scholarly journals Multidimensional Model of the ZPD as Tool of Analysis of the Child’s Cognitive-Personal Dynamics of Development While Overcoming Learning Difficulties

Irina Nikolaevskaya

The main idea of the paper is based on L. S. Vygotsky’s concepts of ZPD and collaboration of teacher and student. The special process between teacher and student, organised in child’s zone of proximal development with using reflection and reflective questions as mail helping tools, leads to qualitative changes firstly in cognitive development of the student. Successes in learning activity create base for development of personal features. Thus, in such process, we may see strong connections between cognitive and personal developmental trajectories. Understanding of these connections gives an opportunity of mediative work with personal diÿculties of a child, opportunity to turn simple processes of learning into counseling work, e˙ecting all spheres of development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-113 ◽  
V.K. Zaretsky ◽  
I.A. Nikolaevskaia

This paper describes the possibility of using a multi-dimensional model of the zone of proximal development for a qualitative analysis of the cognitive-personal dynamics of a child’s development in the process of overcoming learning difficulties. The model was developed in the framework of the reflective activity approach to the provision of advisory assistance. The use of this model for analyzing the dynamics of the cognitive-personal development of a child makes it possible to establish “developmental steps” recorded as new formations in the cognitive abilities of the child and to determine the personal characteristics associated with the primary cognitive changes. A case of providing counseling psychological and pedagogical assistance by means of a reflective-activity approach was considered, the situation was assessed at the beginning of the counseling process and after 8 sessions, the main changes were reflected. To describe the initial and subsequent picture and the changes that occurred, a multi-dimensional model of the zone of proximal development was used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-136
V.K. Zaretsky ◽  
L.V. Sudakova

The article describes a case of providing counseling help in overcoming educational difficulties in the Russian language to a sixth-grade student, who was considered underachieving by teachers, utilizing the reflective-activity approach in the context of distance learning. The material of the case analysis shows the importance of supporting the student’s agency in educational activities and its crucial role in the conditions of distance learning both for overcoming learning difficulties and for the overall development of the child. For a qualitative analysis of remote consulting sessions, a multidimensional model of the zone of proximal development was used, that established the foundation for the dynamics of the vectors used by the counselor to initiate change.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-59 ◽  
V.K. Zaretsky ◽  
A.B. Kholmogorova

The paper discusses theoretical foundations for organising the work and interaction of various specialists who help children with learning difficulties (teachers, counsellors, therapists). The multidimensional model of the zone of proximal development based on cultural-historical psychology and developed in the theoretical framework of the Reflection and Activity Approach is proposed to be such a basic value. We connect different types of help to various developmental dimensions and consider them as technologies to enhancing the client’s development. We elaborate on the essence of such concepts as collaboration, zone of proximal development, agency, reflection, and problem’s epicentre. We present different ways of operational use of these concepts as applied to helping children with learning difficulties. The concept of double resource that we propose is important for developing new techniques of working within the zone of proximal development; it is this basis that certain technologies of organising the client’s reflection are relying on. We provide examples of counselling children using this approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-26
A.A. Margolis

The construction of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) in the context of teaching activity is discussed in the paper.ZPD is compared and contrasted with the concept of scaffolding as introduced by Jerome Bruner. In the context of its potential for operationalisation in the form of teacher activities, the author examines key ZPD content given by Lev Vygotsky in terms of the complex interaction of spontaneous (everyday) concepts formed prior to the beginning of school education with scientific (theoretical) concepts formed during schooling. Vygotsky’s main idea about the leading role of scientific concepts in the restructuring of previously formed spontaneous concepts, as well as in the development of the child’s holistic thinking, leads to the conclusion that it is possible also to directly influence the spontaneous formation concepts change through the organisation of collectively distributed forms of educational activity and in a polylogue based the Socratic method. The leading psychological processes, which ensure the development of spontaneous concepts through their greater generalisation and awareness, comprise the processes of exteriorisation of spontaneous concepts, reflection and subsequent interiorisation of a collectively constructed concept. Therefore, the activities of teaching in constructing a ZPD include providing conditions for the distribution of individual operations in the course of a joint learning action and facilitating a polylogue to ensure the effective functioning of these psychological processes in the course of specifically organised learning activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-203 ◽  
I.A. Nikolaevskaia

