scholarly journals The social background and educational orientation of the young student population (a comparative analysis the example of the student population in Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria)

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 469-512 ◽  
Suzana Markovic-Krstic ◽  
Lela Milosevic-Radulovic
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 244-251
Maria Larionescu

The volume includes an anthology of studies, laws, documents, investigations, and discourses concerning “social engineering” and the young student population, aiming to clarify multiple misunderstandings and myths concerning the Social Service Law, 1938, both from the respective historical period and from recent debates. To this purpose, authors employ a triple strategy of clarifying this piece of legislation: 1) an analysis of the Euro-Atlantic and national contexts of the interbellum period that frames the social service initiatives; 2) connecting the Law to the great public debates of the XIXth century, concerning the life of peasants in the context of village modernization; 3) integrating the experiences of cultural work in villages in the broader, comprehensive vision of the Sociological School of Bucharest, specifying them as a deepening of village modernization on four dimensions: culture of work, of health, of mind and of soul.

1959 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 51-79
K. Edwards

During the last twenty or twenty-five years medieval historians have been much interested in the composition of the English episcopate. A number of studies of it have been published on periods ranging from the eleventh to the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. A further paper might well seem superfluous. My reason for offering one is that most previous writers have concentrated on analysing the professional circles from which the bishops were drawn, and suggesting the influences which their early careers as royal clerks, university masters and students, secular or regular clergy, may have had on their later work as bishops. They have shown comparatively little interest in their social background and provenance, except for those bishops who belonged to magnate families. Some years ago, when working on the political activities of Edward II's bishops, it seemed to me that social origins, family connexions and provenance might in a number of cases have had at least as much influence on a bishop's attitude to politics as his early career. I there fore collected information about the origins and provenance of these bishops. I now think that a rather more careful and complete study of this subject might throw further light not only on the political history of the reign, but on other problems connected with the character and work of the English episcopate. There is a general impression that in England in the later middle ages the bishops' ties with their dioceses were becoming less close, and that they were normally spending less time in diocesan work than their predecessors in the thirteenth century.

2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (24) ◽  
pp. 1137-1142 ◽  
Helga Judit Feith ◽  
Zsuzsanna Soósné Kiss ◽  
Ágnes Kovácsné Tóth ◽  
Péter Balázs

Ismereteink szerint ez idáig nem történt olyan átfogó vizsgálat Magyarországon, amely egészségügyi felsőoktatásban tanuló hallgatók szociokulturális hátterét vizsgálta volna. Célkitűzés: Keresztmetszeti kutatásunk fő célkitűzése az volt, hogy megismerjük és elemezzük a leendő orvosnők, diplomás ápolónők és védőnők társadalmi hátterében megmutatkozó különbségeket. Módszer: Jelen kutatásunk orvostanhallgató-nők, valamint egészségügyi főiskolai karon tanuló hallgatónők között készült, a Semmelweis Egyetemen. Összesen 295 hallgatónőt vontunk be a kutatásba, értékelhető választ adott 68,08% ( n = 201). Az eredményeket az SPSS programcsomag segítségével elemeztük, leíró statisztikai megközelítésben. Eredmények: A felmérésben részt vevő hallgatónők számos szociodemográfiai jellemzőjében meghatározó különbséget tapasztaltunk. Az orvostanhallgató-nők nagyobb hányada diplomás szülők gyermeke, ugyanakkor a főiskolai szintű képzésben részt vevő hallgatónők esetében ennek jóval kisebb az esélye. Nem találtunk ugyan statisztikailag alátámasztható különbséget a három hallgatói csoport családi állapotában, de megállapítható, hogy kevesebb diplomásápoló-hallgatónő volt férjezett, illetve élt élettársi kapcsolatban. Következtetések: A főiskolai hallgatónők, valamint az orvostanhallgatók szociokulturális hátterében megmutatkozó különbségek, az ebből következő társadalmi hátrányok nagyobb mértékben sújtják az ápoló- és védőnőhallgatókat, mint az orvostanhallgató-nőket.

