scholarly journals Expanding Searle’s analysis of interrogative speech acts: A systematic classification based on preparatory conditions

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-19
Niels Møller Nielsen

In John Searle’s original taxonomy of types of illocutionary acts (Searle 1969) he points out that some kinds of illocutionary acts are special cases of other kinds, giving the example that questions are in fact special cases of requests. In that way, a ‘real question’ is a request for information that the sender does not already possess, whereas an ‘exam question’ is a request for information that the sender has already access to. This paper takes this rudimentary analysis some steps further and attempts a taxonomy of interrogative speech acts based on sets of more specific preparatory conditions such as sender expects / does not expect reply and sender has access to / does not have access to the requested information. The paper will show that a system of these sets of preparatory conditions can generate illocutionary definitions of a range of different types of interrogative speech acts.

Ekkehard König

The differentiation of clause types in this chapter (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative) is primarily based on morpho-syntactic criteria, but is also motivated by the use of these types for the performance of speech acts, i.e. acts resulting in a change of social situations. Instead of relating the different types directly to a list of speech acts typically performed by them, an attempt is made to characterize their illocutionary potential in terms of a basic meaning. On the basis of this approach the subtypes of the functional clause types and their possible use in specific contexts are characterized in detail. This systematization of the relationship between clause type and possible illocutionary acts is additionally based on the well-known distinction between ‘direct’ and ‘indirect(ly performed)’ speech acts. The chapter concludes with some comparative remarks characterizing the specific properties of English within the Germanic languages family and within a general typology of clause types.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-139
Arunika Harum Prahastiwi ◽  
Haryadi Haryadi ◽  
Imam Baehaqie

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan jenis dan mengidentifikasi fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi yang diucapkan warga pondok yang ada di pondok. Pendekatan yang digunakan ada dua, pendekatan teoretis dan pendekatan metodologis. Data dalam penelitian berupa penggalan wacana percakapan saat melaksanakan kegiatan sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian ini berbagai jenis dan fungsi tindak ilokusi yaitu (1) jenis tuturan ilokusi dalam tuturan warga pondok terdiri atas lima macam yaitu tuturan ilokusi asertif yaitu mengeluh, menyarankan, mengakui, dan menyatakan; tuturan ilokusi direktif yaitu menyuruh, mengajak, dan memesan; tuturan ilokusi ekspresif yaitu memberi selamat, berterima kasih, dan memuji; tuturan ilokusi deklarsi yaitu menghukum, berpasrah, dan mengizinkan; tuturan ilokusi komisif yaitu berjanji, dan menawarkan.;(2) fungsi dari tindak tutur ilokusi terdiri atas empat macam yaitu fungsi bersaing memerintah, meminta, dan menuntut; fungsi menyenangkan mengajak, menyapa, mengucapkan, terima kasih, dan memberi selamat, fungsi bekerja sama melaporkan, dan mengumumkan; fungsi bertentangan yaitu memarahi. The purpose of this research is to describe the type and identify the function of illocutionary speech acts are spoken by female students in a modern cottage survived Kendal. The approach used in this study there are two theoretical approaches and methodological approaches. The data in this study a discourse fragment of conversation when carrying out daily activities. The results of this study show the different types and functions of illocutionary acts: (1) type speech illocutionary in residents of the cottage. speech consists of five kinds of assertive illocutionary speech that complain, suggest, recognize, and states. Directive illocutionary speech that is sent, inviting, and ordering. Illocutionary expressive speech that congratulated, thanked and praised him. Illocutionary speech deklarsi ie punish, surrender and allow. Illocutionary speech commissive that promise, hang out and menawaarkan; (2) the function of illocutionary speech act consists of four kinds of functions compete among others ruled, asking and demanding. The function fun among others invited, say hello, say, thank you, and congratulations. Functions work together among others, report, and announced. Conflicting functions is scolding

