perlocutionary effect
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-170
Wira Kurniawati

One of the main community problems related to rubbish is disposing of it carelessly. This fact then gave rise to various responses such as placing the no-littering signs conveyed through prayer and swearing. This paper aims to examine the discourse elements, the functions and strategies of speech acts, and the use of discourse context.  By qualitatively classifying data obtained from several articles and pictures related to the issue, this paper found that in various no-littering-sign through prayers and/or swearing, the discourse was formed from the core elements of the prohibition and various supporting elements, namely more alert preparation, gounder, imposition, and identity. The speech act is in the form of a forbidden-directive speech act to others, but is conveyed through a request-directive speech act to God in order to get a more substantial perlocutionary effect. This is conveyed by explicit and implicit, direct and indirect strategies, literal and non-literal, and express and implied speech acts. The context used relates to life quality and condition. Thus, the emotive function of language is more dominantly used in this type of no-littering sign than the conative function which is generally found in directive speech acts. Salah satu masalah utama masyarakat terkait sampah adalah membuangnya secara sembarangan. Sebagai respons, kemudian muncullah berbagai reaksi seperti rambu larangan membuang sampah sembarangan yang disampaikan melalui doa dan sumpah serapah. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji unsur-unsur wacana, fungsi dan strategi tindak tutur, serta pemanfaatan konteks wacana tersebut. Dengan mengklasifikasikan data secara kualitatif melalui beberapa artikel dan gambar yang terkait dengan masalah tersebut, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa dalam berbagai tanda larangan membuang sampah sembarangan melalui doa dan/atau umpatan, wacana terbentuk dari unsur inti larangan dan berbagai unsur pendukung. Tindak tutur tersebut berupa tindak tutur direktif terlarang kepada orang lain, tetapi disampaikan melalui tindak tutur direktif permintaan kepada Tuhan agar memperoleh efek perlokusi yang lebih substansial. Hal ini disampaikan melalui strategi eksplisit dan implisit, strategi langsung dan tidak langsung, literal dan non literal, serta tindak tutur tersurat dan tersirat. Konteks yang digunakan berkaitan dengan kualitas dan kondisi hidup, khususnya yang bersifat celaka dan penderitaan. Dengan demikian, fungsi emotif bahasa lebih dominan digunakan pada jenis tanda larangan membuang sampah sembarangan daripada fungsi konatif yang umumnya terdapat pada tindak tutur direktif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-84
Anna Bączkowska

Abstract This paper aims to propose a typology of replies to insults based on data retrieved from Twitter, which is ripe with offensive comments. The proposed typology is embedded in the theory of impoliteness, and it hinges on the notion of the perlocutionary effect. It assumes that what counts as an insult depends primarily on whether or not an utterance is evaluated as offensive by the insultee. The evaluation can be signalled behaviourally or verbally and includes expressed replies as well as so-called silent replies. The insults, regardless of the presence or absence of an insulting intention of the insulter (potential insult), that are not rendered as offensive by the target are only attempted insults, while those that are experienced as offensive amount to genuine insults. The analysis has illustrated select types of reactions and has shown that potential, attempted and genuine insults may be further divided into: in/direct insults, explicit/implicit, non-/pure, and non-/vocatives, whilst reactions can be subsumed by three overarching strategies: agreeing, attacking and rejection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 273
Tracy Rabecca H ◽  
Masdiana Lubis ◽  
Ely Hayati Nasution

In this research, there are two objectives. First, to identify the kinds of flouting maxim performed by the main character in The Edge of Seventeen movie and Second, to find out the effect of flouting maxim performed by the main character in the movie. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are twenty dialogues of The Edge of Seventeen movie which is containing flouting maxim. In analyzing the data, the researcher found that Nadine as the main character of the movie flouted all types of maxim. The most flouting maxim used by Nadine is floating maxim of quantity and, the least flouting maxim performed by Nadine are flouting maxim of quality and flouting maxim of manner. For the effects, Nadine gave seven effects based on Austin’s Perlocutionary effect theory to the other character of the movie. The seven effects based on Austin’s theory are annoying, boring, convincing, causing, getting the hearer realize something, getting the hearer to do something, and insulting. Further, the effect that mostly performed by Nadine in the movie is getting the hearer realize something effect. 