2019 ◽  
pp. 88-97
Iryna Storonyanska ◽  
Liliya Benovska

The purpose of the article is to study trends and identify problems of budgetary provision of the development of Zaporizhzhia region in the context of budgetary decentralization reform. Methods of systematic and comparative analysis, graphical visualization, generalization and statistical methods were used for the study. The article examines the impact of decentralization reform on the financial provision of social and economic development of administrative and territorial units of Zaporizhzhia region. The comparative analysis of the budgetary provision of the development of Zaporizhzhya region and other regions of the Central region is conducted. The article describes the trends and problems of Zaporizhzhya region development. The following positive trends were revealed: increase of revenues to local budgets of the region; reduction of transfer dependence of the region on the state budget; formation of high-taxation CTCs. The negative tendencies of development were: increase of differentiation of financial provision of the development of the regional center and other administrative and territorial units, reduction of the growth rate of revenues to the development budget of Zaporizhzhia region. Attention is drawn to the fact that under the conditions of decentralization reform and administrative and territorial reform, consolidated territorial communities are actively being formed in the Zaporizhzhya region, most of them with high financial capacity, which testifies to the high potential of regional development. The article analyzes the regional target programs of Zaporizhzhia region and clarifies the possibilities of their integration with the Action Plans for implementation of the Regional Development Strategies. The dominance of the social component over the development of regional target programs and low level of implementation of a number of programs are emphasized.

Communicology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
N.V. Kirillina

The paper represents the analysis of the concept of communicative. The choice of topic is determined by the search for criteria and tools for assessing the results of strategic communication, taking into account the development of its interactive forms. The author leads the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of engagement and identifies the areas for further interdisciplinary research of the specified subject, and raises the issue of the appropriateness of using the engagement indicators in the assessment the social potential of communication. The work is based on the phenomenological tradition in the interpretation of communicative processes and the metamodel of communication of R. Craig. The author uses the methods of comparative analysis, analogy, generalization, and combined methodology of interdisciplinary analysis.

1997 ◽  
Vol 36 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 373-377
Yuzo Akagawa ◽  
Yasutoshi Matsumoto ◽  
Mitsuyoshi Zaizen

This report describes runoff control facilities (five years after construction) which are basically an athletic field consisting of tennis courts, constructed in an area of about four hectares in Tokyo. The report is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the social background of the fact that the athletic field has come to have runoff control functions. The second part concerns the summary of these facilities, and then the last part relates to the effects of runoff control. Concerning the effects of the facilities, the return period of design rainfall for runoff control facilities is ten years, but stormwater has been stored on the tennis courts twice in five years after construction. Though these two cases of rainfall were very extraordinary, as the outcome of the inspection of the runoff control facilities we were able to confirm the effects of runoff control by means of simulating under the condition of those two cases of rainfall. In addition, we were able to confirm the effect of groundwater cultivation by means of researching the transition of the groundwater table.

Елена Лактюхина ◽  
Elena Laktyukhina ◽  
Георгий Антонов ◽  
Georgy Antonov

The article presents a comparative analysis of marital and family mindsets of two categories of the demographically active population of modern Russia: (1) individuals that have no experience of a divorce and (2) those who have already experienced one or more official termination of a marriage. The empirical base of the analysis is the data of the author’s questionnaire survey conducted by representative sampling in Volgograd and Volgograd Region in 2015–2016. The analysis was made on the following basic empiric indicators: optimal (from the viewpoint of the respondents) age for the first marriage, frequency of mentioning marital and family statuses as the respondents describe their own social and demographic “portrait”, legitimate causes of a divorce and a number of others. It is found that, in the case of sufficiently strong traditional marital and family mindsets, perception of marital norms is adjusted, if an “abnormal” event (such as a divorce) occurs in the individual’s life course. At the same time, perception of the marriage stability is less variable and does not depend on the social and demographic characteristics of the respondents, including the presence/absence of a marriage termination experience. The “strongest” factor that affects the change of the marital and family mindsets is age. With age (and, consequently, experience accumulation), importance of the majority of main factors capable of preventing the individual from a divorce decreases and, therefore, the risk of such event increases.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Jiří Semrád ◽  
Milan Škrabal

The paper deals with issues connected with the motivation of high school students to participate in activities aimed at professional creative activity and, in this context, issues of environmental influences, especially from school and the family. It is responding to some of the growing efforts of neoliberalism to over individualize creative expression and activities and completely ignore social influences. It also takes into account the cultural legacy of past generations and the sources of creative power that have taken root in society and from which individuals draw and process their inspiration. Presented within are the results of an empirical probe focused on the influence of the social environment on the creative activity of teenagers. The paper follows the relations to the existing body of knowledge on the relationship between social environment and creativity, with an effort to capture the social conditionality of creative performances—to capture their roots. The results of the probe have confirmed the initial hypothesis that the creative efforts of secondary school students taking part in vocational training is based on the social background of the family and school. However, the family influence on the students’ creativity is not as significant as one would expect. It is the indirect effect of the family environment that has a larger influence.

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