scholarly journals Influence of kind of trees on flowering and yielding of sour cherry cultivar Łutówka

2012 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 471-477
Stanisław Wociór ◽  
Marcin Kaca

In no examined years of the studies were found no significant differences of flowering intensity between the ownoroots trees of the cultivar Łutówka and trees budded on <i>Prunus mahaleb</i>. The kind of trees clearly, but not significantly, affected fruit mass. The growth of the ownroot "in vitro" trees were significantly less than the trees budded on <i>Prunus mahaleb</i> seedling. Fruit set and yielding of the own root trees were higher, but only in one year of study significantly higher.

2012 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-68 ◽  
Stanisław Wociór ◽  
Irena Wójcik ◽  
Salwina Palonka

The present study, carried out in the period 2007-2009 in the Sandomierz Upland, did not show a significant effect of foliar fertilization on trunk thickness and canopy volume in the cultivar Łutówka. However, under the influence of urea applied three times in combination with Florovit at a concentration of 0.5%, a clear increasing trend was observed in the above mentioned parameters used to assess the strength of growth. In years of abundant fruiting, this study showed a significant increase, or on the verge of significance, in yield after threefold application of urea and Florovit in combination. A small insignificant effect of fertilization on fruit weight shows that the growth in yield after the application of fertilization was produced as a consequential effect of a significant increase in the length of one-year shoots and thereby in flowering intensity of the 'Łutówka' cherry trees. In the case of the sour cherry cultivar Łutówka bearing fruit on one-year shoots, foliar feeding after flowering using multi-nutrient fertilizers and urea can be recommended as a technological treatment, in particular in years of abundant fruiting.

Genetika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 791-800
Milica Fotiric-Aksic ◽  
Radosav Cerovic ◽  
Vera Rakonjac ◽  
Ivana Bakic ◽  
Slavica Colic ◽  

Vitality of pollen, in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth (pollen tube length and pollen tube growth rate) were investigated in Oblacinska sour cherry in order to determine the differences between clones which have divergent yielding potential. For this purpose two ?Oblacinska? sour cherry clones with high fruit set and high yields (II/2, III/9) and two with low fruit set and low-yielding (XI/3 and XIII/1) were used in this study. Pollen germination was done on artificial medium containing 14% sucrose and 0.3% agar-agar at room temperature (23?C). Pollen tube growth was stopped with a drop of 40% formaldehyde, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after contact with the medium. The maximum percentage of germination ranged from 13.01% (clone II/2, after 1 h) to 54.19% (clone III/9, after 24 h). Pollen tube length varied from 64.84 ?m (clone XIII/1, after 1 h) to >1,100 ?m (clones II/2 and III/9, after 24 h). Pollen growth rate was quite high (up to 1.71 ?m min-1) after 6 h of germination, but rather decreasing until 24 h of germination (0.56-0.83 ?m min-1). The dynamics of in vitro pollen tubes growth among the clones were quite different, especially after 12 h and 24 h of germination. Clones that are singled out as fruitful (II/2 and III/9) gave much better results regarding pollen germination and pollen tube growth in comparison to clones which were characterized by low fruit set and yields (XI/3 and XIII/1).

2013 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Stanisław Wociór ◽  
Justyna Wieniarska ◽  
Irena Wójcik ◽  
Salwina Palonka

The studies performed in 1997 - 1999 have shown that herbicides such as Azotop 50 (simazine, 6-chloro-N, N-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) in the dose lkg ha<sup>-1</sup> or Afalon 50 WP (linuron, N'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)N-methoxy-N-methylurea) in dose 1,5 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> or its mixture with Dual 960 EC (metolachlor, 2-chloro-N(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamide) in dose 1,5 l ha<sup>-1</sup> applied in early spring significantly decreased number of weeds in nursery of sourcherry trees cv. Lut6wka budded on <em>Prunus mahaleb</em> L rootstocks as compared with mechanical weed control. Both, Azotop 50 and Azotop 50 in mixture with Dual 960 EC eliminated weeds for the longer period than Afalon 50 WP and Afalon 50 WP with Dual 960 EC. Herbicides did not affect tree trunk diameter (at 30 cm. from the ground level), the number and total length of shoots of one-year-old sour cherry trees in comparison with mechanical control of weeds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Nirmala Friyanti Devy ◽  
NFN Yenni ◽  
NFN Hardiyanto

