scholarly journals Cultural and Philosophical Analysis of Interethnic

Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 132-143
G. Zhalelova ◽  
S. Rakimzhanova ◽  
Y. Mukhanbetkaliev ◽  

In a globalized society, the issue of interethnic relations is one of the most important human relations. The article identifies the foundations of interethnic relations in Kazakhstan and focuses on its cultural and philosophical aspects. Scientific analysis is carried out, studying the peculiarities of interethnic relations in modern society. A special place in this article is given to the study of national issues, the relationship of ethnicity with other social actors. The culture of interethnic relations is defined, its historical character and values are studied.

Gabdrakhman H. Valiev ◽  
Sergey V. Kondratyuk ◽  
Natalia A. Prodanova ◽  
Irina A. Babalikova ◽  
Kermen I. Makaeva ◽  

The problem of the relationship of law and order is relevant to any modern society. The article tries to analyze this relationship, taking into account judicial, police and other activities. The named concepts are closely interconnected, but are not identical. They are correlated as cause and effect: there is a rule of law, there is no rule of law. One suggests the other. The rule of law as concrete reality logically precedes the rule of law as a doctrine, the connection here is hard, causal. The process is one. Law and order: a real indicator of the state of legality, reflects the degree of compliance with the laws, the requirements of all legal regulations. It is concluded that the rule of law is the end result of the implementation of legal requirements and, at the same time, the objective of legal regulation, since it is for the formation and maintenance of the rule of law that laws are issued, thus like other regulatory legal acts, various institutions and bodies and, above all, the justice system, the control system, various human rights organizations and social movements.

Richard Swedberg

This chapter examines the role of imagination and the arts in helping social scientists to theorize well. However deep one's basic knowledge of social theory is, and however many concepts, mechanisms, and theories one knows, unless this knowledge is used in an imaginative way, the result will be dull and noncreative. A good research topic should among other things operate as an analogon—that is, it should be able to set off the theoretical imagination of the social scientist. Then, when a social scientist writes, he or she may want to write in such a way that the reader's theoretical imagination is stirred. Besides imagination, the chapter also discusses the relationship of social theory to art. There are a number of reason for this, including the fact that in modern society, art is perceived as the height of imagination and creativity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 69-79
A.Ó. Tupcynbaeva ◽  
A.J. Maldybek ◽  

The article describes the relationship between Kazakh Proverbs and sayings with the «Words of Edification» of Abay. The heritage of the great Abay is an inexhaustible Treasury, a spiritual source for many generations. It is difficult to assess the significance of his work in one word, but the legacy of Abay occupies a special place in the modern history, culture and literature of our people. Abay and its heritage are the most popular among the people. In his work, all problems were analyzed through the true mind and consciousness, and the main core turned into the good of life. Perceiving as a source of virtue faith, love, kindness, benevolence, he urged the people and young people to love life, respect each other and educate themselves. Abay's works cover all spheres of life of the people, linking their past, present, and future. Abay's «Words of Edification» have not lost their meaning even now, although several generations and epochs have changed, and if we consider that national characteristics and human values continue to grow and develop, we must recognize that Abay's «Words of Edification» will continue to be a valuable source of knowledge of the truth. Мaқaлaдa қaзaқ мaқaл-мәтeлдepi жәнe Aбaй «Қapa cөздepi» oй жeлiciндeгi өзapa бaйлaныc бaяндaлaды. Қaзaқ xaлқының мaңдaйынa бiткeн oйшыл дaнa Aбaйдың мұpacы – caн ұpпaққa pyxaни aзық бoлaтын capқылмac мoл қaзынa. Қазақ хaлқының бүгінгі тарихында, дәстүрі мен мәдениетінде Aбaйдың aлaтын opны айрықша, оны бір деммен, бір сөзбен жеткізу мүмкін емес. Aбaй мұpacы aдaм тipшiлiгiнiң caн-caлacын қaмтып, қaзaқ xaлқының өткeнi мeн бүгiнiн, бoлaшaғын ұштacтыpғaн өмipшeңдiгiмeн, мәңгiлiк өзeктiлiгiмeн қымбaт. Бapлық адамдық ілімді, өмір сүрудің мәнін, адамның адамдығының формуласын барлық шығарамаларына өзек еткен Aбaй мұрасы, тағлымы қазіргі таңда аса қажетті, көкейтесті мәселе болып отыр. Абай туындыларында түгел дерлік барлық мәселелер сау ақыл арқылы сарапталып, сұрыпталып, басты мазмұн өзегін өмip игiлiгiнe aйнaлдыpa бiлгeн. Ұлы жapaтылыcқa деген иман мен үмітті мaxaббaт пeн мeйipiмнiң, жaқcылықтың көзi peтiндe бaғaлay apқылы қaлың жұpтын өмipдi cүюгe, aдaмдapды aялayғa, жacтapды бiлiм aлyғa шaқыpғaн бoлaтын. Aбaйдың рухани мұрасы, қаншама заман ауысып, уақыт өзгерседе, ешуақытта құндылығы жойылмайды. Aбaй шығaрмaлaрының қaншa yaқыт өтce дe өз құндылығын жoғaлтпayының cыры адамшылық идеясында жатыр. Aл адамның aдaмшылығы кeз кeлгeн қoғaмның өзекті мәceлeci eкeнi анық.