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-162
Atiya Mahmud Hana

  This study aims to observe and describe the use of speech acts by Barack Obama when he announced the death of Osama bin Laden. The writer focuses on illocutionary acts used by Barack Obama. The primary data source is the transcript of Barack Obama’s speech at White House on May 1st, 2011 after the death of Osama bin Laden. The types of illocutionary acts are observed by the writer according to Searle’s Taxonomy of Illocutionary Act. They are representatives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations. The result of the study shows that representatives are frequetnly used by Obama in his speech. Representatives are used in 54 utterances (74%); Commissives are used in 11 utterances (15%); Expressives are used in 7 utterances (11%). Barack Obama used none both directive speech acts and declaration speech acts. Representatives are frequently used in Barack Obama speech because the purpose of the speech is to announce the death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. The evidence is that most utterances in the transcipt use statements, descriptions, and reports.   

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-342
Fathur Rosyid

Abstrak Kata Kunci: Pragamtik, Tindak Tutur, Implikatur, Kisah Sayyidah Maryam   Kisah Sayyidah Maryam dalam al-Qur’a>n merupakan salah-satu kisah yang menarik dikaji dengan pendekatan pragmatik. Hal ini disebabkan, secara tekstual, beliau adalah publik figur yang fenomenal, bahkan mengalahkan status sosial perempuan lainnya, sehingga namanya terdokumentasikan dalam satu surat khusus yang populer dengan sebutan ”Surat Maryam”. Kecuali itu, kisah tersebut juga termasuk kisah yang kaya dengan nuansa konteks. Sementara posisi ilmu prgamatik sendiri  merupakan disiplin keilmuan yang mengkaji satuan bahasa dari sudut pandang relasi antara konteks linguistik yang bersifat diadik dan konteks non-linguistik yang bersifat triadik. Penelitian ini hendak mengungkap dua hal; Pertama, apa yang dimaksud pragmatika al-Qur’a>n?. Kedua, bagaimana bentuk aplikasi pragmatik tindak tutur dan implikatur terhadap fragmentasi kisah kelahiran Sayyidah Maryam dalam al-Qur’an?. Tujuan kedua pertanyaan tersebut untuk memahami konsep prgamtika al-Qur’an, juga untuk mengungkap bentuk tindak tutur dan implikatur fragmentasi kisah kelahiran Sayyidah Maryam. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan; Pertama, pragmatika al-Qur’an adalah suatu disiplin ilmu yang mengkaji al-Qur’a>n dari sudut pandang relasi antara konteks kebahasaan dengan konteks non-kebahasaan. Kedua, tindak tutur fragmentasi kisah kelahiran Sayyidah Maryam yang terdapat dalam Qs. A<li ‘Imra>n (03): 36, lokusinya berupa kalimat informatif, sementara illokusinya merupakan bentuk kalimat asertif yang bermakna mengeluh. Adapun implikaturnya sebagai pelajaran, bahwa jika segala sesuatu telah dipasrahkan sama Allah swt. maka tidak pantas mencari kesalahan atas peraturan yang telah ditetapkan-Nya.               Abstract Keywords: Pragamtik, Speech Acts, implicatures, Story of Sayyidah Maryam   The story of Sayyidah Maryam in the al-Qur'a>n is one-on-one interesting stories studied with a pragmatic approach. This is due, textually, he is a public figure who is phenomenal, even beating out other women's social status, so the name is documented in a special letter that is popularly known as "Surah Maryam". Except that, the story also included a story rich with nuances of context. While the position pragamatic science itself is a scientific discipline that examines unit of language from the perspective of the relationship between linguistic context that is both dyadic and non-linguistic context that is triadic. This research seeks to reveal two things; First, what is meant pragmatic al-Qur'a>n?. Second, how the application form pragmatics of speech acts and implicatures to fragmentation birth story of Sayyidah Maryam in the al-Qur'a>n?. The second purpose of these questions to understand the concept pragamtic al-Qur'a>n, as well as to reveal the shape of speech acts and implicatures fragmentation of the birth story of Sayyidah Maryam. This research resulted in the conclusion; First, the pragmatics of the al-Qur’a>n is a discipline that examines al-Qur'a>n from the viewpoint of the relationship between linguistic context with non-linguistic context. Second, the speech act fragmentation birth story of Sayyidah Maryam contained in Qs. A<li 'Imra>n (03): 36, locutionary acts be informative sentence, while illocutionary acts an assertive form meaningful sentences complaining. The implicature as a lesson, that if everything was handled the same God, it is inappropriate to find fault with the regulations set his.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-125
Carlos de Pablos-Ortega

