Qazaq maqal-máteldepi men Abaı «qara cózderi» aracyndaǵy úndectik [The Relationship of Kazakh Proverbs and «Words of Edification» of Abay]

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (117) ◽  
pp. 69-79
A.Ó. Tupcynbaeva ◽  
A.J. Maldybek ◽  

The article describes the relationship between Kazakh Proverbs and sayings with the «Words of Edification» of Abay. The heritage of the great Abay is an inexhaustible Treasury, a spiritual source for many generations. It is difficult to assess the significance of his work in one word, but the legacy of Abay occupies a special place in the modern history, culture and literature of our people. Abay and its heritage are the most popular among the people. In his work, all problems were analyzed through the true mind and consciousness, and the main core turned into the good of life. Perceiving as a source of virtue faith, love, kindness, benevolence, he urged the people and young people to love life, respect each other and educate themselves. Abay's works cover all spheres of life of the people, linking their past, present, and future. Abay's «Words of Edification» have not lost their meaning even now, although several generations and epochs have changed, and if we consider that national characteristics and human values continue to grow and develop, we must recognize that Abay's «Words of Edification» will continue to be a valuable source of knowledge of the truth. Мaқaлaдa қaзaқ мaқaл-мәтeлдepi жәнe Aбaй «Қapa cөздepi» oй жeлiciндeгi өзapa бaйлaныc бaяндaлaды. Қaзaқ xaлқының мaңдaйынa бiткeн oйшыл дaнa Aбaйдың мұpacы – caн ұpпaққa pyxaни aзық бoлaтын capқылмac мoл қaзынa. Қазақ хaлқының бүгінгі тарихында, дәстүрі мен мәдениетінде Aбaйдың aлaтын opны айрықша, оны бір деммен, бір сөзбен жеткізу мүмкін емес. Aбaй мұpacы aдaм тipшiлiгiнiң caн-caлacын қaмтып, қaзaқ xaлқының өткeнi мeн бүгiнiн, бoлaшaғын ұштacтыpғaн өмipшeңдiгiмeн, мәңгiлiк өзeктiлiгiмeн қымбaт. Бapлық адамдық ілімді, өмір сүрудің мәнін, адамның адамдығының формуласын барлық шығарамаларына өзек еткен Aбaй мұрасы, тағлымы қазіргі таңда аса қажетті, көкейтесті мәселе болып отыр. Абай туындыларында түгел дерлік барлық мәселелер сау ақыл арқылы сарапталып, сұрыпталып, басты мазмұн өзегін өмip игiлiгiнe aйнaлдыpa бiлгeн. Ұлы жapaтылыcқa деген иман мен үмітті мaxaббaт пeн мeйipiмнiң, жaқcылықтың көзi peтiндe бaғaлay apқылы қaлың жұpтын өмipдi cүюгe, aдaмдapды aялayғa, жacтapды бiлiм aлyғa шaқыpғaн бoлaтын. Aбaйдың рухани мұрасы, қаншама заман ауысып, уақыт өзгерседе, ешуақытта құндылығы жойылмайды. Aбaй шығaрмaлaрының қaншa yaқыт өтce дe өз құндылығын жoғaлтпayының cыры адамшылық идеясында жатыр. Aл адамның aдaмшылығы кeз кeлгeн қoғaмның өзекті мәceлeci eкeнi анық.

2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-249
O. Imangali ◽  

One of the talented writers who made an invaluable contribution to the development and development of modern Kazakh fiction is Sherkhan Murtaza. In the literary heritage of the writer, a special place in literature is occupied by stories of small genres, in which he described the tragic fate of the past and present people with his pen. More than a quarter of a century has passed since our country gained independence and received wide recognition. Serving the truth of the life experienced up to this time by the nation in order to turn it into an artistic reality is the main task of the writer. Because the noblest ideal of a writer is the interests of the people [1,14]. With this in mind, Sherkhan Murtaza's stories written after the dawn of independence, problems and disappointments in the life of the Kazakh people, individuality and prerogatives are expressed realistically, with obvious sarcasm, with a mysterious and attractive accent. The article analyzes the writer's story " Тауекел той " based on the theory of literature. Through the analysis of the plot and compositional structure of the narrative, the ideological content of the work is deeply analyzed. Defines the relationship of the author's idea in the work with the reality of life. To determine the concept (worldview) of the writer, embedded in the narrative, a study of the artistic world of the work, the significance of events and imagery, language and style of the work.

2020 ◽  
Rifa Nirmala ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

Thus can drawing conclusions about the relationship of the school with the community is essentially a very decisive tool in fostering and developing the personal growth of students in schools. If the relationship between the school and the community goes well, the sense of responsibility and participation of the community to advance the school will also be good and high. In order to create relationships and cooperation between schools and the community, the community needs to know and have a clear picture of the school they have obtained.The presence of schools is based on the good will of the country and the people who support it. Therefore people who work in schools inevitably have to work with the community. The community here can be in the form of parents of students, agencies, organizations, both public and private. One reason schools need help from the community where schools are because schools must be funded.

