directive speech acts
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Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-282
Hadi Machmud ◽  
Fahmi Gunawan

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tuturan direktif bahasa pengasuhan anak pra-sekolah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian studi kasus. Data penelitian berupa tuturan direktif guru terhadap siswa dan tuturan siswa terhadap guru yang mengandung kesantunan.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara tematik dan menggunakan paramater kesantunan linguistik tuturan direktif Kunjana (2005). Hasil penelitian ini melaporkan bahwa penanda kesantunan tuturan direktif bahasa pengasuhan guru terhadap anak-anak pra-sekolah itu berupa penggunaan penanda partikel, seperti ki, ta, ji, iyye, yadalam bahasa Bugis dan penggunaan penanda kesantunan berbentuk kata, seperti kata kekerabatan dan kata julukan. Demikian pula, tuturan direktif guru kepada anak-anak pra-sekolah direalisasikan dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana baik yang berbentuk kalimat pendek maupun panjang. Penelitian ini mengimplikasikan dua hal, yaitu implikasi konseptual dan implikasi  praktis. Secara konseptual, penelitian mengembangkan konsep ‘menjaga muka’ Brown dan Levinson (1987), sementara secara praktis, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh para guru sekolah untuk senantiasa menerapkan bahasa santun kepada anak didiknya. Penggunaan bahasa santun itu tentu dapat memengaruhi kejiwaan anak dan di masa mendatang mereka dapat meniru perkataan santun yang disampaikan ke mereka. Kata kunci:anak-anak prasekolah, bahasa pengasuhan, Indonesia, kesantunan linguistik, tindak tutur direktifAbstractThis researchaims to elucidate directive pre-school parenting language in Indonesia. This research adopted a case study research design. The utterances of teacher to student containing politeness and vise versa used as the main data. To collect data, observational partisipant was utilized.  Data analysis was carried out thematically and using the linguistic politeness parameter of Kunjana's directive speech (2005). This study reported that politeness markers of directive speech acts incorporate the using of politeness markers particle, such as ki, ta, ji, iyye, ya, sini in Buginesse language and politenesswords, like kinships and nicknames. Likewise, the teacher's directive speech to pre-school children is realized in the form of simple sentences, both in the form of short and long sentences. This research implied conceptual and practical implications. Conceptually, this research extends the concept 'face threatening act' of Brown and Levinson (1987), while practically, this evidence is expected to be used by school teachers to always apply polite language to their students. The use of polite language can certainly affect children's psyche and in the future they can imitate polite words conveyed to them.Keywords:directive speech act, linguistics politeness, parenting language, pre-school children, Indonesia 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-145
Rika Ningsih ◽  
Fatmawati ◽  
Wilda Srihastuty Handayani Piliang

This study aims to analyze which illocutionary speech acts of Mama Dedeh are more prominent in the question-and-answer activity with the audience in the Dari Hati To Hati program with Mama Dedeh on Anteve television station in the Nikah Muda episode. This research has contained the dialogues in the session of questions and answers between the ustazah and the audience from the program Dari Hati To Hati Bersama Mama Dedeh. The results showed that Mama Dedeh only used three illocutionary speech acts out of Searle's five speech act classifications: representative, directive, and expressive. Of the three speech acts, the most dominant one used by Mama Dedeh is the representative speech act, which is 66.7%. Meanwhile, directive speech acts are only 22.2%, and expressive speech acts are only 11.1%.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-170
Wira Kurniawati

