Aleksey Kamenchukov ◽  
Ilya Ukrainskiy ◽  
Nikina Bushuev ◽  
Nikolay Kim

The paper considers the issues of crack resistance of multilayer systems made of asphalt concrete, namely: the causes and features of the occurrence and development of "reflected" cracks are investigated. A study of the operational state of highways was carried out and the prerequisites for the formation of defects on the pavement were determined, including the regional features of the work of the road structure. The authors comprehensively studied the causes of internal and external defects and deformations of asphalt concrete pavements. The most popular technologies for sealing cracks and restoring the pavement are considered, the experience of repairing roads in the western part of Russia, Europe and the USA is also investigated. The results of determining the rate of formation and development of defects in the surface of the exploited roads are presented. In laboratory conditions, work was carried out to simulate cracks in two-layer samples of fine-grained asphalt concrete. Test specimens with a height and diameter of 10 cm were made by molding and compacted in layers, a crack was laid in the lower layer of the specimen. After gaining strength, the samples were tested for compression. Analysis of the results of physical modeling made it possible to put forward an assumption about the existence of a relationship between the presence (absence) of internal defects in the coating and the strength of the structure. To confirm the hypothesis, mathematical modeling of the operation of a two-layer system in the GenIDE32 software package was performed. Evaluation of the stress-strain state by the finite element method showed the presence of characteristic zones of system weakening around the defect area. In a two-layer system, there is an increase in internal stresses and strains around the crack, as well as a decrease in the overall strength (stability) of the system. In conclusion, the influence of internal defects of asphalt concrete coatings on the process of formation of "reflected" cracks were identified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Aleksey Kamenchukov ◽  
Ilya Ukrainskiy

The paper studies the matters of multilayer asphalt-concrete systems cracking resistance, specifically we investigated the occurrence and development causes and peculiarities of the reflected cracks. In this study was examined the highways’ state of repair and the prerequisites for the defects formation on the pavement were determined, as well as the regional road structure operation aspect. The authors studied from every angle the causes of internal and external asphalt concrete pavements defects and deformations. The most popular filling of cracks technologies and restoring the pavement are were discussed in this paper, also the experience of roads repairing in the western part of Russia, Europe, and the USA was investigated. The determination results of the formation and develop-ment defects rate on the surface of the operated roads are presented in this article. Cracks in double-layer samples of finegrained asphalt concrete were simulated in laboratory conditions. A prototype model of 10 cm height and diameter were made by molding and densifying in layers, and a crack was laid in the lower layer of the prototype. Af-ter densifying samples were tested for compression. The physical modeling results analysis allows us to assume the dependence between the presence (or ab-sence) of pavement internal defects and the structural solidity. Mathematical modeling of the operation of a double-layer system was performed in the GenIDE32 software package to confirm the hypothesis. Evaluation of the stress-strain state by the finite element method showed the presence of system weakening characteristics zones around the defect area. There is increasing inter-nal stresses and deformations around the crack in a double-layer system, as well as a decrease in the overall system strength (stability). In the end, conclusions about the influence of asphalt-concrete pavement internal defects on the reflected cracks formation pro-cess were drawn.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Kabanov Aleksandr ◽  
Irina Kolos ◽  
Viktoriya Chernyaeva ◽  
Aleksey Ilin ◽  
Olga Medvedeva ◽  

This article discusses the problems that arise in the operation of road structures. One of the most important is rutting. Indicators of resistance to rutting depend on the method of design of non-rigid pavement and operational parameters, which allows to obtain the applied method of volumetric design of asphalt mix «Superpave» (SP-19), which in our country was called «SPAS». The authors, together with the staff of the laboratory of asphalt Concrete plant – 1, monitored asphalt concrete mixtures designed according to the «Superpave» system on the asphalt mixing plant. Then tests were carried out according to the method of PNST 181-2016 on the susceptibility of asphalt concrete materials to shear deformations arising under the action of repeated passes of the loaded wheel at ambient temperature. The result of the study of rutting showed that the mixture SP-19 have predominantly traditional. More detailed research results are presented in this article. Based on the data obtained from the results, conclusions were formulated: the Studies show that the method of «Superpeyv» is updated to the requirements of technical supervision at the objects of the road complex of the Russian Federation. In conclusion, the authors have formulated conclusions on the research: a comparison of physical and mechanical performance of asphalt concrete mix SP-19 on PNST 114 and fine-grained asphalt concrete mix type A brand I shows that the shear stability in terms of the average depth of the track is higher for the brand SP-19 by 38 %; set the required mixing temperature and compaction of asphalt concrete mixture on the system «Superpeyv»; the release of a pilot batch of asphalt concrete mix of SP-19 brand at the production site of JSC «ABZ-1» showed that the recipe selected in the laboratory is reproduced in the ABZ; cores selected within the framework of technical supervision from the experimental coating and tested in the laboratory showed corresponding to the requirements of ODM 218.4.038-2017; assessment of economic efficiency at the cost of asphalt concrete mix of SP-19 brand showed a decrease of 2.2 % relative to the cost of fine-grained asphalt concrete mix; the increase in the service life of the road surface h 30–50 % by reducing rutting increases its turnaround time. At the same time, economic efficiency can reach 50 % per m2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-151
Vitali Zankavich ◽  
Boris Khroustalev ◽  
Tingguo Liu ◽  
Uladzimir Veranko ◽  
Viktors Haritonovs ◽  

