scholarly journals El régimen matrimonial en el Código de Hattusas

Félix Alonso y Royano

El autor es un estudioso de los derechos de la antigüedad anteriores a Roma. Entre otros trabajos se encuentran «Una pequeña aportación a la Historia universal del derecho a través del comentario al Código de Hattusas», «Notas para una Historia general del Arbitraje» (Sobre procedimientos extrajudiciales en el Egipto faraónico), una tesis doctoral sobre las «Instituciones familiares en el Egipto faraónico», «El régimen matrimonial en el derecho paleobabilónico» y «El matrimonio y sus crisis en el derecho de la antigüedad». En el presente trabajo el autor nos presenta un estudio sobre el matrimonio hitita, los modos matrimoniales, el rapto (restringido) y la compra (lo común), así como su evolución a través de los diversos institutos jurídicos existentes: La kusata, la iwaru o el assu, y la problemática crítica que se podía plantear en el matrimonio y sus soluciones, a la luz del conocimiento que nos aportan las tabletas A y B, más conocidas con el nombre de «código» hitita. Plantea también el autor la posibilidad de ceremonias religiosas y fiestas familiares, apoyándose en las figuras que aparecen en la fotografía, del fragmento de vaso, que aporta del museo de Ankara.The author is studious of the antique wrights before Rome. Among his different works are «A small study to ttie Universal History of wrights», through the comment of Hattusas, «Notes for a General History of reference » (about extrajudicial proceedings in the pharaonic Egipt) a doctoral thesis about the «family institutions in the pharaonic Egipt», «The marriage rules in the paleobabilonic wright», and «The marriage and its crissis in the oíd wright». At present, the author is working on the hitita marriage, the forms of marriage, the rapture (restricted) and the buying (the usual), so its evolution through different juridical institutions: The kusata, the iwaru or the assu and the problems could be expossed in the marriage and its solutions through the knowledges on tables A and B, better known by the ñame of hitita code. The author also introduces the possibility of religious ceremonys and family parties, based on the figures showed on photographies of the piece of ceramies from the Ankara Museum.

Nicholas Hatzis

I learn belatedly, thanks to the seaside indolence of August on a Dalmatian island that piles up stacks of outdated newspapers and weeklies, that in Denmark they have purged—I imagine from the schools—a tale by Hans Christian Andersen with a Christian ending, or Christian elements in any case, so as not to offend the faithful of other churches. In its respectful stupidity, this is a decisive step in the universal history of censorship. In this case, it is a well-intentioned censorship, moved by a concern not to upset cultural or religious minorities. But censorship, after all, is always well-intentioned: it seeks to protect morality, one’s country, the family, institutions, order, society, progress, the people, the children, health....

1985 ◽  
Vol 54 (04) ◽  
pp. 744-745 ◽  
R Vikydal ◽  
C Korninger ◽  
P A Kyrle ◽  
H Niessner ◽  
I Pabinger ◽  

SummaryAntithrombin-III activity was determined in 752 patients with a history of venous thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism. 54 patients (7.18%) had an antithrombin-III activity below the normal range. Among these were 13 patients (1.73%) with proven hereditary deficiency. 14 patients were judged to have probable hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency, because they had a positive family history, but antithrombin-III deficiency could not be verified in other members of the family. In the 27 remaining patients (most of them with only slight deficiency) hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency was unlikely. The prevalence of hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency was higher in patients with recurrent venous thrombosis.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Brett Kahr

Few books in the burgeoning field of couple psychoanalysis have garnered as much admiration as James Fisher's The Uninvited Guest: Emerging from Narcissism towards Marriage. In this memorial essay, the author pays tribute to the late Dr Fisher and to his perennial book which explores the ways in which pathological narcissism, among other factors, inhibit the development of spousal intimacy, often destroying partnerships entirely. The author describes the creative way in which Fisher drew upon great works of literature, most notably William Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale, and T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party, as well as long-forgotten clinical material from Fisher's predecessors at the Family Discussion Bureau (forerunner of the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships), in order to understand the ways in which marital partners struggle with false self couplings. The author assesses the importance of Fisher's contribution in the context of the history of couple psychoanalysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-255
Maria Magdalena Setyaningsih ◽  
Emy Sutiyarsih