One of the main community problems related to rubbish is disposing of it carelessly. This fact then gave rise to various responses such as placing the no-littering signs conveyed through prayer and swearing. This paper aims to examine the discourse elements, the functions and strategies of speech acts, and the use of discourse context.  By qualitatively classifying data obtained from several articles and pictures related to the issue, this paper found that in various no-littering-sign through prayers and/or swearing, the discourse was formed from the core elements of the prohibition and various supporting elements, namely more alert preparation, gounder, imposition, and identity. The speech act is in the form of a forbidden-directive speech act to others, but is conveyed through a request-directive speech act to God in order to get a more substantial perlocutionary effect. This is conveyed by explicit and implicit, direct and indirect strategies, literal and non-literal, and express and implied speech acts. The context used relates to life quality and condition. Thus, the emotive function of language is more dominantly used in this type of no-littering sign than the conative function which is generally found in directive speech acts. Salah satu masalah utama masyarakat terkait sampah adalah membuangnya secara sembarangan. Sebagai respons, kemudian muncullah berbagai reaksi seperti rambu larangan membuang sampah sembarangan yang disampaikan melalui doa dan sumpah serapah. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji unsur-unsur wacana, fungsi dan strategi tindak tutur, serta pemanfaatan konteks wacana tersebut. Dengan mengklasifikasikan data secara kualitatif melalui beberapa artikel dan gambar yang terkait dengan masalah tersebut, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa dalam berbagai tanda larangan membuang sampah sembarangan melalui doa dan/atau umpatan, wacana terbentuk dari unsur inti larangan dan berbagai unsur pendukung. Tindak tutur tersebut berupa tindak tutur direktif terlarang kepada orang lain, tetapi disampaikan melalui tindak tutur direktif permintaan kepada Tuhan agar memperoleh efek perlokusi yang lebih substansial. Hal ini disampaikan melalui strategi eksplisit dan implisit, strategi langsung dan tidak langsung, literal dan non literal, serta tindak tutur tersurat dan tersirat. Konteks yang digunakan berkaitan dengan kualitas dan kondisi hidup, khususnya yang bersifat celaka dan penderitaan. Dengan demikian, fungsi emotif bahasa lebih dominan digunakan pada jenis tanda larangan membuang sampah sembarangan daripada fungsi konatif yang umumnya terdapat pada tindak tutur direktif.

Raquel Fornieles Sánchez

Impersonalization is a communicative peculiarity of courtroom discourse and the modal verb δεῖ is one of the linguistic devices that encode it in Greek. Δεῖ expresses deontic modality, which includes directive value for the expression of orders and other directive speech acts. This paper offers a study of δεῖ in Lysias’ forensic speeches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Silviana Masran ◽  
Amelia Yuli Astuti

Banner writing usually uses very direct language and attracts the attention of many people. The research was conducted in the tourist area of ​​Bukit Kelinci, Baso. Data is writing on banners along the Bukit Kelinci tourist area, Baso. The data was taken using the listening method and the free-to-talk technique. In addition, recording and photographing techniques are also used. The data were analyzed using the concept proposed by Searle (1983). The results of the analysis are presented in a descriptive-narrative way. From the analysis of data on the use of language on banners at the Bukit Kelinci tourist spot, Baso, three (3) directive speech acts were found. These three utterances function to invite and prohibit. This is because tourist attractions are usually places to relax with family and friends. In order not to disturb the comfort of the visitors, therefore the visitors are invited to play with the rabbits, as well as to maintain politeness from things that are not desired, the visitors are strictly prohibited not to make out and commit immorality in the area. In the author's opinion, there are still many stories found in tourist attractions in the West Sumatra area, this is because West Sumatra is an area with good and beautiful nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-100
Iskandarsyah Siregar, Salsabila

An illocutionary speech act is doing something related to other functions and purposes of the speech. Speech acts are a reaction by an interaction involving two parties, namely the speaker and the speech partner. One-hour closer, which TV One broadcasted, was a talk show presenting essential people not far from the government and community leaders who had significant roles for the nation. One of the characters is Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar Pranowo has been the Governor of Central Java for two terms who have served since August 23, 2013. This study aims to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts and the functions of illocutionary speech acts contained in Ganjar Pranowo's speech in the talkshow "One Hour Closer." This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a sample of conversational quotations. The data collection technique used is the listening method using note-taking techniques and free-involved-talk listening techniques. The results showed that: 1) the forms of illocutionary speech acts contained in Ganjar Pranowo's speech, include assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, commissive speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts and 2) the functions of illocutionary speech acts that found in Ganjar Pranowo's speech, including four assertive speech acts with the function of stating, one speech act of assertive function of claiming, one speech act of advising function, two commissive speech acts of offering something, two expressive speech acts of praising function, and one declarative speech act of dismissing function. This situation shows that this study contains illocutionary speech acts and 11 different functions of illocutionary speech acts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 179
Harun Joko Prayitno ◽  
Miftakhul Huda ◽  
Nabilatul Inayah ◽  
Ermanto Ermanto ◽  
Havid Ardi ◽  

