scholarly journals Perioperative intensive care in patients with brain tumours

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-80
Mariana A. Aquafredda ◽  
Gustavo R. Piñero ◽  
Luis R. Moscote Salazar ◽  
Carolina Polo Torres ◽  
Sandra M. Castella Leones ◽  

The surgery of brain tumours is not free from complications, above all taking into account that today the patients operated are even older and with multiple comorbidities associated. The multidisciplinary preoperative evaluation aims at minimising the risks; nevertheless this evaluation has not yet been defined and is not based on a strong evidence. The detailed clinical history, the physical examination including functional status and the neuroimaging are the fundamental pillars.The more critical complications occur in the immediate postoperative period: cerebral oedema, postoperative haemorrhage, intracranial hypertension and convulsions; other complications, such as pulmonary thromboembolism or infections, develop lately but are not less severe. Every surgical approach has its own complications in addition to the ones common to the whole neurosurgery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. e229849 ◽  
Ashraf Nabeel Mahmood ◽  
Osama Abulaban ◽  
Arshad Janjua

Frequent falls and dizziness are common complaints in children. These symptoms can be caused by wide range of underlying pathologies including peripheral vestibular deficits, cardiac disease, central lesions, motor skills delay and psychogenic disorders. We report three paediatric cases who presented with complaints of repeated falls and imbalance. MRI scan revealed underlying brain lesions (frontal lobe arteriovenous malformation, exophytic brain stem glioma and cerebellomedullary angle arachnoid cyst with cerebellar tonsillar ectopia). By reporting these cases, we would like to emphasise the importance of a thorough assessment of children with similar symptoms by detailed clinical history, physical examination and maintaining low threshold for investigations, including radiological imaging. Taking in consideration, the wide range of differential diagnosis, the challenge of obtaining detailed history and difficulty of performing reliable physical examination in this age group. Management of underlying disorders can be medical, surgical or just observational.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (10) ◽  
pp. 1308-1313
Leonardo Fernandes e Santana ◽  
Mateus de Sousa Rodrigues ◽  
Marylice Pâmela de Araújo Silva ◽  
Rodrigo José Videres Cordeiro de Brito ◽  
Jandir Mendonça Nicacio ◽  

SUMMARY Fever of undetermined origin (FUO) is a challenging entity with a striking presence in hospitals around the world. It is defined as temperature ≥ 37.8 ° C on several occasions, lasting ≥ three weeks, in the absence of diagnosis after three days of hospital investigation or 3 outpatient visits. The main etiologies are infectious, neoplastic, and non-infectious inflammatory diseases. The diagnosis is based on the detailed clinical history and physical examination of these patients, in order to direct the specific complementary tests to be performed in each case. The initial diagnostic approach of the FUO patient should include non-specific complementary exams. Empirical therapy is not recommended (with few exceptions) in patients with prolonged fever, as it may disguise and delay the diagnosis and conduct to treat the specific etiology. The prognosis encompasses mortality of 12-35%, varying according to the baseline etiology.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-35
Luana Silva e Silva dos Anjos ◽  
Gboado Emmanuella Richenel Hermine Akowanou ◽  
Osvaldo Pinto Neto

