Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-320
Suwandi Suryasaputra

Abstrak Kopi menjadi salah satu komoditas yang pada masa pandemi ini justru mengalami peningkatan pesat, baik dari sisi bisnis usaha, maupun dari sisi jumlah kedai kopi yang bertema kekinian dibanding komoditas usaha lainnya. Salah satu kota di Indonesia yang mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat berkaitan dengan bisnis kedai kopi adalah Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara. Meskipun dibanding kota lain di Kalimantan, barangkali perkembangan kedai kopi di kota Tarakan sedikit tertinggal 3-4 tahun misalnya dari kota Balikpapan dan Banjarmasin. Jumlah kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan mengalami peningkatan cukup pesat dalam kurun waktu dari tahun 2019 hingga 2021 ini. Lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan tersebar di sekitar kawasan perdagangan, perkantoran dan permukiman penduduk. Kehadiran kedai kopi di beberapa kawasan disatu sisi berdampak positif, yaitu menghidupkan kawasan di sekitar kedai yang semula sepi dan rawan, menjadi ramai, namun disisi lain juga kadang kala berdampak negatif, seperti terjadi kemacetan lalulintas, kesulitan lahan parkir dan kebisingan suara dari aktivitas kedai kopi. Oleh karena itu pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh dari beberapa faktor utama yang mendasari pemilik kedai kopi memilih lokasi untuk pendirian kedai kopinya di Kota Tarakan. Menjamurnya kedai kopi kekinian dari sisi perkembangan perekonomian kota sangat baik, karena memicu denyut perekonomian kota, membantu mengakselerasi pemulihan ekonomi dimasa pandemi serta menjadi salah satu masukan menarik dalam pembangunan tata kota dan pengembangan pusat-pusat ekonomi baru di Kota Tarakan terutama yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas perdagangan dan jasa. Penelitian ini masih merupakan ide gagasan/pemikiran penulis yang melihat bahwa perkembangan kedai kopi dari hari ke hari sebagai suatu fenomena unik sebuah kota. Dan itu terjadi di hampir seluruh kota besar di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan merupakan informasi yang diperoleh dari komunitas kopi yang terdiri dari para pemilik kedai kopi dan barista di Kota Tarakan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh empat kelompok faktor yang menggambarkan karakter pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan. Kelompok faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan yaitu fleksibilitas/aksesibilitas lokasi, kesesuaian/ketepatan lokasi, dukungan/support di sekitar lokasi, dan faktor-faktor tambahan lainnya. Fleksibilitas lokasi yaitu jangkauan kemudahan akses ke lokasi kedai dan bagaimana pelanggan/customer bisa dengan mudah mencapainya. Kesesuaian lokasi yaitu ketepatan pemilihan lokasi kedai dengan pertimbangan tertentu agar dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan dari kegiatan kedai kopi tersebut. Dukungan di sekitar lokasi yaitu adanya elemen-elemen pendukung yang ada di sekitar lokasi yang bisa menunjang dan mempermudah dalam kegiatan operasional kedai kopi. Faktor tambahan lainnya adalah faktor lain yang menjadi pertimbangan pemilihan lokasi namun relatif tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar dalam penentuan pemilihan lokasi kedai kopi di Kota Tarakan, antara lain faktor efisiensi biaya kontrak. Abstract Coffee is one of the commodities that experienced a rapid increase during this pandemic, both in terms of the business and the number of coffee shops with contemporary themes compared to other business commodities. One of Indonesia's cities experiencing rapid development to the coffee shop business is Tarakan City, North Kalimantan. Although compared to other cities in Kalimantan, perhaps the result of coffee shops in Tarakan is a little behind 3-4 years, for example, from Balikpapan and Banjarmasin's towns. Tarakan City's coffee shops have increased quite rapidly from 2019 to 2021. The location of coffee shops in Tarakan City is spread around the trading area, offices, and residential areas.   The presence of coffee shops in several places, on the one hand, has a positive impact, namely reviving the area around the shop, which was initially quiet and vulnerable, becoming crowded. Still, on the other hand, it also sometimes has a negative impact, such as traffic jams, parking difficulties, and noise from coffee shop activities. Therefore, choosing a coffee shop location is a challenge in itself. This study aims to determine the influence of several primary factors that underlie coffee shop owners selecting a place to establish their coffee shop in Tarakan City. The proliferation of trendy coffee shops in the city's economic development helped accelerate economic recovery during the pandemic and develop new financial centres in Tarakan City, especially trading activities. And services. This research is still the author's ideas/thoughts who see that the development of coffee shops from day to day is a unique phenomenon of a city.   Furthermore, it happened in almost all big cities in Indonesia. The data used is information obtained from the coffee community consisting of coffee shop owners and baristas in Tarakan City. Based on the observations, four factors describe the character of choosing a coffee shop location in Tarakan City. The factors that influence the selection of coffee shop locations in Tarakan City are location flexibility/accessibility, suitability/accuracy, support/support around the area, and other additional factors. Location flexibility is the range of easy access to the shop's location and how customers/customers can easily reach it. Location suitability is the accuracy of choosing the shop's location with specific considerations to accommodate the needs of the coffee shop's activities. Another factor is other factors considered for site selection but relatively do not significantly influence the location of coffee shops in Tarakan City, including contract cost efficiency.

