scholarly journals Organic carbon and non-refractory aerosol over the remote Southeast Pacific: oceanic and combustion sources

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 16895-16932 ◽  
L. M. Shank ◽  
S. Howell ◽  
A. D. Clarke ◽  
S. Freitag ◽  
V. Brekhovskikh ◽  

Abstract. Submicron aerosol physical and chemical properties in remote marine air were measured from aircraft over the Southeast Pacific during VOCALS-REx in 2008 and the North Pacific during IMPEX in 2006, and aboard a ship in the Equatorial Pacific in 2009. A High Resolution – Particle Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) measured non-refractory submicron aerosol composition during all campaigns. Sulfate (SO4) and organics (Org), during VOCALS and the cruise show lower absolute values than those reported for previous "clean air" studies. In the marine boundary layer, average concentrations for SO4 were 0.52 μg m−3 for the VOCALS region and 0.85 μg m−3 for the equatorial region while average Org concentrations were 0.10 and 0.07 μg m−3, respectively. Campaign average Org/SO4 ratios were 0.19 (VOCALS) and 0.08 (Equatorial Pacific), while previous studies report "clean marine" Org/SO4 ratios between 0.25 and 0.40, and in some cases as high as 3.5. CO and black carbon (BC) measurements over the Southeast Pacific provided sensitive indicators of pollution, and were used to identify the least polluted air, which had average concentrations of SO4 and Org of 0.14 and 0.01 μg m−3, respectively, with an average Org/SO4 of 0.10. Furthermore, under cleanest MBL conditions, identified by CO below 60 ppbv, we found a robust linear relationship between Org and combustion derived BC concentrations between 2 and 15 ng m−3, suggesting little to no marine source of submicrometer Org to the atmosphere over the Eastern South Pacific. This suggests that identification of Org in clean marine air may require a BC threshold below 4 ng m−3, an order of magnitude lower than has been used in prior studies. Data from IMPEX was constrained to similar clean air criterion, and resulted in an average Org/SO4 ratio of 0.19.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 557-576 ◽  
L. M. Shank ◽  
S. Howell ◽  
A. D. Clarke ◽  
S. Freitag ◽  
V. Brekhovskikh ◽  

Abstract. Submicron aerosol physical and chemical properties in remote marine air were measured from aircraft over the Southeast Pacific during VOCALS-REx in 2008 and the North Pacific during IMPEX in 2006, and aboard a ship in the Equatorial Pacific in 2009. A High Resolution – Particle Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) measured non-refractory submicron aerosol composition during all campaigns. Sulfate (SO4) and organics (Org), during VOCALS and the cruise show lower absolute values than those reported for previous "clean air" studies. In the marine boundary layer, average concentrations for SO4 were 0.52 μg m−3 for the VOCALS region and 0.85 μg m−3 for the equatorial region while average Org concentrations were 0.10 and 0.07 μg m−3, respectively. Campaign average Org/SO4 ratios were 0.19 (VOCALS) and 0.08 (equatorial Pacific). Black carbon (BC) measurements from a single particle soot photometer (SP2) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations over the Southeast Pacific provided sensitive indicators of pollution. CO and BC were used to identify the least polluted air, which had average concentrations of SO4 and Org of 0.14 and 0.01 μg m−3, respectively, with an average Org/SO4 of 0.08. Data from IMPEX was constrained to similar clean air criterion, and resulted in an average Org/SO4 ratio of 0.19. Under the cleanest MBL conditions during VOCALS, identified by CO below 61 ppbv, a robust linear relationship between Org and BC concentrations revealed that even at very low pollution levels, combustion sources dominated organic aerosol, suggesting little to no marine source of submicrometer Org to the atmosphere over the eastern South Pacific. This means marine organics cannot be identified by merely setting a standard for background conditions below which anthropogenic influence can be disregarded. Other methods must be used to exclude non-marine sources.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1303-1323 ◽  
D. D. Parrish ◽  
D. B. Millet ◽  
A. H. Goldstein