T. A. Pasternak

The article is devoted to the analysis of speech acts of epideictic rhetoric in terms of pragmalinguistics. The research material encompasses official Covid-based speeches made by the top officials of the country: Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Donald Trump, the former President of the United States of America. The subject of the study comprises performative utterances of the speakers from the perspective of their illocutionary force. The theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis was the Theory of Speech Acts by J. Austin, as well as the classification of illocutionary acts by J. Searle. The analysis of Covid-based speech acts revealed their representative directive character. We have found out that the use of representatives in these epideictic speeches is due to the global goal of the speakers, that is to quiet the hearers (carrying out perlocutionary effect). It is supposed that stating the inevitability of certain events and their patterns, positive predictions and personal beliefs of people in power make ordinary citizens (hearers) put up with certain restrictions and inconveniences. In the pragmatic aspect, the use of directives (the second frequently used by speakers) is justified by the situational goal – to encourage the hearers to comply with the rules in connection with the introduction of quarantine. We have also concluded that commissives are used twice less frequently compared with the representatives and directives as their usage is primarily connected with the risk for the speaker to make promises and guarantees in quite unpredictable and uncontrolled time. For top officials this also involves reputational losses in case the promises are broken. It should be noted, though, that the use of declaratives in such speeches is very common and relevant as the speakers have appropriate social status and authority for official statements, decrees or decisions of state importance. Thus, the felicity conditions of declarations can be met. According to the research results the lowest frequency of the use of expressives proves the seriousness of the situation where emotionality and uninformativeness are inappropriate.

Bober N.M.

The article explores the concept of emotionality and compares it with the concept of “expressiveness”. It was found that emotionality is complex and it synthesizes qualitative psychological, literary and linguistic characteristics. It is concluded that it is expedient to use the concept of emotionally – expressive vocabulary (coloring) to express both the reason for the formation of emotion and the consequence that comes from it. Emphasis is placed on another important part of the emotional vocabulary – evaluative statements that have a certain illocutionary power, designed for a very specific perlocutionary effect, and evaluation is passed through the human emotional sphere of the psyche. Different ways of expressing emotional vocabulary are described, and the most emotional vocabulary is divided into five main groups: emotives – nominatives, emotives – associatives, emotives – expressives, occasional emotives, neutral emotives.In addition, the research focuses on exclamations and phraseology, as the most effective way to convey the full range of emotions (highlighted phrases that describe the state of despair, sadness, dissatisfaction, indignation; phraseological units that characterize joy). The role of different parts of speech is described and the cause-consequential connection with emotionality is indicated. The dominant role of synonyms and artistic paths in the transmission of a positive spectrum of emotions is reflected. The peculiarity of phraseological units, which are the semantic centers of macro- and microtext, is revealed and examples of their application for the translation of emotions and feelings from the English-language artistic discourse are given. Phonetic-orthographic features of emotional elements are processed and structured (repeated repetition of sounds in writing; distribution of sounds by hyphens, expression of phrasal stress by application of italics, replacement of font, underlining, use of a colon). The relationship between a part of the work and the author’s dominant ways of conveying emotions in the work of art is indicated.Key words: expression, phrasema, emotiologies, affectives, semantic basis, illocutionary force, perlocutionary effect, negative connotation, occasional. У статті досліджено концепт емоційності й зіставлено його з поняттям «експресивність». З’ясовано, що емотивність має комплексний характер і синтезує в собі якісні психологічні, літературні, лінгвістичні характеристики. Підсумовано, що доцільно застосовувати поняття емоційно-експресивна лексика (забарвлення) для вираження як причини формування емоції, так і наслідку, що виходить із неї. Наголошено на ще одній важливій частині в рамках емотивної лексики – оцінних висловлюваннях, які володіють певною іллокутивною силою, розраховані на досить конкретний перлокутивний ефект, а оцінка пропускається через людську емоційну сферу психіки. Схарактеризовано різні способи вираження емотивної лексики, а саму емотивну лексику поділено на п’ять основних груп: емотиви-номінативи, емотиви-соціативи, емотиви-експресиви, оказіональні емотиви, нейтральні емотиви.До того ж у науковому дослідженні акцентовано на вигуках і фразеологізмах як на найефектнішному спо-собі передачі всього спектру емоцій (виокремлено фраземи, які описують стан відчаю, смутку, незадоволення, обурення; фразеологічні одиниці, що характеризують радість). Описано роль різних частин мови й вказано на причино-наслідковий зв’язок з емотивністю. Зображено домінівну роль синонімів і художніх троп під час передачі позитивного спектру емоцій. Розкрито особливість фразеологізмів, котрі є семантичними основами, центральними елементами макро- й мікротексту, й наведено приклади їх застосування для трансляції емоцій і відчуття в англомовному художньому дискурсі. Опрацьовано й структуровано фонетико-орфографічні ознаки емоційних елементів (багаторазове повторення звуків на письмі; розподіл звуків дефісом, вираження фразового наголосу шляхом застосування курсиву, заміни шрифту, підкреслення, застосування трикрапки). Вказано на взаємозв’язок частини твору з домінівними способами передачі емоцій автором у художньому творі.Ключові слова: експресія, фразема, емотиологія, афективи, семантична основа, іллокутивна сила, перло-кутивний ефект, негативна конотація, оказіональний.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 181-197
Oksana Bogemova ◽  
Elena Petrova

