scholarly journals Man as barbarian

Bastina ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 539-546
Velibor Lazarević

Immoderate, rapid development of humanity demands immoderate exploitation of natural resources and regular environment deterioration. On the other hand, moderate consumption would mean a moderate exploitation of natural resources. Thus, instead of the consumption society should be created a safeguard one which would preserve the nature from exaggerated exploitation and pollution. In the last decades, instead of market economy the advocates of ecological or sustainable economy are appearing, and in order to preserve biosphere the industrial economy would be replaced by the ecological one. By the use of chemical protective or incentive agents, man deteriorated life of Divine creatures, birds, bees and other insects as the native plant pollinators. Man paradoxically polluted the air, poisoned the water, soil and plants by which he feeds himself. Almost all arable lands are poisoned by chemistry (artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides). This process, instead of being slowed down is being accelerated. As the self-proclaimed master of the planet, man is, at the same time, the greatest destroyer. In order not to be the criminal of nature in the future but its fried, man should develop a new ecological consciousness - human ecology, ethical relationship toward nature, give up profit selfish interests, sightless exploitation, dirty and war technology and become the one and the same with nature since the destruction and robbery of nature are one of contemporary civilization inhumanities being made by man at his own harm. Besides being barbarian against nature, man is also barbarian against his fellow-countrymen (dissidents, other believers, poor and rich ones...). None as man is so powerful at other man harm inflict; he causes wars, revolutions, terrorism, and hate against other and own people as the ideal of world peace-making neither exists nor is desirable.

Gitanjali Kapila

Using the conceptual framework of the mirror-stage established by Lacan to describe the initial anchoring of the subject, this paper seeks to interrogate the mirror as the locus of a secondary elaboration of the hero’s journey which follows its traditional articulation adumbrated by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. If the goal of the classic hero as Campbell suggests is to exit the nursery which represents the subject’s entrapment in Oedipal triangulation, this study posits that the successful selfrelease of the hero from the nursery simply sees him entering another nursery where the hero’s world is conceived of as a series of infinitely nested nurseries without exit. The mirror and its binding capture become the exemplary point of departure for the secondary elaboration of the journey for which, it turns out, the black heroine is the ideal adventurer. It is no wonder then that Jordan Peele’s Us is replete with mirrors functioning as cinematic signifiers for the portals effecting the subject’s displacement not towards an outer world of aggressive fathers and unobtainable ideal mothers; but, rather into a proximate encounter with the self, one precipitated by the mirror where the goal of the journey –the one that can only be revealed by the black heroine– is the apprehension of the “cipher of [her] moral destiny” and the unfathomable cartography of her true exit.

Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-320
Suwandi Suryasaputra

Abstrak Kopi menjadi salah satu komoditas yang pada masa pandemi ini justru mengalami peningkatan pesat, baik dari sisi bisnis usaha, maupun dari sisi jumlah kedai kopi yang bertema kekinian dibanding komoditas usaha lainnya. Salah satu kota di Indonesia yang mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat berkaitan dengan bisnis kedai kopi adalah Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Meskipun dibanding kota lain di Kalimantan, barangkali perkembangan kedai kopi di kota Tarakan sedikit tertinggal 3-4 tahun misalnya dari kota Balikpapan dan Banjarmasin. Jumlah kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan mengalami peningkatan cukup pesat dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 2019 hingga 2021 ini. Lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan tersebar di sekitar kawasan perdagangan, perkantoran dan permukiman penduduk. Kehadiran kedai kopi di beberapa kawasan disatu sisi berdampak positif, yaitu menghidupkan kawasan di sekitar kedai yang semula sepi dan rawan, menjadi ramai, namun disisi lain juga kadang kala berdampak negatif, seperti terjadi kemacetan lalulintas, kesulitan lahan parkir dan kebisingan suara dari aktivitas kedai kopi. Oleh karena itu pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh dari beberapa faktor utama yang mendasari pemilik kedai kopi memilih lokasi untuk pendirian kedai kopinya di Kota Tarakan. Menjamurnya kedai kopi kekinian dari sisi perkembangan perekonomian kota sangat baik, karena memicu denyut perekonomian kota, membantu mengakselerasi pemulihan ekonomi dimasa pandemi serta menjadi salah satu masukan menarik dalam pembangunan tata kota dan pengembangan pusat-pusat ekonomi baru di Kota Tarakan terutama yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas perdagangan dan jasa. Penelitian ini masih merupakan ide gagasan/pemikiran penulis yang melihat bahwa perkembangan kedai kopi dari hari ke hari sebagai suatu fenomena unik sebuah kota. Dan itu terjadi di hampir seluruh kota besar di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan merupakan informasi yang diperoleh dari komunitas kopi yang terdiri dari para pemilik kedai kopi dan barista di Kota Tarakan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh empat kelompok faktor yang menggambarkan karakter pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan. Kelompok faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan yaitu fleksibilitas/aksesibilitas lokasi, kesesuaian/ketepatan lokasi, dukungan/support di sekitar lokasi, dan faktor-faktor tambahan lainnya. Fleksibilitas lokasi yaitu jangkauan kemudahan akses ke lokasi kedai dan bagaimana pelanggan/customer bisa dengan mudah mencapainya. Kesesuaian lokasi yaitu ketepatan pemilihan lokasi kedai dengan pertimbangan tertentu agar dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan dari kegiatan kedai kopi tersebut. Dukungan di sekitar lokasi yaitu adanya elemen-elemen pendukung yang ada di sekitar lokasi yang bisa menunjang dan mempermudah dalam kegiatan operasional kedai kopi. Faktor tambahan lainnya adalah faktor lain yang menjadi pertimbangan pemilihan lokasi namun relatif tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar dalam penentuan pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan, antara lain faktor efisiensi biaya kontrak. Abstract Coffee is one of the commodities that experienced a rapid increase during this pandemic, both in terms of the business and the number of coffee shops with contemporary themes compared to other business commodities. One of Indonesia's cities experiencing rapid development to the coffee shop business is Tarakan City, North Kalimantan. Although compared to other cities in Kalimantan, perhaps the result of coffee shops in Tarakan is a little behind 3-4 years, for example, from Balikpapan and Banjarmasin's towns. Tarakan City's coffee shops have increased quite rapidly from 2019 to 2021. The location of coffee shops in Tarakan City is spread around the trading area, offices, and residential areas.   The presence of coffee shops in several places, on the one hand, has a positive impact, namely reviving the area around the shop, which was initially quiet and vulnerable, becoming crowded. Still, on the other hand, it also sometimes has a negative impact, such as traffic jams, parking difficulties, and noise from coffee shop activities. Therefore, choosing a coffee shop location is a challenge in itself. This study aims to determine the influence of several primary factors that underlie coffee shop owners selecting a place to establish their coffee shop in Tarakan City. The proliferation of trendy coffee shops in the city's economic development helped accelerate economic recovery during the pandemic and develop new financial centres in Tarakan City, especially trading activities. And services. This research is still the author's ideas/thoughts who see that the development of coffee shops from day to day is a unique phenomenon of a city.   Furthermore, it happened in almost all big cities in Indonesia. The data used is information obtained from the coffee community consisting of coffee shop owners and baristas in Tarakan City. Based on the observations, four factors describe the character of choosing a coffee shop location in Tarakan City. The factors that influence the selection of coffee shop locations in Tarakan City are location flexibility/accessibility, suitability/accuracy, support/support around the area, and other additional factors. Location flexibility is the range of easy access to the shop's location and how customers/customers can easily reach it. Location suitability is the accuracy of choosing the shop's location with specific considerations to accommodate the needs of the coffee shop's activities. Another factor is other factors considered for site selection but relatively do not significantly influence the location of coffee shops in Tarakan City, including contract cost efficiency.

Achmad Poernomo ◽  
Endang Sri Heruwati

To manage with the Indonesian vision as the biggest producer of fisheries in 2015, capture,aquaculture, and post-harvest fisheries should be ready to operate at large or business scale.Consequently, industrialization should be promoted since this is the most appropriate way tomanage fisheries in business manner. Though it has a positive goal to maximize the utilization offisheries resource for the improvement of economic and prosperity of Indonesian people, however,industrialization undoubtedly retains a negative impact in terms of threats on the sustainability offishery and other natural resources. This article summarises review and analysis aiming to developan ideal model in order to strengthen the fisheries industrialization in Indonesia. Based on previousweaknesses, the ideal model is the one that reflects an inclusive and holistic manner, suitable forvarious characteristics of industries in each typical areas and people of Indonesia, with the emphasison competitive advantage, untraditional, and commercial basis, especially in respect to thedevelopment of a strong fisheries business. This kind of model should also maintain harmonizedand coordinated programs and actions between involved related institutions. Research supportsare needed to develop and test the most appropriate model. Also, in technical basis, innovationson fish capture, aquaculture, as well as processing technologies are urgently needed as acomplement to the developed model of fisheries industries. One thing that should be kept in mindis the importance of management and conservation of natural resources, including resource forfisheries capture and aquaculture, germ plasms and genetic fish resources, as well as marinemicroorganisms, as these all are the main assets for the development of marine and fisheries inIndonesia.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