Pringgitan ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Andreas Yogi Prasetyo

Endowed with stunning natural beauty, Sleman has become a destination increasingly flooded by tourists from year to year. The rapid development of tourism does have a positive impact, especially on the economic side, but on the other hand, it can have a negative impact if the management does not prioritize the principles of sustainable tourism. The type of tourism that can be affected is tourism that relies on nature as its main attraction, Cliff of Breksi is one of them. Cliff of Breksi has experienced rapid development in terms of the number of tourist visits, but it has never been examined whether its management is following the principle of sustainability. The objectives of this research are: a) to identify the management of the environmental aspects of Cliff of Breksi, whether it is following the indicators of sustainable tourism from The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and b) determine what things need to be improved so that management can be more optimal. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. Research data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations. The results of the study indicate that the manager has so far had awareness and understanding in applying the principles of sustainable tourism as in the indicators of UNWTO sustainable tourism. Keywords: evaluation of nature tourism, indicator, sustainable tourism

2019 ◽  
Chintami Budi Pertiwi

Bahasa Indonesia dalam berbagai keperluan merupakan bahasa resmi negara Indonesia dan telah digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi lisan maupun tulis, baik formal maupun informal. Selain fungsi komunikasi, bahasa Indonesia juga berfungsi sebagai alat pemersatu bangsa Indonesia. Dewasa ini bahasa Indonesia dihadapkan pada perkembangan dunia yang begitu pesat, termasuk perkembangan teknologi informasi dan kebudayaan yang begitu mengkhawatirkan. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan kebudayaan tersebut menuntut bangsa Indonesia untuk bekerja keras, dan secara aktif mempersiapkan diri mengejar ketinggalan yang ada dari berbagai aspek kehidupan, dan termasuk mengantisipasi perkembangan informasi dan budaya yang mengglobal. Salah satu dampak dari globalisasi ini adalah penggunaan Bahasa Inggris yang dianggap lebih berkelas dan memiliki nilai kebanggaan tersendiri oleh kaum milenial. Salah satu dampak positifnya yaitu akan memudahkan bagi para milenial untuk berkomunikasi secara internasional. Di sisi lain, dampak negative daripadanya yaitu loyalitas pembelajar terhadap bahasa Indonesia menjadi berkukurang, bahkan akan menjadi luntur. Bagaimana kiat bangsa Indonesia untuk mengejar ketinggalan dari bangsa lain dan bagaimana kiatnya agar bangsa Indonesia tetap mencintai bangsanya dan termasuk bahasanya, tentunya harus adanya kerja keras dan kepedulian dari seluruh komponen bangsa Indonesia.Abstract: Indonesian language in many purposes as the official language of Indonesian has been used as an oral and written communicate, both formal and informal. Besides being a communication tool, Indonesian language also serves as a unifying tool for Indonesian. In this era, Indonesian language is faced with a very rapid development of the world, including the development of information technology and culture that are so worrying. With the rapid development of information technology and culture, it demands the Indonesian people to work hard and actively prepare to catch up with the existing aspects of life, including anticipating information development and a globalized culture. One of the positive impact is easier for international communication. Meanwhile, the negative impact is predicted to be the learner's loyalty towards Indonesian language to be reduced and will even fade. How do Indonesian people try to catch up with other nations and how do they try to keep the Indonesian people in love with their nation and including their language, of course, there must be hard work and care for all components of the Indonesian nation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 189
Hoo Helena Ayu Liani ◽  
Chatarina Yekti Prawihatmi