O termo Abdome Agudo descreve um processo intra-abdominal marcado por dor severa ou progressiva de início súbito que, frequentemente, requer intervenção cirúrgica de emergência. Trata-se de um cenário clínico desafiador e demanda uma abordagem diagnóstica minuciosa, diligente e ágil no intento da determinação da terapia apropriada o mais precoce possível. A história clínica detalhada e o exame físico direcionado conduzem à elaboração de hipóteses que, quando necessário, são confirmadas com a solicitação de exames complementares. Neste sentido, os fenômenos de hipercoagulabilidade neoplásica frequentemente são subestimados, sobretudo em pacientes sem o conhecido diagnóstico de neoplasia. A associação entre doença neoplásica e processos tromboembólicos, que recebe a denominação de síndrome de Trousseau, pode coexistir e até mesmo preceder o diagnóstico da neoplasia em meses ou anos numa incidência que varia consoante as séries de 5% a 15%. No intento de alertar sobre a possibilidade deste diagnóstico, descreve-se uma paciente de 58 anos, sexo feminino, apresentando dor epigástrica súbita e progressiva com irradiação para dorso, cujo exame físico revelou presença de massa volumosa e indolor palpável em fossa ilíaca direita. Com diagnóstico tomográfico de infarto esplênico e hepático e os achados do exame físico, associados à imagem expansiva e infiltrada em fossa ilíaca direita foi possível postular a manifestação da síndrome supracitada induzida por neoplasia de cólon. A paciente evoluiu com trombose venosa profunda em membro inferior esquerdo posteriormente. Em muitos casos a manifestação trombótica é premonitória à doença neoplásica de maneira que, quando bem observada permite a antecipação diagnóstica e terapêutica. Palavras-chave: Abdome agudo; trombofilia; Neoplasias do Cólon. ABSTRACT The term acute abdomen describes an intra-abdominal process marked by severe or progressive onset pain and often requires emergency surgical intervention. It is a challenging clinical setting and requires a thorough, diligent and agile diagnostic approach in an attempt to determine appropriate therapy as early as possible. The detailed clinical history and the directed physical examination lead to the elaboration of hypotheses that, when necessary, are confirmed with the request for complementary examinations. In this case, the neoplastic hypercoagulability phenomena are often underestimated, especially in patients with no diagnosis of neoplasia. The association between neoplastic disease and thromboembolic processes called Trousseau's syndrome, can coexist and even precede the diagnosis of neoplasia in the last months, from 5% to 15%. In an attempt to warn about the possibility of this diagnosis, a 58-year-old female patient with sudden and progressive epigastric pain with irradiation to the back is described, whose physical examination revealed the presence of voluminous mass and palpable pain in the right iliac fossa. The tomographic diagnosis of splenic and hepatic infarction of the physical examination was associated with the expansive image and infiltrated in the iliac fossa, it was possible to postulate a manifestation of Trousseau's syndrome induced by colonic neoplasm. A patient developed deep vein thrombosis in the lower left lower limb. In many cases the thrombotic manifestation is premonitory to the neoplastic disease, when well controlled allows the diagnostic and therapeutic anticipation. Keywords: Abdomen Acute; Thrombophilia; Colonic Neoplasms.

2011 ◽  
Vol 04 (03) ◽  
pp. 049-050
Lafaiete Alves Júnior ◽  
Carlos F. Ferrarini ◽  
Fernando Dipe de Matos ◽  
Maria Fernanda Braggio ◽  
Cleber Trindade de Araujo ◽  

ABSTRACTElectrolyte imbalances are common in clinical practice. However, if untreated they can lead to severe complications including neurologic disturbances, cardiac rhythm alterations and even death. They can be diagnosed by a detailed clinical history, a careful physical examination and serum determinations. Their etiology is broad, including renal and extra-renal losses, use of medication without medical supervision and low intake from foods. The present case describes a patient attended at the emergency room complaining of epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and weakness that resolved after electrolyte reposition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (8) ◽  
pp. 1109-1115
Leonardo Fernandes e Santana ◽  
Mateus de Sousa Rodrigues ◽  
Marylice Pâmela de Araújo Silva ◽  
Rodrigo José Videres Cordeiro de Brito ◽  
Jandir Mendonça Nicacio ◽  

SUMMARY Fever of undetermined origin (FUO) is a challenging entity with a striking presence in hospitals around the world and can be associated with a myriad of differential diagnoses. It is defined as axillary temperature ≥ 37.8 ° C on several occasions, lasting ≥ three weeks, in the absence of diagnosis after three days of hospital investigation or three outpatient visits. The main etiologies are: infectious, neoplastic, and rheumatic. The diagnosis is based on the detailed clinical history and physical examination of these patients, in order to direct the specific complementary tests to be performed in each case. Empirical therapy is not recommended (with few exceptions) in patients with prolonged fever, as it may disguise and delay the diagnosis and conduct to treat the specific etiology. The prognosis encompasses mortality of 12% - 35%, varying according to the underlying etiology. In this sense, the objective of this study is to review the main topics about fever of undetermined origin, bringing historical and scientific aspects, national and international.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
Gabriel Alexander Quiñones-Ossa ◽  
Yeider A. Durango-Espinosa ◽  
Tariq Janjua ◽  
Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar ◽  
Amit Agrawal

