Заштита и безбједност информационих система у савременом пословању // Protection and Safety of Information Systems in Modern Business

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 301
Жељко Н. Стјепановић ◽  
Марко Б. Крсмановић

Резиме: Овај рад је писан са жељом да пружи цјеловит увид у стање компјутерског криминала, те презентује тему која с правом изазива све већу пажњу свјетске, а у посљедње вријеме и домаће јавности. С тим у вези, циљ овог рада је да скрене пажњу на различитост ове врсте криминала и да едукује запослене у разним предузећима о опасностима које су присутне у условима глобализације пословних процеса. Заштита информација је неопходна компонента савременог пословања која на жељени ниво редукује опасности везане за лаку доступност и брзу размјенљивост огромних количина података и информација. У оквиру овог истраживања обрађене су веома актуелне теме као што су заштита података у електронском пословању, врсте нападача и методе напада, основне технике заштите података и информација, однос законске регулативе и рачунарског криминала и друге теме везане за заштиту и безбједност података. Актуелност теме има посебан значај у процесу едукације заинтересованих корисника чији је основни циљ подизање заштите и безбједности података на значајно виши ниво, усклађен са свјетским стандардима везаних за ову област.Summary: This paper has been written in order to provide a complete insight into computer criminal presenting the subject which increasingly causes the attention of the public in our country and worldwide. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the diversity of this type of crime and to educate employees in various companies about the dangers inherent in globalization processes. Protection of information is an essential component of modern business that treduces the risks associated with easy access and quick interchangeability of huge amounts of data and information to a desired level. In the framework of this research issues such as data protection in electronic business, types of attackers and attack methods, basic techniques to protect data and information, legislation, computer crime and other topics related to the protection and security of data have been dicsussed. Significance of the topic has special place in the process of education of users whose primary goal is to raise the protection and security of data at significantly higher levels, harmonized with international standards related to this issue.

1854 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 297-396 ◽  
Felix Jones

Within the last decade of years, the museums of France and England have been enriched by numerous monuments of Assyrian art, that clearly show the soil from which they were obtained was peopled by a race who, to its warlike habits, added many of the refinements of civilized life. The researches of Botta and Layard—so far as lapidary tablets are capable of conveying the economy of a nation—hare familiarised us in some measure with the public rites and ceremonies of the Assyrians, as well as given an insight into their more domestic concerns; and the pens of these travellers have further elucidated the subject in a manner of which the praise of the public is guarantee to the ability displayed, while the monuments themselves, as patents of their energy, remain in the capitals of Europe, until, in the course of time, they share in the fate of their Assyrian predecessors. Profoundly indifferent, however, to such an event, our savans are in the mean time labouring to unravel the mystic characters engraved on the records so lately revealed to ua; and such is the progress made, that we may shortly expect to be as cognizant of the deeds of the “stouthearted king and the glory of his high looks,” as we are conversant with the celebrities of Greece or Rome. The only desideratum wanting, it appears, to complete the picture of Assyria, is a faithful sketch of her aspect in desolation, when she is “empty, and void, and waste; when flocks lie down in the midst of her; and when her rivers are opened, and her palace is dissolved.” This we have endeavoured to supply in the three maps of the vestiges of Assyria, made from actual survey of the spot. Topography, however, is a dry subject, and we enter upon it with diffidence and reluctance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64
Tinu Jain ◽  
Prashant Mishra

Internet is quickly becoming the public electronic marketplace. Though the internet has revolutionized retail and direct marketing, the full scale incorporation and acceptance of the internet marketplace with the modern business is limited. One major inhibition shown by the internet buyers is in the form of lack of confidence in the newly developed marketing machinery/technology and concern related fear and distrust regarding loss of personal privacy due to easy access of personal information to the marketers. This concern about personal information and privacy varies with consumers especially with countries. It is also suggested that importance provided to various privacy dimensions would vary. The research investigates different dimensions and their interrelationship to identify factors affecting privacy concern among Net buyers in India.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1214-1229
Tinu Jain ◽  
Prashant Mishra

Internet is quickly becoming the public electronic marketplace. Though the internet has revolutionized retail and direct marketing, the full scale incorporation and acceptance of the internet marketplace with the modern business is limited. One major inhibition shown by the internet buyers is in the form of lack of confidence in the newly developed marketing machinery/technology and concern related fear and distrust regarding loss of personal privacy due to easy access of personal information to the marketers. This concern about personal information and privacy varies with consumers especially with countries. It is also suggested that importance provided to various privacy dimensions would vary. The research investigates different dimensions and their interrelationship to identify factors affecting privacy concern among Net buyers in India.

Tinu Jain ◽  
Prashant Mishra

Internet is quickly becoming the public electronic marketplace. Though the internet has revolutionized retail and direct marketing, the full scale incorporation and acceptance of the internet marketplace with the modern business is limited. One major inhibition shown by the internet buyers is in the form of lack of confidence in the newly developed marketing machinery/technology and concern related fear and distrust regarding loss of personal privacy due to easy access of personal information to the marketers. This concern about personal information and privacy varies with consumers especially with countries. It is also suggested that importance provided to various privacy dimensions would vary. The research investigates different dimensions and their interrelationship to identify factors affecting privacy concern among Net buyers in India.

