scholarly journals Aprendizaje dialógico y grupos interactivos en educación física (Dialogic learning and interactive groups in physical education)

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2015 ◽  
pp. 174-179
Marcos Castro Sandúa ◽  
Aitor Gómez González ◽  
Ana María Macazaga López

El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar en cómo el trabajo realizado en las Comunidades de Aprendizaje en las clases de Educación Física responde a los principios del aprendizaje dialógico poniendo especial énfasis en los grupos interactivos. Con este propósito se han analizado las opiniones de alumnado, profesorado, voluntariado y familias de seis comunidades de aprendizaje, tres del País Vasco y tres de Cataluña. La recogida de información se realizó desde una metodología comunicativa crítica orientada a la construcción de conocimiento desde la subjetividad y la reflexión conjunta con los sujetos de la investigación directamente implicados. En la recogida de información se emplearon técnicas tanto cuantitativas como cualitativas. Los resultados mostraron que las actuaciones educativas que tienen lugar en las clases de Educación Física se articulan en torno a la creación de un clima de diálogo igualitario, la utilización de estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje orientadas al éxito educativo y la utilización de estrategias de actuación inclusivas. Como conclusión, se identifican las claves a seguir en el propósito de orientar las clases de Educación Física hacia los principios del aprendizaje dialógico.Palabras clave:Aprendizaje dialógico, Grupos Interactivos, Educación Física, Comunidades de Aprendizaje.Abstract: The aim of this paper is to examine how the work of the Learning Communities in physical education classes responds to the principles of dialogic learning with special emphasis on interactive groups. To achieve this, the opinions of students, teachers, volunteers and families of six learning communities were used: three from the Basque Country and three from Catalonia. Information collection was carried out from a critical communicative methodology aimed at building knowledge from subjectivity and reflection together with the directly involved research subjects. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to collect information. The results showed that the educational activities taking place in physical education classes are centered on creating an atmosphere of equal dialogue, the use of teaching-learning strategies aimed at educational success, and the use of inclusive performance strategies. In conclusion, some key points to follow have been identified in order to gear physical education classes toward the principles of dialogic learning.Key words:Dialogic Learning, Interactive Groups, Physical Education, Learning Communities.

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2015 ◽  
pp. 168-173
Sara Figueras Comas ◽  
Jordi Calvo Lajusticia ◽  
Marta Capllonch Bujosa

El presente artículo está vinculado a un proyecto centrado en la superación de conflictos en educación física mediante el modelo comunitario. La parte del estudio a la que se refiere este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar las opiniones, creencias y valoraciones que los miembros adultos (profesorado, familiares y voluntariado) de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje realizan sobre las causas de los conflictos que se producen en la educación física y las formas de abordarlos.La investigación se ha desarrollado bajo el prisma de la metodología comunicativa crítica; y la recogida de información se ha llevado a cabo en 6 comunidades de aprendizaje (3 en Cataluña y 3 en el País Vasco). La participación en este estudio de los miembros adultos de las comunidades se concretó en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad (6 profesores, 6 familiares, 6 voluntarios); a partir de las cuales se realizó el correspondiente análisis cualitativo/comunicativo.Los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones que se derivan de los mismos se organizan en base a dos aspectos principales: la identificación de las barreras que dificultan la resolución comunitaria de los conflictos (relacionadas con las posibilidades de éxito, la influencia de los medios de comunicación, la prevalencia de otros modelos, las dificultades para la comunicación y la normalización del conflicto); la identificación y propuesta de estrategias que favorecen la resolución comunitaria de los conflictos (relacionadas con el consenso de las normas, la orientación de la asignatura y la gestión de la competición).Palabras clave: educación física, prevención del conflicto y resolución del conflicto, comunidades de aprendizaje, comunidad educativa.Abstract: This article is linked to a project focused on overcoming conflicts in physical education through community model. The part of the study referred to in this article aims to analyse the opinions, beliefs and assessments that adult members (teachers, family and volunteers) of Learning Communities expressed on the causes of the conflicts in physical education and the ways to address them.The research has been developed under the perspective of critical communicative methodology; and data collection was carried out in 6 learning communities (3 in Catalonia and 3 in the Basque Country). Adult community members participated by responding in-depth interviews (6 teachers, 6 relatives, 6 volunteers); from which the qualitative / communicative analysis was carried on.The results and the conclusions are organized according to two main aspects: identification of barriers to community conflict resolution (related to chances of success, influence of the media, prevalence of other models, difficulties in communication and acceptance of conflict as normal); identification and suggestion of strategies that favour community conflict resolution (related to rules agreement, subject aiming and competition management).Key words: physical education, conflict prevention and conflict resolution, learning communities, educational community.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Estefanía Fernández Antón