Remus Runcan ◽  
Patricia Luciana Runcan ◽  
Cosmin Goian ◽  
Bogdan Nadolu ◽  
Mihaela Gavrilă Ardelean

This study provides the synonyms for the terms deliberate self-harm and self-destructive behaviour, together with a psychological portrait of self-harming adolescents, the consequence of self-harm, the purpose of self-harm, and the forms of self-harm. It also presents the results of a survey regarding the prevalence of people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour, the gender of people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour, the age of the first non-suicidal self-harming behaviour in these people, the frequency of non-suicidal self-harming behaviour in these people, the association of the non-suicidal self-harming behaviour with substance misuse in these people, the relationships of the people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour with their fathers, mothers, and siblings, the relationships of the people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour with their friends, the possible causes of self-harming behaviour in these people, and the relationship of people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour with religion. Some of the results confirmed literature results, while others shed a new light on other aspects related to people with non-suicidal self-harming behaviour

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-264
Andrew P. Wilson

One of the grand scenes of the Passion narratives can be found in John’s Gospel where Pilate, presenting Jesus to the people, proclaims “Behold the man”: “Ecce Homo.” But what exactly does Pilate mean when he asks the reader to “Behold”? This paper takes as its point of departure a roughly drawn picture of Jesus in the “Ecce Homo” tradition and explores the relationship of this picture to its referent in John’s Gospel, via its capacity as kitsch devotional art. Contemporary scholarship on kitsch focuses on what kitsch does, or how it functions, rather than assessing what it is. From this perspective, when “beholding” is understood not for what it reveals but for what it does, John’s scene takes on a very different significance. It becomes a scene that breaks down traditional divisions between big and small stories, subject and object as well as text and context. A kitsch perspective opens up possibilities for locating John’s narrative in unexpected places and experiences. Rather than being a two-dimensional departure from the grandeur of John’s trial scene, kitsch “art” actually provides a lens through which the themes and dynamics of the narrative can be re-viewed with an expansiveness somewhat lacking from more traditional commentary.

Almerinda Auxiliadora De Souza ◽  
Flávio Bezerra Barros

THE MEANING OF THE PLACE AND THE VISIBILITY OF THE SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL DILEMMAS LIVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE JARDIM OLIVEIRA DISTRICT, CÁCERES, STATE OF MATO GROSSOEL SIGNIFICADO DEL LUGAR Y LA VISIBILIDAD DE LOS DILEMAS SOCIOAMBIENTALES VIVENCIADOS POR LOS MORADORES DEL BAIRRO JARDÍN OLIVEIRA, CÁCERES, MATO GROSSORESUMOEste estudo foi realizado no bairro Jardim Oliveira, situado na cidade de Cáceres/MT, à margem esquerda do rio Paraguai. O objetivo consistiu em entender a relação dos moradores com o lugar. A pesquisa foi de natureza exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa. Para o levantamento de dados nos pautamos em observação, entrevista semiestruturada e registros fotográficos. Os resultados revelaram que o Jardim Oliveira é percebido pela experiência dos moradores, que mesmo com as limitações, conhecem, dão sentidos e significados ao lugar. Verificou-se a topofilia associada ao sentimento pelo lugar, o que poderia ser contraditório, visto que os mesmos interlocutores relataram que já vivenciaram e/ou presenciaram casos de violência no bairro. O rio Paraguai aparece como centralidade nas relações dos moradores com o lugar. É visível a ausência de infraestrutura básica no bairro, o que interfere de forma direta na vida dos moradores, levando-os a vivenciarem os dilemas socioambientais.Palavras-chave: Questões Socioambientais; Lugar; Rio Paraguai; Mato Grosso.ABSTRACTThis study was carried out in the Jardim Oliveira district, located in the municipality of Cáceres, State of Mato Grosso, on the left bank of the Paraguai River. The objective was to understand the relationship of the residents with the place. The research was exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach. For the survey of data we are in observation, semi-structured interview and photographic records. The results revealed that Jardim Oliveira is perceived by the residents experience, that even with the limitations, they know, give meanings and meanings to the place. Topophilia was associated with feeling for the place, which could be contradictory, since the same interlocutors reported that they had experienced and / or witnessed cases of violence in the neighborhood. The Paraguai River appears as centrality in the relations of the residents with the place. The lack of basic infrastructure in the neighborhood is visible, which directly interferes with the lives of the residents, leading them to experience the socio-environmental dilemmas.Keywords: Socio-environmental Themes; Place; Paraguai River; State of Mato Grosso.RESUMENEste estudio fue realizado en el barrio Jardim Oliveira, situado en la ciudad de Cáceres / MT, a la margen izquierda del río Paraguay. El objetivo consistió en entender la relación de los habitantes con el lugar. La investigación fue de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva, con abordaje cualitativo. Para el levantamiento de datos nos fijamos en observación, entrevista semiestructurada y registros fotográficos. Los resultados revelaron que el Jardín Oliveira es percibido por la experiencia de los habitantes, que incluso con las limitaciones, conocen, dan sentidos y significados al lugar. Se verificó la topofilia asociada al sentimiento por el lugar, lo que podría ser contradictorio, ya que los mismos interlocutores relataron que ya vivenciaron y / o presenciaron casos de violencia en el barrio. El río Paraguay aparece como centralidad en las relaciones de los habitantes con el lugar. Es visible la ausencia de infraestructura básica en el barrio, lo que interfiere de forma directa en la vida de los habitantes, llevándolos a vivir los dilemas socioambientales.Palabras clave: Cuestiones Socioambientales; Lugar; Río Paraguay; Mato Grosso.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sugito .