<p><em>Plantlet</em> jeruk hasil perbanyakan embriogenesis somatik (ES) in vitro telah banyak dihasilkan. Meskipun demikian, pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif di lapang belum dievaluasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif tanaman jeruk hasil sambung dengan plantlet asal ES dibandingkan mata tempel asal BPMT. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Tlekung, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika, mulai September 2013 sampai dengan Desember 2016. Materi penelitian adalah tanaman jeruk dengan batang atas asal (a) plantlet hasil regenerasi melalui ES tanpa bagian akarnya dan (b) mata tempel yang berasal dari Blok Penggandaan Mata Tempel (BPMT), yang masing-masing disambungkan dan ditempelkan dengan batang bawah Japansche Citroen (JC) berumur 8 bulan setelah <em>transplanting</em>. Tanaman hasil sambung berumur 1 tahun dipindah dan ditanam di lapang dengan jarak tanam rapat 1,5 m x 1,5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dilakukan mulai umur 18 – 42 bulan setelah transplanting (BST). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jeruk dengan batang atas hasil ES dapat tumbuh, berkembang, dan berproduksi sama dengan tanaman dengan batang atas asal BPMT. Tinggi tanaman, diameter batang atas, dan diameter batang bawah pada tanaman ES tidak berbeda nyata dengan tanaman BPMT. Tanaman pada dua perlakuan mulai berbunga pada umur 18 BST, dengan jumlah bunga, buah, dan persentase fruitset yang tidak berbeda nyata antarkedua perlakuan, demikian juga pada pembungaan pada tahun berikutnya. Jumlah buah pada tahun ke-2 berbuah (September 2014) dan akhir pengamatan (September 2016) menunjukkan terjadi kenaikan sebesar 215,7% dan 176,1% pada masing-masing perlakuan ES dan BPMT, sedangkan pada tahun ke-4 pembuahan (2016), perlakuan tanaman jeruk hasil ES mempunyai jumlah buah/tanaman dan berat buah total/tanaman lebih banyak secara nyata dibandingkan asal BPMT. Sifat fisik dan kualitas buah (vit C, total keasaman, dan TPT) yang dihasilkan relatif sama. Tanaman jeruk siam Kintamani yang berasal dari <em>plantlet</em> hasil perbanyakan ES in vitro dan disambungkan dengan batang bawah JC dapat tumbuh, berkembang, dan berproduksi dengan normal di lapang.</p><p>The plantlets derived from citrus somatic embryogenesis (SE) in vitro have been widely produced. However, their vegetative and generative growth in the field has not been evaluated. The aimed of this research was to evaluate the ability of vegetative and generative growth both of SE and Budwood Multiplication Block (BMB) derived citrus plants. The research was conducted in Tlekung Experimental Garden, Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute, from September 2013 to December 2016. The citrus plants derived from (a) root-decapitated plantlets and (b) buds come from BMB that were grafted and budded, respectively on 8 months old JC rootstock. One-year old grafted and budded plants were planted at field using a dense spacing (1.5 m x 1.5 m). The plant growth observation was done at 18–42 months after field transplanting (MAT). The results showed that the SE derived citrus plants could grow, develop, and produce as well as the BMB one. The SE and BMB plant height, scion, and rootstock diameter were not significantly different. All treatment plants were flowering on 18 MAT, the number of flower, fruit, and fruit set percentages were not significantly as well as in the following year. The fruit total in the 2nd year (September 2014) and the end of the observation (September 2016) showed an increase of 215.7% and 176.1% on the both of SE and BMB derived plant, respectively. In the 4th year (2016), the number fruits/plant and total fruit weight/plant were better on SE derived plant than BMB one, however the fruit physical and quality properties produced (vitamin C, total acidity, and TSS) were relatively similar. The Kintamani tangerine citrus plants derived from plantlet that grafted on to JC rootstock could grow develop and produce well in the field.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Krzysztof Rutkowski ◽  
Zofia Zydlik ◽  
Aleksander Stachowiak

Abstract The aim of the study was to estimate the effect of' tree pruning intensity on the content of nutrients in leaves of the ‘Łutówka’ sour cherry cultivar (Prunus cerasus L.). Between 2006 and 2010 an experiment with different tree pruning intensity was carried out. The study material consisted of first- class one-year old budded plants of the ‘Łutówka’ cultivar IR2 type, on Prunus mahaleb rootstock. The plants were planted in the spring of 2001 (orchard 1) and 2002 (orchard 2) and spaced at 4.0 × 1.3 m2, giving a total of 1.920 trees ha−1. Three pruning regimes were applied in the plantation: 1) no pruning; (only sanitation felling was applied), 2) moderate traditional pruning - branches were shortened, 3) intensive pruning by removing branches older than three years. The cherry tree pruning intensity significantly influenced the content of mineral components in leaves. The content of N increased, whereas the content of Ca and Mg decreased. The maximum temperatures at the beginning of the growth period had particularly beneficial effect on the P and K content. Chilly and dry spring limited the P and K content in the plants. The content of minerals in sour cherry leaves depended on the age of trees.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 416
Tuija Aronen ◽  
Susanna Virta ◽  
Saila Varis

Telomeres i.e., termini of the eukaryotic chromosomes protect chromosomes during DNA replication. Shortening of telomeres, either due to stress or ageing is related to replicative cellular senescence. There is little information on the effect of biotechnological methods, such as tissue culture via somatic embryogenesis (SE) or cryopreservation on plant telomeres, even if these techniques are widely applied. The aim of the present study was to examine telomeres of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) during SE initiation, proliferation, embryo maturation, and cryopreservation to reveal potential ageing or stress-related effects that could explain variation observed at SE process. Altogether, 33 genotypes from 25 families were studied. SE initiation containing several stress factors cause telomere shortening in Norway spruce. Following initiation, the telomere length of the embryogenic tissues (ETs) and embryos produced remains unchanged up to one year of culture, with remarkable genotypic variation. Being prolonged in vitro culture can, however, shorten the telomeres and should be avoided. This is achieved by successful cryopreservation treatment preserving telomere length. Somatic embryo production capacity of the ETs was observed to vary a lot not only among the genotypes, but also from one timepoint to another. No connection between embryo production and telomere length was found, so this variation remains unexplained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Laura Costantini ◽  
Paula Moreno-Sanz ◽  
Chinedu Charles Nwafor ◽  
Silvia Lorenzi ◽  
Annarita Marrano ◽  

