scholarly journals Traditional culture of Russians in areas of active interethnic contacts in the Urals and the Volga region: results of a research project

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-80
A. Chernikh ◽  
M. Kamenskikh
Татьяна Григорьевна Владыкина

Разные сферы традиционной культуры (календарной и семейной обрядности, мифологических и космологических представлений и т.д.) - важный источник для исследования духовной культуры любого народа. Регион Урало-Поволжья сегодня - один из сложнейших в смысле этнической «многоголосицы», сложившейся в результате взаимовлияния тюркских и финно-угорских народов с непосредственным воздействием славяно-русского компонента. Тезаурус обрядовой культуры, фрагментов этнической картины мира народов Урало-Поволжья - яркое отражение социально-исторических процессов, языкового богатства каждого народа. Сравнительно-сопоставительный аспект в его исследовании - дополнительный аргумент обогащения информации об этнической культуре и использования данных как в сфере народного образования, так и в культурно-досуговой деятельности. The terminology of different spheres of traditional culture (calendar and family ritualism, mythological and cosmological ideas etc.) is an important source for the research of spiritual culture of any people. Nowadays the Urals-Volga Region is one of the most complicated ones in terms of ethnical “polyphony” arising from interaction between Turkic and Finn-Ugric peoples with direct influence of Slavic and Russian component. Thesaurus of ritual culture, of fragments of ethnic global overview of the Urals-Volga peoples is the bright image of social-historical processes, linguistic wealth of each people. The research comparative aspect is an additional proof to enrich the database about ethnical culture and their usage both in public education and in cultural-leisure activity

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
Farid I. Salimov ◽  
Rustem F. Salimov

We analyze the steps of electronic dictionary creation, built on the basis of ethnolinguistic expeditions of the Institute of Language, Literature and Art Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Materials were collecting in respect of ethno-cultural archaic dialect zones of Siberia, the Urals region, the Middle and Lower Volga region, densely inhabited by Tatar population. It contains the terminology (ethno-linguistic) dictionary with large amounts of live examples of the Tatar speech, collected in the expeditions. In addition, the created dictionary is associated with the electronic atlas maps of the Tatar folk dialects

1996 ◽  
M.O. Degteva ◽  
E. Drozhko ◽  
L.R. Anspaugh ◽  
B.A. Napier ◽  
A.C. Bouville ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-90
Kamenskikh Mikhail

The article is devoted to studying Russian Bulgarians living in the Urals in the 1940s with the help of archive materials of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions as well as Perm Krai. During the Great Patriotic War the USS Rcitizens of Bulgarian origin, like many other peoples, were subject to repressions which meant enrollment in labour army and deporting every single Bulgarian of the Crimea. As a result of the semeasures, a significant number of Bulgarians were moved to the territory of the modern Urals. The deported Bulgarians settled in areas of logging (forest exploitation) in the north of Molotov and Sverdlovsk regions, and members of the labour army were employed in the trust organization «Chelyabmetallurgstroi». The Bulgarians were deported along with other peoples of the Crimea. They did not form compact settlement in the new areas but managed to preserve their traditional culture. Some families were even able to organize permanent lodging in the Urals, pursue a career and contribute to the development of the region. The author is convinced that the judicial legal documents kept in archives as well as field trip research results may serve as a significant but not sufficiently appreciated source of investigating the history of deporting Russian Bulgarians. The topicality of the sources grew after the year 2020 when the 75-years’ period of storing documents of the year 1945 expired. Autobiographies, biographic information, interrogation protocols enable to obtain a detailed reconstruction of deportation circumstances and the process of enrollment into labour army, and to see these events through the prism of the repressed people themselves. Researching the history of repression, inparticular – repression of the Bulgarians – has revealed how complex and controversial the policy of the soviet state towards certain peoples during the Great Patriotic War was.