<p>Permasalahan UMKM yang selama ini dipandang utama adalah permodalan. UMKM biasanya tidak memiliki akses yang mudah untuk memperoleh pinjaman untuk modal kerja. Untuk itulah terdapat skema bantuan modal yang disediakan oleh berbagai lembaga keuangan dan lembaga pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan modal di UMKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak bantuan dan pinjaman modal kerja pada kinerja usaha UMKM yang dibina oleh TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah  UMKM yang telah dibina oleh TTIC kadin Jawa Tengah, yang berjumlah 20 UMKM. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui wawancara mendalam  dipandu dengan kuesioner. Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif eksploratif . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bantuan /pinjaman modal kerja untuk UMKM binaan TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah memberikan stimulus dalam usaha-usaha mengembangkan kinerja usahanya terutama dalam menambah peralatan, melakuakn inovasi , menambah tenaga kerja sampai dengan usaha perluasan pasar. Meskipun tidak secara langsung, pinjaman /bantuan modal telah berdampak positif terhadap kinerja usaha UMKM binaan TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah.</p><p>The one of main problem of MSMEs  is capital. MSMEs usually do not have easy access to obtain loans for working capital. For this reason there is a capital assistance scheme provided by various financial institutions and government agencies to address capital problems in MSMEs. This study aims to determine the impact of aid and working capital loans on the performance of SMEs business which is fostered by TTIC Kadin  Jawa Tengah. Respondents in this study are MSMEs that have been fostered by TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah. The number of respondents are 20 MSMEs. Data collection techniques in this study is through in-depth interviews guided by questionnaires. The research method in this research is descriptive explorative method. The results of this study indicate that assistance / working capital loans for MSMEs fostered by TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah provide stimulus in the efforts to develop business performance, especially in adding equipment, making innovation, adding labor to market expansion efforts. Although indirectly, the loan / capital assistance has a positive impact on the performance of UMKM business fostered by TTIC Kadin Jawa Tengah.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Dyah Ratri Nurmaningsih ◽  
Shinfi Wazna Auvaria ◽  
Widya Nilandita

Surabaya city is one of the cities in Indonesia which has the most advanced development in various fields, such as economy, education and transportation. Rapid city development has positive and negative impacts. Positive impact such as high technology from various infrastructures for transportation, health, education, entertainment and others that support the daily activities of Surabaya people. The negative impact is the declining quality of the environment, which can cause health problems and community discomfort. The research method uses quantitative descriptive methods. This study analyzes the noise caused by traffic that occurs in residential areas along the frontage road A.Yani Surabaya (Menanggal I, Jemur Gayungan I and Jemur Wonosari Masjid Alley). Noise level values was measured using sound level meter and analyzed using a statistical formula. The results showed the value of the noise level in daytime activity (LS) in Menanggal I settlement was 79.96 dB (A), Jemur Gayungan I settlement was 80.28 dB (A) and Jemur Wonosari Mosque mosque settlement was 78.44 dB ( A), and have exceeded the quality standard. Noise control can be done with vegetation barriers at noise sources, settlements and along the frontage road. Reduction of noise level can be done by replacement of wall materials with glass or a combination of glass and brick, as well as a combination design in the interior of the room by adding gypsum board material to the ceiling and room dividers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Wilko Rahmad Zulkarnaini ◽  
Elfindri Elfindri ◽  
Delfia Tanjung Sari

ABSTRACTCities are spatial plans on the surface (land) with administrative boundaries that have been determined where there is concentration of the population in it along with various economic, social and political activities. The city is a residential spatial structure with a large number of people on limited urban land, which is generally non-agrarian. The development of the city does not always have a positive impact, but it has a negative impact including the emergence of slum areas around the city center. Around the city center there are various centers of activity including tourism, health, education and trade as well as services in the city, provincial and national levels. The five activities are developing quite rapidly which has resulted in the development of residential areas around the city center and the poor development of slums in these locationsThe purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the development of slums. The research location is in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to households throughout the City of Bukittinggi. The analysis used is logistic regression analysis. The results showed the factors that influence the development of slums including the Quality of Dwelling, Building Density, Education and Road Accessibility. These influencing factors can be used as a reference for alleviating slums in Bukittinggi City.Keywords: cities, households, slum areas. ABSTRAKKota merupakan suatu tempat pemusatan berbagai kegiatan manusia baik dari kegiatan sosial, kegiatan ekonomi, maupun kegiatan politik dimana berkonsentrasi pada satu tata ruang di atas permuakaan (darat) yang memiliki batas-batas wilayah administrasi yang sudah ditetapkan. Kota merupakan suatu tata ruang permukiman berpenduduk dengan jumlah yang banyak di atas lahan perkotaan yang terbatas, yang pada umumnya bersifat non agraris. Perkembangan kota tidak selalu menimbulkan dampak positif, namun memiliki dampak negatif diantaranya munculnya kawasan permukiman kumuh di sekitar pusat kota. Di sekitar pusat kota memiliki berbagai pusat  kegiatan diantaranya pariwisata, kesehatan, pendidikan dan perdagangan serta jasa baik di lingkup kota, provinsi maupun nasional. Kelima kegiatan tersebut berkembang dengan cukup pesat yang mengakibatkan berkembang kawasan permukiman di sekitar pusat kota dan buruknya berkembang permukiman kumuh di lokasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kota Bukittinggi Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke rumah tangga se-Kota Bukittinggi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh diantaranya Kualitas Hunian, Kepadatan Bangunan, Pendidikan dan Aksesibilitas Jalan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan guna pengentasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Bukittinggi.Kata kunci: kota, rumah tangga, permukiman kumuh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66
Kristi Joamets ◽  
Archil Chochia ◽  