Abstract Background Disorder of consciousness diagnosis, especially when is classified as persistent vegetative state (without misestimating the other diagnosis classifications), in the intensive care is an important diagnosis to evaluate and treat. Persistent vegetative state diagnosis is a challenge in the daily clinical practice because the diagnosis is made mainly based upon the clinical history and the patient behavior observation. There are some specific criteria for this diagnosis, and this could be very tricky when the physician is not well trained. Main body We made a literature review regarding the persistent vegetative state diagnosis, clinical features, management, prognosis, and daily medical practice challenges while considering the bioethical issues and the family perspective about the patient status. The objective of this overview is to provide updated information regarding this clinical state’s features while considering the current medical literature available. Conclusions Regardless of the currently available guidelines and literature, there is still a lot of what we do not know about the persistent vegetative state. There is a lack of evidence regarding the optimal diagnosis and even more, about how to expect a natural history of this disorder of consciousness. It is important to recall that the patients (despite of their altered mental state diagnosis) should always be treated to avoid some of the intensive care unit long-stance complications.

D. Chandrika ◽  
Anantharaju G. S.

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Chronic rhinosinusitis is an extremely prevalent disorder which has significant effect on quality of life of affected individual. Varied symptomatology and varied etiology of unilateral chronic maxillary rhinosinusitis requires a comprehensive approach by otorhinolaryngologist. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the causative factor of unilateral chronic maxillary sinusitis and to study clinical presentation of unilateral chronic maxillary sinusitis<span lang="EN-IN">. </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> 50 patients with symptoms and signs suggestive of unilateral chronic maxillary sinusitis were evaluated. All were subjected to detailed clinical history, ENT examination including complete orodental examination, diagnostic nasal endoscopy, intra oral peri apical radiographs, CT scan of para nasal sinuses<span lang="EN-IN">.  </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> Of total of 50 patients studied, gross deviated nasal septum (DNS) is commonest cause of chronic unilateral maxillary sinusitis followed by dental infection of upper premolars<span lang="EN-IN">. </span></p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> This study was carried out with an effort to find out etiology of unilateral chronic maxillary sinusitis as identification of etiology will help in successful outcome of the treatment<span lang="EN-IN">.</span></p>

Saurabh Kothari ◽  
Manjula Kothari ◽  
Shree Mohan Joshi ◽  
Kalp Shandilya

Background: A mass in the right iliac fossa is a common diagnostic problem encountered in clinical practice, requiring skill in diagnosis. Methods: 100 patients with signs and symptoms of right iliac fossa mass admitted in Hospital were identified and were studied by taking detailed clinical history, physical examination and were subjected to various investigations like x ray erect abdomen, chest x-ray, contrast x-ray . Result: In this study of out of 100 cases, 65.00% of cases were related to appendicular pathology either in the form of appendicular mass or appendicular abscess. There were 12.00% cases of ileocaecal tuberculosis. Conclusion: Appendicular lump remains the most common cause for right iliac fossa pain. Ileocaecal tuberculosis is one of the most important differential diagnoses for pain abdomen. Keywords: Appendicular Mass, Ileocaecal Tuberculosis, Carcinoma Caecum, Right Iliac Fossa Mass.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 502-504
Gheorghe Noditi ◽  
Mihail Cojocaru ◽  
Dan Grigorescu ◽  
George Noditi

Palpebral ptosis is a condition caused by different congenital and acquired pathologies. Seeing difficulty due to the visual field obstruction, prefrontal headaches due to chronic use of the frontalis muscle in an attempt to lift the eyelids and cosmetic deformity are the main complaints of the patients. The surgical correction of the ptosis can be challenging. According to the preoperative evaluation, the most appropriate technique should be used to maximize the postoperator result. We describe a new surgical approach for severe upper eyelids acquired ptosis consisting in reanimation of both eyelids by using the neighboring active muscle. We considered the patient a good candidate for the new surgical approach we introduce as one time operative procedure. The result was a normal palpebral fissure for both eyes. The advantage of this approach consists in performing one time surgery followed by immediate postoperative mobilization of the upper eyelids which determine the recovery of the upper lids motility by further self-control.

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