Deponency and Morphological Mismatches

Deponency is a mismatch between form and function in language that was first described for Latin, where there is a group of verbs (the deponents) that are morphologically passive but syntactically active. This is evidence of a larger problem involving the interface between syntax and morphology: inflectional morphology is supposed to specify syntactic function, but sometimes it sends out the wrong signal. Although the problem is as old as the Western linguistic tradition, no generally accepted account of it has yet been given, and it is safe to say that all current theories of language have been constructed as if deponency did not exist. In recent years, however, linguists have begun to confront its theoretical implications, albeit largely in isolation from each other. There is as yet no definitive statement of the problem, nor any generally accepted definition of its nature and scope. This volume brings together the findings of scholars working in the area of morphological mismatches, and represents a typological and theoretical treatment of the topic.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-138
Zainal Muttaqin ◽  
Mugy Nugraha

Abstrak Bahasa Arab merupakan bahasa yang wajib dipelajari oleh seluruh mahasiswa di semua Fakultas di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Bahkan Rektor telah menerbitkan SK No. Un.01/R/HK.005/233/2012 yang menetapkan standar nilai bahasa Arab dan bahasa Inggris yang harus dicapai mahasiswa sebagai syarat kelulusan.Namun kemampuan bahasa Arab mahasiswa pada umumnya masih jauh dari taraf penguasaan yang diharapkan. Buktinya selama beberapa tahun terakhir ini mereka 90% mahasiswa mencapai skor TOAFL di bawah standar yang ditentukan. Hal ini kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh banyaknya mahasiswa baru yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan dasar bahasa Arab. Agar mahasiswa yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan dasar bahasa Arab dapat mengikuti perkuliahan bahasa Arab, maka perlu diberikan materi khusus berupa bentuk ṣarf dan struktur nahwu yang diambil dari buku Al-Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jāmi’ah yang akan mereka gunakan nanti dalam perkuliahan. Dengan demikian kebutuhan yang sangat mendesak adalah penyiapan materi khusus yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa sebelum mengambil mata kuliah bahasa Arab. Sebagai langkah awal penyusunan materi khusus yang dimaksud maka penelitian ini perlu dilaksanakan. Data tentang struktur kalimat dalam penelitian ini diambil dari teks bahan qirā’ah dalam buku Al-‘Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jāmi’ah, mengingat buku tersebut merupakan buku yang menjadi pegangan bagi mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi Islam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tidak semua bentuk kata dan fungsi sintaksis yang biasa dipelajari dalam kitab-kitab klasik digunakan dalam materi qira’ah buku Al-‘Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jāmi’ah. Sehingga perlu ada penyusunan silabus yang memperhatikan keberadaan bentuk dan fungsi kata dalam buku ini. Selanjutnya perlu disusun buku bagi mahasiswa dalam rangka mengenalkan bentuk dan fungsi kata sebagai bahan pengantar sebelum mempelajari bahasa Arab dalam perkuliahan regular.---Abstract Arabic is one of the language subjects that must be learned by all students at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Even the Rector has established Decree No. Un.01/R/HK.005/233/2012 which sets the standard of value in Arabic and English to be achieved by each student as an essential condition of graduation. But the competence of Arabic students are generally still far from the level of mastery to be achieved. over the last few years 90% of the students obtained a score TOAFL below specified standards. It can be caused by a number of new students who do not have basic knowledge of Arabic. So that students who do not have basic knowledge of Arabic can take the classes in Arabic well, it should be given special materials such as morphological and syntactic structures taken from the book Al-Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jami'ah they will use later in the lecture. Thus an urgent need is the preparation of a special material that is given to students prior to taking courses in Arabic. As the first step of the preparation,  research needs to be done. Data based on the structure of the sentence in this study were taken from the reading text  material in the book Al-'Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jami'ah, consider that the book became a handbook for students at Islamic university. Based on the analysis we concluded that not all morphological and syntactic function commonly studied in classical texts used in the reading text material book Al-'Arabiyyah li Ṭullab al-Jami'ah. So there needs syllabus that takes into account the existence of the form and function of words in this book. Further necessary to develop books for students in order to introduce the form and function of words as introductory material before studying Arabic in regular lectures.DOI: 10.15408/al-turas.v23i1.4805

