Scientometric Analaysis on the Literature Output on Unemployment

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-53
S. Prabakar ◽  
M. Nagarajan ◽  
A. Thirumagal

The social problem of “Unemployment” has been taken as research topic for the scientometric study. The data has been downloaded from Web of Science and the span of years has been selected from 2008 to 2012. Hypotheses are assumed and appropriate statistical tool has been utilized to the test the hypotheses. The interpretation has been given along with relevant data in tabular form. It was identified that the majority of the communicating format of language in the research output is of English. The journal articles dominated all the other type of publications. The prediction of Alfred Lotka on author productivity was not suitable for this research work.The findings reveal that enormous literatures related to the “Unemployment” are published to alarm the policy makers about the up-coming danger. It is requested the policy makers of the global countries to lay new policies to see the human beings to be employable. It is suggested that the society to raise the standard of their employable skills to be worthy for being employable. It it also suggested to the respective educational authorities towards the revival in the curriculum of the educational system of global countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-09
Mahendra Kumar Patel ◽  
Maya Verma

This study analyses the research output in diabetes literature in India during 2019 indexed on Web of Science database on several aspects includes growth, rank and global publication and share of international collaborative papers. It also analyses the most productive authors, top journals, on-year wise distribution, country wise distribution and authorship pattern of contribution. The highest number of scientific outputs belongs to USA, UK, Netherland, India followed by other countries which considerably had a lower rate of publication. Among all authors globally V. Mohan contributed 75 articles on Diabetes literature. From this study it was concluded that the publication on Diabetes literature was increased and more participation should be needed for the growth of Diabetes literature nationally throughout countries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-28
Joy Sofiya SNE ◽  
S. Kavitha ◽  
R. Ponnudurai

The present study aims at describing both the common and the distinguishing features of co authorship trends and patterns in Dyxlexia research output based on the data collected from Web of science database published during the 1989-2017. Outcome of the study shows that multi authored articles 83.09% prevail the single authored articles 16.96%. It also shows that author Shaywitz SE J has got highest 7383 global citations against 54 publications. This study is in support for the fact that Dyslexia research output is collaborative in all aspects Ranking of Authors based on Publications.


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.In the dominant discourse of the "human–machine relationship," people and machines are the subjects, with a mutually shaping influence. However, this framework neglects the crux of the current critical analysis of AI. It reduces the problems with new technology to the relationship between people and machines, ignoring the re-shaping of the relationship between "people and people" in the era of new technology. This simplification may mislead policy and legal regulations for new technologies. Why would a robot killing cause more panic than a murder committed by a human? Why is a robot's misdiagnosis more troubling than a doctor's? Why do patients assume that machines make more accurate diagnoses than doctors? When a medical accident occurs, who is responsible for the mistakes of an intelligent medical system? In the framework of traditional professionalism, the relationship between doctors and patients, whether trusted or not, is based on the premise that doctors have specialized knowledge that patients do not possess. Therefore, the authority of a doctor is the authority of knowledge. In the age of intelligence, do machines provide information or knowledge? Can this strengthen or weaken the authority of doctors? It is likely that in the age of intelligence, the professionalism, authority and trustworthiness of doctors require a new knowledge base. Therefore, the de-skilling of doctors is not an issue of individual doctors, but demands an update of the knowledge of the entire industry. Recognizing this, policy makers must not focus solely on the use of machines, but take a wider perspective, considering how to promote the development of doctors and coordinate the relationship between doctors with different levels of knowledge development. We often ask, "In the era of intelligence, what defines a human?" This philosophical thinking should be directed toward not only the difference between machines and people as individuals, but also how the relationship between human beings, i.e., the social nature of humans, evolves in different technological environments. In short, this commentary stresses that a "good" machine or an "evil" machine—beyond the sci-fi romance of such discourse—reflects the evolution of the relationships between people. In today's smart age, the critical issue is not the relationship between people and machines. It is how people adjust their relationships with other people as machines become necessary tools in life. In the era of intelligence, therefore, our legislation, policy and ethical discussion should resume their focus on evolutionary relationships between people.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 41 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 213-217
L Radha

Scientometrics study is one of the most efficient methods of quantitative evaluation of the scientific publication. Coronaviruses are one of the common viruses affect the human and animals some time. There is 7 type of corona already in existence, but the recent Coronavirus called novel corona (Covid19) which spreads among human rapidly. This study is to know the recent research publication of Coronavirus from the web of science, especially after December 2019, where the real spreads started and impact the world economy due to lock down. The data for this study is retrieved from the web of science for the year of 2018, 2019, and 2020 (till March). This study is an attempt to know the publication pattern, year-wise growth of publications, country-wise research output, and top-cited paper. Also, this paper is focusing on the research output of China and Wuhan University in the publications and the Wuhan University’s participation in this research publication during the period.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-104
R. Senthilkumar ◽  
S. Abirami

