Heritage Affairs: Mouse-Deer, White Elephants, and Watchdogs

Pierpaolo De Giosa

Chapter 2 traces the evolution of heritage politics in Malaysia since the era when European principles of conservation privileged architectural grandeur and monumental heritage. Since the 1980s Melaka’s institutions have turned the buildings in the old civic area into museums celebrating a glorified past. At the same time, the state has embraced a developmentalist agenda. The World Heritage bid attracted the interest of real estate developers, bringing to the city a number of projects of the type it had never experienced before. In between the visions of an ‘Old Melaka’ and a ‘New Melaka’, the state and civil society have been increasingly involved in a new era of heritage politics following more recent UNESCO-derived shifts towards non-monumental forms of heritage and cultural diversity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Stephan Doempke

The World Heritage Committee routinely receives information about the state of conservation of WH properties from State Parties or ICOMOS orIUCN mission reports. While State Party Reports are often incomplete, outdated or even incorrect, Advisory Missions suffer from being too short and understaffed in order to fully grasp the local situation. The author will show that the observations of civil society must be brought in as checks and balances to let the WH Committee have a full understanding of the dynamics that affect World Heritage Properties. For many years, UNESCO has been requiring the participation of local communities in all procedures of the World Heritage Convention - from tentative lists and nominations to management and monitoring.

2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Angela Araujo Nunes

Este trabalho objetiva o exame da atuação da Carteira Imobiliária do Montepio do Estado da Paraíba na produção estatal de habitação na cidade de João Pessoa, de 1932 a 1963, período entre a designação da instituição para a produção de moradias em benefício do funcionalismo público até sua última realização antes da criação do BNH. Através de exaustiva pesquisa documental, realizada em acervos locais, e tendo como principal fonte o jornal A União, registro oficial das realizações do Executivo estadual, foram recolhidos dados sobre as realizações habitacionais do instituto, possibilitando a identificação das suas vilas e conjuntos populares e, posteriormente, a classificação das unidades construídas e a reconstituição da planta e fachada originais. Palavras-chave: Montepio; João Pessoa; carteira imobiliária; habitação popular. Abstract: This work analyzes the constructive actuations of the real estate portfolio of Montepio Paraíba State in the statal housing production in the city of João Pessoa, from 1932 to 1963, established between the institutional designation for the production of housing in benefit of the public functionalism and its last popular realization before the work of BNH. Through exhausting documental research, done in local collections and especially through the newspaper A União, official record of the realizations of the state executive, data was found regarding the realizations of the housings by the institution, identifying the cities and popular aggregation and later on classifying the built unities and the reconstitution of thehouse plans and the front elevation. Keywords: Montepio; João Pessoa; real estate portfolio; popular housing.

2020 ◽  
pp. 172-184
Maria Leonor Botelho

In 1996, the World Heritage Committee added the Historic Center of Oporto, Portugal, to the World Heritage List, recognizing its outstanding value, identified by its urban fabric and its many historic buildings. The area’s value is the result of a complex topography, articulated through streets, lanes, alleyways, stairs, and squares, while its architecture (residences and monuments) projects cultural values accumulated over successive eras. In the state of art section, this chapter presents some significant references and visual resources that contribute to the understand city´s urban development and to visualize the city in the past. This chapter presents two case studies of the authors’ attempts at visualization of that historic district. One describes a 3D scale model—Oporto’s Medieval Scale Model - and the other is a virtual reality project—Virtual Porto in the Sixteen Century—both shown as examples of thorough research, careful documentation of processes, and clear and approachable presentation. The authors also consider the potential of expanded development of such presentations, in light of uses in tourism and furthering greater knowledge, with the goals of facilitating the process of heritage conservation and the dissemination of information. As such, the two case studies are viewed in terms of principles of the London Charter regarding the creation of virtual heritage, as well as cite other examples of projects in European cities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-223
David James

AbstractBoth Hegel and Marx appear committed to the idea that the Reign of Terror was in some sense necessary. I argue that Hegel explains this necessity in terms of the concept of ‘absolute freedom’, together with the associated self-conception and normative picture of the world. It will be argued that Marx also views the Reign of Terror as necessary because of an abstract conception of political freedom and the citizen which conflicts with a determinate individuality that is characterized by particular interests and identities. In connection with Marx’s critique of Hegel’s theory of the modern state I draw attention to a puzzle, the discussion of which will lead to a brief account of how Marx’s attempt to overcome the opposition between the state and civil society differs from Hegel’s.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 98-111 ◽  

