Ružica Kijevčanin ◽  

The Constitutional Judiciary is one of the basic state functions embodied in an independent state body called the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court protects constitutionality and legality, as well as human and minority rights and freedoms, by exercising the various and numerous competencies established by the highest legal act. Its role in the legal system is extremely important and irreplaceable, which implies an analysis of the organization of the Constitutional Court. Every organ or organization is made up of people. The human staff is the supporting pillar on the composition of which the efficiency, success and professionalism of the institution depend. Carefully selected members, based on quality criteria, are a guarantee for timely and productive work. By interpreting the legal norms that regulate the issues of election and composition of the Constitutional Court through different stages of the constitutional development of our state, we will create a comprehensive picture of the solution and come to a conclusion about possible improvements to existing rules.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-37
Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka

Summary The paper deals with the changes in the centralized (Kelsenian) model of constitutional review resulting from a state’s membership of the EU, which unequivocally demonstrates the decomposition of the classic paradigm of constitutional judiciary. The main point raised in the paper is that European integration has fundamentally influenced on the four above-mentioned basic elements of the Kelsenian model of constitutional review of legislation, which are the following: the assumption of the hierarchical construction of a legal system; the assumption of the supreme legal force of the constitution as the primary normative act of a given system; a centralised model of reviewing hierarchical conformity of legal norms; coherence of the system guaranteed by a constitutional court’s power to declare defectiveness of a norm and the latter’s derogation. All its fundamental elements have evolved, i.e. the hierarchy of the legal system, the overriding power of the constitution, centralized control of constitutionality, and the erga omnes effect of the ruling on the hierarchical non-conformity of the norms. It should be noted that over the last decade the dynamics of these changes have definitely gained momentum. This has been influenced by several factors, including the “great accession” of 2004, the pursuit of formal constitutionalization of the EU through the Constitutional Treaty, the compromise solutions adopted in the Treaty of Lisbon, the entry into force of the Charter, and the prospect of EU accession to the ECHR. The CJEU has used these factors to deepen the tendencies towards decentralization of constitutional control, by atomising national judicial systems and relativizing the effects of constitutional court rulings within national legal systems. The end result is the observed phenomenon, if not of marginalisation, then at least of a systemic shift in the position of constitutional courts, which have lost their uniqueness and have become “only ones of many” national courts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 24
Alexander V. Mal’ko

The article contains the most important conclusions and results from a project supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, on which a team of authors has been working since 2019. The features of the relationship, interaction and existing contradictions between legal responsibility and the legal system are determined. The existing contradictions between the doctrinal conclusions about the principles of responsibility and their implementation in the current system of legal norms and law enforcement practice have been investigated. The practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is generalized and its role in the mechanism of identifying legal defects of the institution of legal responsibility is established.

2020 ◽  
Aleksandr Bratko

The monograph deals with methodological problems of embedding artificial intelligence in the legal system taking into account the laws of society. Describes the properties of the rule of law as a Microsystem in subsystems of law and methods of its fixation in the system of law and logic of legal norms. Is proposed and substantiated the idea of creating specifically for artificial intelligence, separate and distinct, unambiguous normative system, parallel to the principal branches of law is built on the logic of the four-membered structure of legal norms. Briefly discusses some of the theory of law as an instrument of methodology of modelling of the legal system and its semantic codes in order to function properly an artificial intelligence. The ways of application of artificial intelligence in the functioning of the state. For students and teachers and all those interested in issues of artificial intelligence from the point of view of law.

2017 ◽  
pp. 67-86
Arkadiusz Krajewski

The Constitutional Tribunal is defined as the Polish constitutional court and at the same time the judicial authority. It was created at the turn of 1982. Not long after that it began its jurisprudence; more precisely it was in 1986. Describing its basic tasks, it is pointed out that judicial review of so-called constitutional law deserves a closer look. This is particularly true about controlling the compliance of lower legal norms with higher legal norms. Here attention is drawn towards the connection of the Constitution with some international agreements, ie. the court of law. The purpose of the paper below was to analyze the constitutional principles of criminal proceedings in the context of the case law of the Polish Constitutional Court. At the beginning the concept, the division and the role of the constitutional rules of criminal procedure were presented. In this section, it was emphasized that all the rules of the criminal process are considered superior norms of a very significant social importance. Then the principle of objectivity, which is reflected in the Constitution of the Republic, was described. A following aspect was the discussion of the principle of the presumption of innocence and the principle of in dubio pro reo. It has been emphasized that the essence of the principle is that the person who was brought before the court is treated as innocent until a lawful judgment is pronounced against the defendant. The author also pointed out the principle of the right to defense. According to this rule, the defendant has the right to defend themselves in the process and to use the help of a defender. Another described principle is so-called rule of publicity. It concerns the fact that information about criminal proceedings should be accessible to the public. Then it was pointed to the principle of the right to the trial and the independence of the judiciary. The first one is reflected in national law and acts of international rank. The second shows that the independence of the judiciary is determined by the proper exercise of the profession of judge and becomes a guarantee of freedom and civil rights. The humanitarian principle and the principle of participation of the social factor in the penal process are shown in the final section. At the end of the paper a summary and conclusions were presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 154
Lev A. Lazutin

The article is devoted to the interaction of domestic and international legal norms on human rights and the application of the latter in national legislation. The author comes to the conclusion that there are a number of problems in the implementation of international legal norms on human rights in the Russian legal system.