2017 ◽  
Vol 122 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-104
Katsiaryna Ackermann

AbstractThe distribution of stem and desinence allomorphs in PB.-Sl. infinitives reveals their initial dependence on syntactic function/semantics and verbal aspect. While constituting part of syntactic constructions, forerunners of infinitives adopted stem allomorphs fitting best the purposive semantics (as the most frequent usage) which correspond to the stems of Slavic aorists and Baltic s-futures. The distribution of the two ending variants in both language branches, the unaccented circumflex *-ti and the acute and partially stressed *-tí, shows that infinitives of originally telic roots (root aorists in PIE) took only the former, whereas infinitives of originally atelic roots (no root aorists in PIE) took the latter variant of the ending. In certain infinitive groups, due to their syllabic structure the prosody has been susceptible to further change, so that the distribution is not obvious at first sight. In the following analysis unstressed circumflex PB.-Sl. *-ti is associated with the dative case-ending of -ti- abstracts: *-tı̃ < *-téi̯-ei̯(with regular circumflexion in auslaut contraction), whereas stressed acute *-tí has been connected to the locative morphology, continuing the lengthened suffix allomorph of the PIE endingless locative: *-tí < *-tēi̯. Originally the dative case-ending best fit use as a purposive, whereas the locative case-ending best fit syntactic functions with concurrent adverbial semantics. Thus a coherent picture of all three components - meaning, form, and function - comes to light.

2010 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 473-500 ◽  
Ineke van de Craats ◽  
Roeland van Hout

This study examines an interlanguage in which Moroccan learners of Dutch use non-thematic verbs in combination with thematic verbs that can be inflected as well. These non-thematic verbs are real dummy auxiliaries because they are deprived of semantic content and primarily have a syntactic function. Whereas in earlier second language (L2) research only patterns with ‘be’ were found for learners of three Germanic languages with various first language (L1) backgrounds, an alternative dummy auxiliary pattern was observed with ‘go’ in the data of the Moroccan learners of Dutch. We argue that the auxiliary pattern with ‘go’ is bootstrapped by the unique similarities between Dutch (L2) and Arabic (L1). The emergence of dummy auxiliaries precedes movement of the thematic verb, and it turns out that adult L2 learners can be plainly focused on expressing syntactic properties.

Jill A. Perry ◽  
David G. Imig

A history of change efforts by philanthropic agencies and government organizations directed at graduate schools of education has not produced long-term or sustained changes in their form and function. The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED), however, has been able to demonstrate that external change efforts can result in change in schools of education when bottom-up efforts are combined with top-down support. Such change is an important "impact" of CPED. In this short essay, the CPED Executive Director and Chairman of the Board provide an overview of CPED's impact and then challenge authors and reader to help CPED further extend the definition of impact as it related to all aspects of the Education Doctorate.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 55 ◽  
Silvia Colmenares

<p>Attention to the mechanisms by which certain architectural configurations are able to adapt to change defines a field of interest that has only been growing since the mid-twentieth century, after overcoming the exclusive dilemma between form and function. However, the influence of strategies based on the principle of free plan is still much greater than that of other proposals that are not based on the independence between supporting structure and distributive organization. The aim of this work is the definition of a genealogy for the idea of the plan of equivalents that is proposed as an alternative model of functional indifference, establishing a connection between the logics of pre-bourgeois domestic architecture and the most recent examples of programmatic experimentation in housing. The re-interpretation of some iteration techniques of elements developed in the 60s by the most critical generation with canonical modernity, together with the analysis of their associated operative vocabulary, will allow an outline to an approach of the inhabiting patterns based on the systematic proliferation of the room as a generic piece.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 202039
Austin M. Garner ◽  
Anthony P. Russell