O artigo trata sobre aspectos que definem a importá¢ncia do sá­tio histórico e arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, para a história da escravização de africanos e seus descendentes nas Américas e, em especial, no Brasil. Além de ressaltar a relevá¢ncia desse bem, reconhecido em 2017 como Patrimônio Mundial pela UNESCO, também aborda o seu significado como sá­tio histórico de memória sensá­vel e lugar de memória do tráfico atlá¢ntico de africanos escravizados. Ao longo do texto, são abordadas ideias-chave, tais como passados sensá­veis, violência, dor e sofrimento em perspectiva histórica, indicando possibilidades de comparação com outros espaços no mundo, considerando tragédias humanas e conceitos utilizados nos estudos sobre esses processos. Finalmente, o texto analisa elementos em torno da história da região do Cais do Valongo como espaço de resistência e de afirmação das populações negras.Palavras-chave: Cais do Valongo. História da Escravidão. Passados Sensá­veis. Patrimônio Mundial. História dos africanos no Brasil.HISTORY, PATRIMONY AND SENSITIVE MEMORY:  the Pier of Valongo in Rio de JaneiroAbstract: The article deals with aspects that define the importance of the historical and archaelogical site of Valongo Wharf, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, for the history of enslavement of Africans and their descendants in the Americas and especially in Brazil. In addition to highlighting the relevance of this property, recognized in 2017 as a Worl Heritage Site by UNESCO, it also addresses its significance as a historical site of sensitive memory and a place of memory for the Atlantic traffic of enslaved Africans. Throughout the text, key ideas such as sensitive past, violence, pain and suffering are discussed in historical perspective, which indicates possibilities of comparison with other spaces in the world, considering human tragedies and concepts used in the studies on these processes. Finally, the text analyzes other elements around the history of the Valongo Wharf region as space of resistance and affirmation of the black populations.Keywords: Valongo Wharf. History of Slavery. Sensitive Pasts. World Heritage. History of Africans in Brazil.HISTORIA, PATRIMONIO Y MEMORIA SENSIBLE:  el Cais do Valongo en Rá­o de JaneiroResumen: El artá­culo trata sobre aspectos que definen la importancia del sitio histórico y arqueológico Cais do Valongo, situado en la ciudad de Rá­o de Janeiro, para la historia de la esclavización de africanos y sus descendientes en las Américas y, en especial, en Brasil. Además de resaltar la relevancia de ese bien, reconocido en 2017 como Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO, también aborda su significado como sitio histórico de memoria sensible y lugar de memoria de la trata atlántica de africanos esclavizados. A lo largo del texto, se abordan ideas clave, tales como pasados sensibles, violencia, dolor y sufrimiento en perspectiva histórica, indicando posibilidades de comparación con otros espacios en el mundo y considerando tragedias humanas y conceptos utilizados en los estudios sobre esos procesos. Finalmente, el texto analiza elementos en torno a la historia de la región del Cais do Valongo como espacio de resistencia y de afirmación de las poblaciones negras.Palabras clave:  Muelle de Valongo. Historia de la Esclavitud. Pasados Sensibles. Patrimonio Mundial. Historia de los africanos en Brasil.

1921 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-232 ◽  
Lawrence B. Evans

The constitutional convention of Massachusetts which assembled in the city of Boston, June 6, 1917, and finally terminated its labors at a short session of two days in August, 1919, is the fourth body of this kind which the Old Bay State has had. The first convention was held in 1779 and 1780 in Cambridge and Boston, and formulated the constitution of 1780. This instrument, to which sixty-six amendments have been added, is the oldest written constitution now in force anywhere in the world. The second convention was held in 1820, and submitted a series of resolutions part of which were adopted and part rejected by the people. A third convention met in 1853 all of whose proposals were rejected. After an interval of sixty-four years, a fourth convention was called, which met in 1917 and again in 1918 and yet again in 1919. It submitted to the people twenty-two amendments and a revised draft of the constitution, all of which were accepted.The convention was composed of 320 delegates. Of these 16 were elected at large, 4 were elected by each congressional district, and the remaining 240 were elected from the districts created for the purpose of choosing members of the state house of representatives. They were elected without party designations, but before the election took place, the lines between the friends and the opponents of the initiative and referendum were rather sharply drawn, and this served practically all the purposes of party organization and designation. In fact, this question dominated the whole of the first session of the convention and overshadowed other questions which were probably of greater importance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-301
N. I. Levchenko