Yuridika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 429
Yulianto Yulianto

The term conspiring to commit criminal acts in Article 15 of PTPK Act cannot refer to existing norms under Article 88 of the KUHP. The criminal act which is to conspire to commit such acts within PTPK Act has been regulated within the Indonesian legal system and recognized by law enforcers. However, the lack of elaboration and clarity towards this type of criminal act in the PTPK Law has hindered law enforcers from utilizing Article 15 of the PTPK Act to combat corruption. The Constitutional Court has attempted to resolve the legal uncertainty of Article 15 of the PTPK Act, however this has been proven to become burdensome for law enforcers in applying the criminal justifications of conspiracy under the scope of Article 15 of the PTPK Act. The criminal act which is to conspire to commit such acts within PTPK Act has been regulated within the Indonesian legal system and recognized by law enforcers.

Виктор Момотов ◽  
Viktor Momotov

In Russian legal science there is a wide-spread belief according to which legal precedents are not sources of Russian law, because Russian legal system forms a part of continental legal system. Various researchers believe that judicial practice does not contain legal norms and consequently case law is not a component of Russian legal framework. The present paper contains the theoretical and historical legal research of the place and role of case law in Anglo-American and continental legal systems. It’s shown that for long historical periods legal precedents were recognized as sources of law not only in Great Britain and the USA, but also in major European legal systems, while at the present time differentiation of legal systems with respect to their attitude towards case law is becoming outdated. Furthermore, based on the research of various legal scholars’ traditions (principally of the positivistic and the sociological traditions) this article demonstrates that negative attitude towards case law is largely determined by the formalistic and obsolete understanding of the term ”source of law”, coming from the misinterpretation of positivism. The paper also presents the current development trends of case law as a source of law. In particular the article outlines the proactive interpretations of new statutory provisions issued by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the global uniqueness of such interpretations and the influence of scientific–technological progress and public needs on the highest court’s interpretations. The mutual interference of case law and statutory law is shown.

Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Rachmat Syafe’i

The tradition of Islamic law in Indonesia's Muslim population can not be separated from values, legal norms, and legal products. Therefore, the position of ijtihad is one of the important instruments in Islam. In this context, a mujtahid in general perform several steps in formulating Islamic rules from the sources, that are the Quran and Hadith. The position of Islamic law in the legal system in Indonesia is increasingly gaining recognition juridically. One of that is  enactment of the Marriage Law Num­ber 1 Year 1974 and Presidential Decree Number 1 Year 1991 on the Compilation of Isla­mic Law. Thus the actualization of Islamic law must be carried out systematically by con­crete actions. Actualization of Islamic law is not enough, it will even harm if done only for political action which campaign demanding the implementation of Shari'a. One of the problems encountered in attempts to actualize Islamic law is the absence of a clear conception of the legal matter that must be actualized in national law, both of which apply specifically to Muslims and generally applicable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-80
Herlambang P. Wiratraman

Freedom of political expression has not been fully guaranteed in the Indonesian legal system. One of the most prominent in the legal debate is the matter of treason (makar) charges against political expressions of self-determination. In the case of Papua, many Papuans have been detained, criminalised, and even killed because of their political expression. Interestingly, the Constitutional Court, through its decision Number 7/PUU-XV/2017, provided guidance in its ‘ratio decidendi’ argument, specifically the interpretation of treason phrases in the Criminal Code. Interpretation is given by the Constitutional Court after seeing the reality that law enforcement has been arbitrarily abused by the application of the treason article. This is contrary to the freedom of association, opinion and expression, as guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This article discusses how the application of the phrase treason in law enforcement, especially in connection with the conviction of many Papuans after the Surabaya anti-racism rallies in September 2019. A number of district court decisions on dozens of convicted Papuans show that the legal system that guarantees freedom of political expression has not changed much and law enforcement in fact emphasises the position of racial discrimination and is far below the standard of human rights law. Abstrak Kebebasan ekspresi politik belum sepenuhnya dijamin dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Salah satu yang paling mengemuka dalam perdebatan hukum adalah soal tuduhan makar terhadap ekspresi politik menentukan nasib sendiri. Dalam kasus Papua, tidak sedikit jumlah warga Papua yang ditahan, dikriminalkan, hingga tewas terbunuh karena soal ekspresi politiknya. Menariknya, Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui putusannya Nomor 7/PUU-XV/2017 memberikan panduan dalam argumen ratio decidendinya, khusus interpretasi frasa makar dalam Kitab-Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Penafsiran diberikan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi setelah melihat realitas penegakan hukum telah banyak disalahgunakan penerapan pasal makar. Hal demikian bertentangan dengan kebebasan berkumpul, berpendapat dan berekspresi, sebagaimana dijamin dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana penerapan frasa makar dalam penegakan hukumnya, khususnya berkaitan dengan dipidananya banyak warga Papua setelah aksi anti rasisme Surabaya pada September 2019. Sejumlah putusan pengadilan negeri atas puluhan warga Papua yang dipidana tersebut memperlihatkan sistem hukum yang menjamin kebebasan ekspresi politik tidak banyak berubah dan penegakan hukum justru menegaskan posisi diskriminasi rasial serta jauh dari standar hukum hak asasi manusia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1030-1032 ◽  
pp. 2586-2588
Chang Gen Zhu ◽  
Hao Jing Sun

China's logistics industry, the lack of laws and regulations system, harmony, lack of coordination of the logistics market mechanisms and coordinating bodies, lower levels of legal norms logistics, logistics legislation does not do the times. We have a deep review of the legal system of China's logistics defects, based on practice, learn from the successful experience of Japan and other developed countries, multi-pronged approach. Finally, the establishment of a modern logistics system of laws and regulations, the author puts forward some suggestions.

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