Research on gecko-based adhesion has become a truly interdisciplinary endeavour, encompassing many disciplines within the natural and physical sciences. Gecko adhesion occurs by the induction of van der Waals intermolecular (and possibly other) forces between substrata and integumentary filaments (setae) terminating in at least one spatulate tip. Gecko setae have increasingly been idealized as structures with uniform dimensions and a particular branching pattern. Approaches to developing synthetic simulacra have largely adopted such an idealized form as a foundational template. Observations of entire setal fields of geckos and anoles have, however, revealed extensive, predictable variation in setal form. Some filaments of these fields do not fulfil the morphological criteria that characterize setae and, problematically, recent authors have applied the term ‘seta’ to structurally simpler and likely non-adhesively competent fibrils. Herein we briefly review the history of the definition of squamate setae and propose a standardized classificatory scheme for epidermal outgrowths based on a combination of whole animal performance and morphology. Our review is by no means comprehensive of the literature regarding the form, function, and development of the adhesive setae of squamates and we do not address significant advances that have been made in many areas (e.g. cell biology of setae) that are largely tangential to their classification and identification. We contend that those who aspire to simulate the form and function of squamate setae will benefit from a fuller appreciation of the diversity of these structures, thereby assisting in the identification of features most relevant to their objectives.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-337
Boris Hennig

Abstract On the one hand, Aristotle claims that the matter of a material thing is not part of its form. On the other hand, he suggests that the proper account of a natural thing must include a specification of the kind of matter in which it is realized. There are three possible strategies for dealing with this apparent tension. First, there may be two kinds of definition, so that the definition of the form of a thing does not include any specification of its matter, whereas the definition of a compound does. Second, the definition of a substance may not include a specification of its matter at all, but still reveal in what kinds of matter its form can be realized. Third, there may be a special kind of matter, functional matter, which belongs to the form of certain things. I will show that the functional matter of a thing does not belong to its form (in a strict sense of “form”), but that an adequate account of natural substances and their functions must nonetheless involve a reference to their functional matter. This means that the function of a natural thing is not the same as its form and that its adequate account as a natural thing is not a definition (in a strict sense of “form” and “definition”).

2020 ◽  
Maximilian Heimstädt ◽  
Leonhard Dobusch

Transparency is in vogue, yet oftentimes used as an umbrella concept for a wide array of phenomena. More focused concepts are needed to understand the form and function of different phenomena of visibility. In this article, we develop a definition of organizational transparency as systematic disclosure programs that meet the information needs of other actors. Organizational transparency, we argue, is best studied as an inter-organizational negotiation process on the field- level. To evaluate its merit, we apply this framework to a case study on the introduction of open data in the Berlin city administration. Analyzing the politics of disclosure, we learn about the similarities and differences between phenomena of visibility (e.g. open data, freedom of information), explore the transformative power of negotiating transparency, and deduce recommendations for managing transparency.

2021 ◽  
Valentina Nicole Pescuma ◽  
Chiara Zanini ◽  
Davide Crepaldi ◽  
Francesca Franzon

Inflectional values, such as singular and plural, sustain agreement relations between constituents in sentences, allowing sentence parsing and prediction in online processing.Ideally, these processes would be facilitated by a consistent and transparent correspondence between the inflectional values and their form: for example, the value of plural should always be expressed by the same ending, and that ending should only express plural.Experimental research reports higher processing costs in presence of a non-transparent relation between endings and values. While this effect was found in several languages, and typological research shows that consistency is far from common in morphological paradigms, it is still somewhat difficult to precisely quantify the degree of transparency of inflected forms.Furthermore, to date, no accounts have quantified the extent to which transparency in inflection is expressed across different parts of speech, depending on whether these act as controllers of the agreement (e.g., nouns) or as targets (e.g., adjectives), and how it relates to the declensional classes.We present a case study on Italian, a language that marks gender and number features in nouns and adjectives. This work provides measures of the distribution of forms in the noun and adjective inflection in Italian, quantifies the degree of form-value transparency with respect to inflectional endings and declensional classes. In order to obtain these measures, we built Flex It, a dedicated large-scale database of inflectional morphology of Italian, and made it available, in order to sustain further theoretical and empirical and research.

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