Abstract Background Grapevine reproductive development has direct implications on yield. It also impacts on berry and wine quality by affecting traits like seedlessness, berry and bunch size, cluster compactness and berry skin to pulp ratio. Seasonal fluctuations in yield, fruit composition and wine attributes, which are largely driven by climatic factors, are major challenges for worldwide table grape and wine industry. Accordingly, a better understanding of reproductive processes such as gamete development, fertilization, seed and fruit set is of paramount relevance for managing yield and quality. With the aim of providing new insights into this field, we searched for clones with contrasting seed content in two germplasm collections. Results We identified eight variant pairs that seemingly differ only in seed-related characteristics while showing identical genotype when tested with the GrapeReSeq_Illumina_20K_SNP_chip and several microsatellites. We performed multi-year observations on seed and fruit set deriving from different pollination treatments, with special emphasis on the pair composed by Sangiovese and its seedless variant locally named Corinto Nero. The pollen of Corinto Nero failed to germinate in vitro and gave poor berry set when used to pollinate other varieties. Most berries from both open- and cross-pollinated Corinto Nero inflorescences did not contain seeds. The genetic analysis of seedlings derived from occasional Corinto Nero normal seeds revealed that the few Corinto Nero functional gametes are mostly unreduced. Moreover, three genotypes, including Sangiovese and Corinto Nero, were unexpectedly found to develop fruits without pollen contribution and occasionally showed normal-like seeds. Five missense single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified between Corinto Nero and Sangiovese from transcriptomic data. Conclusions Our observations allowed us to attribute a seedlessness type to some variants for which it was not documented in the literature. Interestingly, the VvAGL11 mutation responsible for Sultanina stenospermocarpy was also discovered in a seedless mutant of Gouais Blanc. We suggest that Corinto Nero parthenocarpy is driven by pollen and/or embryo sac defects, and both events likely arise from meiotic anomalies. The single nucleotide polymorphisms identified between Sangiovese and Corinto Nero are suitable for testing as traceability markers for propagated material and as functional candidates for the seedless phenotype.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1160
Adrien Chastel ◽  
Delphine Vimont ◽  
Stephane Claverol ◽  
Marion Zerna ◽  
Sacha Bodin ◽  

Background: [68Ga]Ga-RM2 is a potent Gastrin-Releasing Peptide-receptor (GRP-R) antagonist for imaging prostate cancer and breast cancer, currently under clinical evaluation in several specialized centers around the world. Targeted radionuclide therapy of GRP-R-expressing tumors is also being investigated. We here report the characteristics of a kit-based formulation of RM2 that should ease the development of GRP-R imaging and make it available to more institutions and patients. Methods: Stability of the investigated kits over one year was determined using LC/MS/MS and UV-HPLC. Direct 68Ga-radiolabeling was optimized with respect to buffer (pH), temperature, reaction time and shaking time. Conventionally prepared [68Ga]Ga-RM2 using an automated synthesizer was used as a comparator. Finally, the [68Ga]Ga-RM2 product was assessed with regards to hydrophilicity, affinity, internalization, membrane bound fraction, calcium mobilization assay and efflux, which is a valuable addition to the in vivo literature. Results: The kit-based formulation, kept between 2 °C and 8 °C, was stable for over one year. Using acetate buffer pH 3.0 in 2.5–5.1 mL total volume, heating at 100 °C during 10 min and cooling down for 5 min, the [68Ga]Ga-RM2 produced by kit complies with the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia. Compared with the module production route, the [68Ga]Ga-RM2 produced by kit was faster, displayed higher yields, higher volumetric activity and was devoid of ethanol. In in vitro evaluations, the [68Ga]Ga-RM2 displayed sub-nanomolar affinity (Kd = 0.25 ± 0.19 nM), receptor specific and time dependent membrane-bound fraction of 42.0 ± 5.1% at 60 min and GRP-R mediated internalization of 24.4 ± 4.3% at 30 min. The [natGa]Ga-RM2 was ineffective in stimulating intracellular calcium mobilization. Finally, the efflux of the internalized activity was 64.3 ± 6.5% at 5 min. Conclusion: The kit-based formulation of RM2 is suitable to disseminate GRP-R imaging and therapy to distant hospitals without complex radiochemistry equipment.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 ◽  
pp. 575-581 ◽  
Dušica DORIĆ ◽  
Vladislav OGNJANOV ◽  
Goran BARAĆ ◽  
Mirjana LJUBOJEVIĆ ◽  
Ankica PRANJIĆ ◽  

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