This article examines the realization of the apology speech act in the three linguistic cultures: Russian, English, and French. The goal of this work is to determine the similarities and differences in functionality of the verbal act of apology in the context of the indicated cultures. The subject of this research is the expression with illocutionary meaning of apology. The authors review the composition of speech repertoire, means of realization of such speech act (conventional language, conventional speech, and nonconventional means), selection of speech tactics in expressing apology in form of the indirect speech act. Special attention is turned to perlocutionary effect, i.e. verbal response of the interlocutor to the addressed apology, as well as to the speech tactics that are frequent in the instances of expressing apology. The novelty of this work consists in studying the apology speech act of within the framework of cross-cultural pragmatics, with the use of practical material from the three linguistic cultures. The preliminary survey conducted among native speakers allowed concluding that the majority of respondents of these linguistic cultures attribute the ability to apologize with the image of a polite person. This particularly this pertains to the English-speaking and French-speaking cultures. Meanwhile, the examination of the articles of explanatory dictionaries demonstrates that the perception of the ability to apologize as a mandatory component of the concept of politeness is rather inherent to the mentality of native speakers, that to academic science. The analysis of practical material clarifies the speech repertoire and the frequency of selecting separate linguistic (imperative, performative) or speech means (speech cliché) used in realization of the direct speech act, as well as determines the key speech tactics used for expressing apology in form of the indirect speech act. Examination of the interlocutor’s verbal response as a perlocutionary effect on the apology indicates that this speech situation suggests a predominantly positive response. The maximal similarity in expressing apology is observed in the composition of speech repertoire of the speakers belonging to three different linguistic cultures, while the difference manifests namely in the selection of speech tactics for expressing apology or responding to it in form of the indirect speech act.

N. V. Panina

In the article the author analyzes interjections as signals of emotions in order to determine their functions in creating the perlocutionary effect of comics, which is especially relevant in the era of ever-increasing emotionalization of the global communicative space. The research is based on 'Disney Magic Kingdom Comics' anniversary collection, which presents comics created by various authors and artists, which thereby indicates the objective nature of the research. The block of empirical materials includes both interjections that autonomously form the speech acts of comic book characters, and those which pragmatic potential is revealed in combination with verbal and iconic components. The research is carried out on the basis of linguistic description methods of the qualitative-quantitative and functional-semantic characteristics of interjections. In the course of the study the author is revealed that interjections are able to participate in the formation of speech acts of comic book characters. Interjections in the imperative function represent directive speech acts. However, the most numerous and variable group is made up of interjections expressing the emotional state of the characters, which may be explained by the nature of interjections. Further on the concentration of interjections in speech balloons is recorded and it is revealed that interjections occupy 1/5 of the entire communicative space of each of the analyzed comics. Actualizing the emotional component of comics, interjections are involved in creating the maximum similarity between the formation of a speech act in a speech balloon and in live speech. Graphic tools and illustrations allow the reader to determine the intensity of the emotion transmitted by this or that interjection, and the nature of its expression. According to the results of the study, the author is found that comics, revealing the unity of narration and visual action, serve as a valid platform for actualization of the potential of interjections, which are an integral element of this type of a multimodal text.