The article considers improvement of the methodology for accounting for the degradation of asphalt concrete working in the upper layers of the pavement. Development of recycling technologies for road structures is an ongoing process; it allows reaching a higher quality of reclaimed materials and using them for subsequent construction of structural layers, including the upper layers without the protective ones, as well as during repair and reconstruction of roads of various technical categories. At the same time, the system of pre-project assessment (diagnostics) of the state of asphalt concrete pavements cannot be considered optimal and effective because the determined indicators demonstrate that, firstly, various surface and structural defects are present, and, secondly, that the indicators mentioned above are more relevant to the road structure as a whole. The joint handling of the theoretical and experimental data allows concluding that damageability level depends on the physical, mechanical and structural properties, the main being maximal structural strength and the number of elastic bonds involved in the deformation process. A variant of modelling of asphalt concrete damageability depending on the work capacity is proposed, when the reduced amount of dissipated energy is replaced with sufficient accuracy for practice by the ratio of the actual number of load application cycles (freezing and thawing cycles) to the limit. A correlation between the level of damageability and the kinetics of changes of the interpore space of asphalt concrete under the influence of strain (temperature, climatic factors) has been established. Results allow fixing (predicting) the level of damageability by measuring the level of water permeability. The research methodology and equipment for implementation thereof was developed earlier, it can be effectively used at the stage of pre-project diagnosis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Alim Feizrakhmanovich Kemalov ◽  
Ruslan Alimovich Kemalov ◽  
Ilmira Maratovna Abdrafikova ◽  
Pavel Sagitovich Fakhretdinov ◽  
Dinar Zinnurovich Valiev

Over the last decade increase in capacity and the intensity of vehicular traffic has increased manifoldly, including heavy trucks, super singles, and higher tire pressures, resulting in significant increase of dynamic loads on the road surface which in turn lead to high quality requirements for bitumen in order to avoid premature wear and failure of asphalt concrete pavements. One of the possibilities to increase the quality of bitumen is to use special additives and modifiers that can provide a high adhesion to mineral filler and inhibit the aging and degradation processes in the asphalt coating. To achieve this, in the present study composite modifiers based on bisimidazolines derivatives were synthesized. The developed polyfunctional modifier (PFM) of complex action provides enhanced thermal stability, significantly improves the adhesion between bitumen binder and aggregates, and also improves the physical-mechanical properties of the asphalt concrete. Based on the test results it is recommended to use the synthesized samples of the PFM additive with complex action in asphalt mixtures for road paving.

Анна Траутваин ◽  
Anna Trautvain ◽  
Андрей Акимов ◽  
Andrey Akimov ◽  
Василий Денисов ◽  

The article describes the technology of designing asphalt pavements, according to the Superpave method. The Superpave System (SUperior PERforming Asphalt PAVEments) is developed by the US Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). The goal of the program is to search for new ways of designing asphalt concrete pavements that will work better under extreme temperatures and intensive traffic loads. The Superpave system is primarily concerned with two problems associated with road surface: constant deformation, which is a consequence of insufficient strength of asphalt concrete in shear at high temperatures; and low-temperature damage, which is formed during the compression of the asphalt concrete pavement, the tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength. The solution of these problems is carried out by the most rational selection of components of the asphalt concrete mix. This technology has interested Russia relatively recently. In 2016, preliminary national standards have been translated and issued. They describe requirements of materials for design and selection of the mixture. The article reviews technical documentation in order to develop a methodology for the selec-tion of asphalt mix. In the course of the research, the technological features of selection and design of the asphalt mix using the given method are considered and a block diagram is made for the selection of asphalt composition. This system makes it possible to design the fine-grained and gravel-mastic as-phalt mixes. The introduction of foreign experience in the construction of roads can contribute to the quality improvement of Russian highways

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Tatiana Levkovich ◽  
Zelgedin Mevlidinov ◽  
Pavel Rodin ◽  
Maxim Feshchenko