AbstractThe main aim of the study is to ascertain contrastively, in English and Spanish, how directive speech acts are represented in film discourse. For the purpose of the investigation, the directive speech acts of 24 films, 12 in English and 12 in Spanish, were extracted and analysed. A classification taxonomy, inspired by previous research, was created in order to categorize the different types of directive speech acts and determine their level of (in)directness. The results show that indirectness is more widely represented in the English than in the Spanish film scripts, thus confirming the assertion that being indirect is a distinctive feature of English native speakers (Grundy, 2008). This research makes a valuable contribution to the exploration of speech acts in filmspeak and informs the existing local grammar descriptions of the linguistic patterns of directive speech acts.

This study seeks to examine the interface potentially holding between footing and the speech acts performed in the main Qurʼanic dialogue of Allah and Iblīs (Q15:32-43). The study utilizes a synthetic approach that combines two theoretical strands: (i) Erving Goffman’s (1979, 1981) interaction model of footing as orchestrated by the speaker roles of animator, author, and principal; (ii) Searle’s (1976) classification scheme of illocutionary acts and their felicity conditions. Crucially, the pragmatically enhanced footing analysis of the Qurʼanic speech event that binds Allah and Iblīs has demonstrated how the two participants perform illocutionary acts that determine their theologically felicitous speaker roles as animator, author, and/or principal. Five categories of illocutionary acts have been identified in the overall participation framework of the dialogue: expressives, directives, declarations, representatives, and commissives. Based on these categories, both Allah and Iblīs have performed acts as authors, whose utterances are animated via the reportorial style of the Qurʼanic text; further, the perlocutions of certain acts have manifested the discursive positions of each participant in a way that reflects his manipulating speaker role in the speech event.

Lexicon ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Adolf Richardo Bagus Setiadi

This research, which is entitled “A Study of Speech Acts of Computer Products Advertisements ”aims to find out the illocutionary acts that exist in computer products advertisements. To get the results, the data were collected through library research. The data were collected from various foreign computer magazines. The result shows that there are two patterns of illocutionary acts that exist in computer products advertisement. i.e. assertive-expressive and directive- expressive.

Eka Nur Ariesta ◽  
Ervina Simatupang

Illocutionary act is part of speech acts which are something in order to do something as what the speaker intents. Based on Yule (1996: 48) stated that illusionary act is performed via the communicative force of utterance. Illocutionary act is a performance of act in saying something .Next, based on Vanderveken, Daniel (2009: 97) mentioned illocutionary acts of the meanings in the use and comprehension of language. The finding shows that the dialogue in the Death Cure movie contains each of illocutionary acts. They are representative illocutions, directives, illocutions, committees, expressives, and declarations. 2 types of strategies namely direct strategy, which has a literal meaning in the context and indirect strategy which has implicates in the context of speech, are used by speakers in uttering their speech. The data is taken from The Death Cure Movie. The method used in this thesis is the analytical descriptive- comparative method. It is used to get a clear and objective description of the Illocutionary in the movie.

Mutiara Shasqia ◽  
Aulia Anggraini

Teachers and lecturers alike understand that they must consciously use a variety of speech acts to force students to follow their instructions and be motivated to learn on their own. This paper reports the findings of a study designed to investigate the notion of the perlocutionary effect of university students in the classroom resulted from lecturers’ illocutionary acts. The acts were then analyzed the illocutionary act of the lecturers’ talk or speech during specific time using Austin’s speech act theory. This present study built its investigation from data collection on both lecturers and university students through interview and field notes. This study manage to reveals that lecturers freely use speech acts of persuading, angering, and commanding. This study believes that illocutionary acts will still have happened in our interaction's life or communication in many-many context including classroom interaction between lecturer-students communication context.

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