2020 ◽  
Natalya Vladimirova ◽  
Yevgeniya Kolmakova ◽  
Yevgeniy Mezentsev ◽  
Liliya Mosienko ◽  
Natalya Solomina

The aim of the research is to prove the possibility of transmitting socio-cultural experience between generations during the post-literacy period based on of carnivalization techniques, which are considered as a universal phenomenon that accumulates mythological beliefs and magical (mysterious) actions common to both art and Internet communication texts. This article examines such a feature of the transfer of experience between generations in modern society as pre-figurativeness, which shows the relationship of and relations between ”parents” and ”children” and the features of socialization in this culture (described as the so-called ”cyber-socialization”). The study, based on an analysis of classical literature texts (poetic texts by A. A. Akhmatova), as well as blogs on the and platforms, shows that these different texts use speech masks that can identify both the poet and the Network user. The authors also conclude that Internet communication is a special space in which the problem of information security becomes relevant, which is understood through philosophical reflection and brought to the level of philosophical analysis. Keywords: post-literacy era, carnivalization techniques, socio-cultural experience, pre-figurativeness, information security

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-99
M. A. Shirokova

The importance of the ethical principles of individualism and tolerance in the political ethics of liberalism has been studied from the moment of the emergence of liberal ideology to the present day. Using the conceptions of Russian and foreign philosophers, the author traces the relationship of these principles with the situation of the collapse and crisis of the moral system of the post-modern society. The author claims that the liberal doctrine as a whole has a paradoxical effect on the moral consciousness of the modern person, hindering his self-identification.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-86
M.K. Duvanskaya ◽  

The article explores the peculiarities of the relationship of motivational and demand sphere with the field of perception of the concept of “coronavirus”, “quarantine”, “self-isolation” in modern society. Their interrelations influence both the formation of a holistic personality and the formation of public opinion. The study is based on the notion that life values are a set of different inherently social attitudes, which under the influence of external social forms of interaction and intrapersonal characteristics are subject to constant modification, which is reflected in the system of perception, as the world as a whole, and in particular at the conceptual, sense-making level. Thus, studying the peculiarities of the relationship of personal value orientations with the field of perception of a particular concept, we can build a dynamic scheme of mutually influential vectors of values, orientations, life priorities, taking into account the specific conceptual perception of the concept under study. The study revealed that the respondents are more characterized by the prevalence of focus on the material situation, spiritual satisfaction, as well as achievement and self-development. These values are manifested in the spheres of professional life, education and family relations. In the field of perception of the highlighted concepts there is a number of significant differences, so the concept of “coronavirus” has a negative value assessment while high subjective importance in the individual personal plan for the person. The concepts of “self-isolation” and “quarantine” are perceived positively in terms of value, while in the subjective, personal plan they carry a negative dynamic for the individual. Thus, the study confirmed that depending on the structure of basic needs, value priorities, which the person holds, we can assume what attitude he will have to the studied concepts, what meaning he will fill them.

Anna Endryushko

For the first time, using quantitative survey data, the author analyze prevalence of the main transnational practices of migrants from the post-Soviet states in the Moscow region. The empirical basis of the study consists  of the sociological surveys of migrants conducted in 2017 and 2020 by the Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies for the Higher School of Economics and the team of the Center for the Study of Interethnic Relations of the IS FCTAS RAS . The author concludes that close relationships exist between migrants and their countries of origin, as well as the widespread prevalence of transnational practices. The basis of ties consists of frequent trips to the country of origin, the presence of a large number of relatives in the country of origin, regular communication with them, as well as regular cash transfers from migrants to their homeland, which form the basis of the household economy in these countries. The relationship of some transnational practices (including remittances) with the long-term migration strategies of the respondents suggests that the reorientation of migration from short-term to long-term will also reduce the scale of transnationalism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Natalie Mojžíšová

The novel depicts the relationship of a young couple living in Montreal. The poetics of the text not only provides the reader with an unusual aesthetic experience but also reveals interesting details about life in Canada in the 1960s. We will introduce the main characters of the novel and focus on some of its aspects, especially those moments where the political situation, whether historically distant or recent, is reflected in the life of modern society. The sixties of the twentieth century were imbued with a desire to resist authority which was lived collectively and also as an individual issue. In the novel, the theme of revolt is portrayed on both these levels, but it shows that it is not always easy to realize one’s ideas in practice.The structure of the novel which refers to the influence of nouveau roman is composed of fragmentary narrative, repetitive allusions and unfinished sentences. Using all these techniques Jacques Godbout has created a captivating text, fascinating especially by its disquieting dynamics.

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