Riyan Herriandi Putra

The infographic content published by the Immigration Technical Service Unit is considered to have not maximized regarding the use of design elements referring to Visual Communication Design Theory. This is due to the lack of the public relations staff’s knowledge of the theory and their educational background that are not related to communication design. The purposes of this research are to know the quality of government communication through infographic media and the importance of infographic media as a means to spread information, especially immigration information as well as this study has the impact of proposing standardization on the infographics published by each technical service unit under the Directorate General of Immigration. In this study, the authors used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods by collecting data through interviewing techniques for respondents and observations made in a comprehensive manner. in the network to get credible data. The results of this study are proven that the use of design elements in Visual Communication Design Theory has not been maximal in the place where the author conducted the research. Therefore the authors provide a recommendation for the existence of guidelines that contain standardization of infographic layout designs that will equalize all design elements for use by designers in each Immigration Technical Service Unit. In addition, to improve image and positive public perceptions of each Immigration Technical Service Unit as well as increase public confidence in in an information that published by each Immigration Technical Service Unit.  

2011 ◽  
Vol 121-126 ◽  
pp. 1138-1142
Feng Bo Yu

Medium is a way to express idea and convey information. It’s the most important tool to spread information and exchange idea as well as conduct interpersonal communication in the human society. With the diversification of social culture and communicative content, the far-reaching development of media renders profound change to the ways of spreading information. Digital medium, as a new platform brought about by information digitalization, shares the same theoretical basis with traditional visual communication design with respect to design philosophy, and design elements. On the other hand digital medium shows distinctive aesthetic and formal feature in terms of modes of transmission and visual expression. This paper aims to discuss the design principle and theoretical basis of digital medium, to explore its relation with traditional visual communication design theory and thus to find out the theoretical evidence for the development of digital medium.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Gao Chaomeng ◽  
Wang Yonggang

With the continuous development of China’s social economy, the competitiveness of brand market is gradually increasing. In order to improve their own level in brand building, major enterprises gradually explore and study visual communication design. Brand visual design has also received more and more attention. Building a complete and rich visual design system can improve the brand level and attract users to consume. Based on the abovementioned situation, this paper proposes to use collaborative filtering algorithm to analyze and study brand visual design. Firstly, a solution is proposed to solve the problem of low accuracy of general recommendation algorithm in brand goods. Collaborative filtering algorithm is used to analyze the visual communication design process of enterprise brand. Research on personalized image design according to consumers’ trust and recognition of brand design is conducted. In traditional craft brand visual design, we mainly study the impact of image design on consumer behavior. The brand loyalty model is used to predict and analyze the visual design effect. Also, the user’s evaluation coefficient is taken as the expression of brand visual design recognition. Finally, the collaborative filtering algorithm is optimized to improve the consumer similarity based on the original algorithm. The results show that the brand visual design using collaborative filtering algorithm can help enterprises obtain greater benefits in their own brand construction. It provides effective data help in the development of traditional craft brands.

Humaniora ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 589
Inda Ariesta

Typography is now no longer considered as a science application on flat dimensions. Beyond the flat dimension, it is now often found not only in the form of dots, colors, lines, textures, Shapes and forms, but also thrived on typography users. Typography was used to deliver the message, through the formation of the language contained writings as title, subtitle, to captions on television media, but is now also used by other disciplines to deliver messages more readable than using other design elements. The purpose of this paper is to see the application of typography on the form, and how it can be delivered in addition to communicating the message letters by letters that can be strung into words, symbols, but in form. Typography was enjoyed so far for only words by words containing in newspapers, magazines, posters, flyers, brochures, etc., but now it can be enjoyed through out the media to the extent shapes, which also maximizes the delivery of messages. The character selecting skill which is adjusted in media and the message is one of new factors, because media controlling and materials are crossing disciplines of Visual Communication Design, which is in contact with the Product Design and Interior Design, which could work together to maximize the the message.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (50) ◽  

Covid-19, a type of the corona virus family, spread from Wuhan, China to the whole world in December 2019 and turned into a pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic, which threatens the whole world, has caused negative situations in the health, education, industry and many other areas of the countries. Since there is no medicine or vaccine to cure this disease (pandemic) yet, experts in the business focus on drug and vaccine development studies, while country governments are making an intense effort to slow down and eliminate its spread. All kinds of platforms and alternatives should be used effectively in the fight against Covid-19. Visual media studies constitute the most important pillar of the struggle for this purpose. It is of great importance to create awareness in people with communication studies prepared in the fight against the disease. In today's intense information abundance and pollution, it is not easy to get the necessary attention from a large part of the society. It is observed that the sensitivity of the society towards these studies (news, articles, posters, etc.) at the beginning decreased significantly over time and started to lose its effect to a great extent. The job of a visual communication designer is getting harder every day in studies related to the pandemic as well as in other subjects. In order to attract the attention of the audience, it is a necessity to go beyond the known design elements and the same style of expression and prepare them in different structures. In the article, the common design elements used from randomly selected samples among different visual communication studies were categorically classified and defined. Since these definitions and classifications are made with a personal point of view, they are open to all kinds of criticism and interpretation. Keywords: Covid-19, visual elements, visual communication, design