T.M. Ayupov

The article is devoted to the close historical and ethnocultural relations between the indigenous inhabitants of the Ural-Volga region and Turkmenistan, existing since the Middle Ages. According to Eastern authors, at that time part of the Bashkirs lived on the Syrdarya and in the Aral Sea region, along with the ancestors of the Turkmens, from where, due to political upheavals, some moved to the interfluve of the Urals and the Volga, while others moved to the Amudarya and further to the Transcaspian. Of particular interest for the development of our theme are similar subjects in Bashkir and Turkmen folklore. For comparison, several Bashkir traditions recorded by P. Nazarov, N. Maliev, R. Kuzeev and others are given in the work. The mention of Oguz-Khan, Turkmenistan, Turkmen khans, the wolf is common for folklore, especially the south-eastern Bashkirs. Other sources often mention Gorkut-Ata — the hero of the Oguz epic. A large number of ethnonymic parallels with the Turkmens also speak about the Oguz origin of some Bashkir clans. In the names of the settlements of Bashkortostan, the ethnonym “Turkmen” is also recorded. There are other similarities: both nations profess Islam, and the Turkmen language, in a number of phonetic features, draws close to Bashkir. Since 1993, the Turkmen Cultural Center has been actively operating in Bashkortostan. Republic representatives take part in many international forums, often held recently in Ashgabat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (6) ◽  
pp. 90-91
Ya. M. Krinitsky

The conference was opened with a number of organizational reports on the fight against osteoarticular tuberculosis by employees of the Sverdlovsk Institute of Tuberculosis.

Александр Васильевич Черных

В статье анализируются основные особенности этнокультурных традиций русских обширного региона Поволжья и Приуралья, определяются факторы, повлиявшие на специфику традиционной культуры русских данного региона, среди которых история формирования и основные пути переселения, участие в освоении региона русских из разных районов Русского Севера и Центральной России, сложный конфессиональный и социальный состав русского населения, адаптация к новым природно-климатическим, социально-экономическим и этнокультурным реалиям региона, а также активные межэтнические контакты. Межэтнические контакты проявились во всех сферах традиционной культуры русских - в языке, особенностях хозяйствования, материальной культуре, фольклоре, обрядности. Отмечается, что, несмотря на обширную историографию, в настоящее время русская культура разных районов Поволжья и Приуралья изучена крайне неравномерно, активные современные исследования языка и традиционной культуры также локализуются лишь в некоторых субъектах и территориях региона. Среди задач современных исследований отмечается необходимость продолжения фиксации и изучения диалектных вариантов языка и сохранившихся комплексов традиционной культуры, проведения полевых диалектологических, этнологических и фольклорных экспедиций. Среди актуальных задач изучения традиционной культуры русских региона - выявление, обработка и публикация архивных материалов, введение в научный оборот материалов фольклорных и этнографических экспедиций. Необходимость сбора, обработки и публикации источникового материала, как и проведение монографических исследований комплексов языка и традиционной культуры по русским традициям Поволжья, актуальна и тем, что в изучении языка и традиционной культуры русских Поволжья и Приуралья по-прежнему существуют лакуны, без заполнения которых невозможно решить вопросы ареального распространения того или иного явления культуры, пути миграций и продвижения разных вариантов того или иного явления в том или ином районе. Не менее актуальными представляются и направления исследований, связанные с изучением современных этнических процессов, идентичности, деятельности общественных институтов, трансформации культурных форм в условиях сельского и городского, компактного и дисперсного расселения русских. The paper focuses on main peculiarities of ethnocultural traditions of Russians living in the Volga region and Urals. Factors that have affected their specific character are determined. To them the author refers history of formation and main routes of migration of Russian population, participation of Russian migrants from Russian North and central Russia in the development of the region, a complex confessional and religious structure of Russian population, adaptation to new climatic, social, economic and ethnocultural peculiarities of the region, as well as active interethnic contacts. The interethnic contacts have manifested themselves in all spheres of traditional culture - in the language, housekeeping, material culture, folklore, rites. The author states that by the present moment the Russian culture of different parts of the Volga region and the Urals has been studied but unevenly despite the voluminous historiography. Active modern research of language and traditional culture is conducted only in a few areas of the region. Among the research objectives, the author states a necessity of recording and studying dialects and preserved complexes of traditional culture; conducting field work (dialectological, ethnological and folklore expeditions). The urgent goals in studying traditional culture of Russians in the given region are considered to be the following: defining, processing and publishing archive materials, introducing expedition materials into the research area. Collection, processing and publishing of source materials, as well as monographic research of complexes of language and traditional culture, are also necessary because of certain gaps of knowledge that have to be filled otherwise problems of areal spread and routes of migration of a variant a cultural phenomenon cannot be solved. Researches connected with studying contemporary ethnic processes, identity, functioning of social institutions, transformation of cultural forms under conditions of rural and urban, dense and dispersed population of Russians are no less relevant.

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