O. R. Galiullina

The paper deals with linguo-pragmatic and semantic-stylistic characteristics of the English-online movie review. Internet communication provides a fertile ground for the development of the modern genre studies due to the emergence and development of digital genres, or Internet genres. The amateur online movie review is one of the most widespread Internet genres due to its high degree of the audience-oriented intention, focus on the wide range of readers, as well as the dialogical nature of communication. The aim of this paper is to reveal and systematize pragmatic and stylistic parameters of the English amateur online movie review. The empirical study is based upon the movie reviews taken from the IMDb website. The analysis of online movie reviews has revealed that their pragmatic function is determined by the use of the wide range of linguistic and stylistic evaluative means. In most cases the ascription of explicit evaluative characteristics to the film and its components in the text of the amateur online movie review is done with the help of the evaluative language. The important finding is that the creation of perlocutionary effect and the attribution of dialogization and intimization to the speech act are created by the use of personal pronouns of the first and second person singular, imperatives, appeals, question-and-answer structure. We have come to the conclusion that various lexical and syntactic means of expressiveness belong to stylistic markers of online movie review carrying evaluative, emotional and emphatic connotations. All the analysis conducted allows us to conclude that online movie review beside the initial function of informing also performs perlocutionary force.

Michael Kwarteng

This analytical-descriptive paper investigates the violation and the keeping of Grice's (1975) cooperative principles (CPs) in an interview between some American Journalists and former President Donald Trump. The study involved the observation and analysis of ten Donald Trump’s interviews in the context and content of racism, coronavirus, election, politics, leadership and social relation that were randomly selected via YouTube. Its aim was to assess critically the violation and the keeping of Grice's (1975) cooperative principles (CPs) and its maxims, the speech act theory, and also improve upon interlocutor’s communication skills. Also, pragmatically, the current study examines the perlocutionary effect of utterances on interlocutors and listeners in general, and further investigates a new way of understanding speakers' non-cooperative and cooperative attitude and their violation of Cooperative Principles and its maxims throughout the communication process.  The research sample was solely analyzed through conversational implicature and the consideration of Grice’s four propounded maxims under cooperative principle, as well as the speech act theory. According to the results, speakers' uncooperative attitude is mostly influenced by psychological factors like frustration, irritation, nervousness, anxiety, conflict of interest, and other factors such as politeness, cheap praise, lack of adequate information, entertainment, and sometimes deliberate violation. It was also revealed that language users do sometimes cooperate most often than not due to the perlocutionary effect on listeners and themselves. Besides, interlocutors sometimes violate some maxims, because they have least or no idea about the consequences of their responses on their listeners as well as themselves. Also, it was evident that, albeit speakers might not be aware of Grice’s maxims and its Cooperative principles yet they habitually conform to it in communication process. The study recommends a deeper way for readers understanding of Paul Grice’s CP and its maxims, the speech act theory, and also improve upon their communication skills. In summary, it recommends that communicators, language learners, teachers and linguists are to be mindful about their diction and its consequences on their participants and the society as a whole.  

Ni Made Ary Puspita Chandrayani ◽  
Ni Made Andry Anita Dewi

This study entitled Tindak tutur asertif dalam drama 5 ji kara 9 ji made karya Shin Hirano. In addition, this study is to find out the perlocutionary effect that was inflicted by the speaker towards the interlocutors through the assertive illocutionary act. Furthermore, this study applied a theory concerning speech act proposed by Searle (1985).  In terms of analyzing data, the method and technique of identity method (metode padan) with a pragmatic approach was applied in this jurnal. The result, that there were 19 data which were assertive utterances. The data in the form consists of 4 assertive speech data that serves to suggest, 4 assertive speech data with complaining function, 5 assertive speech data with notification function, 3 data with proud function, and 3 data with reporting function. The form of the perlocutionary effect found in interpersonal conversations is convincing, persuading, inciting, apologizing, expressing thanks, making anger, rejecting requests, mocking, and distrust.

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