Asphalt concrete is the main type of coating the streets of the city of Bryansk and other cities of the Bryansk region, as well as roads outside settlements. A survey of the condition of asphalt concrete pavement of the streets of Bryansk and some parts of roads of other cities of the Bryansk region (streets of Surazh, Klintsy, Unecha, etc.) showed that in many areas there are surface destruction in the form of cracks: transverse, longitudinal and «grid». The presence of a crack in the coating of the road-reducing the load – bearing capacity of the road structure at the place of its formation. The crack resistance of asphalt concrete decreases during the operation of the coating due to a number of reasons: deterioration of the properties and structure of asphalt concrete under the influence of internal and external factors (water, freezing-thawing, air oxygen, ultraviolet and infrared irradiation, the nature and degree of interaction of bitumen with mineral material, the structure and composition of bitumen, etc.), low-temperature stretching, aging of the binder, etc. The authors of these studies set the task to check the quality of the properties of bitumen BND 60/90 and BND 90/130 with the introduction of polymer additives, carbon black, etc., as well as asphalt concrete mixtures with the introduction of polystyrene and polyurethane foam and other additives in the construction of road surfaces in hot summer climatic conditions to increase the crack resistance of asphalt concrete coatings. The paper presents an analysis of the main parameters of transverse cracks in the city of Bryansk on the streets: Fokina, Sovietskaja, Gorbatova, Krahmaleva, as well as road surfaces of the Bryansk region.

2011 ◽  
Vol 255-260 ◽  
pp. 3263-3267
Sheng Hai Fan ◽  
Ling Lin

At present our country highway asphalt pavement in use is becoming more and more common, but early rutting damage serious impact on the road of normal use. Through the huaihai highway pavement rutting investigations, research and experiment analysis, combining domestic and foreign research achievements of rutting, it is concluded that the rutting formation causes and prevention measures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
Khizar Dzhabrailov ◽  
Magomed-Emi Soltamuradov ◽  
Salam Gaziev

In connection with the sharp increase in the traffic flow, the problem of the durability of asphalt concrete pavements comes to the fore – their ability to maintain their properties within a certain period of time within certain limits. In many respects, the quality of future coverage is laid by the adaptability of the laying process, strict compliance with the requirements of project documentation and existing building codes and regulations (SNiP, GOST, ISO, etc.). However, the technology itself of the process of making asphalt concrete pavements is constantly evolving – new complexes are emerging, changes are being introduced to existing structures of machines for building coatings. Addition, reduction and combination of operations of the technological process, including, against the background of improving the quality and, as a result, the durability of the coating, reduce the complexity of the work performed, reduce the number of necessary staff – all of this has a positive effect on the economic component of construction, frees up additional funds. And, as you know, there is already enough evidence that the main factor hindering the development of the road network in the Russian Federation is, just the same, the need to spend huge budget funds (in 2016, about 30 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to repair existing roads due to their poor condition). In turn, the road-building industry, which is developing at a high pace, sets stringent requirements to ensure the required level of quality throughout the entire process, starting from the places of production of asphalt-concrete mixture (ABZ).

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 02052
Shuxrat Buriyev ◽  
Shoxrux Davranov ◽  
Yokub Kuchkarov ◽  
Iroda Saydakberova

In the article, work has been done to obtain shale mineral powder based on local raw materials and develop technologies to improve the physical and mechanical performance and durability of asphalt concrete, thereby increasing the physico-mechanical performance and durability of asphalt concrete, the density of fine-grained hot dense asphalt mix with shale mineral powder. The water absorption index of the asphalt concrete mixture decreases, the strength increases, and the transport performance of the road improves.

Anthony F. Heath ◽  
Elizabeth Garratt ◽  
Ridhi Kashyap ◽  
Yaojun Li ◽  
Lindsay Richards

Social Progress in Britain examines how much progress has made in the years since Sir William Beveridge described the ‘five giants on the road to reconstruction’—the giants of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor, and Idleness. The book has chapters examining the progress which Britain has made in improving material prosperity and tackling poverty; in extending length of life and tackling disease; in raising participation in education and improving educational standards; in tackling the scourge of unemployment, especially youth unemployment; and in providing better-quality housing and tackling overcrowding. In addition to Beveridge’s five giants, the book also explores inequalities of opportunity (focussing on inequalities between social classes, men and women, and ethnic groups), and the changing nature of social divisions and social cohesion in Britain. Throughout, the chapters put British progress into perspective by drawing comparisons with progress made in other large developed democracies such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the USA. As well as looking at the average level of prosperity, life expectancy, education, and housing, the book examines the extent of inequality around the average and pays particular attention to whether the most disadvantaged sections of society have shared in progress or have fallen behind. It concludes with an assessment of the effect of policy interventions such as Margaret Thatcher’s free market reforms of the 1980s on different aspects of social progress.

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