The article presents an analysis of the case of the provision of psychological and pedagogical help to students with learning difficulties by means of a reflective-activity approach. The evaluation carried out using the methodology of situational-vectorial analysis, developed on the basis of a multi-dimensional model of zone of proximal development and modification of the method of analysis of speech production in creative problem solving. The article briefly describes the stages of applying the methodology: dividing transcripts into situations, analyzing the statements of the counsellor and the student using the method of analyzing of speech production in solving creative problems, correlating statements with the described vectors, fixing the dynamics of changes in the boundaries of the zones of proximal and actual development. Provided detailed analysis of three situations from three sessions with a student of 6th grade who have difficulties in English, the dynamics of personal development described.

Viktor K. Zaretskii ◽  
Alla B. Kholmogorova

The paper discusses theoretical basics for organising the work and interaction of di˙erent specialists helping children with learning diÿculties (teachers, counsellors, therapists). The multivector model of the zone of proximal development based on cultural-historical psychology and developed in the theoretical framework of Reflection-Activity approach is proposed as such basic value. We connect di˙erent types of help to various developmen-tal vectors and regard them as technologies to enhancing the client’s development. We reveal the contents of such notions as cooperation, zone of proximal development, agency, reflection, and problem’s epicentre. We present di˙erent ways of operationalizing these notions applied to aiding children with learning diÿculties. The notion of dual resource we propose is important for developing new techniques of working in the zone of proximal development; it is this basis certain technologies of organising the client’s reflection are relying on. We give examples of counselling children in such way and present a com-parative analysis of the counsellor’s work with action schemas and cognitive-behavioural therapist’s work with problematic emotional states and behaviours in children with learn-ing diÿculties. The theoretic system we disclose helps to comprehend the famous quote from Lev Vygotsky: “one step in learning may signify a hundred steps in development”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-27
A.A. Margolis

The paper focuses on the specifics of children’s learning activity organization aimed at creating the Zone of Proximal Development. From this perspective, we analyze the potential of the theory of learning activity and the practice of developmental learning (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov), outline the achievements of this approach and reveal the issues of concern regarding the correlation between students preconceptions and scientific concepts. The paper thoroughly reconstructs the scientific discourse between the academic standpoints of the “Developmental Learning” and the “School of the Dialogue of Cultures” supporters, showing the relevance of this discourse in the light of modern challenges in education. Finally, we discuss the approaches to the task of developing theoretical thinking in students and engaging them in quasi-investigations presented in the works of M. Hedegaard and E. Etkina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 149-188 ◽  
V.K. Zaretsky

The article reviews Lev Vygotsky’s published works to trace the evolution of his understanding of child development. The authors believe that his assumption that one step in learning may mean one hundred steps in development, is as important as the two other key postulates of the cultural-historical theory: the principle that learning precedes development and the concept of zone of proximal development. The authors provide a rationale for utilization of these assumptions in the practice of development-facilitating psychological and educational assistance. A mechanism of this learning-development relationship is hypothesized. The article outlines a multidimensional model of the zone of proximal development illustrating the above mechanism. This model is one of the conceptual tools of the Reflection and Activity Approach helping children overcome learning difficulties and promoting their development. Having given the account of how they proceeded “from the idea to the problem” and “from the idea to the mechanism”, the authors provide case studies showing how this mechanism allows working with learning difficulties to trigger simultaneous improvement in multiple developmental dimensions. The article reports on the experience of running special Summer Schools for children with learning difficulties, implementing the “Chess for General Development” Project, and assisting orphaned children with severe somatic conditions. A case study of a female college student displaying signs of the learned helplessness syndrome is presented. The authors infer that Vygotsky’s idea of a specific relationship between learning and development may be of fundamental theoretical and practical value, especially for working with children with special needs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-63 ◽  
V.K. Zaretsky