The article is devoted to the newspaper «Priishimye», published in 1913–1919 in the city of Petropavlovsk, Akmola region (the territory of Kazakhstan now). It was in this newspaper that the first publication of Vsevolod Ivanov took place (the poem “Winter”, 1915). In 1915– 1916, the newspaper published stories by Vsevolod Ivanov, Anton Sorokin, Kondraty Tupikov and other Siberian writers. The editor of the newspaper since 1914 was Leonid Stepanovich Ushakov (1886 – after 1957). There are published three of his letters to Kondrati Nikiforovich Urmanov (real family Tupikov; 1894–1976), stored in the City Center for the History of the Novosibirsk Book named after N. P. Litvinov (Novosibirsk). The letters were written and sent to the writer in 1957. After the 1920s – early 1930s, Ushakov was not associated with the world of literature; he worked in the system of the State Planning Committee of the USSR and dealt with issues of economy and national economy. The letters to Urmanov contain valuable information about the literary life of Siberia at the beginning of the 20 th century, as well as about the biography and personality of L. S. Ushakov.

Alla Zlenko ◽  
Оlena Isaikina

Relevance of the research topic. In the conditions of systemic restructuring of the economy of Ukraine in the direction of its adaptation to world standards, one of the integral components of the successful functioning of modern business is the development of a strategy of corporate social responsibility. Today, sustainable economic development is not determined by the factor of availability of raw materials or markets, but the opportunity for companies to join the market of highly skilled labor, scientific inventions and the latest technologies. The problems of employment, social instability, and deteriorating environment are becoming more acute and urgent in the world. All this necessitates the formation of an innovative model of development and principles of corporate social responsibility, which is becoming one of the most important areas of a market economy. Formulation of the problem. It is theoretically proven and confirmed by the practice of the world's leading companies that social responsibility can and should be considered as an important social resource of the organization, able to form concrete benefits, ensure sustainable development, adequately respond to social challenges (both internal and external), turning the latter into opportunities. It should be emphasized that social responsibility appears as an important social resource, regardless of the concept of social responsibility the company adheres to. Analysis of recent research and publications. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation and development of social responsibility of business are embedded in the studies of the following leading foreign scientists: A. Berle, G. Bowen, M. Velazquez, A. Carroll, F. Kotler, G. Minz, J. Rawls, K. Smith, M Friedman et al. Of particular interest in studying this problem are the works of modern domestic scientists: O. Danylenko, V. Yevtushenko, A. Kolota, N. Kyryliuk, M. Kuzhelev, V. Mamontova, O. Sheremeta and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. The issue of the effectiveness of the functioning of corporate social responsibility in Ukrainian business practice and the formation of the domestic model of CSR remains insufficiently studied in the domestic scientific environment. Problem statement, purpose of research. The key direction of the world community today is the development of human capital as the basis of the general welfare of the state. One of the conditions for the implementation of the concept of human development and human capital is the introduction and compliance with the basics of corporate social responsibility of business (CSR). The purpose of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the development of CSR in Ukraine. Research methodology. During the writing of the article the methods of analysis and synthesis, system approach, statistical analysis, generalization and structuring were used. Presentation of the main research material. The institution of socially responsible business is typical of most countries with economies based on market values, long-standing democratic traditions, and a developed civil society. In modern conditions in different countries, the participation of business in solving social problems is either strictly regulated under current commercial, tax, labor, environmental legislation or carried out independently under the influence of specially established incentives and benefits. In Ukraine, this process is in the initial stages of its development and takes place in a dominant position of the state, extremely weak development of civil society institutions and oligarchic business development. Field of application of results. The results of the study can be applied in the process of forming a strategy of corporate social responsibility of a modern enterprise. Conclusions in accordance with the article. Corporate social responsibility in the developed world has long been part of society. Today, domestic business leaders are joining the global movement for socially responsible business. In order for funds allocated for social initiatives to bring sustainable results and work on the image of the business, companies must move to building these activities on a systemic basis in accordance with the strategy. It is here that broad prospects open up for the joint efforts of companies, civil society organizations, the media and the state. The immediate business benefits of CSR are the creation of a stable business environment, reduced operational risks, increased financial performance and sales, increased productivity, reduced recruitment costs, market expansion and, consequently, increased market value in the future. The interaction of political, social and economic actors, based on the principles of social partnership, allows to ensure the stable progressive development of the state. With the increasing importance of non-financial factors of sustainable development (social stability, environmental security, etc.), the practical and theoretical aspects of social responsibility are updated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-182
Renáta Németh-Szigeti ◽  
Balázs Kósa ◽  
Kinga Éva Paczolai

Abstract The World Heritage of Pécs is the most valuable historical relic in the city. The conservation, presentation and continuous development is significant. The significant parts of the area are: the Cella Septichora, the Old Christian Mausoleum and the crypts in Apáca Street. Through the design process our prime task is the restoration and expansion of the former development in 2006. The study focuses on creating the Cella Septichora concept.

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