Abstract: Social media is one of the most influential media in all sectors and structures of socio-cultural life, government law politics, science and technology, and especially education. One of the direct impacts on education is strengthening vs. reducing student character education. The purpose of this research is to (a) explore forms of directive speech acts, (b) identify politeness strategies for directive speech acts; and (c) formulate the implications of the politeness strategies directive speech acts of the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media towards student’ character building in the era of global computing-communication. This research is qualitative using hermeneutical psychopragmatic techniques. The object of this research was directive speech acts uttered in the #sahkanRUUPKS comments on social media 2019-2020. Data were conducted through documentation technique, note-taking technique, observation technique, and theoretical triangulation technique. Data were analyzed using politeness model of Brown-Levinson and Leech supported by analysis of politeness model of Indonesian socio-cultural harmony. The results of this research indicated that the form of public’s directive speech acts in supervising government policy plan through social media appeared to be actualized into suggesting, criticizing, reminding, appealing, calling, and reminding. The realization of the category of directive speech acts of politeness indicated that the Indonesian people are participatory and accommodative towards a new plan of policy that brings benefits and good for all. The category of the politeness strategies of directive speech acts are begging and asking had a small frequency because to control the government policy plan which is essential to the value order of people's lives requires strict harmonious control. The Indonesian people had a trend to use positive politeness methods in providing input to the government. The public at the general level still showed social awareness and sensitivity towards government policy plans that are circulated through social media coverage. The forms and intentions developing on social media can be wrapped into teaching materials to strengthen character education and the values of politeness for children in the learning process at school. This can be carried out by criticizing the news circulating on social media through positive politeness strategies and wisdom maxim. The wisdom maxim instilled in children is a vital pillar in strengthening children's character education in the era of global communication.   Keywords: Character Education, Directive Speech Acts of Politeness, Global Education Era, Positive Politeness Strategies, Principle Of Social Harmony.

Annette Gerstenberg ◽  
Carine Skupien-Dekens

Abstract Directive Speech Acts (dsas) are a major feature of historical pragmatics, specifically in research on historical (im)politeness. However, for Classical French, there is a lack of research on related phenomena. In our contribution, we present two recently constructed corpora covering the period of Classical French, sermo and apwcf. We present these corpora in terms of their genre characteristics on a communicative–functional and socio-pragmatic level. Based on the observation that, both in sermo and apwcf, dsas frequently occur together with terms of address, we analyse and manually code a sample based on this co-occurrence, and we compare the results with regard to special features in the individual corpora. The emerging patterns show a clear correspondence between socio-pragmatic factors and the linguistic means used to realise dsas. We propose that these results can be interpreted as signs of an underlying “grammar of authority”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Putu Dinia Suryandani ◽  
I Gede Budasi

<p>The teaching and learning process entails several encounters in which the teacher and students exchange a variety of utterances, particularly in language classes. Understanding language involves an understanding of pragmatics. Teaching and learning will be more successful if appropriate speech acts are used. Directive Speech Acts are a type of speech act that is frequently employed in classroom interactions. It is used by the teacher to give instruction, command the students to do something, limit the students’ bad behavior, etc. This study aims at investigating the types of directive speech acts and analyzing the functions of the acts used by English teachers at SMKN 1 Sawan. The theory of directive acts classification adopted in this study is the theory proposed by Ibrahim (1993). Ibrahim’s theory classified directive acts into six major types. They are <em>requestive, question, requirement, prohibitive, permission </em>and<em> advisory</em>. This research also focused on the functions of directive acts based on Amalsaleh, Yamini, and Yarmohammadi's (2004) theory. They are <em>elicitation, instruction, advice, threat, </em>and <em>attention-getter. </em>This research was a descriptive study with two teachers as the subjects of this research. Observation and recording were used as the technique in collecting the data. The validity of the data used is source and theory of triangulation. The results showed that the most frequent type of directive speech acts used by the teachers was <em>question directive</em> with occurance of 185 utterances (46.95%). Teachers that employ the question directive encourage students to be interested in the world around them, to enhance their abilities and attitudes toward science, and to enhance their speech communication and critical thinking.  The other functions of the acts were also identified in various types of the acts.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-452
Yulia Marizal ◽  
Sayhrul R. ◽  
Tressyalina Tressyalina

This study aimed to describe the form of teacher directive speech acts in learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The research data used is the teacher's speech in learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. The data source is Mrs. Indra Dewi as an Indonesian teacher at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. The data collection technique used the free-of-conversation listening technique. Data analysis techniques are listening, understanding, organizing, categorizing, connecting between categories, and interpreting data based on the context. The results of this study contained five forms of directive speech acts, namely requesting speech, wishing speech, commanding speech, welcome speech, and asking speech. The utterance asks to be reviewed from the words "please" and "come on." Speeches of hope are viewed from the word "hope" or "hope." Speech orders are reviewed from the words "try" and "quick." Speech please viewed from the word "please." Asking utterances are viewed from the words "what," "who," and "how."

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