El sistema de atribución de competencias a las entidades locales en la Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi


LABURPENA: Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko apirilaren 7ko 2/2016 Legearen helburu nagusietako bat lurraldeko tokiko entitateei eskumenak emateko sistema bat diseinatzea da. Horri buruzkoa da Legearen III. Titulua, zeinak arreta berezia eskaintzen baitie udalerriei. Atal horretan, batetik, eskumen propioak, transferituak edo eskuordetuak bereizi dira; bestetik, aurrekoak ez beste eskumen batzuk sailkatu ditu, eskumenen klausula orokorren eskema propio bati erantzuten diotenak. Legeak zenbait helburu uztartzen ditu horrelako eskumen motak arautzerakoan. Lehenik eta behin, eskumen propioari sisteman zentraltasuna eta lehentasuna ematea, toki-autonomiarekin duen loturari erreparatuz, Europako Tokiko Autonomia Gutuneko printzipioen baieztapenarekin duen loturari, hain zuzen; horren ondorioz, EAEko udalerriek dute, une honetan, estatu espainiarreko berme estandar altuena. Bigarrenik, transferitutako edo eskuordetutako eskumenak arautzea, sisteman hondar posizioa emanez. Hirugarrenik, aurreko ez beste eskumen batzuk balia daitezen bermatzea, estatu mailako oinarrizko araudiko betekizunak betetzeari utzi gabe. RESUMEN: Uno de los objetivos principales de la Ley 2/2016, de 7 de abril, de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi es diseñar un sistema de atribución de competencias a las entidades locales de su territorio. A ello se dedica el Título III de la Ley, prestando una especial atención al municipio. En éste se distingue entre, por un lado, competencias propias, transferidas y delegadas, y, por otro, competencias distintas de las anteriores, que responden al esquema propio de una cláusula general de competencia. La Ley conjuga varios objetivos en la regulación de estos tipos competenciales. Primero, dotar a la competencia propia de centralidad y prevalencia en el sistema, en atención a su conexión con la autonomía local, configurando una estructura de garantías que, en su conexión con la afirmación de los principios de la Carta Europea de la Autonomía Local, hacen que el municipio vasco sea en estos momentos el municipio que cuenta con los estándares de garantía más elevados del Estado español. Segundo, regular las competencias transferidas y delegadas, atribuyéndoles una posición residual en el sistema. Tercero, garantizar el ejercicio de competencias distintas de las anteriores, sin dejar de cumplir con las exigencias de la normativa estatal básica. ABSTRACT: One of the main objectives of Act 2/2016 of April 7th on Local entities of Euskadi is to devise a system of allocation of powers for the local entities in that territory. Title III of the Act is devoted to it, paying special attention to the municipality. That title distinguishes on one hand between own, transferred and delegated competences and on the other, competences different to the aforementioned which respond to the own schema of the general clause of competence. The Act combines several objectives when regulating theses types of competences. Firstly, providing the own competence with the centrality and primacy within the system, due its connection with local autonomy, setting a structure of guarantees that in connection with the affirmation of the principles of the European Charter for Local Autonomy make nowadays the Basque municipality the one with highest guarantee standards in Spain. Secondly, it regulates the transferred and delegated competences by granting them a residual position within the system. Thirdly, it guarantees the exercise of competences different to the aforementioned while fulfilling the requirements established by the Basic State regulation.

John E. Ashbrook

Istrian historiography written throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries tends to refl ect the often contentious discourse between Italian irredentists and Slavic nationalists relating to the peninsula’s nature and belonging. On the one hand, Italian historians and polemicists suggest that Istria and Istrianity were primarily Italian, and therefore the region should be part of an Italian state. Until the end of the Trieste Crisis in 1954, many Italians continued to debate the nature of the region and its population, but the frequency of such publications tapered off with most of the peninsula falling to communist Yugoslavia. On the other hand, Croatian scholars and polemicists claimed the region and its population were thoroughly Slavic, and that Italians historically were aggressors and oppressors. However, another group of scholars has entered the debate, suggesting that Istrian identity is a hybrid, and this hybridity has historical roots. Its population, they claim, professes and promotes an Istrian identity, which consists of Slovene, Croatian, and Italian infl uences. The new camp reflects the continued politicization of identity in Istria into the 1990s, by both nation-building Croatian nationalists seeking the construction of a monolithic Croatian identity and regionalists searching for more regional and local autonomy. This illuminates the historic and contemporary political and social struggles to ascribe some kind of belonging to this contested borderland region.