Abstract. An effective method is presented for determining the ozone (O3) mixing ratio in the onshore flow of marine air at the North American west coast. By combining the data available from all marine boundary layer (MBL) sites with simultaneous wind data, decadal temporal trends of MBL O3 in all seasons are established with high precision. The average springtime temporal trend over the past two decades is 0.46 ppbv/yr with a 95% confidence limit of 0.13 ppbv/yr, and statistically significant trends are found for all seasons except autumn, which does have a significantly smaller trend than other seasons. The average trend in mean annual ozone is 0.34±0.09 ppbv/yr. These decadal trends at the North American west coast present a striking comparison and contrast with the trends reported for the European west coast at Mace Head, Ireland. The trends in the winter, spring and summer seasons compare well at the two locations, while the Mace Head trend is significantly greater in autumn. Even though the trends are similar, the absolute O3 mixing ratios differ markedly, with the marine air arriving at Europe in all seasons containing 7±2 ppbv higher ozone than marine air arriving at North America. Further, the ozone mixing ratios at the North American west coast show no indication of stabilizing as has been reported for Mace Head. In a larger historical context the background boundary layer O3 mixing ratios over the 130 years covered by available data have increased substantially (by a factor of two to three), and this increase continues at present, at least in the MBL of the Pacific coast region of North America. The reproduction of the increasing trends in MBL O3 over the past two decades, as well as the difference in the O3 mixing ratios between the two coastal regions will present a significant challenge for global chemical transport models. Further, the ability of the models to at least semi-quantitatively reproduce the longer-term, historical trends may an even greater challenge.

2021 ◽  
Haoran Zhang ◽  
Nan Li ◽  
Keqin Tang ◽  
Hong Liao ◽  
Chong Shi ◽  

Abstract. PM2.5, generated via both direct emissions and secondary formations, can have varying environmental impacts due to different physical and chemical properties of its components. However, traditional methods to quantify different PM2.5 components are often based on online observations or lab analyses, which are generally high economic cost and labor-intensive. In this study, we develop a new method, named multi-tracer estimation algorithm (MTEA), to identify the primary and secondary components from routine observation of PM2.5. By comparing with the long-term and short-term measurements of aerosol chemical components in China, as well as aerosol composition network in the United States, MTEA is proved to be able to successfully capture the magnitude and variation of the primary PM2.5 (PPM) and secondary PM2.5 (SPM). Applying MTEA to China national air quality network, we find that 1) SPM accounts for 63.5 % of PM2.5 in southern cities of China averaged for 2014–2018, while in the North the proportion drops to 57.1 %, and at the same time the secondary proportion in regional background regions is ~19 % higher than that in populous regions; 2) the summertime secondary PM2.5 proportion presents a slight but consistent increasing trend (from 58.5 % to 59.2 %) in most populous cities, mainly because of the recent increase in O3 pollution in China; 3) the secondary PM2.5 proportion in Beijing significantly increases by 34 % during the COVID-19 lockdown, which might be the main reason of the observed unexpected PM pollution in this special period; and at least, 4) SPM and O3 show similar positive correlations in the BTH and YRD regions, but the correlations between total PM2.5 and O3 in these two regions are quite different as PPM levels determines. In general, MTEA is a promising tool for efficiently estimating PPM and SPM, and has huge potential for the future PM mitigation.