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el principio dialógico “creación de sentido” en los grupos interactivos de un colegio que se convirtió en una Comunidad de Aprendizaje para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza de los escolares. El principio señalado fue analizado a partir de la metodología comunicativa crítica. Las técnicas de recogida de datos empleadas fueron la observación comunicativa, la entrevista grupal y el análisis documental. Uno de los resultados más significativos de este trabajo es que los alumnos y alumnas puedan mejorar sus conductas sociales con la ayuda de la comunidad educativa.   Palabras clave: Aprendizaje dialógico, Comunidades de Aprendizaje, grupos interactivos, metodología comunicativa crítica.   ABSTRACT   The objective of this work is to show the dialogical principle of the “creation of meaning” within the interactive groups of a particular school that became the Learning Community to improve the quality of the students’ learning. The principle stated was analyzed from the critical communicative methodology. The techniques of investigation used were; the communicative observation, the group interviews, and the documentary analysis. One of the most significant results of this work is that the students may be able to improve their social behavior with the help of the educational community.   Keywords: Dialogic learning, Learning Communities, interactive groups, critical communicative methodology.   Recibido: febrero de 2015Aprobado: abril de 2015

Asunción Lledó Carreres ◽  
Elena Pérez-Vázquez ◽  
Alejandro Lorenzo-Lledó ◽  
Gonzalo Lorenzo Lledó

In the last decade, gamification has become one of the teaching-learning strategies that has received the most attention in the world of education. This new tool uses the elements of the games to design experiences that attract the attention of students, increase their interest and motivation, and improve their learning results. Nevertheless, despite the potential of gamification, teachers are faced with the difficulty of fusing curricular elements with gamable elements to achieve an effective educational experience adapted to the curricular level of students. For this reason, the present chapter aims to design a didactic proposal of gamification destined to work with contents of physical education in the pre-school stage. This chapter shows that gamification can be used in the field of early childhood education without the need to use a large amount of educational resources, if teachers have knowledge about the process to be followed to adapt the curriculum.

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2015 ◽  
pp. 156-161
Francesc Buscà Donet ◽  
Laura Ruiz Eugenio ◽  
Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez

La finalidad de este artículo es presentar los resultados extraídos de los 276 cuestionarios y los relatos de vida implementados en seis Comunidades de Aprendizaje del País Vasco y de Cataluña. Los cuestionarios se administraron a profesorado, familias, voluntariado y alumnado. Los relatos comunicativos de vida cotidiana se centraron en la figura del alumnado. Los resultados muestran la percepción de los diferentes tipos de conflicto desde los diferentes colectivos participantes; el modo cómo se están resolviendo y previniendo desde estos centros educativos y su impacto en las clases de educación física y en otros espacios donde se llevan a cabo actividades deportivas. Por otra parte también ponen de manifiesto aquellas actuaciones que responden al modelo comunitario de prevención y resolución de conflictos. Como conclusiones cabe destacar que las escuelas que se transforman en comunidades de aprendizaje tienden a desarrollar un modelo comunitario de prevención de conflictos. Este modelo supera las limitaciones del modelo mediador y del modelo disciplinar. El modelo comunitario está teniendo un impacto positivo en las actividades físicas y deportivas que se desarrollan en estas escuelas. Actitudes causantes de conflicto en estas actividades se están superando al incluir al profesorado, al alumnado, las familias y el voluntariado en los procesos de decisión sobre las normas de convivencia. Palabras clave: prevención de conflictos, resolución de conflictos, comunidades de aprendizaje, educación física, modelo comunitario.Abstract: The aim of this article is to present the results extracted from the 276 questionnaires and the life stories collected in six schools as learningcommunities from the Basque Country and Catalonia. The questionnaires were completed by teachers, families, volunteers and students. The communicative daily life stories focused on the figure of students. The results show the perception of the groups involved on the different types of conflict, how they are solving and preventing them in these schools and their impact on physical education classes and other spaces where they carry out sports activities. Moreover, the questionnaires also show those actions that respond to a community model of conflict prevention and resolution. In conclusion it should be noted that schools which become learning communities tend to develop a community model for conflict prevention.This model overcomes the limitations of the facilitator and thedisciplinary models. The community model is having a positive impactin the physical and sports activities carried out in these schools.Attitudes causing conflicts in these activities are being overcome byincluding the teachers, the students, the family and the volunteers inprocesses of dialogue and decision about the coexistence norms. Key words: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, schools as learning communities, physical education, community model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-58
Fathor Rasyid

