación en el desplazamiento del patrón espacial del cultivo de la uva en el estado de Minas Gerais, originalmente ubicado en el sur, pero se ha expandido al norte de Minas Gerais en las últimas décadas. Los procedimientos metodológicos se centraron en la revisión de la literatura sobre viticultura en Brasil, y en la recopilación de datos secundarios en la Investigación Agrícola Municipal/PAM/IBGE, en los Censos Agrícolas del IBGE, además de la Base de Datos de Uva, Vino y Derivados/VITIBRASIL. Los mapas temáticos demostraron la dinámica de la viticultura en Minas Gerais, mostrando un cambio en el patrón espacial, es decir, históricamente concentrado en el sur del estado, pero en la década de 1990 verificamos una expansión geográfica hacia el norte, principalmente hacia el Cerrado y Vale do Río São Francisco El papel desempeñado por la investigación, en la búsqueda de nuevas técnicas para la viticultura en las regiones tropicales, tiene una gran centralidad en este proceso, ya que nos enfrentamos a un nuevo paradigma para la producción de uvas y vinos.Palabras-clave: Viticultura; Regionalización; Geografía del Vino; Minas Gerais.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 708-725
Ning Karnawijaya ◽  
Siti Rokhaniyah

This study aims to determine the effect of Pegadaian Digital Service (PDS) on the financial inclusion of sharia business segments. The study was conducted using secondary data and analyzed by quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative method used the t-test to determine the significance of the effect of PDS on the financial inclusion of sharia business segments. The t-test was conducted two years before the release of PDS (2016-2017) and the two years after released of PDS (2018-2019). Sharia business segments in this study are sharia pawn bussiness (rahn) and micro fiducia sharia business (Arrum and Amanah). Furthermore, qualitative analysis is to find the right modeling for optimizing PDS in increasing financial inclusion in sharia business segments. The results showed that in the two years after the released of PDS the turnover, outstanding loan, and mu'nah revenue had a very significant increasing. There were strong correlations and significant differences in the achievement of turnover, outstanding loans, and mu’nah revenue between before and after the PDS, both in sharia pawn business (Rahn), Arrum and Amanah products. The results of empirical testing proved that PDS was supporting the acceleration of financial inclusion programs, especially in the sharia business segment at PT. Pegadaian. Optimizing PDS in increasing financial inclusion in sharia business segments can be done by developing a product based PDS optimization model.

Mark A Gregory

The September issue provides an interesting look at the National Broadband Network and how it is perceived to have problems that need to be resolved and how telecommunications is having an effect on the lives of Australians with discussion on how older Australians engage with online news and how mobile phone use in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is a balance between opportunity and affordability. Papers on future digital service delivery and metadata retention provide a balance between identifying future use and how authorities are looking our telecommunications usage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-194 ◽  
Hendy Kasim ◽  
Edi Abdurachman ◽  
Asnan Furinto ◽  
Wibowo Kosasih

Continuance intention to use a product or service is essential for digital video platforms to have a sustainable business. Apart from the video itself, continuous use of the service is heavily influenced by the consumers’ experiences of the service. Digital literacy is one of the key components in use of any digital service, as well as the digital ecosystem itself. This research finds that users’ digital experiences are heavily impacting the continuance intention to use a digital video service. However, the impacts from digital literacy and digital ecosystem, while significant, are not very dominant in shaping the user’s experience.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 82-99
Madinah Nabukeera

Kampala is a government seat and the capital city of Uganda. Kampala has been referred to as an executive slum due to its breakdown in service delivery. Currently the city is facing increased population growth, increased demand for services, changing consumptions, rising income which has caused urbanization that resulted into increased solid waste generated. While Kampala has a lot of challenges i.e., garbage, potholes, sewer service, construction, traffic management, corruption, health services, environment, stray livestock and management of markets. The main objective of this papers was to investigate service delivery during the recentralization of the city in line with garbage tonnage. Secondary data from Lubaga division used with content analysis to analysis the collected data. Results indicated that a small number of trips and fuel consumption in December compared to October and November 2016. The fall in trend of garbage collected could be as a result of some measures like burning which are adopted by some households in Rubaga division. It is also believed that some KCCA garbage vehicles remain on the road sides and this would make it hard for some people who are far from the road to bring their garbage.

Comunicar ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (45) ◽  
pp. 151-159 ◽  
Rosabel Roig-Vila ◽  
Santiago Mengual-Andrés ◽  
Patricia Quinto-Medrano

The emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) poses new educational challenges for teachers, to which it can respond from a consistent training model. This study has as its aim to analyze the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge needed for Primary Education teachers to integrate ICTs into teaching. A research work based on a quantitative non-experimental methodology which involved 224 Preschool and Primary Education teachers working in the province of Alicante (Spain) was performed with that aim. The important results showed that teachers are more knowledgeable in the pedagogical and content fields than in technology, which means that their level of technological knowledge does not suffice to integrate ICTs into their teaching tasks. Significant differences were additionally identified between gender and years of experience, together with the relationship between the fun use of technology and the knowledge of its essential aspects. Our findings confirm the need for a digital literacy campaign addressed to teachers, involving not only a technological type of training but also an overall pedagogical and content approach. This is in keeping with the TPACK model (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge), which appears as a reference framework to be taken into account when it comes to teachers’ professional development and its connection with the teaching-learning processes in the classroom wherever Information and Communication Technologies are present. La emergencia de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) plantea nuevos desafíos educativos al profesorado, a los cuales puede responder desde un modelo de formación coherente. El propósito de este estudio es analizar los conocimientos tecnológicos, pedagógicos y disciplinares del profesorado de Educación Primaria, necesarios para la integración de las TIC en la labor docente. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación con una metodología cuantitativa de carácter no experimental en la que participaron 224 profesores de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados mostraron que los docentes poseen mayores conocimientos pedagógicos y disciplinares que tecnológicos, lo que conlleva a escasos conocimientos para la integración de las TIC en la labor docente. Se constataron, además, diferencias significativas entre el género y los años de experiencia docente, y la relación entre el uso lúdico de la tecnología y los conocimientos sobre sus aspectos fundamentales. Según los resultados obtenidos, se corrobora la necesidad de una alfabetización digital del profesorado abordada no solo desde una formación tecnológica, sino también pedagógica y disciplinar de forma global. Ello responde al modelo TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge), el cual se contempla como un marco de referencia a tener en cuenta por lo que respecta al desarrollo profesional del profesorado y su vinculación a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el aula donde las TIC estén presentes.

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