Robert Wuthnow

This chapter discusses Texas politics and religion in the twenty-first century. Republicans could count on winning in nearly any national election and in an increasing number of local elections. The contests were less between Republicans and Democrats than between moderate and conservative Republicans. The state's largest Protestant denomination was still Southern Baptist, but its members remained divided between moderates and conservatives, and local autonomy increasingly meant pastors of mega-sized congregations influencing both the denomination and local communities. Denominational identities were less important than informal alliances among the leaders of conservative evangelical congregations who regarded themselves as the true adherents of biblical doctrine, on the one hand, and similar networks among progressive faith communities that emphasized inclusivity, on the other hand.

2020 ◽  
pp. 115
Gaetano Antonio Vigna

Resumen: En esta contribución se estudia la escena del aprendizaje lector y el encuentro con el libro que seis escritores contemporáneos cristalizan en sus libros de memorias. A través del análisis de tres tópicos estrechamente relacionados con dicha vivencia de la etapa infantil —la influencia de mentor; la rebelión al mundo escolar; el listado de obras influyentes—, se apreciará el poder consolador y correctivo del libro en el trasfondo histórico de la Guerra Civil española y de los primeros años del franquismo. A partir de esta aproximación, el artículo mostrará, por un lado, cómo los niños protagonistas de los libros escogidos contestarán el canon literario impuesto y el sistema educativo oficial, rechazado a favor del autodidactismo. Por el otro, será posible apreciar el retrato que estos memorialistas ofrecen de aquellos años de represión.Abstract: In this paper we study the scene of the learning of reading and the encounter with the Book as six contemporary writers narrate in their memoirs. Through the analysis of three autobiographemes related to this experience of the childhood —the mentor’s influence; the school rebellion; the list of influential literary works—, we will appreciate the consoling and corrective power of the book during the Spanish Civil War and the earlier years of the Francoist regime. From this approach, this paper will show, on the one hand, how the main characters of the selected memoirs reject the imposed literary canon, as well as the formal educational system in favor of self-learning. On the other, it will give us a portrait of Spanish society in those repressive years.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Juan Moure Martín ◽  
Adolfo Terán Carrasco ◽  
Pilar Gómez Sanz ◽  
María Isabel Prieto Barrio

ResumenEl objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia de los diferentes factores que afectan a la evaluación de las asignaturas técnicas y su influencia sobre el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Para ello se han analizado los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de la asignatura “Resistencia de Materiales y Elasticidad”, materia obligatoria de 6 créditos ECT, tipo I impartida en el cuarto semestre del grado de Edificación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.Como respuesta al objetivo planteado, cabe destacar que la percepción de la asignatura por parte de los alumnos y el sistema de evaluación son factores determinantes en la motivación del alumno, puesto que obtienen mejores calificaciones los estudiantes que tienen una visión más favorable de la asignatura. Por otro lado, el tipo de evaluación realizado tiene una influencia decisiva sobre las calificaciones obtenidas y sobre la manera de afrontar el aprendizaje, siendo la evaluación continua la mejor forma de impulsar el trabajo de los estudiantes y la que más fácilmente les permite adquirir las competencias.AbstractThe objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of the different factors affecting the evaluation gives technical subjects and their influence on student learning. For this purpose, we have analyzed the results obtained in the evaluation of the subject "Resistance of Materials and elasticity", a compulsory subject of 6 credits ECT, type I provided in the fourth semester of grade of Building of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.In response to the stated objective, it should be noted that the perception of the subject and its evaluation system are determining factors in the student's motivation, since students who have a more favorable vision of the subject obtain better grades. On the other hand, the type of evaluation carried out has a decisive influence on the qualifications obtained and on the way of facing the learning, being the continuous assessment the best way to promote the work of the students and the one that more easily allows them to acquire the competences.