The study intends to develop a teaching model to foster Indonesian students to be autonomous learners. The study is participatory action research with a mixed method. The research subjects were English department students of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung and IAIN Kediri taking Writing 1. The instrument was adapted from an established mechanism to meet the purpose of the study. The researcher analyzed the Quantitative data through correlated t-test, repeated measure ANOVA, and thematic content analysis. There were eight stages in the survey: identifying needs, setting goals, planning to learn, selecting resources, selecting learning strategies, practice, monitoring progress, and assessment and revision. These all stages were designed and determined together by the teachers and students. The results reveal that there are four main stages to enhance the students' autonomy in writing. The first is freewriting, in which the students wrote a paragraph freely on any topic they liked. Having finished this first draft, they were to self-check their work based on some criteria provided. The second is peer correction, in which they exchanged their work with their peers (peer correction) to gain some suggestion, discipline, and comments. The third is edited free-writing. Having got some advice, revision, and comments from peers, they started to revise their work. The last is the final copy. In this stage, they were to have a final self-check. Statistical analysis also reveals that this strategy significantly increases the students' learning autonomy

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-37
Yustinus Sukarmin ◽  
Sumaryanti Sumaryanti

This study was aimed at finding out the significance of safety education implemented the physical education teachers of the lower grade of the elementary school during the teaching-learning process. The study was is descriptive qualitative with one variable, namely implementation of safety education. The research subjects were 1,368 physical education teachers of state elementary schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, selected by cluster random sampling of 200 teachers from each school. The study was a survey using questionnaires to collect data. Data analysis was descriptive quantitative using percentages. Findings show that safety education implemented by the lower grade of elementary school physical education teachers is described as follows. First, in the fair category in general =  82.69%, in the environmental aspect = 78.92%, in the student aspect = 81.94 %), and in the weather aspect =  73.65%. Second, in the good caregory, in the human aspect =  86.46% and in the teacher aspect = 90.99%IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KESELAMATAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN OLAHRAGAPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pendidikan keselamatan oleh guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan (penjasorkes) SD kelas bawah dalam proses pembelajaran penjasorkes. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan satu variabel, yaitu implementasi pendidikan keselamatan. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah guru penjasorkes SD Negeri se-Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) yang berjumlah 1.386 orang. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 200 orang yang diambil secara random (acak) dengan teknik cluster sampling atau area sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi pendidikan keselamatan yang dilakukan oleh guru penjasorkes SD kelas bawah dalam proses pembelajaran penjasorkes adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, yang termasuk dalam kategori cukup adalah secara keseluruhan (82,69%), berdasarkan aspek lingkungan (78,92%), aspek peserta didik (81,94%), aspek fisik (84,19%), dan aspek cuaca (73,65%). Kedua, yang termasuk kategori baik adalah berdasarkan aspek manusia (86,46%) dan aspek guru (90,99%).

Clemente Lobato Fraile ◽  
Nagore Guerra Bilbao ◽  
Pedro Apodaca Urquijo

ResumenEl aprendizaje cooperativo se presenta como una metodología idónea para abordar el desarrollo de la competencia de trabajo en equipo dentro del proceso enseñanza y aprendizaje universitarios. La experiencia se desarrolló en seis grupos distintos que suman un total de 185 estudiantes de distintos centros y titulaciones de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Se analizan los resultados obtenidos por esta experiencia mediante un cuestionario que recoge las principales competencias del trabajo en equipo. El análisis de las dimensiones  del cuestionario muestra una estructura con dos dimensiones: a. ‘Saber ser/estar’, b. ‘Saber Estar’. Esta estructura es coherente conceptualmente y consistente empíricamente. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias apreciables entre ambas dimensiones por lo que cabe afirmar el poder discriminativo de esta estructura dimensional.Palabras clave: Trabajo en equipo. Desarrollo de competencias. Aprendizaje Cooperativo  Docencia universitaria. Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio.AbstractCooperative Learning seems to be the right methodology to tackle the development of the teamwork competence inside the process of teaching-learning at the University. The experience was developed in six different groups which add up as 185 students of different faculties and schools of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The outcome of that experience was analyzed by means of a questionnaire which gathers the main competences of teamwork.  The analysis of the dimensions of the questionnaire shows a structure with two dimensions: a. ‘Interpersonal competences’, b. ‘Instrumental competences’. This structure is conceptually coherent and empirically consistent. Results also show significant differences between both dimensions which may be stating the discriminative power of this dimensional structure.Key words. Teamwork. Competence development. Cooperative learning.  University teaching. Confirmatory factor analysis.