2008 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 13847-13901 ◽  
D. D. Parrish ◽  
D. B. Millet ◽  
A. H. Goldstein

Abstract. A rigorous method is presented for determining the ozone concentration in the onshore flow of marine air at the North American west coast. By combining the data available from all marine boundary layer sites with simultaneous wind data, decadal temporal trends of MBL ozone concentrations in all seasons are established with high precision. The average springtime temporal trend over the past two decades is 0.46 ppbv/yr with a 95% confidence limit of 0.13 ppbv/yr, and statistically significant trends are found for all seasons except autumn, which does have a significantly smaller trend than other seasons. The average trend in mean annual ozone concentration is 0.34±0.09 ppbv/yr. These decadal trends at the North American west coast present a striking comparison and contrast with the trends reported for the European west coast at Mace Head, Ireland. The trends in the winter, spring and summer seasons compare well at the two locations, while the Mace Head trend is significantly greater in autumn. Even though the trends are similar, the absolute ozone concentrations differ markedly, with the marine air arriving at Europe in all seasons containing 7±2 ppbv higher ozone concentrations than marine air arriving at North America. Further, the ozone concentrations at the North American west coast show no indication for stabilizing as has been reported for Mace Head. In a larger historical context the background boundary layer ozone concentrations over the 130 years covered by available data have increased substantially (by a factor of two to three), and this increase continues at present, at least in the marine boundary layer (MBL) of the Pacific coast region of North America. The reproduction of the increasing trends in MBL ozone concentrations over the past two decades as well as the difference in the ozone concentrations between the two coastal regions will present a significant challenge for global chemical transport models. Further, the ability of the models to at least semi-quantitatively reproduce the longer-term, historical trends may an even greater challenge.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 2927-2934 ◽  
L. J. Carpenter ◽  
D. J. Wevill ◽  
S. O'Doherty ◽  
G. Spain ◽  
P. G. Simmonds

Abstract. In situ atmospheric observations of bromoform (CHBr3) made over a 2.5 year period at Mace Head, Ireland from May 2001- Dec 2003, including during the NAMBLEX (North Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer Experiment) campaign, show broad maxima from spring until autumn and winter minima, with mixing ratios of 5.3+1.0 pptv (mid March - mid October) and 1.8+0.8 pptv (December-February). This indicates that, unlike CHCl3, which has a summer minimum and winter maximum at Mace Head, local biological sources of CHBr3 have a greater influence on the atmospheric data than photochemical decay during long-range transport. The emission sources are predominantly macroalgal, but we find evidence for a small terrestrial flux from peatland ecosystems, which so far has not been accounted for in the CHBr3 budget. Sharp increases in CHCl3 and CHBr3 concentrations and decreases in O3 concentrations occurred at night when the wind direction switched from an ocean- to a land-based sector (land breeze) and the wind speed dropped to below 5 ms-1. These observations infer a shallow atmospheric boundary layer with increased O3 deposition and concentration of local emissions of both CHCl3 and CHBr3. The ratio of ΔCHCl3/ΔCHBr3 varied strongly according to the prevailing wind direction; from 0.60+0.15 in south-easterly (100-170° and northerly (340-20°) air to 2.5+0.4 in north-easterly (40-70°) air. Of these land-sectors, the south-easterly air masses are likely to be strongly influenced by macroalgal beds along the coast and the emission ratios probably reflect those from seaweeds in addition to land sources. The north-easterly airmasses however had an immediate fetch inland, which locally is comprised of coastal peatland ecosystems (peat bogs and coastal conifer plantations), previously identified as being strong sources of atmospheric CHCl3 under these conditions. Although we cannot entirely rule out other local land or coastal sources, our observations also suggest peatland ecosystem emissions of CHBr3. We use correlations between CHCl3 and CHBr3 during the north-easterly land breeze events in conjunction with previous estimates of local wetland CHCl3 release to tentatively deduce a global wetland CHBr3 source of 20.4(0.4-948) Gg yr-1, which is approximately 7% of the total global source.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (8) ◽  
pp. 1551-1565 ◽  
Tangdong Qu ◽  
Shan Gao ◽  
Rana A. Fine