Sasha Gear ◽  
Kindiza Ngubeni

Many of us know that sex, sexual violence and varying levels of sexual coercion occur in our prisons. But the subject of sex in prison remains an uncomfortable one. While recent media reports and revelations on prison corruption have played a role in bringing it more into the public arena, generally not much is understood about the dynamics of sex in men’s prisons. This article provides some insight into the relationships of power and vulnerability that underpin much of the sex that is taking place in this context.

2020 ◽  
pp. 99-114
Vuk Miletić ◽  
Nikola Ćurčić ◽  
Zoran Simonović

The analysis of the possibilities of creating the sustainable competitiveness of an enterprise from the point of view of the functional uniformity of economic and ecological sustainability, as well as the production of products in compliance with the international standards for business operations, is the subject matter of the research conducted in this paper. The achievement of a higher level of competitiveness is a strategic goal of every enterprise, while the competitiveness of a product implies an appropriate standardization of quality. The starting assumption is that in order for enterprises to become competitive not only on the domestic market, but on the international market as well, it is necessary that they should standardize their business operations by improving the quality system. The goal is to gain an insight into how much significance domestic enterprises give to the standardization of quality, apart from the other needed factors, how interested they are in investing in the implementation of the ISO 9000:2000 standards, which are primarily oriented towards the satisfaction of client requirements, thus improving their own business operations. In this research study, the hypothetical-deductive methods, analytical-deductive and comparative methods, historical and statistical-descriptive methods, as well as the comparative statistical methods (ch2 Test, ANOVA), are used.

William L. Miller

‘Legal cultures’ in European countries have been under the twin pressures of moves towards ‘European and international standards’ on the one hand, and the ‘war on terror’ on the other—the first exerting pressure in a liberal direction, the second exerting pressure in an authoritarian direction. Data from focus groups and interviews with the general public and Muslim minorities provide insight into how the public in general, and Muslims in particular, have responded to the pressure of terrorism and the ‘war on terror’ in a spectrum of five countries ranging across Europe. Muslims have very different attitudes towards paying the price of the so-called ‘war on terror’, but our study suggests that attitudes towards that price are directly influenced more by ‘risk assessment’ than by religion.

Hannah Lee

This paper is the attempt to show how system theory could provide critical insight into the transdisciplinary field of library and information sciences (LIS). It begins with a discussion on the categorization of library and information sciences as an academic and professional field (or rather, the lack of evidence on the subject) and what is exactly meant by system theory, drawing upon the general system theory established by Ludwig von Bertalanffy. The main conversation of this paper focuses on the inadequacies of current meta-level discussions of LIS and the benefits of general system theory (particularly when considering the exponential rapidity in which information travels) with LIS.

Maxim B. Demchenko ◽  

The sphere of the unknown, supernatural and miraculous is one of the most popular subjects for everyday discussions in Ayodhya – the last of the provinces of the Mughal Empire, which entered the British Raj in 1859, and in the distant past – the space of many legendary and mythological events. Mostly they concern encounters with inhabitants of the “other world” – spirits, ghosts, jinns as well as miraculous healings following magic rituals or meetings with the so-called saints of different religions (Hindu sadhus, Sufi dervishes),with incomprehensible and frightening natural phenomena. According to the author’s observations ideas of the unknown in Avadh are codified and structured in Avadh better than in other parts of India. Local people can clearly define if they witness a bhut or a jinn and whether the disease is caused by some witchcraft or other reasons. Perhaps that is due to the presence in the holy town of a persistent tradition of katha, the public presentation of plots from the Ramayana epic in both the narrative and poetic as well as performative forms. But are the events and phenomena in question a miracle for the Avadhvasis, residents of Ayodhya and its environs, or are they so commonplace that they do not surprise or fascinate? That exactly is the subject of the essay, written on the basis of materials collected by the author in Ayodhya during the period of 2010 – 2019. The author would like to express his appreciation to Mr. Alok Sharma (Faizabad) for his advice and cooperation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-23
S. A. Akhmadeeva ◽  
M. J. Gadzhieva

This study was aimed at identifying new effective forms that could facilitate the achievement of a practice-oriented result, i.e. students’ ability to communicate in any speech situation, as well as their readiness for various kinds of oral and written examination tests, including the public defence of projects in the 10th grade and writing December essays in the 11th grade. The article considers rhetorical competitions as a means of developing communicative and linguistic competencies among 10th–11th grade students of a polycultural school. The article provides recommendations on organizing such competitions, criteria for evaluating presentations, examples of oral presentations. A textual analysis of the folklore material of Dagestanian and Russian fairy tales and proverbs allowed the authors to conclude that an inexhaustible set of universal themes that have become the subject of reflection in different nations, can teach students to respect other cultures and extend their knowledge of the world and other people. The experience of a rhetorical competition in high school on the basis of fairy tales and proverbs of different nations is expected to help students form such core competencies as critical thinking, creativity, communication and cooperation (ability to work in a team).

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