Enrique Milán Coronado

La situación de déficit financiero que atravesaba la Monarquía y la mala administración del fisco regio hicieron necesario que desde el siglo XVI se pusieran en marcha visitas al Consejo de Hacienda. El objetivo de las mismas era evitar y corregir posibles fraudes cometidos por parte de los oficiales, introducir reformas para mejorar el sistema financiero, la gestión de la administración y la reducción de costes, todo ello con el fin último de incrementar los ingresos de la Real Hacienda. Los resultados de la visita que Lope de los Ríos realiza al Consejo de Hacienda entre 1664 a 1667 cuestionaron, por un lado las labores de “buen gobierno” por parte de algunos oficiales regios y la eficacia de las visitas anteriores, y por otro lado, muestran la existencia de relaciones interpersonales entre los hombres de negocios y asentistas, además de los conflictos suscitados por el Consejo de Hacienda al rechazar ser sometido al control del Consejo de Castilla. AbstractThe deficit situation that the Monarchy was going through and the bad administration of the Royal Treasury made it necessary to put a visit to the Finances Council into action since the XVIth century. The objective of this was to avoid and to correct tax evasions from officers; to introduce reforms improving the financial system, the administration management and the cost reduction; and with that, to increase profits to the Royal Treasury. The results of the Lope de los Ríos’ visit to the Finances Council between 1664 and 1667, on the one hand, question the duties of a “bad administration” by some royal officers and the efficacy of these visits in certain occasions and, on the other hand, show the existence of interpersonal relationships between the businessmen and the contractors, in addition to the conflicts raised by the Council of Finance to reject to be subjected to review by the Council of Castile.

2020 ◽  
Mariya Mihaylova ◽  

The Bulgarian legislator is faced with the challenge and the need to re-evaluate its punitive policy to protect the normal functioning of the economic system. When regulating such a matter, it is necessary to look for a balance of values and interests, as on the one hand there is the public interest requiring a stable and workable economy and on the other hand the private interest requiring certain limits of the state regulation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 93-103

In the first decade following the annexation of Bessarabia, the Russian authorities simoultaneously pursued two different approaches without fully realizing their contradictions. On the one hand, they sought to win support of the Bessarabian nobility by recognizing their land titles in the former Hotin reaya and proclaiming local autonomy based on the law of the land. On the other hand, they sought to colonize the underpopulated lands of Southern Bessarabia by inviting transdanubian Bulgarians and other ethnic groups. Although both approaches envisioned the transformation of the new province into a new homeland for the co-religionist Balkan peoples, their combination provoked social tensions between the the Bessarabian landowners and the colonists. The paper argues that the prolonged conflict between the two groups ultimately illustrates the uncertainty of Bessarabia’s status in the political geography of the Russian empire during the first decades after 1812.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

2005 ◽  
Vol 44 (03) ◽  
pp. 107-117
R. G. Meyer ◽  
W. Herr ◽  
A. Helisch ◽  
P. Bartenstein ◽  
I. Buchmann

SummaryThe prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) has improved considerably by introduction of aggressive consolidation chemotherapy and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT). Nevertheless, only 20-30% of patients with AML achieve long-term diseasefree survival after SCT. The most common cause of treatment failure is relapse. Additionally, mortality rates are significantly increased by therapy-related causes such as toxicity of chemotherapy and complications of SCT. Including radioimmunotherapies in the treatment of AML and myelodyplastic syndrome (MDS) allows for the achievement of a pronounced antileukaemic effect for the reduction of relapse rates on the one hand. On the other hand, no increase of acute toxicity and later complications should be induced. These effects are important for the primary reduction of tumour cells as well as for the myeloablative conditioning before SCT.This paper provides a systematic and critical review of the currently used radionuclides and immunoconjugates for the treatment of AML and MDS and summarizes the literature on primary tumour cell reductive radioimmunotherapies on the one hand and conditioning radioimmunotherapies before SCT on the other hand.

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