The land of PT. Hide Way Resort area 1.5 ha located in Ngawas village, Pasuruan district, the Province of East Java as at the moment is empty land and was planted apple, Eugenia, red pepper, carrot and pumpkin. It is located almost at the same position with Mount Bromo. This land will be used for accommodation/ 10 villas and 1 meeting room. We have to drive and reach this location and can see the apple and vegetable garden on mountain also very nice scenery we can see during passing this location. Also, we can see the natural village condition and warmest welcome from the people around the village. We can see very nice view after reaching the place by mountain view and hill view in cold temperature. Land and hill view on the area make more convenience to stay here. This kind of location can attract the tourist especially specific tourist who always searching the specific destination since it is not many kind of destination like this. The main concept is staying in natural village with traditional villa style and look like the traditional house in the past including the furniture inside and how to cook the food by burning wood. This kind of situation also completed with daily people around the village activities, traditional art show, transportation to Mount Bromo, golf and other activities. The marketing activities will be used the relationship of the owner with his channels abroad, community of specific tourism, you tube, social media and online travel agent. This opportunity is good to be developed in the future since many inquiry for this kind of specific tourism, increase the economy level of the people around and create more working opportunity.

2013 ◽  
pp. 143-158
Moshe Rosman

This chapter reviews the Shivhei Ha-Besht, which is considered the most prolific, interesting, intriguing, problematic, and most exploited source relating to the Ba’al Shem Tov. The title in Hebrew means, “Praises of the Ba’al Shem Tov.” The book is a collection of more than two hundred hagiographic stories concerning the Besht and some of the people associated with him. The chapter mentions some of the stories, such as the birth of the Besht, the Besht’s marriage, the Besht and the robbers, the Besht as Rabbi Gershon’s coachman, the Besht’s revelation, and the Besht’s prayer. Every writer on the Besht has made use of the Shivhei Ha-Besht in constructing a portrayal. The chapter also analyzes the relationship of the stories in Shivhei Ha-Besht to historical events.

2020 ◽  
pp. 46-76
Michael Barnes, SJ

The background of Vatican II’s pastoral and missionary concerns cannot be separated from what is arguably the Council’s most unexpected and far-reaching document, Nostra Aetate, the Declaration on the relationship of the Church to non-Christian religions. While very often interpreted as changing, not to say reversing, traditional Church-centred soteriology, this chapter argues that Nostra Aetate needs to be understood primarily as an event, a moment of self-understanding on the part of the Church which provokes a radical conversio morum. By calling the Declaration the ‘moral heart of the Council’, the chapter focusses specifically on its original purpose. That the Declaration has opened up a broader interreligious perspective to which all the major religions of the world can relate is testament less to the power of particular theological ideas than to its central conviction that the Church finds its own origins not apart from but through the faith which it shares with the people of the Sinai Covenant.

Teknokultura ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68 ◽  
Josep Lobera

The emergence of inclusive populist parties disputes the social construction of the ‘people’ to the exclusive populism, recently generating new academic debates. Do the new radical left parties have a nationalist character? Are populism and nationalism two inseparable dimensions? Drawing on an original dataset in Spain, this article shows that Podemos’ supporters are significantly less nationalist, expressing more open attitudes towards cultural diversity and immigration, and lower levels of Spanishness than voters from other parties. Arguably, Podemos operates as an antagonistic political option to the traditional positions of the populist radical right (PRR), building an inclusive imagined community around a type of constitutional patriotism or republican populism. These findings contribute to the scholar debate on the relationship of nationalism and populism, bringing to discussion the core values of the supporters of a populist party as a complementary element to its categorization.

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