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Risvi Pangestu

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><em>Communication is the key to a comprehensive effort to form a positive goal. Planned communication creates certain effects on a large number of audiences that are carried out sustainably over a period of time. Campaigns often use the media as a message sending channel that has been well organized to target targets as planned. The campaign which currently has a high existence is a campaign oriented social mission as a series of planned non-commercial communication processes that contain messages about social problems that occur in the community. In the design process, there are data collection methods and data analysis methods before executing execution. The data collected is in the form of facts, daily targets, and casual diction so that the data can be a creative media that fits the characteristics of the target audience. The author takes the topic The Role of Social Campaign Media With Visual Communication Design due to the author's interest in delivering messages that are made creative and interactive by a visual communication design to be able to make other individuals change their minds.</em> <em>Analysis of this work contains observations related to design elements, campaign media and campaign communication processes designed. The 16 Days Campaign Against Violence Against Communities relies on print ads and interactive ambient ads as an effort to raise awareness of target targets to combat related cases.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords :  </em></strong><em>Communication, Design, </em><em>Campaign, Woman</em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p><em>Komunikasi menjadi kunci dari sebuah usaha komperhensif dalam membentuk suatu tujuan yang positif. Komunikasi secara terencana  </em><em>menciptakan efek tertentu pada sejumlah besar khalayak yang dilakukan secara berkelanjutan pada kurun waktu tertentu</em><em> . </em><em>Kampanye kerap menggunakan media sebagai saluran pengirim pesan yang telah ditata dengan baik kepada target sasaran sesuai yang telah direncanakan. Kampanye yang saat ini memiliki eksistensi yang tinggi adalah kampanye misi sosial yang berorientasi sebagai serangkaian proses komunikasi terencana bersifat non-komersil yang berisi pesan tentang masalah sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat</em><em>. </em><em>Dalam proses perancangan, terdapat metode pengumpulan data dan metode analisis data sebelum melakukan pengerjaan eksekusi. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa fakta kasus, keseharian target sasaran, serta diksi yang kasual sehingga data tersebut dapat menjadi media kreatif yang sesuai dengan karakteristik target sasaran. Adapun penulis mengambil topik Peranan Media Kampanye Sosial Dengan Desain Komunikasi Visual dikarenakan ketertarikan penulis terhadap penyampaian pesan yang dibuat kreatif dan interaktif oleh seorang desain komunikasi visual hingga mampu membuat individu yang lain berubah pikiran.</em> <em>Analisis karya ini berisikan pengamatan terkait elemen desain, media kampanye dan proses komunikasi kampanye yang dirancang. Kampanye 16 Hari Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Masyarakat mengandalkan print ads dan ambient ads yang interaktif sebagai upaya mengugah kesadaran target sasaran untuk memerangi kasus terkait.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Komunikasi, Desain, Kampanye, Perempuan</em>

Humaniora ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 620
Sari Wulandari

Buletin BINUS is a communication medium that connects Binusian, contains information about events held at BINUS. Figures of this bulletin is BINUS University, either through the appearance and content of the newsletter itself, where the messages contained in explicit and implicit  so that eventually will form a picture or image in the mind of the reader. This study examines the function and aesthetics in a format specific BULETIN which was published in 2008 and 2009. Reviewes carried out refers to the disciplines of Visual Communication Design. The purpose and benefits of this research is to use scientific and practical layout Buletin BINUS University and research results in the form of suggestions are ideal application of design elements for publication Buletin BINUS University, which is based on ease of implementation, the function of information, the effectiveness of media communications, and aesthetics. It is expected that the information in it will be delivered properly, can bring out the character right BINUS University and establish a positive image in the mind of the reader.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Pungky Febi Arifianto

In term of its presentation of data, qualitative descriptive research is implemented as the method. To interpret the handling of corruption conducted by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission, Charles S. Pierces’ theory of signs classification in icon, index, and symbol is utilized as the approach. Disclosure of meaning the signs itself applies of Rolland Barthes’s connotation interpretations in significance. The Five Codes in significances are divided into Hermeneutic, Proairetic, Semantic, Symbolic, and Cultural. Visual infographic analysis in corruption’s handling by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission is expected for being able to give a discourse in semiotic interpretation to signs and meaning in infographics. Theoretically, the purpose of this analysis will give depiction about a scientific approach to visual communication design theory in sending message through sign-system in each visual elements in infographics.

Selma Karaahmet Balcı

Visual communication design as an interdisciplinary term makes a reference to many disciplines which have focused on communication and presentation point to transmit the messages, prepared as visuals, to target the audience. Especially after the industrial revolution, the visual communication design phenomenon, which in its existence is an influential field in creating consumer-wise shoppers and the visuals are increasing their power with mass communication. Visual communication design as a sustainable phenomenon with more powerful interaction zone, which has been differed from within the several unstable paradigm axis, from Bauhaus to present, maintains its existence by including the aesthetic concerns in designs. Consumption culture has been created by dwelling on the individuals’ consumption perceptions. In post-industrial societies, people aim to satisfy the needs of their egos, by getting a hedonic benefit, rather than their material needs by means of the products they have purchased. At this point, visual communication design as a field, being at the middle of capitalism and consumption culture, it has been an inter-bedded phenomenon with consumption in all ages. 

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