Digitalisation and emerging technologies affect our lives and are increasingly present in a growing number of fields. Ethical implications of the digitalisation process have therefore long been discussed by the scholars. The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the legal and ethical discussion to another level. There is no doubt that AI can have a positive impact on the society. The focus here, however, is on its more negative impact. This article will specifically consider how the law and ethics in their interaction can be applied in a situation where a disabled person needs some kind of assistive technology to participate in the society as an equal member. This article intends to investigate whether the EU Guidelines for Trustworthy AI, as a milestone of ethics concerning technology, has the power to change the current practice of how social and economic rights are applied. The main focus of the article is the ethical requirements ‘Human agency and oversight’ and, more specifically, fundamental rights.

Rovena Elmazi ◽  
Ledina Koci

Nowadays media has developed broadly and it consists of several television networks, press, radio, etc. On the one side, such media development has positive impact, but on the other side, it has negative impact which affects education and formation of new generations. As a basketballer and trainer of young ages I will focus in the role of media in the education of children from the sports point of view. Technological and economic development after the ‘90s brought with it a new approach: - unequal broadcasting of television programmes for all the sports disciplines, because in our country, for economic interests, only football is covered and such abuse goes to the point of using the term “sports news” and the only news is about football, or even Albanian sports newspaper in which the only information is about football. Wouldn’t it be better to say “Albanian football” instead?! The contrary one finds in the “Albanian sports” which pages cover all sports. Moreover, such phenomenon has negative impact on the education of generations that increasing are dreaming about football, spend money about football, avoid other alternatives thinking that football is the only way to have a luxury living, being rich and famous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Buha Johannes Simbolon

The rapid development of technology not only has a positive impact, but can also have a negative impact on the users of this technology. One of them is the development of cyber crime which causes messages to be unsafe to protect. Message security can be protected by using steganography to convert messages into secret passwords. To make the secret password more secure, steganography techniques are used. Steganography is a technique for hiding messages by inserting messages into other containers. In this study, a combination of two algorithms is used, namely the RC4 and Base Cryptography algorithm, which is better known as the Super Encryption algorithm and the steganography technique using the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method with random pixel insertion using a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). Algorithm use. the scope of the problem is the information insertion media used, the process of making data into information and sending to message recipients, the method used in writing the thesis using LSB (Least Significant Bit) and the programming language used in building this system is PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) with MySQL database (My Structured Query Language) on PhpMyAdmin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 358
Sahbi Missaoui ◽  
Nizar Raissi

The research tried to assess the impact of board characteristics on Tunisian bank's performance. The empirical study is based on a sample of 10 commercial banks during the period 2008-2017. Firstly, we proceed to estimate the impact of board characteristics on bank performance measured by Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equities (ROE) ratios. The estimation results achieved have positive and negative effects on the economic and financial bank's profitability. Hence, on the one hand, the estimate test gives a positive impact of ratio Market to book and the ratio Interest / Commissions in case of economic performance (VIC). On the other hand, these two ratios have a negative impact on performance measured by the ROE and ROA. Regarding the board and bank size, the estimate test gives a negative impact on economic profitability and a positive impact on financial profitability.

2004 ◽  
Vol 49 (7) ◽  
pp. 67-72
D. Duncan

As a packaged consumer goods company serving mass markets around the world for household and personal hygiene products, laundry detergents and foods, Unilever's business is inextricably linked with consumers’ interest in meeting their everyday water needs. Once the basic need for drinking water is met, almost all other “everyday” water needs derive from consumption associated with the type of products Unilever sells. Use of some of these products, such as basic toilet soap, involve “actual” water consumption; others, such as margarine, concern “virtual” water consumption through agricultural production. Global scenarios for water and sanitation present a major challenge to long-term business strategies that assume sustained economic growth particularly in emerging and developing markets. Responsibility for finding and delivering solutions lies with all major actors in society. For companies such as Unilever, a priority is to help break the link between economic development on the one hand, and increased water use and water degradation on the other. Water catchment level perspectives are central to realising this vision. Unilever uses such a framework, building an experience-based model that demonstrates how a “consumer” company can engage in meeting everyday water needs with a sustained positive impact.

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