Retos ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 250-254
Lucía Peixoto-Pino ◽  
Javier Rico-Díaz ◽  
Víctor Arufe Giráldez

El currículo de Educación Infantil y el de Educación Física en la etapa de primaria, promueve contenidos relacionados con la prevención de accidentes y los primeros auxilios (PPAA). El enfoque globalizador y los proyectos interdisciplinares se han mostrado como efectivos y pedagógicamente recomendados. El área de Educación Física tradicionalmente es la gran dinamizadora de los centros educativos. En este artículo se aborda un proyecto institucional en el marco de un contrato programa con la Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia, desarrollado en un CEIP de la provincia de Pontevedra, en el que se realizaron 13 actividades globales, en la que participaron 30 docentes y que pudo llegar a 430 alumnos. Esta experiencia muestra los puntos clave para la organización e implementación de un proyecto interdisciplinar que abarque un curso lectivo y que pueda servir como referente para otras iniciativas lideradas por los maestros de Educación Física. Demuestra que un claustro de maestros, coordinado y con iniciativa pedagógica común puede organizar e implementar un proyecto interdisciplinar sobre una temática educativa curricularmente reconocida y socialmente necesaria. Se observa también la importancia de implicar a toda la comunidad educativa para que este tipo de acciones repercuta en un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje más reflexivo y eficiente. Abstract. The curricula of Early Childhood Education and Physical Education in the primary stage promote content related to accident prevention and first aid (PPAA). Globalizing approaches and interdisciplinary projects have been shown to be effective and pedagogically recommended. The area of Physical Education traditionally assumes the highest dynamic role within educational centers. This article deals with an institutional project within the framework of a program funded by the Department of Culture, Education, and University Planning of the Xunta de Galicia, developed in a CEIP in the province of Pontevedra In the mentioned project, 13 global activities were carried out, with 30 teachers and 430 students being engaged in. This experience shows the key points for the organization and implementation of an interdisciplinary project covering a school course, which could serve as a reference for other initiatives led by Physical Education teachers. It shows that coordinated faculty members with common pedagogical initiative can organize and implement an interdisciplinary project on a curricularly recognized and socially necessary educational subject. We also observe the importance of involving the entire educational community so for this type of actions to trigger a more reflective and efficient teaching-learning process.

Sri Winarsih

This study aims to determine the appropriate steps in carrying out academic supervision so as to be able to improve the pedagogical competence of teachers, especially in the learning process which in turn will affect the improvement of the quality of education.The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has different planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Research subjects of the principal and teacher. The school principal with his academic supervision measures, while the Kunto Darussalam Elementary School 017 teacher as an object as well as the subject in providing academic supervision treatment. Data collection techniques through class supervision with stages of supervising teachers in the learning process and observation of classroom learning, to record important events related to research, especially at the time of the processlearning takes place.Data analysis techniques that guide data processing using a percentage (%) of achievement with 100 constants. And to see the interpertation using score interpertation criteria to strengthen the interpretation in conclusions as follows: 80% - 100% (Very Good), 66% - 79 % (Good), 56% - 65% (Enough), and 40% - 55% (Less).The results showed that the ability of teachers in the implementation of the learning process experienced an increase in the percentage at each stage, from the first cycle reached an average of 63% (sufficient) and in the second cycle reached an average of 68% (good). There is an increase in teacher's ability by 5% from cycle I. In detail there is a significant increase in the initial condition of the school when compared to the final condition in the second cycle. The accuracy of teachers entering the class increased by 48%, the use of learning media increased by 32%, varied methods increased by 31%, and learning strategies increased by 36%.

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