This research paper deals with an analysis on Bibliometric study from the results of the International Journal of Paediatric Surgery. The entire data were retrieved from the database called Web Of Science (WOS) during the period 1989-2016. During this period of 28 years the Paediatric Surgery Journal (PSJ) has published 5,528 numbers of research papers. Based on this, the year 1998 has got the highest score of 273 research records. According to the ranking of author Puri P has produced his highest contribution of 243 research records which is about 4.4% of the total contribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (01) ◽  
pp. 388-396
Sudhier K.G. ◽  
Dileepkumar V

The paper examines 25,132 biochemistry research contributions of Indian scientists covered in the Web of Science for a period of 10 years (2004-2013). It was found that the biochemistry research is gradually growing and average annual growth rate was 36.84 per cent. The solo research was not prevalent and team research is more in the Indian biochemistry research and 97.46 per cent publications were contributed by multi- authors. It was observed that the value of co- authorship index was generally increasing and it varied from 93 to 105 during the period of study. Journal articles contribute 89.43 per cent of the total output followed by reviews (7.14 %). Indian researchers collaborate largely with the researchers of USA (2.49 %). The geographical distribution shows that Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi lead the list. The study shows that, C. Abdul Jaleel (58) and L. Pai (37) are the top ranked authors in the field. ‘Plos One’ is the top ranked journal and it published 296 papers during the study period. Academic institutions contribute more number of papers (50.26 %) followed by research institutions (28.24 %). The Lotka’s law was not found fit with the observed author productivity distribution of Indian biochemistry research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 302-307
Vishal Dattatray Bapte

The study aims to do the scientometric analysis of global research output of media literacy during last 30 years. These 30 years produced 1038 documents on media literacy which have been cited 15.37 per cent citation per item. Most of the articles were published during the block 2017-2020. Multiple co-authorship has been the trend in media literacy research. Primack, B (18), Austin, E. W. (17) and Hobbs, K. (14) are identified as the most prolific authors. Communicar with 96 publications is the most productive journal. Korea, South Africa and Norway registered the highest multiple collaboration ratio (MCR). USA, United Kingdom and Australia are the leading countries in terms of citations received. The co-authorship network reflects 175 clusters about the authors who came together to contribute on media literacy. Further co-occurrence of keywords is given on the basis of author keywords in which media literacy had the total link strength (TLS) of 729 with 329 documents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-90
A. Poornima ◽  
M. Surulinathi

This article presents the research output of Yoga in India using different Scientometric approach both quantitative and qualitative methods. Bibliographic data for the study has been collected from the Web of Science Core Collection online database of Thomson Scientific, USA. The strings ‘Yoga and India’ in the topic and address field are used for retrieving data. Researcher have published 525 publications with 6683 Global Citations Scores (H-Index: 45) were selected and 525 publications which were used for further data analysis. Prominent Authors were identified by name, subject domain and able to place their papers in high impact journals. Moreover it has identified Countries wise collaboration of the research. 8 papers are received more than 100 citations. India has collaborated with 32 countries.

2020 ◽  

The digital divide in the society has been a key demographic factor which has impacted the social economic activities in recent times. The digitalization of erstwhile social & economic models harbingers a distinct change in behaviors of various sections of the society. Policy makers in various organizations and civic administrators are studying this new age individual’s response to manage their reach out strategies via digital medium. Correspondingly acquiring or nurturing talent with higher digital quotient would help organizations better adapt to new age business models.No two human beings are identical and therefore it is important to understand what makes an individual display a higher digital quotient. The aim of the current research study is to understand key personality attributes which have high influence on an individual’s response to a stimulus sent thru a digital medium.The online primary survey was conducted on a random sample of 83 people over a period between March 19 and Jun 20. It sought to identify most relevant attributes to define a digital persona. The study ended in concluding overall six personality attributes which have key influence while each one of them had a distinct measure of impact.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-22
A. Poornima ◽  
M. Surulinathi

Yoga is a mind-body exercise. Yogic breathing is a unique method for balancing the autonomic nervous system and influencing psychological and stress-related disorders. Yoga breathing (pranayama) can rapidly bring the mind to the present moment and reduce stress. This article presents the highly cited papers from yoga research output using different scientometric approach both quantitative and qualitative methods. Scientometric data for the study has been collected from Web of Science online database. A search was conducted with the phrase ‘yoga’ in the address field. An analysis of 4090 publications published by scientists during 1989 to 2018 and indexed by Web of Science online Database indicates that the publication output. Most of the prolific authors are from the highly productive institutions. This work is to provide a profile of Research Publication at global level. This includes tracking the number of papers, scatter of papers over journals, and its effect on publication output, authors’ institutional affiliations and authorship patterns.

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