2011 ◽  
Corey L. Guenther ◽  
Kathryn Applegate ◽  
Steven Svoboda ◽  
Emily Adams

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Wahyudin Noor

Abstract Pesantren are often associated with backwardness and traditionalism in everything: facilities, technology, learning methods, and even the curriculum. For now, it seems like the traditional term for pesantren is no longer relevant enough. The pace of movement in the era of renewal marked by the rapid development of technology has demanded pesantren to make adjustments. However, on the one hand, when viewed from the direction of change, the reform efforts pursued by pesantren are not to erase the old tradition, but merely to add something new so that the old tradition and conditions can be maintained while accepting the presence of a new one. On the other hand, the reform efforts undertaken by pesantren have implications for the fact that the typical values of the pesantren are fading away. Abstrak  Pesantren seringkali diasosiasikan dengan keterbelakangan dan tradisional dalam segala hal: fasilitas, teknologi, metode pembelajaran, dan bahkan kurikulumnya. Untuk saat ini, sepertinya istilah tradisional untuk pesantren, sudah tidak lagi cukup relevan. Laju gerak pembaharuan zaman yang ditandai dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi telah menuntut pesantren untuk melakukan penyesuaian diri. Kendatipun demikian, di satu sisi, jika dilihat dari arah perubahan, upaya pembaharuan yang ditempuh pesantren tidaklah untuk menghapus tradisi yang lama, tetapi sekadar menambah dengan sesuatu yang baru sehingga tradisi maupun kondisi yang lama bisa dipertahankan sambil menerima kehadiran yang baru. Di sisi yang lain, upaya pembaharuan yang dilakukan pesantren ternyata berimplikasi pada kenyataan akan semakin pudarnya nilai-nilai khas yang dimiliki oleh pesantren.

Milen Dimov

The present study traces the dynamics of personal characteristics in youth and the manifested neurotic symptoms in the training process. These facts are the reason for the low levels of school results in the context of the existing theoretical statements of the problem and the empirical research conducted among the trained teenagers. We suggest that the indicators of neurotic symptomatology in youth – aggression, anxiety, and neuroticism, are the most demonstrated, compared to the other studied indicators of neurotic symptomatology. Studies have proved that there is a difference in the act of neurotic symptoms when tested in different situations, both in terms of expression and content. At the beginning of the school year, neurotic symptoms, more demonstrated in some aspects of aggressiveness, while at the end of school year, psychotism is more demonstrated. The presented summarized results indicate that at the beginning of the school year, neurotic symptoms are strongly associated with aggression. There is a tendency towards a lower level of social responsiveness, both in the self-assessment of real behavior and in the ideal “I”-image of students in the last year of their studies. The neurotic symptomatology, more demonstrated due to specific conditions in the life of young people and in relation to the characteristics of age.

Michael P. Lynch

This chapter argues that academic freedom is justified because it is an inherently epistemic practice that serves the ideals of democracy. With Dewey, it is argued that “The one thing that is inherent and essential [to the idea of a university] is the ideal of truth.” But far from being apolitical, the value of pursuing truth and knowledge—the value that justifies academic freedom, both within and without the public mind—is a fundamental democratic value, and for three reasons: the practices of academic inquiry exemplify rational inquiry of the kind needed for democratic deliberation; those practices serve to train students to pursue that kind of inquiry; and those practices are important engines of democratic dissent.

Mark Byers

This concluding chapter charts the continuing significance of the early postwar moment in Olson’s later work, particularly The Maximus Poems. The philosophical and political concerns of the American avant-garde between 1946 and 1951 play out across The Maximus Poems just as they inform later American art practices. The search of the early postwar American independent left for a source of political action rooted in the embodied individual is seen, on the one hand, to have been personified in the figure of Maximus. At the same time, Maximus’s radical ‘practice of the self’ charts a sophisticated alternative to the Enlightenment humanist subject widely critiqued in the United States in the immediate postwar period.

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