Abstract This study investigates the subduction of South Pacific Tropical Water (SPTW) and its equatorward pathways using a simulated passive tracer of the consortium Estimating the Circulation & Climate of the Ocean (ECCO). The results show that approximately 5.8 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) of the SPTW is formed in the subtropical South Pacific Ocean within the density range between 24.0 and 25.0 kg m−3, of which about 87% is due to vertical pumping and 13% is due to lateral induction, comparing reasonably well with estimates from climatological data. Once subducted, most SPTW spreads in the subtropical South Pacific. Because of the presence of mixing, some portion of the water is transformed, and its tracer-weighted density steadily increases from an initial value of 24.4 to nearly 25.0 kg m−3 after 13 years of integration. Approximately 42% of the water makes its way into the equatorial Pacific, either through the western boundary or interior pathway. The two equatorward pathways are essentially of equal importance. A large (~70%) portion of the SPTW entering the equatorial region resurfaces in the central equatorial Pacific. The potential impacts of the resurfacing SPTW on the equatorial thermocline and surface stratification are discussed.

Solid Earth ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 873-880
Marzieh Mokarram ◽  
Dinesh Sathyamoorthy

Abstract. Soil genesis is highly dependent on landforms as they control the erosional processes and the soil physical and chemical properties. The relationship between landform classification and electrical conductivity (EC) of soil and water in the northern part of Meharloo watershed, Fars province, Iran, was investigated using a combination of a geographical information system (GIS) and a fuzzy model. The results of the fuzzy method for water EC showed 36.6 % of the land to be moderately land suitable for agriculture; high, 31.69 %; and very high, 31.65 %. In comparison, the results of the fuzzy method for soil EC showed 24.31 % of the land to be as not suitable for agriculture (low class); moderate, 11.78 %; high, 25.74 %; and very high, 38.16 %. In total, the land suitable for agriculture with low EC is located in the north and northeast of the study area. The relationship between landform and EC shows that EC of water is high for the valley classes, while the EC of soil is high in the upland drainage class. In addition, the lowest EC levels for soil and water are in the plains class.

2001 ◽  
Vol 32 (8) ◽  
pp. 933-955 ◽  
J Kuśmierczyk-Michulec ◽  
M Schulz ◽  
S Ruellan ◽  
O Krüger ◽  
E Plate ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 6943-6958 ◽  
E. Crosbie ◽  
J.-S. Youn ◽  
B. Balch ◽  
A. Wonaschütz ◽  
T. Shingler ◽  

Abstract. A 2-year data set of measured CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) concentrations at 0.2 % supersaturation is combined with aerosol size distribution and aerosol composition data to probe the effects of aerosol number concentrations, size distribution and composition on CCN patterns. Data were collected over a period of 2 years (2012–2014) in central Tucson, Arizona: a significant urban area surrounded by a sparsely populated desert. Average CCN concentrations are typically lowest in spring (233 cm−3), highest in winter (430 cm−3) and have a secondary peak during the North American monsoon season (July to September; 372 cm−3). There is significant variability outside of seasonal patterns, with extreme concentrations (1 and 99 % levels) ranging from 56 to 1945 cm−3 as measured during the winter, the season with highest variability. Modeled CCN concentrations based on fixed chemical composition achieve better closure in winter, with size and number alone able to predict 82 % of the variance in CCN concentration. Changes in aerosol chemical composition are typically aligned with changes in size and aerosol number, such that hygroscopicity can be parameterized even though it is still variable. In summer, models based on fixed chemical composition explain at best only 41 % (pre-monsoon) and 36 % (monsoon) of the variance. This is attributed to the effects of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production, the competition between new particle formation and condensational growth, the complex interaction of meteorology, regional and local emissions and multi-phase chemistry during the North American monsoon. Chemical composition is found to be an important factor for improving predictability in spring and on longer timescales in winter. Parameterized models typically exhibit improved predictive skill when there are strong relationships between CCN concentrations and the prevailing meteorology and dominant aerosol physicochemical processes, suggesting that similar findings could be possible in other locations with comparable climates and geography.

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