Kehamilan remaja adalah kehamilan yang terjadi pada remaja berusia kurang dari 20 tahunan. Kehamilan remaja memberikan banyak kerugian bagi kesehatan, mental dan psikologis, kesejahteraan ekonomi dan peluang karier, kemiskinan dan prospek kehidupan masa depan remaja. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi faktor determinan yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya kehamilan remaja. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian analitik kategorik jenis survei kuantitatif dengan desain case control. Populasi semua perempuan yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah dusun Wonosari, Sukosari, dan Krajan Pandansari dan pernah/sedang hamil pertama kali pada usia kurang dari 20 tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling besar sampel 73. Berdasarkan hasil model akhir analisis multivariat, diketahui bahwa variabel pendidikan, riwayat kehamilan remaja pada keluarga dan usia menikah merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kehamilan remaja setelah dikontrol oleh variabel akses informasi, responden berpendidikan rendah memiliki peluang 20,8 kali lebih tinggi, responden yang memiliki riwayat kehamilan remaja pada keluarga memiliki peluang 14,9 kali lebih tinggi, responden yang menikah pada usia <20 tahun memiliki peluang 12,1 kali lebih tinggi, responden dengan pemahaman yang kurang baik terkait penggunaan kondom memiliki peluang 5,9 kali lebih tinggi untuk terjadi kehamilan remaja. Oleh karena itu perlu dibangun karakter buiding, sosial karakter suport untuk para ibu remaja dan keluarga sehingga terbangun interaksi yang baik dalam keluarga yang dilandasi dengan pendidikan dan pemahaman yang baik tentang Pendidikan seksualitas. Teen pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in adolescents aged less than 20 years old. Teen pregnancy provides many disadvantages for health, mental, psychological, economic well-being, career opportunities, poverty, and the future life. The aim of the study was to identify the determinants underlying teen pregnancy incidence. This study was a quantitative study with categorical analytic method. The study design used a case control with two comparison groups. The groups were control group and case group. The population in this study was all women who lived in the Wonosari, Sukosari, and Krajan Pandansari district and had or were pregnant for the first time at the age of less than 20 years old. Seventy three respondents were recruited using cluster sampling technique. The case group consists of women who were or had pregnant for the first time at the age of less than 20 years old and their children are currently aged ≤ 1 years old. The control group consists of women who were pregnant for the first time at the age of > 20 years old. The data was collected using a questionnaire. The findings showed that education, history of teen pregnancy in family and the age of marriage were related to the incidence of teen pregnancy after being controlled by information access. Low-educated respondents had 20.8 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents with a history of teen pregnancy in the family had 4.9 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents who were married at the age of < 20 years old had 12.1 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents with poor understanding of condom use had 5.9 times higher chance of teenage pregnancy. In conclusion, the findings suggest to build good interactions in the family based on education and a good understanding of sex education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 184-196
Deepshikha Rathore ◽  
Geetanjali ◽  
Ram Singh

Background: The history of traditional systems of medicine goes parallel with the history of human beings. Even today people have faith in traditional systems of medicine based on medicinal plants to meet primary health care needs. Hence, the scientific evaluation and documentation of extracts and active ingredients of medicinal plants always play a supportive role in their medicinal applications. Objective: This review aims to present the phytochemicals isolated from the genus Bombax and their pharmacological applications. Methods: The literature from research and review papers was analyzed and the information was compiled to present the pharmacological applications of various secondary metabolites from genus Bombax. Results: The genus Bombax belongs to the family Malvaceae and known for its therapeutic applications. The crude, semi-purified and purified extracts of different parts of this plant have shown potential therapeutic applications. A total of 96 articles including research and review papers were referred for the compilation of isolated phytochemicals and their chemical structures. Conclusion: We systematically summarized 176 isolated compounds from the genus Bombax. The findings show that this plant shows potential towards pharmacological activities. The activities were found more from extracts than the single isolated compounds.

Allan Megill

This epilogue argues that historians ought to be able to produce a universal history, one that would ‘cover’ the past of humankind ‘as a whole’. However, aside from the always increasing difficulty of mastering the factual material that such an undertaking requires, there exists another difficulty: the coherence of universal history always presupposes an initial decision not to write about the human past in all its multiplicity, but to focus on one aspect of that past. Nevertheless, the lure of universal history will persist, even in the face of its practical and conceptual difficulty. Certainly, it is possible to imagine a future ideological convergence among humans that would enable them to accept, as authoritative, one history of humankind.

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