On the basis of L.S. Vygotsky's published works the paper attempts to trace the dynamics of his concepts of child development and to provide evidence supporting Vygotsky's statement that one step in learning equals a hundred in development, which is one of the key principles of cultural-historical theory in its application to child development. This statement is put in a row with two other major principles: one arguing that learning precedes development and the other referring to the zone of proximal development. The paper outlines a multivector model of the zone of proximal development as one of the conceptual tools of the reflective and activity approach to helping children overcome learning difficulties and promoting their development. The paper also describes a case study in which an orphan child with a disability received psychological and educational support that obviously contributed to the child's development. It is argued that L.S. Vygotsky's idea of the specific relationship between learning and development has fundamental theoretical and practical implications, in particular, for working with children with special needs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sugeng Susilo Adi

The composition of English language learning tools for middle schools has often not utilized the instrctional technology approach and only used approaches related to the educational discipline of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). English language learning materials in several middle schools in East Java also do not provide audio media-based activities for practice of listening skills. This article is the research results of the Borg & Gall research and development model which aimed to develop, validate, and test textual learning materials aided by audio recordings to develop the English-language competency of middle school students. The results of the development showed that audio media was proven to be e ectively capable as sca olds that play a role as learning aids. Audio media provides sound input that guides students to imitate the audio with accurate pronunciation. In addition, audio media input can also be comprehensible for students in accordance with the Input Hypothesis Theory of Krashen that states that those learning languages at “level i” should obtain comprehensible input at “level i + 1” or slightly higher than the current level, and this theory of Krashen is identical to the zone of proximal development (ZPD) theory of Vygotsky. This development also resulted in a learning design which applied the audio lingual communicative (ALC) strategy which is eclectic in its combination of two language learning strategies, which are the audio lingual method with communicative language teaching (CLT). The application of this method was appropriate with the Indonesian classroom context where the number of students in a classroom is on average 40 pupils or more. AbstrakPengembangan bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah menengah pertama selama ini sering kali tidak menggunakan pendekatan teknologi pembelajaran dan hanya menggunakan pendekatan disiplin ilmu pendidikan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing atau teaching English as a foreign language/TEFL. Selain bahan ajar bahasa Inggris di beberapa sekolah menengah pertama di Jawa Timur tidak menyediakan bahan penyerta berupa media audio untuk latihan keterampilan menyimak (listening). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (R&D) model Borg & Gall yang bertujuan untuk mengembangan, memvalidasi, dan menguji bahan ajar tekstual berbantuan rekaman audio untuk meningkatkan kompetensi bahasa Inggris siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Hasil pengembangan ini menunjukkan bahwa media audio telah terbukti mampu secara efektif menjadi sca olds yang berperan sebagai bantuan belajar. Media audio menyediakan input suara yang memandu siswa menirukan audio dengan akurasi pelafalan yang tepat. Selain itu, input dari media audio dapat dipahami (comprehensible) bagi siswa, sesuai dengan Input Hyphothesis Theory Krashen yang menyatakan bahwa mereka yang belajar bahasa yang berada pada “tingkat i” seharusnya memperoleh comprehensible input pada “tingkat i + 1” atau sedikit lebih tinggi dari tingkat ia berada yang identik dengan teori zone of proximal development (ZPD) yang dikembangkan Vygotsky. Pengem- bangan ini juga menghasilkan desain pembelajaran yang menerapkan strategi audio lingual communicative (ALC) yang bersifat eklektik yang memadukan dua pendekatan pembelajaran bahasa, yaitu audio lingual method dengan communicative language teaching (CLT). Penerapan metode ini sesuai dengan konteks kelas Indonesia dengan jumlah siswa rata-rata 40 orang atau lebih dalam satu kelas. ia dengan jumlah siswa rata-rata 40 orang atau lebih dalam satu kelas.

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